THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) PANDEMIC TREATY is the worst power grab by the most untrustworthy people on the planet – with no turning back once implemented. Decades in the making!
“The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” Last warning by George Orwell
If we just rid ourselves of all the current decision makers in govts, WEF, WHO, UN, and their entourage of sycophants, enablers, enforcers, & voting sheeples – globally, the population’s health & future prospects would dramatically improve.
04/02/25 Undeniable proof that the pandemic was a global criminal operation from website by Stop World Control
“Although the world was told that we faced the greatest health threat in all of time, every single effective treatment protocol for covid was banned. Medical doctors saving the lives of covid patients were silenced, fired, slandered, arrested and some murdered. Pharmacies were ordered to refuse prescriptions for working covid treatments.”
& MASS MURDER by government, witnessed by funeral director John O’Looney
“John O’Looney is connected to 45 other funeral directors who all told him they see the same things: mass murder by governments, relabeling every death as covid, and massive death waves following the vaccinations.”
11/11/24 It seems that Donald Trump has the same idea as stated by him, in this video ‘New global health body’ by Dr J. Campbell:
2:50: a few minutes of Mr Trump’s speech: “The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but owned and controlled by China…”❤❤❤
Updated 27/08/24 See The Nuremberg Code (1949) “The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.”
“This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. “
More about the deeply unethical, collusion by the highly paid (bribed) NHS bosses– with whoever pulls their strings:
🚩🚩🚩Including the traitors who support the abhorrent gender ideologies of our governments, they are nothing more than pro-child mutilators, following in the footsteps of the Nazi collaborators. Psychos! They would not allow anyone to experiment on them – but are at ease mutilating vulnerable, trusting children; who are not able to defend themselves…
Josef Mengele What Were The Human Experiments? – HISTORY ON THE NET
“Most of his subjects were children, and he would reportedly do blood transfusions from the one twin to the other, do amputations and try to sew it onto the other twin, stitch two twins together to form Siamese twins, infect one twin with typhus or another disease and many other experiments.”
“His crimes represent the extreme danger posed by science when it is conducted in the service of an ideology that denies the rights, dignity, and humanity of certain groups of people”.

The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Psychopathy & Machiavellianism.
According to the state sponsored propaganda machines; we need to take instructions from the same pathological, manipulative, liars we cannot trust – so they can try to lock us down, ruin more of our country and demand we take the recommended doses of poison – to ensure they rapidly increase their wealth and enable another jolly, old power grab AGAIN! Meanwhile, they will laugh about the chaos/suffering/deaths, refuse to take any responsibility for injuries they cause and continue smearing those, who are not willing to be good little victims for the rest of their lives! See SOCIAL MURDER down the page.
MSN about mpox; More than 17,000 cases have now been confirmed across the continent, “with the WHO saying the outbreak is of “international concern. “The outbreak comes as a new strain is identified, named clade 1, said to be spreading mainly through sexual networks. WHO says it has been identified in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda – all countries that have never reported cases of mpox before.”
100-day cough – whooping cough – cure and how to ease the symptoms ( Official data from the UK Health Security Agency shows that there have been 1,141 cases reported this year so far. This is a 26% increase in cases compared to the last two years.
Warning over deadly disease with no cure that spreads to humans by rodents ( A lethal disease spread by rodents, with no known cure, has been causing fatalities across the US. Health experts at Universal Drug Store have revealed the causes of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and issued an alert to travellers about the symptoms to be aware of.
New virus that causes ‘staggering disease’ discovered in US – and it can kill pet cats and those in the wild ( A disease which can kill cats, both domestic and wild, has been discovered for the first time in the US.
A variant of the rustrela virus — related to the wider-known rubella virus which causes a skin rash in humans — called RusV was discovered in a female mountain lion in Douglas County, Colorado last year, according to a study published in the journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, this month.
Colon cancer warning as two common food choices could be linked to rise in cases ( Disturbingly, results appear to show that metabolites associated with red and processed meat are among the main drivers of young-onset colorectal cancer. Experts also advise that talking with your doctor about dietary choices is among the best ways to prevent this form of cancer.
A new form of disordered eating, orthorexia, is on the rise, say experts ( Orthorexia is an obsession with eating healthy food. For people who develop the eating disorder, the intention to eat nutritious food turns into a fixation.
16/08/24 …and they are trying to force the next manufactured crises on the world population; mpox, – a new ‘variant’ of Monkey pox; which they have already tried before! I wonder which labs have been involved this time, in producing [gain of function] weapons of mass destruction❓
Perhaps if the global fake leaders; on behalf of the likes of the EU and WEF etc, had not orchestrated an open door policy for illegal immigrants, to invade our countries, these diseases (if they area as bad as they claim), would not spread as easily. So, will they stop them coming now❓ They cannot keep pretending to care about health when their actions promote health & safety issues! Mpox – a sexually transmitted disease mainly found in parts of Africa. Oh, the irony; pretending to care about health after the WHO et al., promoted promiscuity and polyamory- especially amongst our younger generation! Example; the SNP government:
“Pupils at Alva Academy in Clackmannanshire are being taught about polyamorous lifestyles, which involves having multiple partners at the same time, as part of learning ‘under the LGBTQ+ umbrella”
“The chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the rise in mpox cases constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), following advice from members at Wednesday’s International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee meeting.”
Q. Is it another biological weapon of mass destruction as the ‘sequel‘ to Covid ❓
Q. Has it been designed to destroy the infrastructure again via lockdowns; create more poverty & homelessness, increase suicides, introduce more toxic [lucrative] vaccines, which do more harm than good? Whilst the decision makers who want all the power/ money and control; but none of the responsibility for the harm/deaths they knowingly cause, who refuse to be held accountable, having corrupted everything to cover their backs – just like they have ALWAYS DONE!
Isn’t it peculiar how they have never succumbed to the same health/social issues that have affected billions around the world – over many decades and in recent times of crises?
Q. Is it a coincidence that at time when the fake leaders are also psychologically/physically/sexually/ financially/socially abusing the populations and when so-called professional health care is at it’s worst; that we have been bombarded with many more avoidable; health conditions and other social issues?
Please do not allow yourselves to be taken in again, by those with twisted agendas; WHO wish us harm, and are constantly spewing out their propaganda – to also use fear as a weapon. Do not obey them; but unite and push back hard against tyranny. There is no other choice.
Personally, I will not take advice/instructions from people/organisations whom I cannot trust. I did not comply the first time with covid either.
31/05/24 He’s Exposing The Shocking TRUTH about the WHO- This is Insane by Russell Brand
“Dave Martin on the WHO’s legal amnesty for all criminal acts conducted by themselves.” but criminals are not allowed to make policies or laws, so they are null and void no matter what they think or want.
WHAT IS SOCIAL MURDER? | Clifford Thurlow
Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant | The BMJ
& Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science | The BMJ
A reminder of the last time the greedy, fake leaders misled billions of innocent people around the world – under the guise of covid. Then they engaged in more treacherous actions and a massive cover up to avoid accountability.
In this highly recommended, informative book, you will see many examples of how illness/conditions/disabilities have been ‘introduced’ to us – for profit: The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health. New York: Skyhorse publishing. Author; R. F. Kennedy Jnr.
‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ Camilla Tominey slams Matt Hancock’s response to leaked messages – YouTube 25000 died in care homes within first 3 months.
“Justice delayed is justice denied. The people who lost loved ones during Covid and were denied access to funerals, need a more immediate answer than an inquiry”. It was all premeditated. Lock up the decision makers and their enablers for life; and remove all their assets, because they destroyed millions of lives and the economy. see the list of some of the UK traitors and their machinations to bring about our downfall.
The pdf file on the International Health Regulations:
Please watch and listen carefully to Philipp Kruse, a lawyer challenging: The WHO Pandemic treaty danger
“Without open debate… without the possibility of different opinions….there will be no science … no democracy… no legal court proceedings… no justice…”
“We have the right to know what we consent to…Have we been asked, NO…”
We are to be made the guinea-pigs of what could be the worst ever, crimes against humanity. We will be the prisoners of state – sanctioned drug dealers! Please, DO NOT allow it to happen.
The Nuremberg Code – The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. (1947)
“…This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision”.
Mr. Rob Roos MEP concerned about the WHO treaty ↘
WHO International Health Concerns and more information/views from reliable sources; Dr J Campbell/Andrew Bridgen MP...before they ousted him!
“We are always the servants of the people we are not their masters and some of my colleagues and some elected representatives around the world have forgotten this…
“Any parliament that decides to abdicate its’s responsibilities to its constituents does not deserve the name of being a parliament and does not deserve a seat in any elected assembly”.
“Sovereignty belongs to the people…”
Hundreds of thousands were experimented on during the Nazi era, including the mutilation of children – (and in hospitals since), but only a few were held responsible for the atrocities! The only ones to stop all the horror being rolled out to us and our families, is the PUBLIC UNITING & TAKING ACTION!
Unscrupulous organisations are giving themselves the right to declare a health emergency at any time.
19.12.23Please watch Andrew Bridgen MP ⬇ speaking against the highly manipulative and duplicitous World Health Organisation (WHO) deciding your fate via total control, with no accountability for those making the decisions – under the guise of protecting the public’s health – **International Health Regulations
The MEGALOMANIACS have **crossed out “with full respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedom’s of persons” and more, because they are giving themselves the absolute power, sanctioned globally by the rest of the TRAITORS.
The public will literally, not be allowed to breathe without the control freaks permission. You must remember there were many excess deaths after the covid vaccines were rolled out and those responsible are only interested in a cover-up.
Updated 10.02.24. New Disease by Dr John Campbell and Mr John O’Looney of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services. This ethical man, who is a guest talking to Dr John Campbell, has also been trying to alert the public for years about the unprecedented excessive deaths.
NEWS: Cancer, Experimental mRNA Therapy: Moderna Government Partnership by Dr Suneel Dhand.👍👍☝ Q. Why is it the same shysters are spending £multi billions on treatments, but nothing on prevention?
A. 1.There is no profit to be made for Big Pharma and those giving them contracts [‘friends of corrupt govts’] from preventing sickness e.g. from healthier food production, resolving social issues, reducing stress etc. 2. Their decisions/policies/legislation caused all of these problems in the first place.
This video by David Kurten proves the point; that authority criminals fear criminal cases being brought against them and engage in unscrupulous actions to avoid accountability.↘
“Kaira McCallum was removed from the magistrates’ bench after 20 years of exemplary service after submitting a case to the International Criminal Court of genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code against certain members of the UK government and its advisors”.
More information: Holocaust Survivors’ Letter to the International Criminal Court – Doctors for COVID Ethics (
“In April 2021, Attorney Melinda C. Mayne and Kaira S. McCallum submitted a “Request for Investigation” to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The two lawyers accused the UK government of genocide, crimes against humanity, and breaches of the Nuremberg Code. Lawyers from Slovakia, France, and the Czech Republic have since joined them”.
The video and others sometimes slow down. Links also break/disappear because ‘friends of government’ are colluding by censoring evidence and the truth, so they all escape punishment for their crimes against humanity etc.
Q’s. If the govt had nothing to fear, why do they have to engage in ‘dirty tricks’ to avoid accountability? Why did they not allow a legal proceeding to take place?
A….because the corrupt self-serving ministers, their trolls, and the rest of the repugnant company they keep, do not have a legal or moral leg to stand on.
The proposed WHO treaty is incompatible with many existing laws including: the Human Rights Act which the fake leaders are currently rewriting – and they have made many attempts to abolish it. “Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law.”
“This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life. It also means the Government should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by making laws to protect you and, in some circumstances, by taking steps to protect you if your life is at risk…” Public authorities should also consider your right to life when making decisions that might put you in danger or that affect your life expectancy.”
“Coercion, as an element of duress, is grounds for seeking the Rescission or cancellation of a contract or deed.”
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which were put in place after the horrors of the holocaust; to prevent further atrocities happening to us.
“The 30 rights and freedoms set out in the UDHR include the right to asylum, the right to freedom from torture, the right to free speech and the right to education. It includes civil and political rights, like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. It also includes economic, social and cultural rights, like the right to social security, health and education.”–English-one-sheet-page.pdf I suggest you copy, highlight and print for future, personal use: I believe this was the ORIGINAL ARTICLE which our fake leaders alter after the fact – to suit their unethical agendas.
Article 23
“(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.“
Article 25
“(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.”
Update 07/05/24 The Cass Review Final Report The NHS gender identity services should not have been allowed to practice in the first place.
The Shocking IGNORANCE of Doctors – video by Dr Suneel Dhand, speaking out against the poor, medical practice of those doctors, who are ‘just following orders.’
15.04.23 Ultimate BETRAYAL of the MEDICAL OATH – YouTube by Dr Suneel Dhand. This video is about how corruption, advanced by our greedy fake leaders & co – has become deeply imbedded in all our health care.
Anyone can call themselves a professional, but it is the manner in which they conduct themselves which determines how professional they really are!
They’re doing WHAT to our children’s food!! This is NOT GOOD. by Russell Brand First they have been contaminating our food for decades with additives, used dangerous pesticides, polluted our rivers and seas etc., causing many health issues.
Then the avaricious, callous, Big Pharma are sent to ‘rescue’ us with the ‘cure’ [causing more harm than good?], and/or we are just left to deal with neurological/psychological/physical problems eg: ADHD, Brain Fog, cancer, disabilities etc…whilst the so-called health professionals/regulators just rubber stamp it all – Prevention is better than a cure, but not in the minds of the twisted greedy decision makers, because it is not profitable!
Then when you are too ill to work and look after yourself, they pull the plug on you; remove your income to bring about premature death, then push you on to the street, steal your property and abandon you. Look around the UK and globally for evidence. WE, collectively – need to remove them before they remove more of us!
Licensed to kill; Big Pharma… and the State Sanctioned Drug Cartel
Examples include, ‘nothing to see here’, whilst the taxpayer, paid Richard Branson’s company compensation and then he was given a different contract further down the line, because they must reward the ‘Friends of govt’ to keep passing the money around amongst themselves, depriving the NHS money for patient care:
Shady deals thrive on secrecy – orchestrated by the same govts/companies who force the public to be completely transparent with them. We should not comply with unscrupulous people.
NHS GP practices offered cash rewards to not send patients to hospital | The Independent | The Independent 2018 “dereliction of duty“. GPS are paid bonuses to avoid doing the best thing for your health! In the UK during the pandemic, patients were offered Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) forms just in case they ended up in hospital with covid. The doctors also receive more money for all the vaccinations given to patients with a bonus for the covid vaccines.
Accessed 20.08.23. NHS bosses are not paid to do the best for the patients/staff, they are paid to cover negligence and criminality in the NHS.
Corporate manslaughter is not good enough. The NHS bosses (under instructions from the govt), made the decisions not the organisation, it should be murder. Especially as they have a history of ALLOWING people to suffer/die by their choices.
2015 NHS bosses on £2,000 a day ‘paid off the books’ in cosy tax deals | Daily Mail Online
“Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the practices uncovered by the Mail were ‘clearly an abuse’ of NHS money. And he vowed: ‘We will stop this abuse as a priority if we form the next government.” He lied.
2021 NHS bosses raking in £300,000-a-year plus bonuses in ‘slap in the face’ to nurses – Mirror Online … “more than NINE TIMES the average pay of nurses. A Sunday Mirror NHS wages investigation today reveals how the top 10 hospital chief executives are raking in huge sums while the lowest paid frontline staff have had their wages cut in real terms.
It comes as new official figures show the health service also now has an astonishing 2,788 …”very senior managers”– which include chiefs – across all trusts earning at least £110,000 each and costing the taxpayer £395million a year. The findings have enraged union leaders representing burnt-out nurses and ambulance workers offered a pay rise of just 1% after risking their lives throughout the pandemic.”
I have nothing against Euthanasia when the patients quality of life is so poor and untreatable, they choose to die.
However, the decision makers have been depriving the public of the means to survive; employment choices, food, shelter, energy, a social life, etc., which has pushed many into engaging in acts of suicide over decades. It is premeditated social cleansing/murder. Globally, the tyrants have been making it easier to depopulate countries by their law- breaking/immoral/unethical actions towards the public.
21/08/24 Sorry, I meant to add this disturbing video: The Horrifying Truth About Maid They Aren’t Telling You awhile ago and forgot with all the other stuff. This needs more questions asked and not the cover-ups. How can anyone possibly have faith in the govts when they are so cruel and reckless❓ Is this what happens to our pets too❓
“The Canadian newspaper Ottawa Citizen is celebrating the legalization of assisted suicide in Canada because now there are a whole lot more organs and tissues available for desperate [wealthy?] patients”.
“A person commits an offence under section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961 if he or she does an act capable of encouraging or assisting the suicide or attempted suicide of another person, and that act was intended to encourage or assist suicide or an attempt at suicide. This offence is referred to in this policy as “encouraging or assisting suicide”.
The members of WEF/WHO and the authoritarian governments want you to know, they intend to treat the depression/PSTD (caused by their abuse after pushing you into situations where you cannot help yourself), with powerful hallucinogenic drugs, which will cause you more harm than good.
Think Soma, (from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley) chemical induced happiness to drug you into being compliant and therefore more dependent on the state. Why would anyone be taken in by our fake leaders (AKA state drug dealers) pretending to alleviate depression etc when their decision making caused most of it in the first place! Now they want you ‘off your face’ most of the time (more money to big pharma), so you can be even more open to abuse.
You REALLY Won’t Believe What The UK Govt Are Doing Now! / Hugo Talks – YouTube
Dreamachine – Wikipedia “The Dreamachine may be dangerous for persons with photosensitive epilepsy or other nervous disorders”. The man who ‘invented’ the original machine, murdered his wife! Yet UK taxpayers are robbed to pay for this attempt to lure the public into being hypnotised, making them susceptible to persuasion – under the guise of something else.
“The society described in Brave New World is a world-state, in which war has been eliminated and where the first aim of the rulers is at all costs to keep their subjects from making trouble. This they achieve by (amongst other methods) legalizing a degree of sexual freedom (made possible by the abolition of the family)…”
Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? – George Orwell’s Warning to the World (
“Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships – an age in which freedom of thought will be at first a deadly sin and later on a meaningless abstraction. The autonomous individual is going to be stamped out of existence.”
When self-serving leaders spend all their time advancing their own positions -safeguarding the public, policies and legislation are all ignored.
The callous disregard for the welfare of others has become a global problem and ignored by those whose job it is to prevent harm.
Abhorrent: Cops Kick Dying Man out of Ambulance by The Civil Rights Lawyer. Rochester USA. Look at the calibre of staff [pseudo-professionals] who are employed by authorities, and are valued by the callous, highly manipulative, WEF members around the world, as part of the ‘New Normal!‘ Anyone who believes this is acceptable, should be forced to have a psychological evaluation.
Communities should choose who they want to look after loved ones, and children should be taught how to respect, learn critical thinking skills and be encouraged to develop a moral compass in schools.
UK care home where workers abused resident may face criminal action | Social care | The Guardian
Helen Wildbore, the director of the Relatives & Residents Association ; “The system is stacked so heavily against people living in care and their families,” she said. “Time and again we hear of people being failed by the regulator. Abuse and toxic cultures thrive when there is little monitoring and accountability, by the management, by the owners, by the regulator and by safeguarding teams.”
Well said Helen, exactly what I learned from my own and other people’s experiences.
05.07.23 with 97% negative reviews. Care Quality Commission Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of (
and the Scottish couldn’t Care less Inspectorate is well protected by the SPSO:
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of ( 13.06.23 with 96% negative reviews.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of ( 19.05.23 with 98% negative reviews.
The regulators suck the public in, pretending to protect their interests and steal data to share with whoever they like, because they all know the ICO is another corrupt regulator. They are in cahoots with the very organisations they claim to regulate. Complicit = culpable.
Information Commissioner’s Office Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of ( 13.06.23 97% negative reviews.