Became the Hate Crime Act 01.04.24…ANOTHER POWER GRAB by the fake leaders who have sinister ulterior motives; designed to cause MORE alarm and distress: via their CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL/ FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE.

The Scottish Government have broken many human rights and criminal laws. They need to be publicly challenged. Their actions have also been in direct conflict with the UDoHR: The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. Some examples include:

Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The authority criminals are also using legislation as a weapon against us. Corrupt individuals/authorities have no legal/moral right to make lawsespecially when designed to protect their criminality and are detrimental to everyone else.

Q. When is the government null and void? A. When those in power are too busy breaking laws and have actively engaged in a cover-up! It is very common in Scotland.

Update 14/05/24 Those of us with rational thought, know that corrupt [criminals in authorities] would have a problem maintaining/protecting that high level of corruption- when they are operating illegally themselves and have been fully exposed for years. They are done! Time for the good members of the public to remove them to restore our safety/law and order. This Act is just one of many reasons the onus is on us to protect ourselves, from the govt whose decisions/actions are the biggest threat to us.

06/04/24 After many years of abusing the public- the politicians are (in increasing numbers), now on the receiving end. They could do the public a great service and seek sancturary inside prison, and take their equally treacherous enablers with them. This is where they all belong to ensure the rest of us live in peace.

Patrick Harvie running scared of hate backlash video by Silver Fox

What People Really Think Of Scotand’s Hate Crime Law – video by Together.

SNP’s “chilling” hate crime bill passed | UK | News |

“Reform UK MSP Michelle Ballantyne added: “Tonight, I voted against one of the most dangerous Bills in the history of devolution.”

“Furthermore, this bill contains no defence regarding private conversations in your own home. The police could come to your home, having received a report of stirring up hate around the dinner table and take witness statements from those present. “That, presumably, could include your children. I cannot vote for that.”

2020 A catalogue of concerns – Free To Disagree  is a very large list of those who opposed The Hate Crime Bill, including legal professionals, newspapers, academics etc, and Professor Alistair Bonnington who tried to teach legislation to Nicola Sturgeon when she was a law student, (but she did not want to learn – as she had no intention of abiding by any rules or laws!)

Did Police Scotland Commit a Hate crime against JK Rowling? by Demirep. It is a pity that Police in Scotland cannot perceive themselves the way others do. No wonder many are quitting, as it is hard to retain credibility or dignity; when they have proven they are nothing more than ‘sheeples’, following their masters orders. Baaa baaaa!🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

This law is nothing more than another ego trip by the control freaks who frequently demonstrate their own Anti Social Personality Traits; including lack of empathy for others.

Perverting the course of justice. “The charge of perverting the course of justice can apply to the accused or anyone else who tries to stop the police and the courts from doing their job”. Example; The Hate Crime Bill; introducing unethical policies/laws which prioritise police time and may result in prison sentences. The dysfunctional, corrupt, SNP for several years have already instructed police/judiciary to reduce investigations of serious crimes/and are releasing prisoners early; deliberately increasing safety concerns, for everyone else.

SNP accused of ‘lies’ as we reveal secret list of Recorded Police Warning crimes.

  1. Divide and conquer; to increase MORE divisions in society. MORE chaos and malicious intent to cause harm for the public to deal with.The object is: to ruin MORE lives.
  2. Whilst diverting attention away from the real cause and effect of all the crises: the state terrorists; AKA as narcissists and or psychopaths (who operate without a conscience) – are manipulating and exploiting the public. Your suffering, makes them feel MORE powerful because they are feeding off your misery.
  3. The SNP Hate crime law will significantly, incite more hatred and criminal behaviour; and by forcing the police to investigate trivialities, whilst real crime is ignored, they are also reducing the chance of the authority criminals facing justice.
  4. They will continue to destroy community life, from the inside, by pitting equally dysfunctional neighbours, and employees/friends/family etc., against each other and promote more psychological/social harm by increasing fear amongst the public at large.
  5. This law will increase bullying/abuse against children and adults, with more violence and criminal damage, but the decision makers will not get their hands dirty to avoid accountability; they will blame everyone else. Example: the paedos (and their supporters) will accuse their victims of ‘hurty’ words/speech and use it as an excuse to avoid prison.

THE SOLUTION: Please- do NOT turn on each other over trivial matters, but use knowledge and evidence of the corruption/illegal actions against the SNP and Co., decision makers. Authority criminals cannot be allowed to introduce or enforce laws. The communities need to stay strong; so we can create better, safer more productive lives for ourselves – by working together. We have a lot to gain.


No power to make laws which are incompatible with human rights Human Rights In Scotland by Amnesty.

“The Scottish Parliament has not been given the power to make laws that breach human rights. Section 29 of the Scotland Act ensures that any SP Act passed by the Scottish Parliament is not law to the extent it is incompatible with any of the Convention rights in the HRA. This is because passing such a law would be outside the legislative competence granted to the Scottish Parliament by the Scotland Act.

“In cases where the legality of a SP Act, or a particular provision of it, is challenged on this basis, the High Court of Justiciary, the Court of Session and the Supreme Court each have the power to strike down the relevant SP Act or provision on the grounds that is outside the competence of the Scottish Parliament.” But be warned; the judicial process is also very corrupt.

The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force in October 2000. It is one of the principal ways that internationally-recognised human rights are given legal effect in the UK…

“…In Scotland, human rights protections are also built into the devolution settlement by the Scotland Act 1998. Legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament is not law if it is incompatible with the rights defined in the Human Rights Act. Scottish Government ministers have no power to act in ways that are incompatible with those rights.”

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act. “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers…” but watch out for their recent alterations to the HRA.

Hate Crime Bill – Let’s Have Fun! Video by Silver Fox Hot Takes with very good advice.

Jan 2022 Scots judges accuse SNP ministers of trying to interfere with the rule of law ( I suspect the judiciary are worried about losing their jobs! This website reveals the extent of corruption; orchestrated by those who are supposed to stop/punish it and their unfitness for the positions they hold.

Scots lawyers cash-in on cops SCOTLAND’s hard-up national police force – Police Scotland – paid over TWENTY FOUR million pounds to lawyers, advocates and Kings Counsel in just under a three year period – according to documents obtained via Freedom of Information legislation.” These so-called professionals, falsely claim they are ‘independent’ but are working against the public’s interest; making it impossible to obtain [uncorrupted] legal representation. ‘They are all in it together’.

14.01.2024. Whilst Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law was arrested following a report on a break in, and he was charged with drug offences: supplying heroin, cocaine and cannabis. He was then arrested again, in connection to a related incident of a man ‘falling’ to his death. Humza will attempt to protect him and use influence again, to avoid justice being served. We must make sure that does not happen – although Humza and the SNP are wanting to decriminalise all drug offences…. It speaks volumes! If you call drug dealers by name you may be reported for hate speech, despite drug dealing has been a crime for many decades!

Everytime the public say anything to the corrupt government which they do not like (especially the truth), they accuse them of being transphobic, racist etc to deflect attention from themselves. The politicians highly inflammatory statements, [along with the misappropriation of funds, abuse of position etc], are never investigated by the police because they are part of the problem, and cover their own and the SNPs corruption.

Humza Yousaf & Anas Sawar : Scots leaders all white? That’s not the problem video by ChristianvoiceUK

“White, you say? by Mercurius Even Elon Musk called this blatant racism. Was Humza arrested for hate speech?

and SNP ‘friends of govt’ AKA as the police, attempt to arrest someone for simply airing his christian beliefs claiming someone (a trouble-maker)was offended. The preacher did not force anyone to listen.

13.01.24. Good cop, bad cop – the latter making it up as she goes along, costing the tax payer £14,900.

Christian Street Preacher wins compensation from Police Scotland (video) The individuals responsible should pay the compensation – not the public purse- but glad the man was compensated for his ordeal.

The Gazans Proposal of Humza Yousaf and Scotland by Bob of Speakers Corner. The UK used to follow Christian values until toxic personalities in authority positions, ruined our lives and destroyed our countries. They now preach hate and division.

Please do not give the tyrants what they want, think outside the box, and about the consequences of their/your actions. Please do not harm anyone who has not harmed you. By needlessly, creating enemies – there will be no one to help you later on, when you need community level support – because it is not going to get better by listening to the authority abusers. The greater the power they steal, the more dangerous the abuse will become.