“The Law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The Law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law becomes the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!”
“..Thus, as the force of an individual cannot lawfully touch the person, the liberty, or the property of another individual – for the same reason, the common force cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, the liberty, or the property of individuals or of classes.” by Frederic Bastiat 1850
Update 22/01/25 The establishment persecutes the unemployed who have few choices, whilst failing to honour their obligations example: Article 23 of THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
- Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
- Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
- Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
- Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Examples Under the pretense of the govts Biggest fraud crackdown in a generation it wants to remove all claimants cars, which will restrict their mobility and obviously prevent them from travelling to work interviews! The govt also gave itself powers to access all bank accounts of benefit claimants (including pensioners). Time we saw theirs❗
“Welfare fraudsters who cheated the taxpayer out of £7 billion last year could be banned from driving if they repeatedly fail to reimburse the public and repay their debt.” The DWP’s own errors have cost the tax payer the most money. Yes, genuine fraud should be stopped, but the worst offenders are those who have unrestrained access to fraudulently obtained incomes; using govt positions/influence and to avoid any punishment:
Zahawi fined £5 million with no conviction, Carer convicted after 30p error video by implausibleblog
“But he insisted HMRC had found it was a non-deliberate, “careless” mistake.” A LIAR & A FRAUD. However, Q. What does it say about HMRC who allowed it to accumulate❗ A. They are in cahoots❗
& back in 2012 “Fraud MP Margaret Moran given supervision order
Former MP Margaret Moran has been given a two-year supervision order by a court after falsely claiming more than £53,000 in expenses.
A judge had ruled the ex-Labour MP for Luton South was unfit to stand trial for mental health reasons and so could not receive a criminal conviction.” Alleged mental health reasons – but was caught on camera days after the hearing – partying to celebrate getting off the hook! Another LIAR & FRAUD. There are plenty more frauds & liars among the politicians & co.
It is a pity the establishment didn’t spent as much time & money on the public as they do on (often fraudulently) lining their own pockets and of those who only work for profit: in individual organisations/companies/charities who are actually working against the public interest.
This includes CEO’s & staff of companies who are paid £multi-billions yearly, to remove incomes from those who seek work, eg Atos, Serco, Unum, etc Banks, the fake Job centre. There has been a concerted effort by scheming, authorities [over decades], to orchestrate actions to increase absolute poverty & unemployment by destroying local businesses, jobs, and from over populating the UK etc. They want everyone to either be eradicated or dependent on the state; as their slaves. They deliberately destroyed our rights to enjoy a social life, good health, safety and security etc.
“Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”
Biggest fraud crackdown in a generation If the government ministers & co, were themselves investigated and those found to be guilty of fraud were actively removed – along with their assets – the money saved would create an abundance of [non-govt related] meaningful, employment opportunities – which would successfully improve the quality of all our lives and reduce employment/poverty. We could employ real professionals, instead of the ‘pretendy’ ones who are carefully selected by the state for the sole purpose of bullying the public, and to cover their corruption.
We could open up many factories, produce more of our own goods, assist farmers and grow more of our own healthier food, dramatically improve everything to benefit society as a whole and not for the select few.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” – Albert Einstein
Or, you could do nothing to protect/assist yourselves and each other to have everything taken away from you by the most untrustworthy: THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES, & Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch4….
Update 21/01/25 😲Another massive power grab and abuse of position to deliberately cause great harm/death to everyone – except those making these decisions. (Under the guise of protecting the environment – as if they give a toss!). Being sneaked in whilst we are distracted elsewhere!
The Climate and Nature Bill will destroy the UK economy and end private property by HOPEGIRL BLOG
“Homeowners may be required to demolish and rebuild their houses to meet energy efficiency standards, with the possibility of remote control over energy usage.”
“The bill will restrict people’s freedom to decide what to do with their own money and use the free market, and will instead allow the government to control the economy.”
“It will have a devastating impact on the economy, potentially leading to its collapse, and will leave people with limited options for making a living, such as growing their own vegetables and selling them.”
“It’s worth noting the hypocrisy of those people who are pushing for the Bill. They will be the same people who attend climate summits and global summits and are often the most wasteful, using private jets to travel to these events four or five times a year”
Let us not forget their friends who give out freebies (bribes?) to politicians & co e.g. Taylor Swift – “A total of more than 175,000 miles flown over the course of 2023 between the two jets.“
Taylor Swift’s Two Private Jets in 2023: Where Did They Go? video by Ground Control
Force them to give way – by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
Update 14/01/25 End of Home Schooling: The State Want Your Children video by Actual Coverage
“We Are Their Parents” claim the delusional, psychopathic, predatory govts. The deeply corrupted UK state & co, who have already proven to protect/promote rape & terrorism operating in or outside of govt, are the cause and effect of all the social problems.
The state terrorists are entitled to go to prison for the rest of their lives; for a whole array of criminal offences, including Serious Organised Crime; embezzlement, money laundering, psychological warfare & exploitation of the majority of the public, destroying jobs & the economy, & their fraudulent abuse of position etc… then they bribe, and use influence to avoid accountability. They are hardly role models for anyone’s kids – not even their own.
Serious and organised crime (SOC) is criminal activity that is planned, coordinated and committed by people working individually, in groups, or as part of transnational networks. It usually centres on acquiring money, profit, influence and power. Sexual gratification is also a motivator in some cases. The activities used to achieve these aims vary widely. The most harmful serious and organised crimes fall into the following categories:
- border vulnerabilities (trafficking of criminal commodities across borders);
- illegal firearms;
- cybercrime;
- fraud;
- drug trafficking;
- money laundering and illicit finance;
- modern slavery and human trafficking;
- organised immigration crime;
- kidnap and extortion;
- child sexual abuse and exploitation; and
- bribery, corruption and sanctions evasion
I have exposed many examples throughout this website & with links to others; about members of govts & co, being engaged in the very actions they claim they are regulating. Their actions speak louder than their words❗
13/12/24 This link and other links connected to the contents 🔽 have been censored/removed. UK Ministers and WEF, Christine Massey Tells All, More Jab Contents Research. – Investigating The Alleged COVID-19 Pandemic (cvpandemicinvestigation.com)
😛So I will put a copy of what they do not want you to see:
“Suggested letter to MP (UK) re WEF Interests – Sent From Alex Thomson
Dear [Member of Parliament],
It has come to my attention that seven current and former members of the Cabinet, namely Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid, George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt, Priti Patel and Elizabeth Truss, are members of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”). I would suggest this represents a conflict of interest. At the very least it raises serious questions as to whether the decision making of such Cabinet ministers is based upon what is best for the nation or as often appears, as “shadow” spokespersons for the WEF. A recent example would be the statement made by Elizabeth Truss regarding Russia and the Ukraine which can be viewed here www.bbc.com/news/uk-….
In addition, several political figures have gone through the WEF Young Global Leaders (“YGL”) program, namely Tony Blair (1993), Gordon Brown (1993), Ed Balls (2005), Yvette Cooper (2005) David Cameron (2006), Shami Chakrabarti (2006), Kate Garvey (2007), Douglas Alexander (2007), Brendan Cox (2012), Chuka Umunna (2012), and Lord Nat Wei Min (2013). Research suggests that the YGLs program is a five year indoctrination into the WEF principles with the goal being the creation of world leaders who do not answer to the people, but rather to the WEF. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, said in 2017, “What we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our young global leaders.”
Whilst not an expert on the WEF, a cursory glance at the website gives cause for concern. For example, in 2016 Ceri Parker, Commissioning Editor, Agenda, WEF, published an article “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” – www.weforum.org/agen…. I would like to draw your attention to point 1 of the article which states, “All products have become services” and goes on to state that we, the people, won’t own anything rather we’ll “borrow” what we need on demand. Please can you explain if the people do not own anything, then who does? The State? Corporations? If the people are not permitted to own anything, is that not a return to feudalism?
Please can you further explain how the WEF intends to get “buy in” from the British people to relinquish everything they own, everything they have inherited or worked so hard to attain and instead “borrow” everything and “be happy”? Who benefits from the implementation of “Agenda 2030”?
Could you please respond to the following questions:
1. do all members of the Cabinet support the WEF global agenda?
2. to what extent does WEF policy influence the decision making of the Cabinet?
3. what influence over national affairs do Young Global Leaders have? I ask since it is evident many are in highly paid positions throughout the private sector.
4. how many members of Parliament agree with and support the WEF agenda?
5. do you believe that any politician or political figure with links to the WEF should be obligated to disclose that relationship to the public? If not, as such connections raise clear concern regarding conflict of interest, can you please provide your reasoning as to why the public do not have a right to be informed?
6. what is your understanding of the WEF, its aims and influence, either directly or indirectly, on national policy?
These are critical questions that must be answered because I did not elect Klaus Schwab to a government position nor did I vote for Agenda 2030, nor did anyone in our country yet the events of the last two years would seem to suggest that much of the WEF agenda is being implemented, with direct and detrimental impact on the daily lives of the British public.
It is imperative that all British citizens be made aware of the existence of the WEF and understand its role in the governing of our nation. I therefore look forward to your urgent response and clarification.”
I will make an educated guess – that none of our fake leaders & co have been asked or answered any of these questions! Maybe the public everywhere, should ask them [ publicly] – & whenever they spot a politician❗
Q. When is the law, not the law❓ A. When those whose job it is to uphold the law, do not even recognise the true meaning of justice.
“…the statement ‘the purpose of the law is to cause justice to reign’ is not rigorously accurate statement. It ought to be stated that the purpose of the law is to prevent injustice from reigning.
In fact it is injustice, instead of justice that has an existence of its own. Justice is achieved only when injustice is absent.”
“The people of the community have a right to demand some safeguards concerning the acts upon which their welfare and existence depend.”
The Law by Frederic Bastiat – video by freedomuniversity
Update 03/11/24 Revealed: King charging millions for NHS to use his land video by Times Radio. ❤❤❤ Please watch. The Royal ‘handouts’ received at a great cost to the public, are used to increase their own wealth & power.
The [self titled elitist thieves] who contribute nothing to benefit society but take plenty away, want to steal £Billions more from the taxpayer- example: under the guise of Reparatory justice for slavery which happened before the current taxpayers were even born. They ignore the fact their pillaging of the public purse, and their rules/policies/ laws [generated from their abuse of position] to massively increase wealth/power for themselves, is an extreme and cruel exploitation of the poorest in the UK: tantamount to modern day slavery, acts of terrorism & more – resulting in great harm and premature death to the masses. Members of the WEF [including the King] share a twisted agenda they planned for us: “You will own nothing and be happy” as their slaves …or be dead. All their diabolical actions & decisions prove that everything was premeditated – decades ago.
“At Anti-Slavery International, we define modern slavery as when an individual is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. Whether tricked, coerced, or forced, they lose their freedom. This includes but is not limited to human trafficking, forced labour and debt bondage…”
King Charles Warned To ‘Get His House In Order’ Over Private Jet article by Newsweek. We have travel restrictions forced upon us in our own areas by dangerous fake leaders under the pretence of reducing carbon emissions: But they create more carbon than anyone else ❗
Example: “The plane is among the most fuel efficient available but still created 7.35 tonnes of carbon, which would be equivalent to 368kg per passenger one-way, assuming there were around 20 people on board, experts at aviation consultancy IBA told Newsweek.”
Q. What did we get in return from them who are supposed to keep us safe❓
A. CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL / FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE. Food banks, businesses destroyed, homelessness, a dangerously high cost of living, reduced health care, an increased danger to life on a daily basis etc…
All are criminal offences orchestrated by our [HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE] governments and their entourage of equally unscrupulous, and often ‘twisted’, sycophants [enablers/enforcers] who they employ and reward to cover their backs! ….and rubber stamped by the Monarchy with Royal Assent.
UNVEILING THE SCANDAL BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE NHS and innumerable abuses of our human rights.
THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS The more power the authority criminals & co gained, the more dangerous [to the rest of us] they became. This is a prime example of how some people have successfully pursued careers, to use for dishonourable means.
But we need to bring about change now and remove the megalomaniacs &co – NOW. See down page about ⬇ 4 stages of IDEALOGICAL SUBVERSION. Let us throw the traitors out the door, without violence, just by using strength of numbers and show them we are taking charge of our own affairs. THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY LEGAL / MORAL RIGHT TO CONTROL US- no matter what they claim❗
Gabor Mate ‘It’s like we’re watching Auschwitz on TikTok’video by Middle East Eye
Updated page 17/10/24 A very powerful speech by Gabor Mate, and a wake up call to the rest of us. When the worst personality types are allowed to operate in positions of authority: “people like this are empowered and it’s beyond comprehension and as to your statement about you thought that it would end at some point, actually it’s the other way around. When people like this are empowered and encouraged and allowed and supported and perpetrating their horrors, they get more crazy, they get more cruel, they get more remorseless more relentless, uh more ruthless that’s what happened to the Nazis… ”
As the international organizations, orchestrated this and many other atrocities, they have invalidated their right to hold positions of power/trust. Instead they should forcibly be removed (non-violent, unless in self-defence), and detained. The public in every community, need to be the judges, as the existing ones are so corrupt and part of the problem; they can no longer be allowed to make decisions which cause harm. The warmongers/state terrorists & their accomplices must be punished and their proceeds of crime/& from using influence – confiscated. The money used to regenerate the communities/country and give compensation to innocent victims.
TOTALITARIANISM definition by Britannica
“In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression…”
“Under totalitarian rule, traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed. Thus, the social fabric is weakened and people become more amenable to absorption into a single, unified movement. Participation in approved public organizations is at first encouraged and then required.“
4 Stages of “Ideological Subversion” according to Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological warfare in action article by Nitiga Pant
Very important reading material; 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion according to Yuri Bezmenova because it is pertinent to what is going on right now. Article was written by Nitigya Pant Feb 4, 2024.
“The four stages he outlined serve as a framework for understanding the gradual erosion of a society’s values, beliefs, and institutions.
Stage 1: Demoralization
Demoralization is the first stage of ideological subversion, and it involves the systematic undermining of a society’s moral and ethical foundations. Bezmenov explained that this process typically takes 15–20 years, roughly the time needed to educate one generation. During this stage, foreign agents seek to infiltrate educational institutions, media, and cultural platforms to influence the minds of young people. The goal is to instill a sense of disillusionment, moral relativism, and a rejection of traditional values.
In the demoralization phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms. The emphasis is on creating a sense of instability and disorientation within the target population. This sets the stage for the subsequent phases of ideological subversion.
(eg sexually explicit material in schools, normalising sex with children, sterilising and torturing our children with unnecessary gender reassignment, destroying the family/community life, cause divisions in society…)
Stage 2: Destabilization
Once demoralization has taken root, the next stage is destabilization. This phase is characterized by the weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society. Bezmenov pointed out that this process can be expedited if foreign influence successfully manipulates the political, economic, and defense systems. Key sectors such as law enforcement, military, and intelligence are targeted to compromise the nation’s ability to respond to external and internal threats.
Destabilization aims to create a state of crisis, fostering a sense of insecurity and anxiety among the population. Economic instability, social unrest, and political polarization become prominent features of this stage, laying the groundwork for further manipulation.
(eg; remove our rights to force their twisted agendas on us -controlled by removal of incomes by digital currency (CBDC) & social credit scores/ inhuman gender reforms & reassignment/ the normalising of degenerate behaviour/ massive illegal immigration, releasing dangerous criminals from prison to abuse & distract us / forced medication & treatments/ total lack of freedom with concentration camps in ghettos / rapidly increased authoritarian control over us [with them master- us slave]; with no human/legal rights or support systems to defend ourselves.etc)
Stage 3: Crisis
The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. Bezmenov highlighted that this crisis could manifest in various forms, including political upheaval, economic collapse, or social unrest. The goal is to push the society to a breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.
During the crisis phase, external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies or solutions. This creates an opportunity for a shift in power dynamics and the imposition of foreign ideologies on the now susceptible population.
Stage 4: Normalization
The final stage is normalization, where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm. Bezmenov emphasized that this phase is not about a return to stability but rather the establishment of a new societal order based on the foreign ideology. The once-targeted society is now reshaped according to the infiltrating force’s vision, erasing its original cultural identity and values.
(The Great Reset‘, ‘The New Normal‘ forced upon us to fulfill the abnormal egos of narcissists/psychopaths and the rest of the global control freaks connected to the WEF, UN, WHO etc so “we will own nothing, but be happy” (or dead).
Normalization solidifies the control of the foreign ideology, and the population may no longer resist as the altered reality becomes accepted and internalized. The society is transformed, and the process of ideological subversion is complete.
Yuri Bezmenov’s insights into the stages of ideological subversion remain relevant, serving as a cautionary reminder of the importance of preserving the values, institutions, and cultural identity that define a nation. Understanding these stages provides a framework for recognizing and countering potential threats to the integrity of a society.”
We [all the public] are in grave danger. Now is the time to physically take action against them. The change WE need to bring about – is to systematically block/remove them all, or we will all be living in the hell they created for us – whilst they live off the misery of everyone else. Please think of the children!
Community spirit is the enemy of tyrants.
09/10/24 Q. Have you noticed that presenters and others are again, supporting govts [AKA state terrorists] in the removal of ALL our human rights by trying to lure the public into the trap– that if we get rid of the ECHR, it will solve the illegal immigration problems It is a ruse – a tactical manoeuvre to further weaken us. Please, do not fall for it.Q. Why do they never point out the fact our govts are just criminals, operating illegally and therefore we should remove them, put them in prison. If everyone did this, all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse. ‘Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.‘
The public can then employ people who know how to do the job of putting security measures in place to protect our borders, and everything else, and make it punitive not invite/reward/promote the unvetted illegal criminals if/when they arrive.
I like Craig Houston, and also I have a high moral compass, but I cannot take his advice about joining the SDP because of a very simple statement, found on their website home page; under the heading END MASS MIGRATION. “We will withdraw from the 1951 UN refugee convention, the ECHR and all other international instruments which deny UK border sovereignty.” I do not agree we should sacrifice all our human rights as being the only solution to the much needed control of our borders, because we could achieve this without making ourselves more vulnerable. I am sure many members of the public could also come up with numerous solutions.
Yes, UN, WEF, WHO, & the many other international organisations who have been proven to be traitors, should never again be allowed to interfere with the decision making in the UK. But, we need to keep the UDHR, ECHR, HRA as it is our only current defence against them [and they have abused them and laws so many times, which is why they want to remove them- to avoid accountability] and due to the fact all the political parties and collaborators, are now using policies and legislation as weapons to deliberately cause us harm & premature death. We should be concentrating on holding them to account for their dangerous actions/abuse.
I strongly believe we do not need any political parties making the decisions for us. We need to dramatically reduce the chance of state abuse ever occurring again – by taking away ALL the power from them and sharing this responsibility/decision making [creating new jobs and opportunities] with ALL the members of the communities:
Instead of employing ministers/politicians/ and police, judiciary etc appointed by the state – giving jobs to their equally corrupt friends, companies/organisations etc, creating wealth and opportunities for the relatively few [and by making the public work entirely for them], we can cut out all of these and directly give jobs to members of the community who will work together in the best interests of the public. Those who cannot work can contribute in other ways, sharing knowledge, skills etc. Open up factories, training centres etc., to give skills to pupils to increase choices and employment opportunities.
We will hold those who break laws and cause harm directly and swiftly accountable. We will be the judge and jury. We can train and employ those we can trust and if they betray that trust; they can be punished accordingly to what is appropriate and give them jobs where they cannot do harm. We can ensure the safety, health and future for us all, and give our children a real future to look forward to and bring to fruition rather than listening to more lies and empty promises to get our attention.