…because it is being promoted by the Scottish government, who prefer to protect perpetrators, than avoid abuse.
Ch. 2 EXAMPLES OF HOW CORRUPT AUTHORITIES & the company they keep – AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY ignoring, whilst promoting the rape, torture, and enslavement of our children and teens.
Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminals, operating illegally and therefore we should remove them, put them in prison. If EVERYONE did this, all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse. The evidence is throughout this website and on many others.
JURYLESS TRIALS: The salacious, control freaks want more power to abuse.
Also see Ch.4 THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES & other sections on the same subject.
07/09/24 SNP and BBC In Trans Book Storm by Silver Fox Hot Takes CHILDREN NEED protection from fake charities and the likes of the SNP, who have direct connections with paedophiles – AKA ‘friends of government’.
Why we support single judge trials | Rape Crisis Scotland April 2023 It seems the Rape Crisis Scotland has been compromised as it’s now advocating jury free trials! Shameful. I wonder how much that decision cost the tax-payer?
Earlier in 2022 “In a series of salacious messages, Brian McConnachie QC also sent a sexually explicit photograph of himself from the toilets of a high court building minutes after defending a rape accused.”
“If senior QCs are willing to behave in this way towards someone in Rape Crisis, how are they behaving towards young women entering the profession or women they are cross-examining in sexual offence cases?” Typical of the calibre of so-called professionals favoured by the Scottish government.
30.04.23The SNP want jury free trials so they can have total control over all court decisions, and allow more criminality including their own, to go unpunished. It is a ‘get out of jail card’ for those who can pay or use influence.
SNP decriminalising rapists and increasing crime. Did you vote for this? The best buddies of criminals in Scotland – the SNP govt – assisted by the Lord Advocate (hand-picked by Sturgeon), are refusing to protect the public, therefore are deliberately promoting crime and are denying justice to victims.
What is the purpose of a judiciary/govt/police if they are 100% corrupt – rendering themselves grossly, unfit for the jobs they are paid to do? Not to mention the fact they are a bunch of perverts! I hope and pray they all get their due from the public, sometime soon.
Humza Yousaf has implied in Parliament that there there are “low rape figures in Scotland”, It is because Rape and other sex crimes do not get investigated and the SNP hide/destroy stats.
Another example of unethical misuse of influence and legislative power: from employing corruptable, individuals who will roll over whenever asked to engage in actions, which they know will endanger the public!
This is Unacceptable (AGAIN) by Silver Fox Hot Takes Accessed 10.02.24. Bain is Pro Rape by Silver Fox Hot Takes on the fraudulent LORD ADVOCATE Dorothy Bain. I wonder if the filthy SNP (or any of those who support them), would like to be raped and then find the rapist walks free and is then REWARDED: “…He had been due to start a football scholarship in the US as an alternative to prosecution“… and instead of prison he can do a 6 week social work course so he can then take up the scholarship in the US!
16/06/24 The authority criminals and their sycophants/enablers/enforcers are at it again by [aiding and abetting & Art & Part Scotland) by Wikipedia – advocating the grooming, torture and rape of our children. They do not have a legal or moral leg to stand on – so are advocating juryless trials, however the deeply corrupted, state criminals lost their right to make or alter legislation they moment they became criminals themselves – decades ago!
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2015/9/part/3/enacted The Serious Crime Act 2015
URGENT: The kids need the public to protect them from the establishment [who are AKA as part of a global crime syndicate].
Child abuse is the most abhorrent of all crimes which results in life-time harm to the victims, yet it is the most valued & promoted by the perverts in power. The schools already sanction the grooming of kids and in other public places, now they have influenced nursery staff into normalising the sexual abuse of infants, all are complicit by aiding and abetting whilst are ignoring their duty of care. The more they get away with, the worse it will become.
Where is the outrage at the exploitation of our kids❓- currently being suppressed by the other politician’s/MSM/police/social platforms and the rest of the paedophile network who are also aiding and abetting crimes. The decent members in every community needs to protect the public, especially the kids.
“… any other person who, knowing or believing him to be guilty of the offence or of some [F2other relevant offence], does without * lawful authority or reasonable excuse any act with intent to impede his apprehension or prosecution shall be guilty of an offence.”
* N.B. It is not a lawful authority – when those who make/amend any of the laws are operating under false pretences/illegally. They are all corrupt.
We have no choice, but to establish our own safety and security in the communities, to protect ourselves from those who are deliberately engaging in harm. The public are being attacked by those who steal our money and call themselves the authority.
15/06/24 A blackmailer and sexual predator – just another example of the calibre of persons favoured by the corrupt, morally devoid, Scottish govt.
“A former SNP activist who was pictured with Nicola Sturgeon and once tweeted how he wanted “beat the f**k” out of feminists has been jailed for sexually assaulting six young adults.
Cameron Downing, 24, preyed on his victims at locations across Scotland during a course of conduct which began when he was just 16-years-old.”
29.02.24 https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/former-snp-council-leader-jordan-32240275 “A former SNP council leader has been charged by police over multiple alleged sexual offences.” Is there anyone working in positions of trust in Scotland, not a pervert?
Update 26.04.24 https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/former-snp-council-leader-jordan-32671282
“…a former member of the SNP and leader of North Lanarkshire Council until July 2022, appeared in private at Dundee Sheriff Court on Thursday to face a total of 17 charges. I wonder🤔 if the sheriff will be a carefully selected, ‘friend of govt’!
Aiding and abetting/art and part – sexual/ psychological/ physical/ & social abuse of the children.
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2009/9/contents Sexual Offences Act (Scotland) Act 2009
https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/scots-nurseries-adopt-guidelines-claiming-32823674 They are not fit or proper persons, to look after or make decisions about any child.
“We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!”
by Roger Waters & David Gilmour
They don’t need indoctrination, They don’t need to be abused.
YOU are causing actual harm; Enablers leave them kids alone!
Hey! Teachers leave them kids alone!
Update 06/07/24 Whilst you were distracted elsewhere:
Sneaky SNP Pervs Release Cass Report Response Today And Hope To Bury The News! video by Silver Fox Hot Takes The SNP are always declaring to the public “we are proud of what we have achieved.”
21/04/24 Wake up Scotland- Is the SNP worth your kids? video by Demirep Thank you Granny Optrex, for being angry, which is the normal reaction expected from those of us who care about protecting children, from these repulsive, sexual predators.
The pure evil: SNP, the rest of the authorities, charities and the disgusting school staff, are aiding and abetting this serious abuse of trust, and should all be locked up in the interest of child protection. I would like to see all parents remove their kids. Sexualising our children, (and the dirty paedos are after the primary ones too), is the ‘New Normal’ being promoted by the equally degenerate WEF, WHO and UN etc. It seems that Sturgeon and Yousaf, Swinney (and Patrick Harvie etc), are trying to get their attention to be invited in!
The most abhorrent actions, even worse than female genital mutilation: Gender reassignment and the grooming of children. Anyone supporting the decision makers are sanctioning the lifelong, sadistic abuse of children. It makes them complicit and culpable, for the harm being caused.
No-one in their right mind with a moral compass, would have deemed it appropriate to allow children to change sex, and sterilise them, especially when their emotional/physical development is not mature enough for them to make those decisions on their own. What happened to FIRST DO NOT HARM? 🤔🤔🤔Nobody has the right to coerce another person, (of any age) into doing something, to suit their own twisted and perverse agendas.
The decision makers are dysfunctional and toxic: https://theconversation.com/pathological-power-the-danger-of-governments-led-by-narcissists-and-psychopaths-123118 Author: Steve Taylor Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Leeds Beckett University
Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) developed by Psychopathy expert Dr Robert Hare
A person with anti-social personality disorder may:
- exploit, manipulate or violate the rights of others
- lack concern, regret or remorse about other people’s distress
- behave irresponsibly and show disregard for normal social behaviour
- have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships
- be unable to control their anger
- lack guilt, or not learn from their mistakes
- blame others for problems in their lives
- repeatedly break the law
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights– are embedded in many laws – but the dysfunctional authority criminals do not want you to know that.
🚩🚩🚩As for the traitors who support the abhorrent gender ideologies of our governments, they are nothing more than pro-child mutilators, following in the footsteps of the Nazi collaborators.
Josef Mengele What Were The Human Experiments? – HISTORY ON THE NET
“Most of his subjects were children, and he would reportedly do blood transfusions from the one twin to the other, do amputations and try to sew it onto the other twin, stitch two twins together to form Siamese twins, infect one twin with typhus or another disease and many other experiments.”
“His crimes represent the extreme danger posed by science when it is conducted in the service of an ideology that denies the rights, dignity, and humanity of certain groups of people”.
1.01.24 Outrage as SNP proposes ‘seven years in jail’ for parents who refuse kids gender change.
“Parents may even be prosecuted pre-emptively, before any refusal about their child changing gender takes place” These criminals who call themselves the Scottish government, have repeatedly proven themselves to be unfit for public office, in positions which they acquired under false pretences. Forcing gender changes on children and teenagers who are vulnerable and cannot consent to something they do not fully understand – is criminal and against their Human Rights.
Who was the real monster as depicted in Mary Shelleys story of Frankenstein? The creation or the creator?
Gender Identity Clinic NHS Scotland
‘Damning report’ on Tavistock sees clinic forced to close | Sky News Australia
“Sky News host Rowan Dean says the NHS-run gender clinic Tavistock has been forced to close after a “damning report” deemed it was offering unsafe services – including sex changes to children”.
“So unsafe that 1,000 families are expected to join together – 1,000 – in pushing a medical negligence lawsuit. Watch out for the delaying tactics and the carefully ‘selected’ judiciary.
Josef Mengele | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org) and other Nazi war criminals, also enjoyed conducting ‘experiments’ on vulnerable people, including the children. They too tried to justify their actions with lame excuses, to deflect from their heinous abuse. Many companies who collaborated with the Nazis, still function today.
Would these adults allow someone to cut off their body parts without their informed consent? No, of course not, but they are perfectly at ease authorising the abuse and exploitation of highly impressionable children, who cannot defend themselves. It is barbaric.
23.01.23 “A school survey in Scotland will ask seven-year-olds about their gender identity “SNP and Lib Dem-run Aberdeen City Council organised the survey for 59 schools..”
This is highly inappropriate/ intrusive questioning by the SNP and not the business of untrustworthy authorities, because they appear to be catering to, by making it easier to identify potential victims, for their predator friends. Advise your children to avoid answering for their own protection. The queen of bribes Nicola Sturgeon and her sycophants the SNP, also bribed school kids with a sex survey before allowing them bus passes, and now they have the information, they are scrapping the bus pass.
A normal education to enable children to have employment choices is abandoned, as they clearly only want everyone to be subservient to the government, probably most people will be forced into slavery, including in state run brothels.
If the SNP had spent as much time on the general education and welfare of the children, instead of exploiting them, the children might have had a future to look forward to.
The career ending blunder of a #Narcissist – YouTube a more serious video by Mercurius, made before Nicola Sturgeon resigned.
When discussing the LGBTQ crisis, Nicola distinctly reveals her narcissistic side. A common trait used by them, is to project themselves onto others as a means to deflect attention away from their own flaws/wrongdoing.
Projection is a defence mechanism against revealing their overly fragile egos which they attempt to hide behind a mask, to obscure their deep feelings of insecurity. What that means is that narcissists go into attack mode (pre-emptive strikes), to “get in first” as their way of handling difficult situations (see CHA section Ch. 1), by making accusations which more accurately describe themselves – rather than the person(s) they aim to discredit. (On a positive note – it allows others to recognise they may be dealing with a narcissist!). It works similar to the ‘Freudian slip’ which is a suppressed thought, that comes to the surface and reveals the very thing they want to hide!
Nicola gave herself away in the video by falsely claiming that “people who have opposed this bill,[gender recognition bill] just as they are transphobic, you will also find that they are deeply misogynist, often homophobic , racist as well…” She is trying to coerce others into her way of thinking; and to guilt trip them if do they not agree with her. This is also an example of gaslighting and what she says, is also utter and complete nonsense.
The rehearsed speech is also a ‘double whammy’ for her by focusing on LGBT rights when they already have enough protection, under the Equality Act as a protected characteristic. She may be revealing more about herself. There are persistent rumours that she is possibly a lesbian. Malignant narcissists permanently feel a deep sense of shame about who they are (but never for how they treat others), and go to great lengths to hide it. Nicola may be refusing to acknowledge her own sexuality. By trying to ‘normalise’ the extreme views by some members of LGBT, she may later feel more comfortable if her own true gender identity as being in one of these categories, is accidently exposed.
The shameless Nicola Sturgeon and sycophants, have used this minority group as a tool to serve her/their own political and self-indulgent agendas. Narcissists do not care about anyone except themselves or about the consequences of their actions. Instead of naturally integrating the LGBTQ group more into society, she has caused more division and harm for them – and for everyone else, by promoting the extreme and dangerous behaviours of some within the trans community. Narcissists thrive on the chaos, physical and psychological harm they cause others. They also encourage the same negative traits with others.
What Does The P Stand For In SNP? – YouTube by Silver Fox Hot Takes
“Celtic Boys Club Enquiry Denied by SNP video” ⬇ by Silver Fox accessed 06.12.23
Please research advice from experts instead of warped politicians & the company they keep, who do not care about the harm they cause, as self-gratification is their only objective and the reason they are also trying to normalise sex with young, vulnerable children and teenagers.
Q. Why is the Scottish government being paid to support criminals; especially sex offenders, when they have a duty of care to the public not to the perpetrators? Protecting/promoting criminal behaviour is not part of their remit – but the safety of the public is!
A. Serious organised crime – Crime prevention – gov.scot (www.gov.scot) The Scottish government are part of an organised crime syndicate.
Child sexual exploitation – Child protection – gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Evidence down the page.
Humza’s Paedy Consent Laws by Silver Fox Hot Takes
“Humza Yousaf and his seedy peedy degenerates in the SNP is leading the world in the legalisation of abuse. The latest directive removes punishment for the worst crimes and simply suggests “Lessons in Consent” for perpetrators of the crimes.”
& Gaslighting the kids- predators, pervs, peeds! both videos by Silver Fox Hot Takes.
13.07.23 Scots sex attacker who molested sleeping child walks free from court – Daily Record
The Degenerate Filth Of The Legal Profession by Silver Fox Hot Takes
The very young victim was denied any justice/compensation until after her QC father died – because he used influence to avoid prosecution.
Q. When is the law not the law?
A. When those whose job is to protect the public, would rather protect the child rapists.
Automatic prison sentences should be given to all those committing these heinous crimes along with their enablers.
Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (legislation.gov.uk)
Sexual Coercion (s4-6 of the 2009 Act) – Crime.Scot
“Coercion and intimidation are often common features, with involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child/young person’s limited availability of choice resulting from their social, economic and/or emotional vulnerability”.
Too young to understand they are being groomed/violated by the state and the schools warn the kids not to tell parents what they are doing, just like any other sexual predator.
“Scottish Ministers have gone to ground in a row over a school in an SNP-run local authority accused of promoting promiscuity to pupils.
Concerns have been raised over pupils at Alva Academy in Clackmannanshire being presented with material about polyamory, the lifestyle that promotes multiple partners at the same time.”
The Family Sex Show cancelled amid threats and abuse at staff – BBC News
Sexual Offences Act 2003 (legislation.gov.uk)
Excuse me while I throw up! Nicola Sturgeon, a predator and best buddy to paedophiles/rapists and a mutilator of children, has the audacity to announce she cares about children and is considering fostering! Hell no!
Narcissist Parents Are Hurt Machines to Their Children – (narcissistfamilyfiles.com)
A normal education to enable children to have employment choices is abandoned, as they clearly only want everyone to be subservient to the government, probably most people will be forced into slavery, including in state run brothels. If the SNP had spent as much time on the general education and welfare of the children, instead of exploiting them, the children might have had a future to look forward to.
Teachers have expressed concern over ‘disturbing’ images being shown to kids as young as eight by The Scotttish Daily Express Warning – graphic!
“Children in Scottish primary schools are being asked to talk openly about their sexuality in class and are exposed to images of full frontal nudity, say teachers who think parents should know what’s in the SNP’s sex ed curriculum. A number of Scottish teachers have said parents should be aware of lessons plans within the relationships, sexual health and parenthood (RSHP) curriculum that have left kids feeling uncomfortable and in some cases have been removed by head teachers who say the content is inappropriate for pupils as young as eight or nine years old.”
Outrage over WHO advice on sexuality for infants (telegraph.co.uk)
Nicola covets a job at the United Nations to join the rest of the perverts who wish to have unlimited access to abuse children.
“A life after politics doesn’t faze me…the world is my oyster.” she says, proving she is not a loyal Scot after all and Independence was just a power grab for her and not for the benefit of Scotland. Nicola is only out for what she can get – for herself and does not care how she gets it or who she harms. 100% narcissistic behaviour! Lock her up. [If she and her co-conspirators are allowed by Police Scotland/judiciary to escape abroad, it will help her/them avoid accountability, and justice for millions in Scotland will be denied].
HPS Website – STI diagnoses continue to rise in Scotland of course they do, just as the health service is at it’s worst.
The Ugly Truth Behind Monkeypox Finally Revealed – YouTube
The criminals in govt/NHS/ charities/regulators are complicit in breaking laws, making their authority over us – NULL and VOID!
The governments on behalf of the WEF, WHO, UN, etc are exploiting/abusing/mutilating/sterilising our kids and deliberately and recklessly causing lifelong harm/potentially death, to suit their own perverse agendas. Vulnerable children have the right to protection, which is currently being ignored by the decision makers in the SNP.
‘Dr Sonal Shah, an expert on sudden infant death syndrome, said McFee could have killed the babies.
“This is an appalling crime.” Graeme Dey, SNP MSP for Angus South, said: “One has to assume the court must have had very good reason to pass a sentence which, on the face of it, appears unduly lenient.” It is certainly not in the name of child protection.
Well, Nicola Sturgeon would know as she appointed: Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown who is literally ‘the poster girl’ for the Judiciary of Scotland. She does not abide by court rules, laws or her solemn oath and corruption keeps her and the rest of them employed. See my evidence/experience in Chapter 2: Court Matters; Denied My Legal Rights…
…and do not forget how they diverted money to promote porn: https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/penny-mordaunts-porn-movie-taunt-32353793 “…The Scottish Government have presided over a six figure sum of Scottish taxpayers’ money being spent on an art installation that promises, and I quote, a magical erotic journey through a distinctively Scottish landscape, otherwise known to the rest of us as a hardcore porn movie.”
Are the SNP /Scottish govt and their enablers completely insane? If anyone assaults a member of my family, I will send real men, not cowards after the perpetrators and their guardians in the SNP. No-one is safe with these twisted perverts in government. The authority criminals need to be dragged out of their offices by their hair and taken where they can NEVER HARM ANYONE AGAIN.
The SNP[an organised serious crime syndicate] make a mockery of legislation, and have deliberately made Scotlands streets, work/school/hospital and home environments dangerous places to be, by their premeditated actions. By refusing to prevent this serious threat to the safety of the public, the rest of the establishment have also proven – they are unfit for purpose.
We have no choice other than to take matters into our own hands from now on.