…and other nefarious schemes they have used to exploit the public.
Page updated 04/01/25 CORRUPTION, NEGLECT, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SEXUAL, PHYSICAL, FINANCIAL, SOCIAL ABUSE, and SOCIAL MURDER are all criminal actions – being used by our unscrupulous, power crazy, fake leaders who are scheming and attacking the UK population (and globally) – to deny us all the right to life. The UK authorities are evil, greedy frauds – who should be forcibly removed and sent to prison for the rest of their lives; with all assets removed. The money can be directly used for rebuilding the UK and improving the lives of the decent people who live here.
Ch 2. They are operating under false pretences
27/12/24 Do You Really Want To Risk It? video by Godfrey Bloom is spot on again.💪👍👍 The lunatics running the asylum and their warmongering allies; are hell bent on dragging us into WW3.
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
― William Wilberforce
by Yuri Bezmenov a Soviet journalist in article by Nitiga Plant., Independent Researcher… This is the goal of the global elites & is all happening NOW.
06/08/24 Our dysfunctional leaders, are all part of the New Normal, Great Reset converting rational into irrational behaviour, introducing dangerous policies to deliberately cause chaos and great harm, colluding to serve the toxic agendas of the rest of the members of The World Economic Forum and so-called global elite.
Please read: the informative 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov
The 4 Stages of Subversion by Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet journalist and a former KGB agent. video by GBPPR2
“Stage 1: Demoralization
Demoralization is the first stage of ideological subversion, and it involves the systematic undermining of a society’s moral and ethical foundations. Bezmenov explained that this process typically takes 15–20 years, roughly the time needed to educate one generation. During this stage, foreign agents seek to infiltrate educational institutions, media, and cultural platforms to influence the minds of young people. The goal is to instill a sense of disillusionment, moral relativism, and a rejection of traditional values.
In the demoralization phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms. The emphasis is on creating a sense of instability and disorientation within the target population. This sets the stage for the subsequent phases of ideological subversion.
Stage 2: Destabilization
Once demoralization has taken root, the next stage is destabilization. This phase is characterized by the weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society. Bezmenov pointed out that this process can be expedited if foreign influence successfully manipulates the political, economic, and defense systems. Key sectors such as law enforcement, military, and intelligence are targeted to compromise the nation’s ability to respond to external and internal threats.
Destabilization aims to create a state of crisis, fostering a sense of insecurity and anxiety among the population. Economic instability, social unrest, and political polarization become prominent features of this stage, laying the groundwork for further manipulation.
Stage 3: Crisis
The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. Bezmenov highlighted that this crisis could manifest in various forms, including political upheaval, economic collapse, or social unrest. The goal is to push the society to a breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.
During the crisis phase, external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies or solutions. This creates an opportunity for a shift in power dynamics and the imposition of foreign ideologies on the now susceptible population.
Stage 4: Normalization
The final stage is normalization, where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm. Bezmenov emphasized that this phase is not about a return to stability but rather the establishment of a new societal order based on the foreign ideology. The once-targeted society is now reshaped according to the infiltrating force’s vision, erasing its original cultural identity and values.
Normalization solidifies the control of the foreign ideology, and the population may no longer resist as the altered reality becomes accepted and internalized. The society is transformed, and the process of ideological subversion is complete.
“Yuri Bezmenov’s insights into the stages of ideological subversion remain relevant, serving as a reminder of the importance of preserving the values, institutions, and cultural identity that define a nation. Understanding these stages provides a framework for recognizing and countering potential threats to the integrity of society.”
I have copied the links onto several sections; due to its importance to our current situation.
Who exactly, is instructing these (pseudo) police officers to ignore real threats, whilst encouraging attacks on the innocent public❓ Is the reason we have many illegal immigrants (rather than genuine refugees), being ‘enticed’ into our countries, a sign they will be used as state-sponsored Nazi style henchmen/women against us❓ Then they will be discarded too.
Police Bully and arrest An Autistic Girl because of an overly sensitive officer.
11.08.23 UK Police violently arrest an young autistic girl, who also has other health issues.
The nasty, overly aggressive, bullies ignore real crimes and target vulnerable and innocent people instead, over some harmless comment. Who exactly – instructs them to behave like thugs❓
Same Officer? Female Police Officer pepper sprays multiple people in Leeds
We cannot trust any of the authorities and that is why ‘innocent’ members of the public should not let them into their homes. Warn your kids they are no longer safe to trust and show evidence. Also warn them about the schools; who are subjecting your kids to indoctrination and inappropriate sexual reading material and activities. You need to know from them – what is happening. Please, teach your loved ones critical thinking skills and how to protect themselves.
23/09/24 Please share to warn/protect the innocent public.
The public at large are being put at great risk – by the same people who are paid to protect us. We need to cancel those who have invalidated their authority – due to their deliberate, premeditated actions which have already caused harm/ and or death to millions of people living in the UK. They do not have any legal/ethical right to abuse or exploit us – but we do have many legal and ethical reasons to defend ourselves; by forcing their removal and holding them to account. They belong in prison.
But how is this illegal plunder to be identified? “See whether the law takes from some persons that which belongs to them, to give to others what does not belong to them. See whether the law performs, for the profit of one citizen, and to the injury of others, an act which this citizen cannot perform without committing a crime.”
The Law by Frederic Bastiat 1850
Complicity, Jogee, and the Principles of Criminal Law by Sarah Tromans
Taxes/fines, influential ‘friends of govt’ donations; are monies collected under false pretences: and spent on agendas which do not benefit the locals, throughout the UK:
…and used to give multiple contracts to ‘friends of govt’ for kick backs, which have no substantial benefit to the public. E.g. for Ulez, 20 minute cities, & Sustrans – [a supposed charity], given money to deprive the public of their liberty and right to travel to work or socialise…confining us to our modern day concentration camps! Multi-millions spent throughout Scotland causing massive disruption on the roads, whereas the despots will move freely and do whatever they like, because they are aided by the rest of the corrupt organisations who assist them.
The public purse is also used to prioritise the needs of illegal/unvetted immigrants or anyone else they can use – against the public.
&…to pay wages of state sponsored bullies and thugs, eg civil servants, police, bailiffs, and extra security to protect and secure the jobs of the state criminals.
&… it is sent abroad to benefit others who have not contributed anything to the UK, but helps the politicians; buy future jobs for themselves, engage in ‘shady deals’, hide money in offshore accounts, and many other additional rewards from using influence and money which does not belong to them – with multi-national organisations.
&…and is used to gain power for themselves e.g. using for their own legal defence, introducing unethical and dangerous legislation to avoid accountability – whilst causing unprecedented suffering to the public.
&… access to public money creates greater wealth for the decision makers, to ensure they live a luxurious lifestyle – whilst pushing the majority of the public closer to destitution and a premature death.
Corruption costs the UK £Multi-billions every year. Their greed is to the detriment of everyone else.
“Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29
- Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
- In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
- These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations – (UN has now been compromised!)
Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.“
…is a common tactic used by dictators to facilitate control. They use propaganda and rhetoric (smear campaigns and blame shifting etc), designed to stir up hatred and vilify groups or individuals, and to deflect attention away from the party’s own inhumanity and criminal behaviour. They have no credibility.
23/05/25 We need to question the historical evidence what they have spoon fed us, for decades:
Was this another ‘warmongers’ lie to deflect the attention away from our manipulative fake leaders to blame Putin:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexander_Litvinenko and others❓
If Putin/Russia have the power to attack individual enemies in their own countries around the world, why does he not just do this instead of going to war? Perhaps the UK polonian-210 attacks were an ‘inside job’ and we have been spoon fed more lies – because it would not be the first time the evil UK, political liars have done so – to incite wars.
The authority criminals also want to destroy the family unit and have already introduced policies/laws which turn children against their own parents and others. By stirring up hatred amongst families/groups, examples include: playing different cultures against each other, disputes over vaccines, gender, racism, unemployment etc., it takes them closer to destroying every aspect of your lives but leaves you, your children and others without any support to come to your aid. They also play to the ‘troll/thug’ mentality, whilst laughing at us all for ever trusting them. Please, do not allow this to continue. They are planning to make you completely vulnerable and dependent on the state – especially financially, and then they will remove that support, leaving you isolated without any resources.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) mantra: “You will own nothing and be happy.” or dead.
Please, do not give them what they want! Remember, community spirit is the enemy of tyrants.
Look around the world including in the UK at the many examples of [orchestrated] homelessness, ghettos in every town and city; with multiple – social issues, and starving families. There has also been a sharp rise in drug dealing/abuse, including many ex-patients who have become addicted to prescribed medication, which some pseudo-doctors happily pushed onto them, and later the medication was withdrawn. Everybody knows you are meant to be weaned off addictive medications, not just abandoned to suffer the consequences. Yet those fake politicians, big pharma and their enablers/enforcers who created these social problems do not care, because they greatly profited in some way.
First They Came by Martin Niemöller (amnesty.org.uk) Please think about this poem and how it relates to the current situation. First they[(authorities] came for the sick, disabled, unemployed, then they came for the elderly, ethical professionals, children, pregnant women, vaccine refusers, small/medium sized businesses, farmers and food manufacturers, jews, etc…and everyone who does not comply with the decison makers! Then they will sweep up the rest of the public – bit by bit.
…and the motorist The WEF Wants To Take Away Ownership of Private Vehicles (Front Page News)
Of course the Tories & Co,. deny being as cruel as the Nazis and their enablers/enforcers – who also demonised/persecuted the sick/disabled/ as well as the Jews and many others, for circumstances beyond their control. They conducted many cruel, social experiments upon their innocent victims (tortured) – including by mutilating adults and children, stole their victims property, segregated them into small places, starved and froze them, – before the Nazis executed them and attempted to rewrite history. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Many Nazi collaborators still have companies today.
“However, his explanation started to unravel after The Mail on Sunday was told that Mr Burley had been the ‘driving force’ behind the SS officer’s outfit and paid for its hire.”
The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’.by Mahatma Ghandi
11/12/24 The Shocking Lies About The Benefit System video by Dr Joe Lovelace💪💪❤❤❤ on the facts the DWP/Govt do not want you to know. They wanted most of the public on benefits, so that they can quickly eradicate their chosen targets! This makes their actions – premeditated murder❗
“As Scots politicians raid public cash to prevent unwanted headlines – Law firm clients claim SNP Govt Social Security Scotland Agency are unfairly targeting & delaying PIP payments to disabled, long term sick, abuse victims & Covid victims…”
23/04/24 To deflect attention away from those who are operating under false pretences, the propaganda machines are again attacking genuine sick/disabled people/pensioners, including the victims of covid vaccines; pushed upon them – by those pointing the finger.
👍👍👍Video by Maximilien Robespierre.
“Total fraud loss across GOVERNMENT is estimated at £29Billion a year…..”
12/04/24 Despite all those civil servants, ministers, police, crime agencies and the DWP & private companies paid £multi-billions of taxpayers money (supposedly- being the experts) to prevent this, a Bulgarian gang managed to steal £multi-millions of taxpayers money over several years.
Perhaps it was allowed to happen, so the above agencies who are spending too much time covering their own corruption and looking for additional ways to exploit us all, needed another excuse to project themselves and defame the public at large.
As all the govt related agencies/company ‘friends’ refuse/fail to do their jobs, why is the tax payer paying their wages? Why are the unethical self-serving parasites still allowed to operate❓ We, the public should replace them with the trustworthy unemployed – carefully selected by the communities, who would happily do a better job for less and actually contribute to society, and without all the bonuses/perks by the current bunch of frauds.
Anyone sitting in a highly paid state-sponsored/promoted/protected job eg the presenters in MSM and the likes of GB news, attacking the amount of benefits paid out – claiming unemployment is a ‘lifestyle choice’ are proving how ignorant and vile they are. This is an inflammatory statement and a hate crime. What knowledge of the claimants personal circumstances, do those overpaid sycophants have to accuse those they do not even know? Get yourselves a real job– you backstabbing traitors, instead of abusing the public to earn your undeserved high incomes! You are just propaganda machines with blood on your hands!
Corruption is a crime, and protecting corruption-by aiding and abetting is also a crime. So is abusing and harassing the public – especially as they have been through enough – orchestrated by the usual suspects.
” The legal term aiding and abetting refers to a person’s action to help, support, or approve of someone else’s illegal act. Aiding and abetting is a crime in itself, held against those who would somehow assist a criminal – short of physically contributing to the illegal act.”
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2007/27/part/2/crossheading/inchoate-offences Serious Crime Act 2007.
The despots are now rapidly altering laws to protect/advance themselves – but criminals cannot legally make laws! They invalidated their right to do so.
The Government has today openly declared war on benefit claimants – where is the outrage? By Peter Stefanovic in 2023. The fact is; the DWP declared war on the sick and disabled many years ago. Tyrants believe by ridding society of them, they can direct the money elsewhere – to benefit their own agendas.
Benefits, just like the salaries/and overly generous expenses the politicians and ‘many friends of govt’ acquire, are all paid from the same place – the public money. The public purse is also robbed by ‘the greedy pigs at the trough’🐷🐷🐷 to pay their fines and legal costs, as they pay for nothing – whilst they make decisions to push everyone else into dire straits and remove all our rights to protect ourselves. They were appointed to serve us, but instead are proven traitors, only serving themselves by exploiting everyone else.
04/01/25 Update on the story below about one of the many tragic cases I heard about years ago, describing social murder by the state:
“More than £50,000 of taxpayers’ money was spent on lawyers to try to prevent the release of a safeguarding review ordered after a disabled man starved to death in his own home.”
“Graham, 57, weighed just four and a half stone when his body was found by bailiffs who were trying to evict him, [traitors🤮] eight months after his benefits were stopped.”
Fact: The Governments have spent *£multi-billions, yearly on private, disreputable companies such as Fujitisu (Atos, Capita, Maximus, Serco, Unum, whose sole purpose is to remove the genuine claimants’ benefits, [pensions are also classed as benefits] and leave them to suffer and or die.) Some of these companies committed fraud for extra money. *This money could have been used to create jobs for those able to work, which would benefit the economy and communities at large, instead they encouraged profiteering from the harm done to ordinary members of the public.
Many victims called the DWP and those who serve them; ‘the smiling assassins!’ Genuinely sick & disabled claimants/unemployed are routinely mistreated by the government for circumstances beyond their control. While those pointing the finger – break many laws.
This was never about saving money. It is blatant cruelty, ‘legalised’ murder, and population control. Regulators do not protect the public either, they protect themselves and the ‘governments equally repugnant friends‘ and they all falsify reports making it up as they go along, breaking data protection laws. They also made themselves unaccountable by surrounding themselves with other corrupt enablers, covering their backs – including in the judiciary.
I have a copy of an article, about a coroner who described a body; “ …resembled the victims of the holocaust.” This particular person also previously had their only source of income removed by the DWP and subsequently starved to death.
2012 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/jun/29/man-on-fire-birmingham-job-centre
A man ‘ with outstanding health issues’ declared fit for work, set himself on fire outside a job centre!
Some claimants committed suicide, others starved to death or died from conditions which the DWP and their enablers/enforcers denied existed. Some chose to engage in criminal behaviour to survive, because despite what the govt wanted you to believe, there were never enough jobs to go around. There are substantially less job vacancies now, thanks to the govts destroying businesses and increasing health issues during and since the pandemic. Not to mention inviting illegal immigrants and giving them money, homes, food jobs etc and allow them to break laws – all paid for by the fraudulently collected taxes and fines etc forced upon the rest of the public. They (pseudo-govt) also conceal/alter statistics – especially on deaths..
“Pharmaceutical giants are pouring tens of millions of pounds into struggling NHS services – including paying the salaries of medical staff and funding the redesign of patient treatment – as they seek to boost drug sales in the UK, the Observer can reveal”
“… and in some cases are paying generous consultancy fees to influential healthcare professionals, including GPs who have worked as clinical leads for NHS England and have received as much as £480,000 each from industry since 2019.” Paying money to receive many lucrative contracts, worth more than they paid in. Once again, the misappropriation of funds by our fake leaders – is used for profit from the suffering they orchestrated.
2020 The areas where more than fifty people chase every job vacancy | ITV News Central
Article dated 2020; Errol Graham is the latest victim of a cruel system – we need a culture shift | Benefits | The Guardian “ It wasn’t so long ago that the United Nations found the UK’s treatment of disabled people to be a “human catastrophe”, and yet ministers carried on unabashed”….because the UN had been compromised too, as can be seen in other sections of this website.
Important update 08.03.24. https://www.thecanary.co/uk/analysis/2024/03/07/uncrpd-march-meeting-uk-government/
“…On March 18th, [2024] the UK Government will finally [not] face up to the United Nations (UN), giving evidence on their violations of Disabled people’s rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities… Many have unnecessarily suffered and or died as a result of DWP neglect.
The conclusion: the UN are part of the problem, so nothing was done.
Updated 07.06.23 The SNP (and England) are piloting another method of control: You know the saying “if something seems too good to be true, it probably is!”
Scots face huge tax hikes to pay for SNP’s £25k a year benefits plan – Scottish Daily Express
They claim they want everyone to have a standard rate income.….A Trojan Horse! because it is another con to suck you in, which will result in most people giving up their jobs, and therefore destroy more businesses, increase food and other shortages, and destroy services etc. Then later when the ‘back stabbers’ have you under a false sense of security they will remove the income from you, leaving you with nothing.
Years ago, Tory governments also spent eye watering amounts of tax-payers money to buy off many charities and placed gagging orders on them, so they prioritised their interests by preventing the public from defending themselves. They also sent money for the same to apply in Scotland.
Scandal of the £51 million secret pact with DWP-Frank Zola
2012 article Age UK becomes latest charity to shun mandatory work scheme | Welfare | The Guardian “Charity adds to fears that ill and disabled people are being forced into work in order to retain benefits” Charities were/are encouraged to exploit the vulnerable and have even been paid for using the unemployed, as free labour (modern day slavery!) Update 24/10/24 the charity now has many politicians and ‘friends of govt’ embedded in as ‘Age Champions’ – so the charity has finally betrayed us.
“The paper relays that charities, including Shelter Scotland and Victim Support Scotland, ‘are being silenced by ‘gagging orders’ that prevent them from criticising SNP policies or backing rival campaigns as part of contracts to receive state funding’. The letter received by Victim Support reportedly includes the line: ‘No part of the grant shall be used to fund any activity or material which is party political in intention, use, or presentation or appears to be designed to affect support for a political party.”
Research salaries of charity CEO’s and regulators and their bonuses/promotions etc – whilst volunteers who do all the work, are often treated like slaves. Good people, should find other ways to directly support others and not keep the (many) ‘fat cats’ [CEO’s] in highly paid jobs.
The govt really do not care whether the public lives or dies or how much they have to suffer beforehand. But they do enjoy the power they have over us to make those decisions. Everyone should be extremely angry about how they are being conned.
Have conversations amongst yourselves about how to protect each other, eg use CCTV in your homes, and teach children critical thinking skills. Start up neighbourhood watch groups in your area /gather evidence as well as deterring any type of criminality, including that by the authorities. Please make your own communities safer/happier and become stronger and closer working together. Join wider groups who are pushing back.
‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.’ by George Orwell.
The decision makers use ‘friends in big techy companies’ (enablers/sycophants/trolls/propaganda machines etc), Mainstream Media (MSM) and elsewhere, to ignore unethical/law-breaking service users allowing them to thrive on social media, but decency (especially the truth), is treated with contempt and usually ridiculed/censored or banned. If the public speak out they are bullied, and the authorities routinely go behind the scenes and try to remove their platforms/incomes by threatening legal action or by the use of smearing and bribes.
Dirty tactics are used to prevent the wider public seeing evidence against the authorities (and the company they keep/promote) in an attempt to ‘hide’ websites like mine which exposes damning information about those in power, so they put blocks in front of them and deny access wherever possible. Viewers see messages claiming the site will steal your money etc. My website has been the subject of many dirty attacks, and I never ask for money or sensitive information – but those responsible for the malicious intent to cause harm and exploit others who I expose; are the biggest threat to the public. If my informative website (which is entirely to PROTECT the public, my family and myself) goes down, it will be because they have used nefarious means to have it removed.
Ethical YouTubers have their likes/subscriber numbers removed/reduced to imply nobody is interested, hoping the video maker is deceived and (website owners) will give up. Social media shadow, ban and collect data of anyone who is honest about the illegal activity by the ‘self titled’ elite and are paid by govts around the world. Comments are often pushed out of view or removed.
18/06/24 The scheming authorities have purposely pushed us towards totalitarian control as they want to make those they allow to survive – totally dependent upon them for everything.
“The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” George Orwell
“Communism and fascism are often viewed as being on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but in the manner they were put into practice in the 20th century both of these systems display the characteristics of the totalized, all-controlling state. Both use force and propaganda to attain power, crush economic and civil liberties, smother culture, partake in mass-surveillance, and terrorize the citizenry with psychological warfare and eventually mass-imprisonment and mass-murder”
Excellent reading from Academy of Ideas.
Updated section 23/04/24 Examples of other dirty tactics. When cancelling my Plusnet sevice provider in January 2024, (had increased charges by nearly double the amount), I gave a months notice as is the norm. They said they would send me a final bill. However, they cut me off minutes later. I later stopped my direct debit as they intended to take payment for the period they left me without any internet. Weeks later they asked to repay me money, they falsely claim they owed me ( a different story to trying to get the increased amount via a last payment to them) and wanted me to provide them with bank details again! I ignored them.
Plusnet have now sent me a cheque. Maybe they saw my website and the above comments!🤣
I will not cash it for myself, but I will give it to someone else as they have also been screwed over by several unethical companies. Update 17.04.24. The person did not want it, as they were concerned Plusnet or one of their ‘buddies’ would use it against me later. So I tore it up. Sorry for the delay, but I needed someone to remove my ID and kept forgetting to ask them. As usual, I am willing to swear in a criminal court what I say; in any upcoming legal proceedings – to defend myself and others.
Earlier when I had moved to Aberdeenshire, the council had also tried the same tactic, to get sensitive and personal data (address and bank details for a second time)– by claiming they owed me money because I had to move again – after they had harassed and illegally deprived me of services...following in the footsteps of *Caledonia Housing Association – who previously (*2019) had illegally driven me (and later my son) out of our home. They were supported by corrupt regulators/judiciary etc. I gave Aberdeenshire council my website details when they started to decline services. At the time I exposed this and called them out on my website; but I later removed it after they immediately jumped into action to do the maintenance! There is nothing like exposure to bring about positive change – when their bullying only made matters worse for them.🤣
This website was originally created (*2019) to alert the public of these facts with evidence – to protect the innocent from the corruption/harm/deaths orchestrated by our fake (and criminal) decision makers surrounding *CHA and other unscrupulous organisations, companies etc.
I had asked Aberdeenshire council to give me a final rent bill before I left, which they did, and I refused to give them my new address etc. They later changed their ‘story’ via the phone (when I specifically stated communication in writing only. Random phone calls are a tactic to avoid evidence being gathered). They tried to pretend they would help with future repairs etc (& apologised for how I was treated), if I gave them my new address! I declined. The authorities (and/or their buddies) wanted to find out my data to harass me at my new address and are now doing so – by indirectly or directly trying to deny my access to services/internet/banking etc. It is all malicious intent to cause me harm or social murder to shut me up. They have also made life difficult for my family- who I will fiercely protect in any way which is left open to me, AND MAKE IT STOP.
I then tried to get service from Virgin Media, they twice led me to believe they were giving me a contract, stole personal data from myself and landlord, and then ignored every communication from me.
“You must have a valid lawful basis in order to process personal data.”
“Most lawful bases require that processing is ‘necessary’ for a specific purpose. If you can reasonably achieve the same purpose without the processing, you won’t have a lawful basis”
Q. So why did they process personal and sensitive data when they had no intention of following through❓
Updated 23/09/24 My current service provider stated it intends to share my name, address & email address etc on social platforms and elsewhere❗I have replied, stating they do not have my permission and they have (illegally) ignored this. I have evidence to support as seen in section:
WHEN BANKS/GOVTS COLLUDE- and deliberately push people into poverty;
A. The despots & co want as much data on members of the public – to use against them and for profit. It is data protection-abuse... and the ‘pretendy’ regulators protect them – making themselves complicit. So in retaliation, the public are exposing their abuse of positions – in the public domain.
Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! quote from Sir Walter Scott