Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminals, operating illegally and therefore we should remove them, put them in prison. If EVERYONE did this, all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse. The evidence is throughout this website and on many others.
Updated 31/01/25 ‘PANDEMIC CRIMES’ by Stop World Control Please share this highly informative website. “Thousands of leading scientists, physicians, lawyers, academics, and other experts reveal evidence that pandemics are being orchestrated to reduce the world population, and install higher levels of totalitarian control.”
“Many millions of people around the world are dying, and hundreds of millions are permanently disabled, after being injected with the experimental vaccines that are being mandated by governments. World leading scientists are ringing the alarm bell as loud as they can.”
“A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) gives tyrants full control over your finances, as they can monitor every transaction, limit what you can spend, and even delete your funds. What happens already with PayPal, would become commonplace.”…because they want to remove your incomes/properties/kids etc and control your entire life/or death!
Normally people die as individuals in their home, or hospital, care homes etc, where there would be easily obtained ID.
Q. Why then, were the SNP & the police expecting a Mass Fatality Incident❓ Has anyone else queried this❓ A. They were preparing for mass deaths in advance❗
(Image was accessed from source 2021 and then displayed on this website )
by Yuri Bezmenov a Soviet journalist in article by Nitiga Plant., Independent Researcher… This is the goal of the global elites & is all happening NOW.
Please read: the informative 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov
The 4 Stages of Subversion by Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet journalist and a former KGB agent. video by GBPPR2
Our dysfunctional leaders, are all part of the New Normal, Great Reset converting rational into irrational behaviour, introducing dangerous policies to deliberately cause chaos and great harm, colluding to serve the toxic agendas of the rest of the members of The World Economic Forum and so-called ‘global elite’.
As for the traitors who support the abhorrent gender ideologies of our governments, they are nothing more than pro-child mutilators, following in the footsteps of the Nazi collaborators.
Josef Mengele What Were The Human Experiments? – HISTORY ON THE NET
“Most of his subjects were children, and he would reportedly do blood transfusions from the one twin to the other, do amputations and try to sew it onto the other twin, stitch two twins together to form Siamese twins, infect one twin with typhus or another disease and many other experiments.”
“His crimes represent the extreme danger posed by science when it is conducted in the service of an ideology that denies the rights, dignity, and humanity of certain groups of people”.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know”.
– William Wilberforce.
10/07/24 The greater the power they acquire – the more ruthless they become, thanks to those who prop them up; their narcissistic supply [enablers].
“It’s not really surprising that people with personality disorders are drawn to political power – narcissists crave attention and affirmation, and feel that they are superior to others and have the right to dominate them. They also LACK EMPATHY, which means that they are able to RUTHLESSLY EXPLOIT and ABUSE PEOPLE, FOR THE SAKE OF POWER”.
“Erich Fromm called malignant narcissism “the quintessence of evil.”
“Malignant narcissists are aggressive, arrogant, and cold individuals with an excessive desire for power and high social status. They may exhibit a sense of entitlement, believing that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment or privileges”.
Sexual abuse increasing in Scotland and has the Cass Review with access to Report on gender identity services for children and young people.
Example: All the UK govts invite illegal immigrants into the country, but this is how they treat refugees: First they idealize [for show purposes], then they devalue, and then they discard – typical callous, actions by narcissists and/or psychopaths.
Article dated 25/08/2020 Please share as you would not believe the problems I had uploading this!😲
Mercy Baguma: Mum ‘found dead beside baby’ in Glasgow flat | Glasgow Times
“A mum has been found dead beside her malnourished baby in a Glasgow flat.
Mercy Baguma, from Uganda, is said to have been found by police in Govan on Saturday, August 22, after friends had not heard from her since Tuesday, August 18.
Human rights charity Positive Action in Housing say Ms Baguma’s one-year-old son was found crying beside his mother’s body, and say he was “weakened from starvation”.
The baby boy was rushed to hospital to be treated and was released yesterday.
READ MORE: Mercy Baguma: Thousands raised for one-year-old son after tragic death
…She claimed asylum while living in extreme poverty, and was relying on food from friends and charitable organisations.
Robina Qureshi, director of Positive Action in Housing said: “This is the third tragedy to affect the city’s refugee population in as many months.
“Mercy contacted our charity on August 11 and said she was not getting any financial support yet had made an application to MigrantHelp. Had she lived she would have been a high priority for a crisis payment from our Emergency Relief Fund like hundreds of others left functionally destitute by the asylum system.
…“The investigation into the death, under the direction of Scottish Fatalities Investigation Unit, is ongoing and the family will continue to be kept updated in relation to any significant developments.”
A Home Office spokesman said: “This is a tragic situation and our condolences go to Ms Baguma’s family.
“The Home Office takes the wellbeing of all those in the asylum system extremely seriously, and we will be conducting a full investigation into Ms Baguma’s case.”
“Her death in Scotland prompted calls for changes to the UK’s asylum system.
Charity Positive Action in Housing (PAIH), which along with other charities had been helping her, said she was “effectively destitute” as she was unable to get a job because her right to work in the UK had expired.
A letter seen by the family from the Scottish Fatalities Investigation Unit said that the “cause of death was unascertained pending investigation and that there are no circumstances which would render any further examination of the remains”…
…Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said “wholesale reform” of the asylum system was needed, starting from “the principle of dignity, of empathy and of support for our fellow human beings”.
[Sturgeon & SNP policies/legislation and UK govt deliberately put obstacles in the publics way – to deprive the most vulnerable access to the means to support life. Did any of the parties seek accountability/redress for this example of culpable and reckless conduct/ social murder/neglect and ENTIRELY AVOIDABLE death/ near death situation for a baby❓]
“The UK’s Home Office said it would investigate Ms Baguma’s case and Prime Minister Boris Johnson told parliament that he would also look into her case.”
It is all in the word games, they pretend to care for appearance sake then probably file it via the shredder. 🤬
Judge them by their actions never by what they claim because our fake leaders & co are twisted evil.
26/06/24 When is a doctor not a doctor❓
BMA to take legal action against GMC over PA regulation by PULSE
Standards of care are falling rapidly – because the ‘wrong types of people’ are making decisions on our behalf – putting profit and personal gain – before healthcare. NHS Bosses in England/Scotland have for many years, been operating against the publics health interests.
21.02.24. Neil Gray Confronted by victims of ‘Evil’surgeon Sam Ejamel outside Holyrood video by The Sun. As per usual, the callous Scottish Ministers refuse to engage with the victims of their neglect [to avoid accountability], caused by the decisions implemented by the evil SNP and NHS bosses. dated 31.08.23 An independent investigation is set to be held into how a disgraced brain surgeon was allowed to keep operating for six months after fears were raised that he was harming patients.
12.07.23 ‘Years of trauma came out’: surgery victim on interrupting Humza Yousaf | Scottish National party (SNP) | The Guardian This is what happens when psychopathic criminals are in charge of a country “… years of negligence, cover-ups and bad governance.”
April 2023
“THE NHS is turning away would-be male blood donors unless they confirm that they are “not pregnant”.
The delusional SNP and their enablers the NHS, in an attempt to gaslight the public over their claims that men are women etc, declines blood donors because they refuse to share the decision makers – irrational beliefs. They [SNP & Co] would prefer someone dies from lack of blood. They have no credibility left.
The Illegally operating Scottish Government:
Updated 22/05/24 The Scottish Covid Inquiry/Part 5/ Summary and Conclusion by Freedom Podcast. “Final part in the series covering the testimonies heard at the Scottish Covid Inquiry, Impact Hearing, Health & Social Care.” The victims and their families need justice, let us make sure they get it.
The state is long overdue for taking responsibility for their lifetime of criminal actions against the public. Everyone should demand they are removed & severely punished, with long prison sentences, for the harm they deliberately caused. Otherwise, the mass suffering/and murder of innocents will continue.
“A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people.” by Ambrose Bierce. (ethical laws)
18/05/24 The SNP illegally remove anyone who poses a threat to them -example: former nurse Lesley Roberts; because it is their only protection from jail sentences. We need to ram the truth down necks of the co-conspirators/ enablers in and around the SNP – and make sure they have nowhere to hide.
Also see heading: Social Murder down the page.
Concerns a video by Dr John Campbell on how the patients were treated in hospital during the covid period – one option – ‘end of life care’. This is murder by Sturgeon/Freeman and ‘those just following orders’.
Updated 16/05/24 ⬆ Newspaper story discussing SNP has mysteriously been pulled after 4 days. This stinks. video by Craig Houston Dirty tactics again, silencing the truth, because the state murderers do not want to spend the rest of their days in prison (where they belong) with assets removed.
Urgent: please support former nurse Leslie Roberts in every way you can.
“Heroic ex-nurse Lesley Roberts ❤❤💪💪is to give evidence [but after stealing her evidence they prevented her from attending] at the Scottish Covid Inquiry over two sessions that promise to blow apart the Scottish Government‘s handling of the pandemic.”…article dated 12/05/24
“Lesley Roberts – who has led the campaign for justice, including a criminal complaint for ***corporate manslaughter against Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman – is to give evidence on May 22.” [2024]
MURDER – “Murder is any wilful act causing the destruction of life, whether wickedly intended to kill, or displaying such wicked recklessness as to imply a disposition depraved enough to be regardless of consequences.” “…Murder has to be tried in the High Court of Justiciary. If you are convicted of murder, you will receive a mandatory life sentence.”
The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (c. 19) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that seeks to broaden the law on corporate manslaughter in the United Kingdom. The Act created a new offence respectively named corporate manslaughter in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, and corporate homicide in Scotland.
Nicola Sturgeon ‘must face corporate homicide charges’ over thousands of care home deaths – Scottish Daily Express article dated 28/04/22
‘Former top health and safety regulator says the policy of discharging untested patients from hospitals into care homes was a crime ‘bigger than Harold Shipman”.
I believe Corporate homicide is a substantially watered down attempt to deflect from the severity of the crimes to ensure the murderers avoid jail time for their role in Social Murder . They have put many more at risk. Individuals made the decisions not the framework! The public would be sent to prison if we committed these crimes. ***May 2024: They are now reducing it to the even lesser charge of corporate manslaughter to protect the authority criminals.
👍👍👍 The Hero [Roger Livermore] who has worked hard to expose how Scotland HAS BEEN OPERATING OUTSIDE THE LAW since they were given devolved powers in 1999 by the UK govt.
Roger Livermore Writes To Rishi Sunak video by Silver Fox. Roger confirms the SNP government have made themselves, judge, jury and executioner.
2:24 1. summary: “Unconstitutionally and unlawfully the Scotland act 1998 abolished the rule of law in Scotland, it also unconstitutionally removed the separation of the powers; this made it impossible for Scotland to have a lawful constitutional or functioning justice system this should be guaranteed to be the biggest failure in Scottish and UK.”
This is your opportunity to be rid of the criminals who call themselves a government. Share and demand the SNP are sent to prison.
Update 20.03.24. The Farrell Email Video by Silver Fox Hot Takes
Roger Livermore came to the same conclusion I made. The Scottish Government are operating illegally and are supported by their equally complicit enablers. The longer they remain in their positions, the more harm they will cause the country and everyone else – who are not part of their corrupt cabal.
Roger Livermore Twisting the Knife by Silver Fox Hot Takes read the emails by Roger Livermore which expose the lying frauds in SNP govt of criminals.
Leitch Attacked by Roger Livermore video by Silver Fox Hot Takes. Please watch and share to protect others. “Roger Livermore has emailed Humza Yousaf explaining in detail all the laws that were broken in regards to Health and Safety and also to explain that Leitch is a dangerous individual who should never be in his role!” The full email, is featured in the video.
18.02.24 Please support Mr R. Livermore, and the rest of the heroes trying to protect the public; from an illegally operating govt who all must have had enough brain cells to realise the consequences of their actions and cannot use ignorance as an excuse – but they will try!
[Scotlands Watergate] Roger Livermore Email (Part 2) by Silver Fox Hot Takes ❤
...and there is more: Roger Livermore Zoom Call Video
Thank you Mr Livermore 👍👍🙌 for being one of the few, who have the guts and decency to speak out, to bring about positive change. We need more like you and your colleagues, joining together.
17.02.24The Roger Livermore Email (part 1) by Silver Fox Hot Takes Demonstrating, the not so independent judiciary, which ensures the corrrupt SNP cover each others unethical/criminal actions. Roger Livermore is a former Crown prosecutor for the Health and Safety Executive with 35 years of experience, and regularly speaks out against avoidable deaths in the NHS.
The ONS (England) have announced in 2024, they are changing the method of calculating the alarming rate of ‘excessive deaths’ [after the rollout of covid-19 vaccines vaccinations] to suit themselves. I am sure the Scottish govt will try to do the same. However, statistics are only as credible as the integrity of the persons compiling them, and for what agenda they serve! Example: concealing data on mass murder by the manipulative decision makers; who also have the reputation of being pathological liars- coupled with many other negative personality traits.
“***Ms (Leslie) Roberts has been working alongside former health and safety prosecutor Roger Livermore and fellow NHS whistleblower Rab Wilson. Their complaint has three key points: the deadly policy of moving hospital patients untested into care homes, the efficacy of face masks for health and social care workers and the use of Do Not Resuscitate forms”.
“I didn’t go into nursing to watch patients die and I didn’t become a union rep to watch members be put at risk due to unsafe PPE”.
“Instead of protecting the vulnerable, the powers-that-be at the start of the pandemic were discussing how to get rid of them. Going into Covid they didn’t have a clue and they even tried to do away with Freedom of Information, with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Human Rights Act,” another step towards totalitarian control and to make themselves untouchable – which they are not! They are only interested in helping themselves to a better life; and their time in office has proven they are happy and proud of destroying the lives of everyone else.
“Lesley Roberts says she is being led ’round and round in circles’ after complaining to the Standards Commission… who passed her on to the Scottish Government… who sent her back to the Standards Commission… who told her to complain to the SNP… who said it was a Government matter!” This a tactic, along with lame excuses, to avoid accountability and is widely practised in Scotland by authorities, regulators, and companies who are [corrupt] ‘friends of govt’.
Also, please look online for the rest of the videos (and more) by Silver Fox Hot Takes.
👍👍👍”The veteran trio – Roger Livermore and Rab Wilson of Action for a Safe and Accountable People’s NHS and whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts have worked alongside the Express for years to highlight failings within the NHS, the justice system and the entire framework of devolution, which they argue is illegal due to the lack of separation between government, Crown Office, police and judiciary”.
Professor June Andrews “Coronavirus could be ‘quite useful’ in killing off hospital bed blockers! by The Mirror. The psycho [and former director of the Scottish Government’s Centre for Change and Innovation!!] puts the profit of business – before patient care. “According to The Herald , she said: “If you’re on the board of a care home company, a pandemic is one of things you think about as a potential damage to your business because of the number of older people it’s going to take out of the system.” Shameless! People are used as commodities to line the pockets of the ‘friends of govt.’ the link was originally directed to the website highlighted in my image above and [elsewhere throughout my website], which was a layman’s guide to Scottish legislation and then it was replaced with an advertisement of law firms!
Update 05/02/25 I noticed a few weeks ago that this link to Advocate Andrew Crosbie’s website – has now been restored on its original link! Such odd behaviour🤔. Links regularly break and sometimes I am illegally blocked from my own work [evidence], so I would advise the public to record/print any useful information and the original sources for their future reference.
N.B. The despots are regularly (and often subtly) altering laws/& links etc to serve their own agendas, especially when caught breaking them. Example: See the original 9 key principles of the ethical standards now reduced to 7 – with foreword by Nicola Sturgeon; which her enablers altered sometime later – omitting DUTY & RESPECT.
CHAPTER 8. OSCR, SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT, SPSO and the CARE INSPECTORATE, Leaving CHA Unregulated and Operating Above the Law With Impunity.
Now Annex: The Seven Principles Of Public Life
Example: No Messages were provided. Why? Video by Mercurius
Sturgeon’s shocking COVID BETRAYAL Video by Mercurius
**By withholding incriminating material from inquiries, courts etc it is a deliberate attempt to pervert the course of justice to avoid jail time; because in the twisted, unethical mind of corrupt/criminal types, no evidence, means no case.
2)The sections are—
(a)section 2 (fraud by false representation),
**(b)section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and
(c)section 4 (fraud by abuse of position).
What would the sentence be for members of the public? : HMA v Margaret Ferrier ( “At a diet of trial on 18 August 2022, you pled guilty to a charge of culpable and reckless conduct. It is a crime to endanger others by reckless conduct. This crime can be committed in many different ways. It involves exposing an individual, or particular individuals, or the public generally, to a significant risk to life or health. A high degree of recklessness is needed, more than carelessness or negligence.”
Updated 16/08/24 The new virus being ‘introduced’ as a global emergency: The chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the rise in mpox cases constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), following advice from members at Wednesday’s International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee meeting.
& The WHO PANDEMIC TREATY to force unnecessary experiments… “The use of biological agents is a serious concern, and the risk of using these agents in a terrorist attack is thought to be increasing.”
I once worked in a care home and they operated with the minimum amount of staff, 2 carers to a floor and 1 nurse for three floors, relying on agency staff for back up, when staff were absent. I believe the main reason relatives/friends were not allowed to visit during lockdown (and in some care homes since) to monitor/support their loved ones, was that ‘no evidence means no case’ = no witnesses to the neglect they knew would occur. This is another level of extreme cruelty and should never be allowed to happen again.
Sturgeon/Freeman and their enablers in Scotland use “of DNA CPR policy – broke the Equality Act 2010 by unfairly targeting people in ‘protected’ groups such as the elderly and the disabled.” Psychos!
Conspiracy- The Big Video Of The Day by Silver Fox Hot Takes Those who protect criminals are complicit and therefore culpable. Nepotism and widespread corruption in the [cruel] Scottish government, throughout it’s existence has ensured that manipulative, authority criminals avoid punishment. In this case; thousands of deaths and the significant harm to millions of others; caused directly/indirectly by their self – serving, highly unethical policies, legislation and abuse of positions. They/we all know that protecting the activities of criminals, is encouraging/promoting further acts of crime and also by perverting the course of justice.
Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice / Attempting to Defeat the Ends of Justice – Crime.Scot
07.06.23 Surely there is a conflict of interest here, with a lawyer; Aemer Anwar, a SNP supporter and personal friend of Humza Yousaf, and who **had represented him in a case to sue a nursery, assisted by the couldn’t Care less Inspectorate. This lawyer now supposedly, represents the Scotland’s bereaved families, in the supposed covid enquiry which should have been a (multi-faceted) criminal court case.
Updated 12.06.23 The SNP are influencing/controlling the decision of who to appoint to preside over the case and who acts as lawyers for the bereaved families, making it impossible for the hearing to get off the ground. It is a fact that this regularly happens – evidence of dirty tricks from authority criminals covering their own backs – to avoid jail time.
Covid in Scotland: Four lawyers step down from public inquiry – BBC News
Scotland Covid inquiry: No-one wants top jobs, lawyer warns – BBC News
“Prof Peter Watson, who represents some affected families, has said the review will be delayed and is “going nowhere”.
** Humza using the same lawyer; Aamar Anwar – see more ⬇ Foreword by Nicola Sturgeon
Lord Advocate: role and functions – ( and as she is also chief legal adviser to the scottish govt, there is a conflict of interest.
Statement Of Principles of Judicial Ethics “It is a fundamental part of the role of the Law Officers to ensure that the Government acts lawfully at all times.”
“First, the terms of the judicial oath, taken by judges in Scotland on their appointment, require the judge to “do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this Realm, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.”
THEY are all committing criminal offences –293-Statutory offences: art and part and aiding and abetting... and covering each others criminality and by prioritising other criminal’s actions – to keep them on the streets to offend again. The authority criminals have a callous disregard to the lifelong harm and impact on the physical/psychological health, of victims.
Judiciary and Courts (Scotland) Act 2008
“1 Guarantee of continued judicial independence
(1) The following persons must uphold the continued independence of the judiciary—
(a) the First Minister,
(b) the Lord Advocate,
(c) the Scottish Ministers,
(d) members of the Scottish Parliament, and
(e) all other persons with responsibility for matters relating to—
(i) the judiciary, or
(ii) the administration of justice,
where that responsibility is to be discharged only in or as regards Scotland.
(2) In particular, the First Minister, the Lord Advocate and the Scottish Ministers—
(a) must not seek to influence particular judicial decisions through any special access
to the judiciary, and…..”
Open message To The Scottish Government; You are operating illegally.
YOU DO THE CRIME(s) – YOU NEED TO SERVE THE TIME – you have already invalidated all your authority/legislation over us. Fact: You lost the right to preach legislation to the rest of us, when you chose to become (dangerous) criminals yourselves!
“The charge of Perverting The course of Justice can apply to the accused or anyone else (including the scottish government), who tries to stop the police and the courts from doing their job”. Innocent persons accused of mass murder would want to prove they are innocent. The Scottish Government are fully focused on a cover up so they avoid prison time.
They will never go unless pushed and the public are the only ones capable of doing this, as the justice system and the rest of the enablers have refused to do so.
“Social murder (German: sozialer Mord) is the unnatural death that occurs due to social, political, or economic oppression. The phrase was coined by Friedrich Engels in his 1845 work The Condition of the Working-Class in England whereby “the class which at present holds social and political control” (i.e. the bourgeoisie) “places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death”.[1] This was in a different category to murder and manslaughter committed by individuals against one another, as social murder explicitly was committed by the political and social elite against the poorest in society.[1]
When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.[1]”
“Social murder is a phrase applied to changes in government policy that lead to greater poverty and result in anxiety, suicide and early death” A must read article – by Clifford Thurlow “❤
“Social murder is the ‘stealthy’ normalisation of social injustice, poverty, deprivation, mums going without to feed their littles ones, local councils too strapped for cash to provide school meals for hungry children, working families who work long hours and are still unable to keep up with the rent, council tax, heating bills”
“Increasing health inequities and premature mortality experienced by the working class populations — which became even more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic — sparked our interest in the use of the concept and ways that it can be used to resist harmful public policies” By Stella Medvedyuk ❤
Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant | The BMJ
As you can see the SNP/police prepared in advance; (2021) – for mass deaths.
Whilst the general public were busy trying to get on with our lives, many of our human rights were being eroded and legislation ignored to give those who were supposed to represent us – greater power to do whatever they like and avoid accountability.
Example 1. Everyone, knows that financial hardship, fewer job opportunities, increases in crime (and loss of safety and security), reduced housing etc., results in serious physical and psychological health issues, leading to further loss of work, and creating additional financial and social issues etc.
So ask yourself, why have our towns/ cities/health and social care services, educational/employment opportunities etc., been deliberately decimated? Why has there also been a concerted effort to provoke divisions in families, communities, society and globally, pitting individuals and groups against each other?
A. We have callous, anti-social personality types at the top of the hierarchy, who surround themselves with equally incompatible enablers/enforcers to serve their own sinister/profitable and power grabbing agendas.
Example: 2. The Post Office Scandal: which has resulted in [social, physical,psychological and financial] harm over many years, (and remember some poor souls committed suicide) – because their lives were made unbearable by those who exploited them for personal gain. Q. Where were all the checks and balances or the financial regulators? ‘Burying their heads’ because of corruption, rendering them unfit for purpose.
The govt were complicit with Fujitsu, and the Post Office – because they were ‘all in it together’ and equally culpable; and if the laws were actually being upheld, they would already be in prison. Post Office compensation still years away. with as many delaying tactics as the experienced decision makers can find; to prevent redress, compensation and accountability. Meanwhile, they will hope the post office goes bankrupt to avoid them paying out.
WE need to make our own decisions on who we employ in jobs, care services, justice system etc, locally chosen from the entire community and accountable to us. Sharing skills and goods with our community neighbours, so we all have a higher standard of living by WORKING TOGETHER (not against each other). We can use the ethical laws as our guide and remove the rest, along with the authority criminals.
We, as decent members of the public cannot undo the damage the decision makers – caused, but, we can all do our bit and demand to see justice is served and that those responsible go to prison
“More than 3,000 patient-on-patient attacks recorded in each of the past two years, with SNP health secretary Michael Matheson urged to take action.”
“Roger Livermore, a former Crown prosecutor for the Health and Safety Executive and leading member of the Action for a Safe and Accountable People’s NHS campaign, said the findings “show a shocking level of failure on the safety of staff and of patients”.
“The buck stops with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and the First Minister.”
‘Scandalous’: Police Scotland slated for not publishing hospital rape stats ( by Steph Brawn article dated 02.05.23. Corrupt authorities are claiming they have no records on patient abuse, yet they have spent a great deal of time and public money on gathering all our personal data, including the highly intrusive, sensitive data from young children about their sexual habits. They then abuse all that data to share with anyone who benefits from that information – without your permission or knowledge because no-one holds them to account.
DATA PROTECTION ABUSE _ICO covers for them – but does not protect you.
Fraud in Scotland 4th Edition by the Fraud Advisory Panel
“The range of false pretences observed in Scottish courts is incredibly wide, from outright lies to implied representations or suggestions of something which was untrue, including silence as to the truth in certain circumstances. An omission can be sufficient if the accused is under a duty to make a representation” It is on the list exposed by the Scottish Daily Express whereby the SNP are altering/removing data after the fact. Tut, tut! highly irregular; by attempting to pervert the course of justice and attempting to the defeat the ends of justice and those whose job involves the prevention of corruption [the checks and balances] – are looking the other way. You could not make this up!
Embezzlement is the the dishonest appropriation of entrusted property.
“Sometimes, it is tricky to distinguish between embezzlement and theft. The key difference is that, with embezzlement, the accused was originally trusted to deal with and account for the property/money in question. This can be as trustee, agent or factor. The concept of exceeding authority is important.”
OPERATION BRANCHFORM and more on the ‘not so independent friends of govt’:
“COPS CASH TO LAWYERS: Scotland’s single Police Service name Law firms who were paid TWENTY FOUR million pounds – during last Three years of Iain Livingstone’s term as Police Scotland Chief “article from The Justice Diaries ❤❤❤ “Nicola Sturgeon was blamed for the perilous state of Scotland’s NHS because she was involved in diverting £17.6bn away from the health service since the SNP seized power.”
Embezzlement Explained by Niall Hearty
Why do the auditors/finance minister etc not reveal what the SNP have actually spent the public’s money on? Q. Who did it benefit? The public have a right to know where their money is going and with evidence to support the claims.
SNP govt fake news storm over Barnett funding – Nats corrupt Civil Service.
“This isn’t how the Barnet Formula works – the Scottish Government gets to decide how to spend our limited resources, the UK Government doesn’t get to decide how much of the Scottish Government’s budget is spent specifically on the Scottish NHS.“
The SNP love to make sacrifices – but only if it is the public who are being sacrificed.
Article dated 11.09.23.
£331M stolen in one swoop, to deprive the public of essential health and social care services, is another flagrant abuse of tax payer’s money. Nothing works in Scotland – why bother doing the job you get paid to do – when people are employed to just pretend and do as they are told.–ethics-directorate/
“The Propriety and Ethics Directorate promotes the highest standards of integrity and impartiality. We provide specialist support in handling complex and crosscutting cases of alleged breaches of standards of conduct and behaviour and we deal with complaints by civil servants about Ministers…”
So they claim – but where is the evidence? … instead of tackling social problems eg improving employment choices/availability.
The SNP and the police refuse to deal with the illegal immigration, drug/crime related problems and physical attacks in society which has allowed them to escalate, so the public have had no choice but to deal with it themselves.
The NHS and the rest of the establishment do not engage in preventative health measures, instead they ignore and therefore assist the state racketeers; with their self-centred abuse of the public purse.
Example; most of us know that growing children need a safe environment and a nutritional diet to enable them to grow healthily and give them the best start in life. They also need to play safely, have regular exercise and plenty of fresh air. Their childhood experiences should be positive to help them develop into emotionally stable, human beings and prepare them for life as an adult. They should have a safe, secure, healthy, happy future to look forward to – but instead, the toxic, greeedy leaders have robbed them of all of these human rights.
Fact: Those working in authority positions have responsibilities to those entrusted to their care; but the evidence does not support that the care system is employing compatible persons as a priority. Instead, there has been a concerted effort to employ many inexperienced, bullying, manipulative and often callous personality types in higher paid jobs, to the detriment of the service users.
Parents are having to sacrifice their own health by avoiding meals – so they can afford to feed their kids, but the Scottish authorities steal the public’s money to indulge themselves, instead of addressing any of the social issues they created. They clearly have no conscience; just like all the other psychopaths and malignant narcissists.
“Furious Richard Dickson, 26, who runs the Young Entrepreneurs Society, has now offered to help those families who are facing council-run debt collections related to school meal debts.
“The stress and worry of having debt collectors coming to your front door just because your child has had something to eat at school is an awful stain on local governance and those who agreed this course of action should hang their heads in shame.”
THE BAD AND THE UGLY: Showing the SNP were proud to send public money abroad instead of feeding Scottish kids. They removed this video link – because it upset the SNP’s sensitive egos which could not handle the video exposure about: The despicable SNP stealing more money from the public funds for their luxurious trips abroad, and in this case, under the guise of funding the health service of Sub- Saharan Africa. Just another shady deal/case of money laundering❓
WHAT ARE THEY PERSONALLY GETTING OUT OF THIS ARRANGEMENT, because they do not care about the starving/unhealthy people in Scotland, so they will not care about anywhere else? NHS Scotland (& NHS England) are in the worst state they have ever been, and more families are going hungry, but the SNP use even more tax payers money to pay for debt collectors to punish parents, for circumstances beyond their control – but are the direct CAUSE AND EFFECT of SCOTTISH govt policies and legislation.
SNP failing the poorest children – YouTube by Mercurius
EXCLUSIVE: SNP using millions spent on foreign aid to promote independence – Scottish Daily Express article dated 22.12.2.
“…But we don’t need the Tories’ say-so, and will continue to help people in some of the poorest parts of the world…”
Stealing money from one poor nation – Scotland – to give to another is false philanthropy. At what point are the public going to forcibly remove the government? When you are stepping over dead bodies in the street perhaps? When you are too physically and mentally weak to defend yourself/family? When your children’s bones are protruding through their skin? When you are living in a ghetto (concentration camp) as a result of 15 minute cities and subjected to other atrocities – crimes against humanity❓
Q. How many back handers were given out and to whom, from energy provider’s who are overcharging us – entirely for profit? What about Big Pharma and also the Big tech companies who censor our data? and many more ‘friends of govt ‘ and on behalf of the WEF etc
Members are appointed by the Secretary of State at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. Regulators are jobs for mates!
“Money laundering is the process of illegally concealing the origin of money, obtained from illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement or gambling, by converting it into a legitimate source. It is a crime in many jurisdictions with varying definitions. It is usually a key operation of organized crime.”
What is money laundering? by Equifax
“The money switches hands – and countries – to further hide its original source. Money may be moved overseas, be invested in various financial products or companies, or offshore accounts.”
The severity of the punishment, should fit the crimes especially, as they were premeditated.