“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehoods and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns it’s back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
by Frederic Bastiat. Economic Harmonies.
The most horrific COVER-UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
Please watch: There’s MORE to this story! Allegations against ‘GRUBBY LITTLE TOAD’
‘The New Normal:’ The Organised Crime Syndicate [AKA the establishment] are proud to announce again, that everything is in reverse of what a civilised society would deem as acceptable behaviour. They do not care about the public, because in their own sadistic, psychopathic minds, none of the state organised abuse applies to them. They are too busy revelling in their power/influence over us. It is time to bring about change.
No Jail For Huw Edwards – UK Two Tier Justice is perverted and inverted Video by David Kurten
By refusing to protect and imprison those who cause serious harm to others, the decision makers are promoting criminal behaviour, with a callous disregard to the victims, especially vulnerable children. Viewing child pornography is not a victimless crime. Yet those who only speak against the authority criminals – are sent to prison for long periods.
SHOCKING: Grooming gang victim ordered to REMOVE request to deport vile abusers from court statement. video by GB News.
These illegally operating judges; who prioritise perpetrators above victims are obviously corrupt and should be removed. . We should not be paying tax payer money to give them legal power – to abuse the innocent. They are complicit and therefore culpable and have invalidated their authority to hold positions of trust; the moment they became criminal/illegal themselves.
A Definition of Null & Void by SKILL
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/60/section/24A Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Arrest without warrant: other persons
(1)A person other than a constable may arrest without a warrant—
(a)anyone who is in the act of committing an indictable offence;
(b)anyone whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be committing an indictable offence.
Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person.
Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 29/ 2 In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
1. If we deported all foreign nationals from prisons [& those who have been let off by our corrupt establishment for acts of violence] back to the original country it would:
2 Free up spaces in prisons
3. Ensure they could not offend in the UK again by banning them from returning for life.
4. Save money long term
5. REDUCING the opportunity for criminals to reoffend.
and the most important part
6. Less people will be harmed.
The machinations of our fake leaders: 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov
Article 21
- Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through FREELY CHOSEN representatives. [not chosen by the politicians themselves and then forced upon us.]
- Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
- THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
It is no good relying on the warped politicians who have already broken more laws and abused & murdered many with their policies and legislation – more than anyone who was ever sent to prison. Nothing is going to improve until the public TAKE ACTION and remove all those in authority to replace with members of our own communities, vetted and held responsible by us.
There is no genuine democracy; there never was [it was just an illusion], so please do not wait until the next election, we need rid of them NOW!
Doing nothing is not an option!
Quotes from some of the UK govt’s FAKE LEADERS, who caused unnecessary harm/deaths to millions during the pandemic.
Rishi Sunak – “Let them die.”
Matt Hancock – ” I want to choose who dies.”
Boris Johnston – “Let the bodies pile high.”
A couple of quotes from a former Scottish government minister to deflect away from the murders of those in hospital and care homes during the pandemic: Professor June Andrews “Coronavirus could be ‘quite useful’ in killing off hospital bed blockers!
“Curiously, ripping off the sticking plaster, in a hospital that has 92 delayed discharges, a pandemic would be quite useful because your hospital would work because these people would be taken out of the system.” This demonstrates that the NHS is not putting the health care of patients as the priority.
Q. What do all these people and the ones who support/enable them have in common❓
A. They have a callous disregard to the welfare of others – which is measurable on a scale. None of these people should be operating in positions of trust.
For a ‘normal’ rational person to understand these personality types who are dangerous to the public, you have to familiarise yourself with the patterns of behaviours which helps us recognise what we are confronted with.
She studied extreme psychopaths. Here’s what it taught her about human nature – Big Think with a video with a test.
I have many more insights on incompatible persons from numerous sources, [including from my experiences], throughout this website. The world can only thrive when we live in harmony with each other, but we are being threatened by toxic people. Please strive to do good, rather than succumb to the temptation of evil!
But, what I find amusing, but extraordinary, is there are lots of self-measuring/self report psychopathy [ & narcissist/sociopathy etc] scales in web searches, but it is highly unlikely anyone who has these traits – would actually self-report as they would never desire to reveal their true characters; especially when they get away with so much!
Please remember, community spirit is the enemy of tyrants!
My opinions on the 2024 Olympics in France, after watching brief ‘highlights’ on YouTube videos:
The Olympics has clearly moved away from showcasing top athletes from around the world, and has become first and foremost another platform; for degenerates to ‘normalise’ their public display of sexual deviancy. 🤮🤮🤮
I will not watch it and suggest parents find something better to do with their kids, to prevent their minds being polluted any more: [It is bad enough what fake [unscrupulous], education authorities are doing to the kids in school], but the French govt /Olympic organisers/ promoters/enablers and MSM etc should hang their heads in shame. However, in order to feel shame, they would have to display they have a social conscience because in their own twisted minds, they obviously believe this is socially acceptable behaviour, to be shown to families all around the globe! 🤮🤮🤮
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” – Benjamin Franklin
Q. What kind of personality types would want to spy on and control every aspect, of the lives of everyone else? A. Predators and stalkers and any other dysfunctional, twisted individuals with psychopathic traits.
The ones who need the most scrutiny are those who are trying to shut us down. We need to stop them – before they destroy the rest of us.
A look at the methods used by Global Govts. to control its citizens. Video by;
ConSpirAcyAtHomE. Illustrated by After Skool and written by The Academy of Ideas: “Menticide A killing of the Mind“
The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health. New York: Skyhorse publishing. Author; R. F. Kennedy Jnr. If you read this highly informative book you will see corruption on a large scale, and many examples of how illness/conditions/disabilities have been ‘introduced’ to us – for profit:
The covid pandemic was not the first time ‘the usual suspects’ have tried to use infections, to close us down for a power grab and to increase the wealth – of the already wealthy, regardless of the consequences to the masses.
Jeffrey Epstein, sex offender, predator, master manipulator, blackmailer, and so much more….
It is time to recognise Epstein’s mob as part of the global, organised crime syndicate they really are. The self-titled Elite who are running the world from their closely guarded venues such as the WEF at Davos, have become notorious for their predatory actions involving the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society, along with the rest of the world population.
Not A Suicide- New Footage Of Jeffrey Epstein In Prison Goes Viral by The Fugitive
All of these arrogant, morally repugnant snakes in suits, who cheated their way into positions of trust should be ousted, put in prison or in the gutter, with all their assets (proceeds of crime) removed and then used to benefit their victims and everyone else. The public needs to pick a side, you are either on the side of ‘right thinking’ members of society, or you are on the side of the twisted evil who are destroying humanity on a daily basis. Doing nothing is not an option.
I recommend the books ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL (spit into two volumes ) by Whitney Webb with more in-depth connections/knowledge [between Epstein and the global organised crime network], than you will obtain from the media. I suggest reading in small sections at a time (to absorb), using the index to search for specific names because it would be hard to read from cover to cover.
EPSTE!N FILES RELEASED : PRINCE ANDREW BRUTALLY EXP0SED,… video by Murad Merali. This is another reason we should run the countries ourselves and send all these child rapists and their enablers, STRAIGHT TO JAIL for the rest of their lives. I agree with Murad 100% about the disgusting paedos and those who support them. Their callous disregard to the lifelong harm and suffering of the victims speaks volumes! Too many paedophiles die without receiving any punishment for their despicable actions, let us make sure this does not happen again.
The authorities/agencies eg CIA using Epstein as an agent also need to be shut down for sacrificing children, so they could have leverage over the wealthy rapists/abusers.
New Jeffrey Epstein Documents Reveal Troubling Connections | International News by India Today
WE ALL need to protect the children [and prevent any form of people trafficking], throughout the world right now, because those in charge are clearly the problem/complicit and culpable in the promotion of predatory behaviours. More evidence [of child/people trafficking/sexual abuse] and elsewhere.
Sean ‘Diddy’ Indictment: Many People Involved video by Sonia Poulton I think all parents should seriously warn their children; about the different types of predators [and how to recognise indicators of exploitative personality types] who are allowed to walk amongst us for many years, and how very few are ever held to account due to influence covering their backs.
25/04/24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“The land belongs to those who work it with their hands.” Emiliano Zapata.
For as long as I can remember, Africa has been oppressed by the dominating influence and control from internal and foreign forces; who are directly or indirectly responsible for the massacre and abuse of the innocent civilians. Instead of spending the publics money on promoting/perpetuating wars, the money needs to be forcibly diverted to where it is needed the most. Every country needs to do what is best to empower the good citizens to join together to remove its own tyrants and replace with community based, levels of support. Then we can help others achieve the same. We all just want our absolute right to live our life with security – in peace.
Comment by shonnyNOR8 days ago“The African resources should benefit the Africans, and not western vultures!” I could not agree more.
Biden, even gave more money to Ukraine to keep the war going, than he spent on survivors of the Maui Massacre. We must all keep demanding accountability for those who have suffered in Hawaii and never forget what evil people are capable of doing – when weak, corrupt, authorities look the other way – for whatever benefit it is to them. Those responsible should ALL be in prison.