The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity, those who support/ enable authoritarian governments need to know.

22/07/24 You are being used, to further the interests of those who care no more about you, than about the rest of us. You are just being paid to do their dirty work and when they cast you aside, (which is guaranteed) you will receive no support from the public, your families or friends when you have been complicit in “causing the tremendous financial losses, and suffering for millions of people…”. You are also destroying everything in the country where you will have to live yourselves! How do you think you will survive with no shops/food/services/goods etc❓

Yet another Manufactured crises– Example: INCITING WARS

Updated 25/05/24 It would appear that the UK and the rest of the global warmongers have been successful – with their co-ordinated attempts to bring us into WWW 3. Of course they will blame Putin, but it is the combined global decision makers – who are the cause and effect of all the manufactured crises. They have been manipulating us for years, and blame-shifting the murder of the masses elsewhere. You cannot believe anything they say.

Is this the reason the illegal immigrants were ‘drafted’ into Europe, under the guise of something else❓ Do they even know they are being used, and they too will be discarded, once they have done their dirty work on behalf of the power hungry, global elite

Please take actions to defend yourselves and keep yourselves , your family and the community safe. We need each other now, more than any other time in your life because our fake leaders WILL ABANDON US ALL, like the predictable, self-serving, spineless cowards they really are. Let us make sure this does not happen!

I believe Andrew Bridgen was pushed out of his job – because his peers did not like him speaking the truth to alert the public. It happens a lot.

How long will we submit to a world run by racketeers and gangsters? By Neil Oliver The Profits of War

The UK state terrorists are joining forces with the US, to perpetuate yet another war, because the murderous, narcissists/psychopaths are not happy; unless they are directly/indirectly involved in destroying many more innocent lives.

After decades, of depriving victims of state sponsored abuse any compensation, eg Sub-postmasters, tainted blood etc., Rishi Sunak [our warmongering, unelected pseudo-Prime Minister], robbed the public purse again to pay for military action in Yemen, then jumped on his high carbon emitting plane, flying to Ukraine to give Zelensky over £2Billion, so he can continue that war! Already we are being warned this will create a higher cost of living/tax rises for us. The only agenda they are interested in, is the annihilation of the innocent by any means available to them.

Here We Go Again # Yemen

Remember when our Fake leaders sent troops to fight (die in vain) for a supposed war against terrorism in Afghanistan – then left gifts of money and artillery for the Taliban to use against us! – and others. Later, they created open borders around the world – so how many terrorists now live in these countries – thanks to the decision makers?

Israel-Palestine war – a warning about misinformation by Middle East Eye.

13.10.23 Those reporting may have agendas and will feed the public what they want us to believe, but it does not make it true. For years, we have been spoon-fed a feast of lies by the govts and their ‘friends’ including the Main Stream Media (propaganda machines), over MANY issues.

As always, I am on the side of the innocent victims, whoever/wherever they may be. I am wary, when govt officials take a particular country’s side e.g. “the US secretary of State Antony Blinken says ‘as long as America exists’ Israel will ‘never, ever’ have to defend itself on its own”. To me, this indicates that regardless of the civilian loss in Palestine or elsewhere, they will still support Israel. They are not being impartial, so cannot claim to care about innocent civilians.

12.10.23 No rational person should ever be on the side of terrorismthere is never any justification for acts of barbarism by savages. ‘Their movement’ is always about the most incompatible people trying to grab great wealth & power, regardless of the consequences and unnecessary suffering to the innocent.

Fake leaders and the company they keep around the world, have made it easier by stoking the fires of hell, pitting one group/country against another The first signs of a dictatorship to Divide And Conquer


  • A combination of political, military and economic strategies that aim to gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.
  • verb as imperative, proverb In order to rule securely, don’t allow alliances of your enemies.
  • noun A strategy for achieving political or military control.

We, have no choice, the public have to bring about change ourselves, & heal the divisions created by the despots WITHOUT CRUELTY and protect our own countries and support humanity around the world. Otherwise there will be none of us left who are worth saving. We can start by removing and locking up the enemy who have been attacking us from within our own countries – the decision makers who have been creating divisions in society, to destroy us on behalf of the self-titled, global elite. Instead of turning on each other, you need to put the blame and outrage where it actually belongs.

I strongly believe that people are the same the world over. There are good and bad in every race and culture. We need to harness the good in all of us – to defeat the bad and stop evil from thriving. That is our only choice.

So, ask yourselves: How can you hate whole nations of people, when you do not know them personally! You have been indoctrinated by fake leaders who have criminal agendas and have spoon fed you how to think/behave. Have a mind of your own and turn away from them. Why attack those who have not actually caused you any harm – other civilians?

If everyone put as much effort into trying to get on with their fellow citizens, instead of trying to harm them, the world would be a much calmer and more productive place for everyoneand not just for the tyrants pulling your strings.

Does the above make more sense, than evil personality types leading you though the gateway, to help them – create more hell on earth? When you have done their bidding, your puppet masters will devalue and then discard you, leaving you in the cess pool you helped them create. Look at how they blame-shift to save themselves!

Hate is just as injurious to the hater as it is to the hated. Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Many of our inner conflicts are rooted in hate.

This is why the psychiatrists say, “Love or perish… Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

― Martin Luther King Jr., The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Ministry of Defence – ‘Defence‘ does not mean go and provoke wars, it means resistance against danger.

PM Tony Blair, lied to and manipulated the public, into believing war was to prevent crimes of inhumanity against the civilians, and then millions including from the UK military, died as a result. The rest of the UK Govt had sanctioned it. “A United Nations weapons inspector has alleged that Tony Blair “misrepresented” intelligence to secure approval for the Iraq War“. Have the public not learned anything from this? They are callous, lying manipulate, frauds who operate without a conscience.

Blair (and others), should have gone to prison for the rest of his life (their lives), for war crimes but instead he was rewarded, given a knighthood and the opportunity to make £millions in earnings from spreading his toxicity around the world.

When dishonesty begets dishonesty: ‘Unethical behaviour is rewarded/promoted, but decency is treated with contempt, leading to the wider public being put at great risk of harm’.

The link below about the Bilderberg Group, sometimes disappears from my editing page! I suggest you copy and compare with the despots past, current and future plans!

“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now

“The ( Bilderberg)Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency – (my comments are in brackets; Blackrock is probably the ‘chosen one’ to replace all the banks they are deliberately crashing and why they are making everything digital (CBDC) so we cannot access our physical money or customer services.)

“— a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;

— manufactured crises and perpetual wars; (look around the world right now)

— absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles; ( sycophants, sex workers, slaves and anything else they desire!)

— “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally; (  WEF, WHO, UN etc).

— using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”

 —making NATO a world military;

— imposing a universal legal system; (denying us any access to legal defence) and

— a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination…”

Examples: The parasites prefer to pay £multi-billions to their equally unscrupulous, big corporate ‘friends of govt’ to introduce ways to remove the sick/disabled or jobless/low paid from their benefits, and leave them to die of starvation, freezing to death, by suicide, or become criminals to survive. This money could have created jobs in the community to benefit the economy and locals. They also destroyed existing jobs for the disabled and then vilified them – to play to the thug mentality and increase the likelihood of suicides etc.


2024 After deliberately destroying businesses under the guise of the pandemic, creating more sickness, disabilities unemployment and homelessness, they raised the cost of living for everyone except themselves and their billionaire buddies, who profited greatly from their decisions. They have repeatedly, diverted tax-payer money away from helping the UK public, supporting wars, inticing illlegal immigrants into the country whilst closing doors to genuine refugees.

Where are the jobs/homes to match the unemployment/homeless numbers they deliberately created? Only available in government/authority positions for the sole purpose of protecting and serving the hierarchy of authority criminals. The illegal immigrants must have been DRAFTED IN to serve our govts as it explains why they are prioritised and given hotels, free food, work permits etc. Until they have no further use for them.

Our governments & co., in the UK, are the cause and effect of all the current crises – then they blame everyone else to avoid accountability. They have made themselves judge, jury and executioner and now want to hand more power to their equally psychopathic ‘friends’ at the WHO, WEF, UN etc. The authority abusers (criminals), make all the decisions and their enablers are complicit, therefore are equally culpable for all the harm/ deaths they cause.

Companies, (including in care environments) and those who produce food are being coerced into employing immigrants who cannot speak English. Think about how dangerous that is? How many are driving about on the roads without a licence/insurance?

Care homes have been shut down and many are being converted into homes for illegal migrants. The govt would rather pay private companies to house the unvetted and potentially dangerous illegal migrants – than protect those who cannot help themselves. Of course, the politicians & some of their equally toxic enablers, will have ensured their own security/safety before they retire.

The state abusers (narcissists and psychopaths united ) want electric vehicles on the roads, which have computers that can be controlled by them = a death trap (fire hazard) on wheels, which they can also stop anywhere and cause many accidents. They could actually kidnap you or your kids school bus and do whatever they like with you/them and you would be powerless. Do you want to continue putting your life in their hands?

The govt’s actions are – torturing/murdering us by any method which is available to them under the guise of something else. Just like the Nazis – because the state terrorists want all the money and power for themselves.

“People deemed unable to work – including those with a history of self-harm or at risk of killing themselves – could have their benefits reduced and face penalties under new government plans”. Just as they planned. They have blood on their hands.

20.11.23. Whilst the greedy, parasitic thieves in govt, steal money from the public purse, the victims of their callous and criminal decisions, [including the rapidly increasing number of homeless] – cannot even find shelter to eat a meal, which good people are trying to provide for them.

How much more evidence of sadistic behaviour from our fake, dysfunctional leaders do you need before you take action towards removing them ❓

“Sadism – a “dark” personality trait”. Article by Psychology Today