…forcing the public en masse, to lose their properties and rob them of so much more! Some have committed suicide! Social Murder is a modern day method for the ruling class to eliminate most of the working class – by STEALTH TACTICS.
THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES. with additional chapters: Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4…
Scotland only has devolved powers, and if the UK govt were not as corrupt themselves, they would have used UK laws against the Scottish govt including the Fraud Act 2006 – rendering them unfit for positions of trust. But corruption rules them both❗
The biggest threat to our financial freedom – CBDC video by Abundantia
26/09/24 Example: The banks [who are happy to support corruption and malicious intent to cause harm] are rapidly closing their branches; raising unemployment figures- forcing everyone to use online services, and there will be no customer support. The fraudulent govt and co, are also planning to spy on us to see what we are purchasing and then decide if we are allowed it – by fully controlling our finances [stealing]. They will instruct banks to block transactions, depriving us of our own money.
OPERATION BRANCHFORM– when those who steal public money & use influence with other authorities -to cover their back.
21/12/24 https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/snp-accused-lying-public-reveal-32426309
”The Scottish Daily Express has obtained a list of crimes that can be dealt with under Scotland’s soft-touch Recorded Police Warning (RPW) system. ”….including fraud now being acceptable.
All the so-called authorities/regulators auditors [AKA state criminals & enablers] etc, in the Scottish government, have allowed many criminal offences to be decriminalised – to support their own fraud/bribery & corruption etc and that of the company they keep!
Q. Why do the Banks/DWP/councils etc believe they have the right to accuse everyone who claims benefits/pensions of being potential frauds – and when according to the govt sanctioned RPW, FRAUD [& culpable & reckless conduct] etc are no longer criminal offences❗
A. a)The lunatics are running the asylum- authorities are inciting crime because all the authorities are operating under false pretences proving they are themselves – illegal.
b) They are making some of it up as they go along as in their delusional/criminal minds- they believe they are entitled to do so – but they have actually invalidated their own authority over any of us. Those who break laws cannot be allowed to make laws, and especially as they only use for personal gain: to hold on to power and make profit = proceeds of crime: eg from bribery!
10/10/24 Companies are also denying us our rights including to protect own personal/sensitive data: Example SKY ignored two emails I sent them; stating I do not give them permission to share. I tried to contact them via my account but I was denied access. I thought I made an error, so my son tried and he got the same replies: “This Page Is Restricted”. When you pay everything digitally, and they refuse to acknowledge your bank/customer services/safety concerns, they can get away with doing whatever they like. Please share this with the public to warn them.
They want us to use biometrics to have even more control, and how many times has data been abused by companies and they blame a cyber attack❓How do we know they are not responsible and doing what they do best – blame others❓
I had informed them I am banned from social media platforms, so they clearly are only sharing for their benefit, yet they are meant to have a legitimate reason for processing our data in the first place.
“It is likely to be most appropriate where you use people’s data in ways they would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing.” Claims the ICO – but they too have been lying for years:
On Friday 26 July 2024 at 12:37:31 BST, Sky <sky@email.contact.sky> wrote:
So I sent them an email and then a reminder as seen below:
Dear SKY
You have not replied to confirm you will not pass any of my data without my permission. I have informed you in the mail below already, that I do not give my permission for any of my data to be shared anywhere. Am I to conclude that you decided to disrespect my wishes and my data?
Kind regards
They will also steal our homes, car, income, possessions & the children and push the majority onto the streets surrounded by all the criminals they have released into our villages, towns & cities, without any legal support for us.
“The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” by George Orwell
The unscrupulous, sadistic, authority crooks; have made themselves, judge, jury and executioner. This was always part of the WEF agenda: “You will own nothing and you will be happy” whilst they sit back and laugh at how they conned us into trusting them.
The Uncensored Truth about Inflation – How Inflation Enriches Politicians and the 1% (youtube.com)
Another great video by the highly recommended Academy of Ideas
” Monetary [inflation] breeds not only poverty and chaos, but also government tyranny…”
” the essence of inflation is the process by which a large and hidden tax is imposed on much of society for the benefit of the government.”
“If governments were honest and directly taxed the citizenry, most people would realize they were being fleeced and quickly stop supporting the politicians responsible for impoverishing them.”
An honest and responsible [trustworthy] govt would ‘live within it’s means’ and not just create wealth for themselves and deliberately impoverish the rest of us. Only criminals would do this and then alter & introduce more laws to protect their criminality.
Govts officials who silence our speech and who also remove our access to genuine, [trustworthy] legal process, do so – to further advance tyrannical control over us, enabling themselves to avoid accountability for all their wrong doing & their globally influenced, criminal activities.
Q. When is the law, not the law❓
A. When those whose job it is to uphold the law, are too busy breaking it themselves.
What we have is an organised crime syndicate; colluding over decades and decided to make themselves, judge, jury and executioner by corrupting and controlling the regulators, police, judiciary, courts etc.
Assisted by the rest of the traitors: examples; include the media and big corporations, techy giants etc who promote propaganda, and their only defences are corruption & smearing the rest of us; who have credibility and integrity. Thank heavens Elon Musk is strong, and speaking out!❤💪💪💪etc.
“Organized crime thrives worldwide, affecting governance and political processes, and weakening the advancement of the rule of law. It encompasses, inter alia, illicit trafficking of firearms, drugs, protected species, cultural property, or falsified medical products and, among its most severe manifestations, human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants. It also includes the laundering of proceeds of crime and obstruction of justice. Moreover, with all forms of organized crime shifting ever more to being dependent on or incorporating online aspects, including the use of virtual assets, its reach and capability of harm is increasing”
so the United Nations claim – whilst they too bury their heads. ‘Their silence is deafening’ – exposing themselves as part of the problem. More corrupt weaklings!
The public needs to be autonomous and take back control, so that communally – we can own all production of goods, services, to be free from exploitation and oppression by despots. We can be entirely responsible to each other by making all our own decisions/laws etc.
Community spirit is the enemy of the tyrants. That is why they have deliberately caused divisions in families and society over the decades – to leave us all vulnerable and open to abuse – Divide and Conquer.
Please do not recognise their authority and never allow them into your homes – by pointing out they cannot be trusted. The Police are armed so they are especially dangerous to innocent people. Tell them if they claim to have a genuine case against you – to put it in writing and post it. This becomes your evidence to which you can respond in writing and preferably in the public domain for extra protection; with witnesses.
The innocent public cannot [rationally] be expected to take advice/instructions from proven, treacherous authorities. Knowledge is your Power!
“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now from the Daniel Estulin book discussed in the article by Stephen Lendman from Global Research. Essential Reading: about what the manipulative schemers in global power positions, planned behind our backs.👍👍👍
N.B. The *WEF are heavily involved in this:
The Group’s grand design is for “*a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:
“— a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;
— “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;
— manufactured crises and perpetual wars;
— a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”
“Early in its history, Bilderbergers decided “to create an ‘Aristocracy of purpose’ between Europe and the United States (to reach consensus to rule the world on matters of) policy, economics, and (overall) strategy.” NATO was essential for their plans – to ensure “perpetual war (and) nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it”.
They intend to leave us completely helpless with nowhere to turn, because they want us to be totally dependent on them or we die. The snakes in suits are worse than any previously known tyrant.
Image by EmojiSky The Narcissist Cycle of abuse in any relationships – including by those in authority – which becomes increasingly dangerous when their egos are continually fed [example; by no accountability] and they are given more power. It then becomes perilous to everyone else.
or are they psychopaths or both?
Updated: They’re doing WHAT to our Bank Accounts?!! This is Not good – by Redacted
Excellent, and pertinent response: @flyundertheradar-24seven
5 months ago$34 trillion in debt and they want to know what we’re doing………worthy of promoting everywhere❤❤❤
Big Brother Watch Those in power; are stealing all our rights and taking control of our money; ‘under the guise of protecting us’ yet, they are the most treacherous and abhorrent class of people the civilised world has ever known. For example: the post office scandal proves they never had any intention of addressing the deliberate abuse of the victims, and are still using delaying tactics – to prolong their misery. Because…they expect to drop it soon – when they gain totalitarian control. We must make sure this never happens.
FINANCIAL ABUSE & The Consequences to Individuals and Society. it has been piloted around the world. Take a look at the evidence of the global ghettoization of our towns and cities. – it has been a premeditated attack on innocent people, by those who pretend they were working in our interests. They are all lying, manipulative frauds.
Kissinger’s Plan For Food Control Genocide
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” by Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger (World Economic Forum (WEF member).
“In 1974, U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggested using the control of food as a weapon to induce population reduction.” This statement is tantamount to promoting crimes against humanity on a monumental scale. They are all traitors, engaging in social murder/genocide. If you have no money to buy food, pay for accommodation, essential for maintaining life, your choices are very limited. The decision makers cannot use ignorance or incompetence as an excuse, whatever they do is a choice and they are not working in our best interests.
There are many actions which can bring about our premature death: promoting toxic persons into positions of trust, inciting suicide, reducing access to quality health care, reducing employment availability, destroying current businesses, increasing the cost of living, increasing homelessness, removing access to assistance, creating societal divisions, mass illegal immigration, blocking access to own money...the list goes on and on! The decline in living/social/ ethical standards over many decades – proves the politicians and co., have worked against our interests.
This is a prime example of how some people pursue careers, to use for dishonourable means and everything which has already happened – was premeditated; aimed to destroy us and our communities.
A summary of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“The 30 rights and freedoms set out in the UDHR include the right to asylum, the right to freedom from torture, the right to free speech and the right to education. It includes civil and political rights, like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. It also includes economic, social and cultural rights, like the right to social security, health and education“.
“This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life. It also means the Government should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by making laws to protect you and, in some circumstances, by taking steps to protect you if your life is at risk.
Public authorities should also consider your right to life when making decisions that might put you in danger or that affect your life expectancy…“
Article 2 is often referred to as an ‘absolute right’. These are rights that can never be interfered with by the state…” For many years, the despots have been working hard behind our backs, to DESTROY ALL OUR RIGHTS and are desperate to remove us from the European Convention on Human Rights under the guise of dealing with immigration.
Do not give them what they want. Look at what they have done already, and at what else they want to deprive you of :
- Article 2: Right to life
- Article 3: Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
- Article 4: Freedom from slavery and forced labour
- Article 5: Right to liberty and security
- Article 6: Right to a fair trial
- Article 7: No punishment without law
- Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
- Article 9: Freedom of thought, belief and religion
- Article 10: Freedom of expression
- Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association
- Article 12: Right to marry and start a family
- Article 14: Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
- Protocol 1, Article 1: Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
- Protocol 1, Article 2: Right to education
- Protocol 1, Article 3: Right to participate in free elections
- Protocol 13, Article 1: Abolition of the death penalty
WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System. By Whitney Webb (Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016👍👍👍).
“Given that experts have been warning since the last global financial crisis that the collapse of the entire system was inevitable due to central bank mismanagement and rampant Wall Street corruption, a cyberattack would also provide the perfect scenario for dismantling the current failing system, as it would absolve central banks and corrupt financial institutions of any responsibility.”
HSBC Tax Evasion, Money Laundering for the Mafia, and Currency Manipulation/HSBC Scandal Documentary. Says it all!
14.03.24. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/paid-mortgage-36-years-still-183000836.html
“…The father-of-three is just one of 200,000 borrowers who have been stuck on interest-only mortgages that were sold off by the Government’s state bank UK Asset Resolution (UKAR) after the financial crash.
The companies servicing the loans have charged customers high standard variable rates ever since – for some, their loan rates have soared to 10pc following 14 successive Bank Rate rises.”
““As the Government sits on its hands having made billions from the sale of closed mortgage books, hundreds of thousands of mortgage prisoners face losing their homes through no fault of their own.“
“But at least three suicides have been reported in relation to the mortgage prisoner scandal, according to surveys carried out by the charity UK Mortgage Prisoners Group.”
24.10.23 Nat West’s Plans to ‘drive Nigel Farage out of the country’ revealed in BOMBSHELL document…
According to the NatWest group, Nigel Farage’s “stance on climate change does not align with the banks purpose or B’Corp objectives” ( the puppet masters – “B’corp have a highly politicised agenda..”)
Article dated 03/04/2015 RBS Sale; Fred Goodwin the £45billion bailout and years of losses. by The Guardian. Look at the job losses after the bailout and since then. Clearly the greedy self-serving banks cannot be trusted, as they have ulterior motives for the decisions they make with OUR MONEY. The NatWest Group previously known as The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), was bailed out by the UK government during the financial crisis 2008 – with a staggering £45.5 billion from the tax-payer. They now intend stabbing us in the back, with a cashless society replaced via a digital currency – to micromanage how and when we spend our money. See the video; The biggest threat to our financial freedom-CBDC .