“Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [ruling class] can imprint [their] own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [they] plan to use and destroy.”
― Joost Meerloo (Author of The Rape Of The Mind).
(Page heading image by quote fancy – actual quote also by Joost Meerlo)
Our fake leaders & co: are attempting to control the narrative and every aspect of our lives. The least trustworthy amongst us; are operating under false pretences [Ch.4] and are scheming towards legalising their absolute power – over all of us including over our children. It won’t be just minds – which are raped! The public must act quickly, to prevent them getting away with it all.
“The people of the community have a right to demand some safeguards concerning the acts upon which their welfare and existence depend.” – Frederic Bastiat.
FACT: We have more right to protect ourselves from any type of abuse – than the state criminals have to continue exploiting and abusing us.
The establishment are a SERIOUS AND ORGANISED CRIME SYNDICATE operating in plain sight avoiding accountability – for decades❗
16/01/25 Police Whistleblower Shares Horrific Story video by Triggernometry Premiered on 24 Sept 2023
Maggie as a former Detective Constable with the Greater Manchester Police, wanted to uphold the law to protect the vulnerable, but the police and the rest of the establishment prevented her from doing so. Instead they victimised the victims and did what they do best; falsify evidence and cover-up to protect the perpetrators. It happens a lot; especially when it involves those paedophiles in authority positions. They also pretend they are afraid of being labelled as a racist as a lame excuse to avoid investigating.
Q. Which is worse: a) being accused of being a racist❓
b) or of being a paedophile/or enabler for protecting them❓
They are complicit/culpable for all the abuse which occurs by refusing to charge them – as are the crown prosecution service/ministers/judges etc throughout the UK – for refusing to imprison them.
Guido Investigation: Report Starmer Cited in His Defence Over Rape Gangs Actually Slammed CPS For Putting Abuse Victim on Trial
“It was not until 12 April 2022 that the Chief Constable of GMP issued Amber with a public apology for failing to investigate the crimes against her and failing to recognise her as a child victim.”
“GMP also secretly took the aborted foetus of a 13-year-old victim to carry out a DNA test without telling her or her parents.”
Q. Why are we paying to keep [fraudulent] ‘pretendy officials’ in their jobs❓ We need JUSTICE NOW for all the victims. There is enough evidence in the public domain.
Ch. 2 EXAMPLES OF HOW CORRUPT AUTHORITIES & the company they keep – AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY The most horrific COVER-UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
Page update 23/07/24 URGENT – PLEASE PROTECT THE CHILDREN and ADULTS from life-long harm and suffering which is being promoted by the sexual predators – those frauds, who call themselves an authority. Anyone participating in or sanctioning the sexual abuse of children, is not fit to breathe the same air as the rest of us. They are grooming your kids to prepare for a life of continual sexual/ physical/ psychological/ social abuse – whilst reducing opportunities for a high standard general education, which would have helped them obtain appropriate employment anywhere else. However, the sex industry will thrive and expand – thanks to the state-controlled brothel keepers who already cater to the paedophiles and adult rapists.
Please copy/print and share evidence, censors are rapidly removing it to protect the predators. They do not care about the victims – 🚩🚩🚩just like their role models in the Nazi era:
The traitors who support the abhorrent gender ideologies of our governments – are nothing more than pro-child mutilators, following in the footsteps of the Nazi collaborators.
Josef Mengele What Were The Human Experiments? – HISTORY ON THE NET
“Most of his subjects were children, and he would reportedly do blood transfusions from the one twin to the other, do amputations and try to sew it onto the other twin, stitch two twins together to form Siamese twins, infect one twin with typhus or another disease and many other experiments.”
“His crimes represent the extreme danger posed by science when it is conducted in the service of an ideology that denies the rights, dignity, and humanity of certain groups of people”.
Another dirty tactic – to avoid accountability [used by the powers that be], is to alter policies/ legislation after the fact, and omit dates on the newer articles to pretend it is in its original format. Look in archives to compare and you will see what I mean. It is very common when they have abused human rights and are trying to justify their actions in law. Just as well many of us have copies of original documents and have caught them out many times.😉😉
Those parents who have to give up their jobs to remove their kids from state education for safety reasons, will result in the rest of the authority criminals removing the parents incomes, then their homes/ property and use it as an excuse to steal the kids anyway. DO NOT ALLOW ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN. Let us ALL stop the exploitation of our children and other vulnerable members of society.
We have no choice; we need to forcibly remove all the exploitive authorities from society, and employ trustworthy people in all new jobs, vetted by us and accountable to us – from our own communities.
ACT NOW! Please Unite en masse to become a mighty force in the name of humanity and common decency.
Degenerate Filth Caring For Your Babies! video by Silver Fox Hot Takes. I have reasons to believe they are trying to suppress this video. Please watch.
We define serious and organised crime as individuals planning, co-ordinating and committing serious offences, whether individually, in groups and/or as part of transnational networks.
The main categories of serious offences covered are:
- child sexual exploitation and abuse
- illegal drugs
- illegal firearms
- fraud
- money laundering and other economic crime
- bribery and corruption
- organised immigration crime
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- cyber crime
The authority criminals are normalising the sexualisation of our children, from a very young age. These people, are disgusting specimens of depravity, who are forcing their warped agendas on vulnerable and highly impressionable kids, to mould them into what they want them to be. Their callous indifference to both the initial suffering and life-long harm from their disgusting actions, deserves automatic punishment in a maximum security prison – without any hope of release. Those engaging in/or promoting any of this sexual/physical/psychological/social abuse, are a serious threat to all children, including their own.
(accessed 15.05.23)
Had to replace a different video from here, which was blocked by censors,
Neil Oliver ..They are attacking us!!! “…the ‘family’ as an institution & our children are under attack….” “babies and minors sold to the highest bidder…”–English-one-sheet-page.pdf
Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person.
Article 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment… etc.
The video: King Of The Creeps by Doug In Exile exposing the unscrupulous people who govts support/promote – was blocked by the censors to protect the subject matter!
Governments around the world, including in the UK, give contracts to Mark Zuckerberg; who is only interested in making money and obtaining more power. He was caught out in an enquiry, trying to defend the sex trafficking of children on his platform. ALL those who support this man and others like him – ARE COMPLICIT – no matter what they claim themselves. No-one with any decency should employ, finance or promote this man or his company. It is time platforms distanced themselves from everything connected to him – apart from exposing how evil he is. The same applies to other [exploitative] persons in positions of trust. They should all be imprisoned where they cannot do any further harm, with assets removed to give to their victims.
The best buddies of criminals in Scotland – the SNP govt – assisted by the Lord Advocate (who was hand-picked by Sturgeon), are refusing to protect the public, therefore are deliberately promoting crime aiding and abetting and are denying justice to victims. What is the purpose of a judiciary/govt/police if they are 100% corrupt – rendering themselves grossly, unfit for purpose? Our taxes should not be collected to keep law – breaking officials in their jobs.
A Betrayal Of Victims! deeply disturbing video by Silver Fox Hot Takes. [ Rape legalised. Another example is The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 authorising many govt agents; the power to rape, torture and murder with no redress for victims and no accountability for the perpetrators.]
“The act makes provision for the use of undercover law enforcement agents and covert sources and the committing of crimes in the undertaking of their duty.[4][5] It was also referred to as the “Spy Cops Bill” – a reference to the UK undercover policing relationships scandal.[6]” from Wikipedia
January 2022 Scots judges accuse SNP ministers of trying to interfere with the rule of law ( They are already operating under false pretences, have encouraged others to break laws and blatantly steal the publics money for own pleasure/gain, & put millions in harms way – so have made themselves null and void.
“When a law is deemed “null and void,” it means that it is considered invalid or unconstitutional. This can occur when laws exceed the scope of legislative power or contravene higher legal principles, such as fundamental rights.” […or them being corrupt/ perverse and rotten to the core!]
REALLY..JURY FREE TRIALS? – YOURS FOR SCOTLAND ( “Scots have no right to trial says …Public not suited to decide on rape cases”.
The depraved World Health Organisation (the same people who brought you the pandemic and are planning more to come) and its enablers are wanting to rollout sex education for – infants. Anyone who thinks this is acceptable is unfit to breathe the same air as the rest of us. We clearly need more paedo hunters (and others who will prevent adult abuse too), on a global scale, as the police and those who pull their strings so they ignore the paedophiles/rapists – are on the wrong side of the law and decency. It speaks volumes about their character too, doesn’t it❓They are all colluding to micromanage your lives with them as master and controller of you and your families – to serve their every whim! Narcissists, psychos and predators united!
Outrage over WHO advice on sexuality for infants
“The WHO guidance says that children aged four and under should be taught about ‘enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation’ CREDIT: WHO”
UN backed legal recommendations to normalise sex with minors.
“It does not actively call for decriminalizing sex between adults and minors. But it states that children have both the capacity and the legal right to make sexual decisions”.
Once exposed the WHO and UN, tried to back track by adjusting what they originally said. Going behind the scenes, the fact checkers (‘friends of govt’ – misinformation spreaders) do what they usually do-alter after the fact/and remove from many sources what they originally claimed!
A shocking report issued by international legal experts with the backing of the United Nations appears to open the floodgates to normalize sex with minors.
“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists wrote in March with an assist from UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The report is titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.“
“According to the United Nations, children may consent to sex with adults. This has been the plan all along, social media influencer Ian Miles Cheong tweeted over the weekend to his 538,000 followers”.
But it states that children have both the capacity and the legal right to make sexual decisions..” claim the child molesters.
Although in Scotland the SNP do not think anyone under the age of 25 is mature enough to take responsibility for their crimes! So which is it? Old enough to make decisions or not? To answer that you would have to ask someone capable of rational thought – and not take advice from anyone promoting child abuse, as they reveal themselves as paedophiles.
Example; Channel 4 aired Naked Education with adults stripping for school kids? Flashing/sexualizing/grooming have always been criminal offences, but now are deemed acceptable to the cherry picking, pseudo regulators who are promoting indecency/unethical behaviour as the ‘new normal’. If you talk on social platforms against authorities breaking moral boundaries and laws causing serious harm, they censor you, but the perpetrators are allowed to continue. This is what happens when narcissists and psychopaths are given positions of power and they surround themselves with equally twisted enablers, none of who are fit for purpose.
Teachers Union urges schools to promote drag queen story hours Traitors who are validating/promoting the sexualisation of the kids.
Under the guise of Storytime, acting on government instructions, the perverts working in education authorities force ‘adult’ entertainment on school kids, without parental consent and make inappropriate reading material, readily available. This is a global problem, and not a coincidence. The police are allowing this to happen because they too, are clearly part of the problem and not the solution.
Why drag queen performances are not appropriate for children (
“Let’s be clear, the injection of drag queens into children’s consciousnesses goes beyond innocently sitting in a classroom reading storybooks. Kids are being brought to performances that are marketed as kid-friendly, despite being, in many cases, sexually explicit. For example, at an event in Dallas, Texas, earlier this month, drag queens accepted cash tips from young children while writhing suggestively in front of a particularly memorable neon sign that read, “It’s not gonna lick itself.” An additional extension of this, as I’ve written before, is children themselves partaking in drag and performing for adult audiences.”
School children, 10, to be taught to masturbate for stress relief – Daily Star
Woke Generation to Be Taught Masturbation & More in Schools at Age 6
Georgia school board shuts down mom reading explicit lines from school library’s book – YouTube by Fox News
Consent without the full facts/risks being given in advance is denying the public the right to make informed decisions, and therefore it must mean the consent is invalid.
Teach your children to avoid being taken away by the police or be searched unless the parent(s) are present and have given consent. Question the legitimate basis for needing the search and you should ask for EVIDENCE of their legal right to do so. Record conversations and film those wanting to carrying out any abuse – to use as your evidence against them, if needed. Everyone has good reason to be wary of all the so-called authorities today, including the police and should never just accept what they claim. They are prone to lying to get a result. I do not believe the police are appropriate persons to carry out intimate searches.
Wake up and realise the consequences of looking the other way:
Therapist Reacts to Sound of Freedom Movie – YouTube We need more heroes to join those who are speaking out, A.S.A.P.
Anyone, promoting or directly involved in any form of people trafficking and child abuse, should automatically be sent to prison for the rest of their evil lives. There are some heinous crimes need discussions about re-introducing the death penalty. This is one of them.
GENDER IDEOLOGY is being forced on children in schools (and globally) as the ‘new normal‘ by state predators and their enablers/enforcers. Those responsible need to be held to account by the public, as the fake authorities are the problem not the solution.
13.03.24.The mutilation/experiments/coerced sterilisation of children, teenagers and young adults is abhorrent and needs to be severely punished: JK Rowling, who has become a heroine by protecting the children, wants jail time for those who were involved in the experiments on children.👍👍👏👏I absolutely agree.
Nuremberg Code – consent for permissible Medical Experiments
They force males and females to share same changing areas. Teachers have been filmed bullying kids to force gender issues on them. The authorities are sadistic and really do not care. Please watch this video ⬇ and share the tears of the poor mum whose daughter killed herself. It is gut wrenching.
Grieving Mum On Radical Transgender Bill…
Mutilating the bodies of vulnerable people, for an ideological cause and profit is straight out of the Nazi handbook.
Eugenics And Planned Parenthood- Margaret Sanger
“The term eugenics is basically a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior. But the Germans did not invent eugenics. In fact they were inspired by the founder of the taxpayer funded Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. The truth behind the genesis of that organization and its founder are much darker than most Americans realize”…and the rest of the world.
Google removed the original video -so I have replaced with an early victim of these abhorrent surgeries, and who died by euthanasia, because of what happened to him. Really sad.
Q. What were the Josef Mengele Experiments?
A. Barbaric medical social experiments carried out – without consent. Coercing impressionable children/parents to inflict gender assignment, to suit the perverse ideologies of those in power, is brutal and the most heinous of all the actions carried out by the UK authorities. It is a very clear example of TORTURE by psychopaths/malignant narcissists.
Damning Report On Tavistock sex-change surgery clinic
Scotland’s Gender Identity clinics
29.06.23 Girls ‘sexually assaulted’ in Essex school’s gender-neutral toilets as teen boy arrested | The Sun “The school, which has not been named…” protects itself – but not the kids in their care – they knowingly, put them in harms way. There is no excuse for this criminal negligence.
Legislation & Policies That Surround Safeguarding Children (
“The Education Act 2002 places a duty on educational settings such as schools and colleges to ensure that the safeguarding and welfare of children is paramount to the way in which their setting functions.” Scotland.
19.06.23 Please SHARE EVERYHERE.
Prepare To Be Angry! – YouTube
by Silver Fox Hot Takes Thank you SFHT for caring so much – whilst others just look the other way.
Update 06.03.24. Another reason the public needs to remove the corrupt/useless authorities, is their refusal to protect the public, especially the most vulnerable – the children. We need to look after our own communities and deal with all the social issues; as the justice system has catastrophically failed this poor 13 yr old girl, and MANY OTHERS.
This video is highlighting a growing problem of how illegal, unvetted immigrants are (often over long periods of time), committing acts of sexual abuse and in this case – gang rape. The fact is the UK authorities allow and even participate in grooming/sexual abuse themselves. It is not just an immigrant problem. They [govt] know they are promoting sexual abuse by their absolute failure to deal with it, therefore victimising the victims further and increasing the risk of harm to everyone else. GB news, once again gives a voice to *Amy Nickell😠 who takes the side of the abusers – again.
UK drag queens performing to infants sparks anger | ‘it’s very sexualised!’ – YouTube
“If I had no money to my name, there is a pretty straight forward reason why I wouldn’t put a thong on and dance in front of children…it might make me look like a paedophile.” Well said Patrick, Adam and Dominique, you are indeed the voices of decency, and reason. Thank you.
*Amy Nickell must have been paid a lot of money for her defence/promotion of perversion and anyone supporting the ‘new normal’ sexualisation of our kids – MUST BE PERVERTS THEMSELVES.
Please read comments from other ethical members of the public example:
3 months ago “As a Child Psychologist I am appalled at what I just saw. This is disgusting and a definite child safeguarding issue. If any parent had been doing this at home in front of their child, they would have been reported and made subject to a child safeguarding investigation, where consideration would be made as to whether the child needed to be taken into care. It is about time GB News had experts on their panels and stopped airing the ignorant and dangerous opinions of some, like those coming from Amy, who cannot figure out for herself that she is supporting the grooming and sexual exploitation of children. Sexual abuse comes in many forms and witnessing sexualised behaviour is also harmful. It has to stop….”
I am right behind the child psychologist on this. Please stop them before more children are abused, as they will cause irreversible life time damage and victims are more likely to commit self harm/suicide or abuse medication, alcohol, drugs to block out their suffering.
Parents have right to know what’s taught about sex ( and who is teaching it!
‘Polyamory’ – promoting multiple sex partners at the same time as the ‘new normal’ to school kids. What’s next? Orgies in the classrooms? “Teachers, leave our kids alone”.
Encourage kids to report what they are being taught in schools, to their parents.
Most people do not report adult sexual assault, because they know it rarely gets investigated by the police or courts. I would encourage everyone to dress modestly and avoid any actions which may make you a target of sexual assault. When you dress provocatively you will put yourself in harms way by attracting those who will have no respect for you, especially as the authorities [ decision makers ], are the cause & effect of all the crises and refuse to protect victims. Please do not go out alone, whether you are male or female; arrange safe transport in advance.
Be alert and constantly aware of your surroundings. Use hand held alarms etc. Groups of local, decent men should patrol the streets and [when we get rid of the state leaders and their enablers], they can be rewarded with good jobs. The public are at greater risk than ever before, not least of all because the state terrorists are flooding western countries with unvetted migrants and prioritising/protecting their interests above ours, increasing all acts of violence to everyone just trying to go about their daily business.
ByPaul Britton Reporter Joseph Timan Politics writer Ethan Davies Updated15:44, 18 July 2024
“The inquiry’s report – which highlights a series of ‘unlawful’ arrests and strip-searches of vulnerable women – concludes there’s now an ‘overwhelming case for women officers taking sole responsibility for women detainees’…. Except men are allowed to just identify as women” Monday 8 August 2022 10:52, UK By Emma Birchley, news correspondent.
“Dame Rachel also said she was concerned about “holes in the data” recorded by the Met Police.
“For about one in five of the strip-searched, they can’t even tell me where they took place, so the data collection needs to be better.” They have had many years of pretending to be professionals – because they are NOT employed for suitability and skills. It’s a routine practice that authorities and organisations encourage poor record keeping to avoid accountability. E.g. The couldn’t Care less Inspectorate have allowed injury pictures/records in care homes to be repeatedly used so the time of injuries cannot be established. They have been scheming for years because they always intended to use and abuse us, expecting all the corruption to protect them from accountability as it has done!”
“It is a legal requirement for an appropriate adult to be present, except in urgent situations.” They know this but choose to ignore it – as they know all the authorities are designed to be equally disingenuous – to protect each other from prosecution.
We need to remove them and put them where they can do no more harm – before they remove more of us and we become too weak to defend ourselves.
We can/should protect and serve ourselves with the money saved by not paying for exploitative, unscrupulous politicians and their crooked friends in companies, organisations etc. WE DO NOT NEED UNSCRUPULOUS, ARROGANT, POLITICIANS RUINING OUR LIVES and who are actively causing us all harm.
We can/should decide what is best for our communities; raise our own standards, and decide where and how much money is raised on taxes etc creating a better, safer life for the public at large and for our children’s future. 💪💪💪 + ❤❤❤ +community spirit to allow us to thrive in more secure places which are beneficial to us.