“When dishonesty begets dishonesty:
Unethical behaviour is rewarded/promoted, but decency is treated with contempt leading to the wider public being placed at a greater risk of harm.”
This what the government falsely claim; Introduction to Ethical Standards in Public life.
Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (legislation.gov.uk) introduced the power to specify the principles and rules that underpin public life in Scotland, putting ethical standards and probity at the heart of decision-making in public service. The principles set out below should be observed by all Board members of public bodies in Scotland.
Key Principles
Duty-You have a duty to uphold the law and act in accordance with the law and the public trust placed in you. You have a duty to act in the interests of the public body of which you are a member and in accordance with the core functions and duties of that body.
Selflessness-You have a duty to take decisions solely in terms of public interest. You must not act in order to gain financial or other material benefit for yourself, family or friends.
Integrity-You must not place yourself under any financial, or other, obligation to any individual or organisation that might reasonably be thought to influence you in the performance of your duties.
Objectivity-You must make decisions solely on merit and in a way that is consistent with the functions of the public body when carrying out public business including making appointments, awarding contracts or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits.
Accountability and Stewardship-You are accountable for your decisions and actions to the public. You have a duty to consider issues on their merits, taking account of the views of others and must ensure that the public body uses its resources prudently and in accordance with the law.
Openness-You have a duty to be as open as possible about your decisions and actions, giving reasons for your decisions and restricting information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Honesty-You have a duty to act honestly. You must declare any private interests relating to your public duties and take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Leadership-You have a duty to promote and support these principles by leadership and example, and to maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of the public body and its members in conducting public business.
Respect-You must respect fellow members of your public body and employees of the body and the role they play, treating them with courtesy at all times. Similarly, you must respect members of the public when performing duties as a member of your public body.
Board members should apply these principles in their dealings with fellow members of their public body, its employees and other stakeholders. Similarly, Board members should also observe these principles in their dealings with the public when performing duties as a member of a public body.
Scottish Ministerial Code: 2018 edition – gov.scot (www.gov.scot) revised the same year as I took CHA to court. Foreword by Nicola Sturgeon. “This revised Ministerial Code sets guidelines for living up to the seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. All Scottish Ministers, including myself, are bound by its terms…”
Claims the fake leader with her entourage of equally treacherous, sycophants!
“You may choose to look the other way, but you may never say again you did not know”
by William Wilberforce
08.11.23 Humza Yousaf complaint against Dundee nursery upheld – BBC News
Although the couldn’t Care less Inspectorate does not care about the public, they were more than willing to help their influential buddies again, this time Humza Yousaf, formerly The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, just because his child was turned down for a nursery place. I am pretty sure the regulator have helped Yousaf’s future court case, and he will already have chosen a ‘favourable’ sheriff, from the ‘little black book’ because the only reason the authorities appear to exist, is to promote/protect their own interests. The public purse is paying for all of this corruption…..but this time, they did not succeed!
Q. What if parents sued for not getting their chosen school places, for denying their children’s regular education, or for the psychological abuse they are causing them with rigid restrictions or for corrupting their children’s minds with their grooming under the guise of a sex education, and prioritising predatory criminals above that of victims and other human rights abuses etc?
[Update 13/05/24 Many children can barely read or write when they leave school, but as the main ‘educational’ focus is on indoctrination and the sexualisation of the kids, the only job prospects they are preparing them for appears to be to force them into the sex industry to cater to the perverts. They are also causing divisions in the family, so they have nowhere to seek help and make them fully dependent on the twisted govt.]
“A statement from the Care Inspectorate said it had found that Little Scholars in Broughty Ferry “did not promote fairness, equality and respect”. Hypocrites!
Which is worse?
Example 1. My son and I were the subjects of malicious intent to cause harm by CHA, illegally driven out of our home, and were denied our right to claim basic damages to cover our financial loss, and the harm caused to us by the law-breaking bullies at CHA. See Ch.2 and more throughout this website.
Example 2. Self-serving government officials and their ‘friends’ can exploit and profit from their positions to the detriment of innocent members of the public, and in this case potentially ruin the nursery and cause job losses.
Updated 23.02.23 Humza Yousaf’s family drops discrimination case against nursery – BBC News
“Scotland’s health secretary has dropped a £30,000 case against a nursery he accused of discrimination”
I am happy for the nursery, who were being bullied by the Yousaf family. The (Former) Health Secretary is probably hoping to regain the money they lost by Humza Yousaf becoming the next First Minister. He will be every bit as self-serving and dishonest as Nicola Sturgeon. He has been a good little puppet for her and has had multiple roles in the SNP, but was useless (from the public’s perspective) in all of them!
The ministers and regulators are also deceiving the public into sharing information with them, supposedly for the purpose of receiving redress and for the laws to be upheld, to improve services etc. Your data is not safe with them, you do not know where they are sending it. See Ch.5.
“You scratch my back….”There is a concerted effort to employ unscrupulous people who will do the dirty work of unethical/lawbreaking individuals/organisations/companies allowing them to regulate themselves.
In 2019 I sent my website link via an email to the Scottish Government – after sending it to the regulators.
1.SCOTTISH GOVERNMENTS response to the CHA evidence on my website was to bury its head and deflect from taking responsibility by signposting.
Your ref; Housing Association is operating above the law with impunity
Our ref: 2019/0013045
Reply by email michael.boal@gov.scot
‘I acknowledge receipt of your emails dated 29 April to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP and 11 May to the Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning, Kevin Stewart MSP. I have been asked to reply. Complaints against a Registered Social Landlord are not something the Scottish Government can help you with directly. Complaints should be taken through the formal complaints process of the social landlord.
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, an approach can be made to the Scottish Public Service Ombudsman (SPSO). The SPSO will then decide whether or not to investigate the complaint further. However, they cannot investigate the merits of a decision if the proper procedures have been used. The SPSO can be contacted at Freepost EH641, Edinburgh, EH3 0BR or by telephone on 0800 377 7330 or online at http://www.spso.org.uk/
I understand you also raised a significant performance failure against the housing association with the Scottish Housing Regulator which was not accepted. If you have a complaint regarding the Regulator then you should follow their complaints handling procedure. https://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/publications/complaints-handlingprocedure-march-2016 I am sorry that I cannot help you directly.’
Yours sincerely
Michael Boal
2. SCOTTISH CHARITIES REGULATOR; (OSCR) also signposted, ignoring how a group of us had already complained to the SHR, (Ch.4) who broke up/trivialised the complaints, to deflect.
When the SHR has finally taken action against other dishonourable housing associations, they just transfer the company to another unscrupulous housing association and never seem to take legal action against any of them.
Claims: By reporting to us and meeting legal requirements, a charity demonstrates to the public that assets are properly accounted for and that it’s being run properly.
Hundreds of concerns raised about Scottish charities – BBC News
Article dated 16th May 2019 “The 318 “notifiable events” reported over that period include cases of fraud, bullying and sexual abuse”.
..“But fears of under-reporting have been raised because charities have no legal obligation to report notifiable events to regulators…The OSCR said the system of charities self-reporting issues, which began in April 2016, was still developing.
.. “A Scottish government spokeswoman said they had no plans to make notifiable events a legal requirement,” because they only care about themselves and what they can get away with.
From Gerard.Hodge@oscr.org.uk on 2019-05-20 07:50
Our Ref: MI/NA/19/0721
SC013988 – Caledonia Housing Association Limited
I note your query about why OSCR refers matters involving charitable Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) and seek to explain to you the reasons for this to provide assurance that your concern will be considered appropriately.
The reason that we refer concerns about housing associations that are also charities to SHR is because SHR act as the lead regulator of these charities. This is so that the charities concerned are not over-burdened by regulation. Where there are issues that are of concern to both regulators, staff from each organisation will discuss the case to determine the most appropriate course of action. Our approach is set out in the Memorandum of Understanding that exists between our organisations – you can view this here: https://www.oscr.org.uk/about-oscr/our-work/memoranda-of-understanding/
I hope this response is helpful for you and assures you that your concerns will be considered appropriately.
Kind Regards,
Gerry Hodge | Inquiry Support Officer | ( : 01382 220446 |Ê: 01382 220314| * gerard.hodge@oscr.org.uk|
Our Ref: MI/NA/19/0721
SC013988 – Caledonia Housing Association Limited
‘Thank you for your email of 7th May 2019 regarding the above charity.
We have now had an opportunity to give full consideration to the matters you have raised in accordance with our Inquiry Policy, a copy of which is attached. This email sets out and explains our position regarding the matters you have raised.
As the concerns you raised relate to a Registered Social Landlord, it is The Scottish Housing Regulator that will deal with your complaint. We have a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) in place with The Scottish Housing Regulator for these types of situations. The following link will direct you to our website where you can review our MOU with The Scottish Housing Regulator:
Your complaint will therefore be referred to The Scottish Housing Regulator in line with this policy.
Thank you for contacting OSCR with your concerns.’
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Hodge | Inquiry Support Officer | ( : 01382 220446 |Ê: 01382 220314| * gerard.hodge@oscr.org.uk
Then the SHR expecting us to go round in circles again, with another member of their staff, Puppet number 2, protecting CHA by denying/ignoring the publics legal/human rights.
9th August 2019
Referral from Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
I understand that you contacted OSCR on 7 May to make a complaint about a charity, namely
Caledonia Housing Association (CHA).CHA are a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) with the Scottish Housing Regulator. As is common in the sector CHA are also a registered charity.
The Scottish Housing Regulator and OSCR have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding which
sets out how we will work together to regulate charitable RSLs. Where a complaint is made regarding a charitable RSL like CHA, the Memorandum of Understanding provides that OSCR will refer the complaint to us for consideration. As such we received your complaint on 6 August.
I can confirm that we have engaged with CHA over your concerns and understand that it, along with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), have responded to you previously. The Scottish Housing Regulator does not have legal powers to investigate complaints by individual tenants about their landlord; the SPSO has the legal power to do this. However, the SPSO can only investigate complaints that have been through the landlord’s complaints procedure first.
If you feel you have exhausted the complaints procedure with CHA, you would be entitled to approach the SPSO with your concerns. It is the final stage for complaints regarding landlords once a determination has been made. The SPSO has produced a leaflet which you may wish to refer to: ‘What to do if you are a tenant of a Registered Social Landlord and have a complaint about them’. The leaflet provides information about the types of complaints that the SPSO can and cannot look at. You can view this leaflet here.
The contact details for the SPSO are:-Home | SPSO – Freephone advice line: 0800 377 7330
Finally, you may wish to read our own advice on ‘Complaints About a Regulated Body’ which can be found here. Alternatively, please visit our website at https://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk.
I hope this information is of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Anderson
Regulation Manager
Scottish Housing Regulator │0141 242 5547 │ 07748148199
Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow G4 0HF www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk
3. Scottish Public Services Ombudsman response: deflect using ‘ the time limit’ excuse, however this should have been special circumstances any way; due to all the harassment which occurred after going through CHA’s pseudo complaint procedure and then because they deliberately played and deceived the court etc see Ch. 2, 6, 7 etc. This was still within the time limit, and along with the ICO refusing to abide by legislation, I guess the SPSO were just wanting to help their ‘friends’ to be consistent with the rest of the clique.
My son was also unlawfully harassed out of the property in my name, when CHA committed fraud again with a Sheriff Officer and obtained a repossession notice (received by us in February 2019), by falsely claiming (fraud) the house was abandoned. The documents may also be fraud (see Ch.7). Housing officer Cheryl Connelly was fully aware my son was still living there, and a neighbour had confirmed this to her. They also tried to find out my new address, no doubt to cause more trouble for us. The SPSO asked for my address, whilst pretending to process my complaint. They will have shared it with CHA, which is another data breach.
…acknowledging “that I can see from the content of your complaint that this matter has been a significant source of distress for you.” Jonathan Riddoch must have the same personality type as CHA’s directors. Every other puppet I have seen is smug because they think they can get away with things. Sick and twisted, incapable of empathy by recognising distress, but choose to ignore it and then rub my nose in it. The SPSO had the audacity to expect me to show them respect! How arrogant. Cowardly, immature, unprofessional people love to’ get in your face ‘whilst hiding behind their desks/authority…..that is, until someone retaliates. Then at some point they realise they are not so clever…….they are just sitting ducks.
![SPSO ignoring my complaint](https://donottrustthem.com/images/SPSO-ignoring-my-complaint-745x1024.jpg)
![page 2 govs rebuff](https://donottrustthem.com/images/page-2-govs-rebuff.jpeg)
(under What happens next on 2nd page, take note that despite the SPSO refusing to uphold my complaint about their buddies; Caledonia Housing Association (CHA), Jonathon Riddoch said he was sending a copy of the letter to CHA, keeping them in the loop!). They did not have a legitimate reason to do this.
Quote from above “I would encourage you to contact me by phone”. They want you to phone so there is no paper trail and if you refer to it later it will be your word against theirs. Always get it in writing; either in emails and save them or on paper.
Updated 13.08.19 following a phone call to pressurise me into removing case worker name, (all my phone calls will now be recorded) and then a letter from Director Niki Maclean.
….’I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our position and respectfully ask that you reconsider removing our staff members details’
![SPSO letter to remove name](https://donottrustthem.com/images/SPSO-letter-to-remove-name-768x1024.jpg)
![SPSO remove name page 2](https://donottrustthem.com/images/SPSO-remove-name-page-2-768x1024.jpg)
To the executives at SPSO
My website was originally to create awareness of CHA’s dishonourable practices and now due to the overwhelming evidence I can now prove how regulators and other supposed upholders of the law, are only interested in protecting all that is corrupt. They work against the publics interest.
You had a choice and you made your decision based on my website evidence. You had all the facts, so your lame excuse to deflect is just that…lame. Service users have no choices thanks to you and the rest of the clique. If you consider it acceptable to ignore everything I submitted to you on my website, the public have a right to know all the facts. If it is not agreeable to you then, tough! I promise I won’t show you any consideration because… you showed me and other innocent people none whatsoever.
You are protecting a group of nasty bullies who would not even be in a job if the laws were upheld. I will not be blackmailed into complying with you, to remove names, in return for an extension to a case review. Keep your case review, I do not need more evidence to show you are sucking up to CHA. As for quoting SPSO ACT 2002, You cannot just use legislation to hide behind for your own self-serving interests. How hypocritical to quote me legislation, when you are covering for those who routinely break the law, including committing criminal offences; which makes you all negligent.
This is in the public interest. By naming and shaming and revealing evidence, it proves my case against CHA and the rot of all those who have assisted or supported them. The public know, I am not scared to tell the truth, unlike those of you who seem to have an aversion to honesty, transparency and decency.
I answered Director Niki Maclean on your Facebook to show you how much respect I have for you. You knew from reading my website, if you covered for this company I would probably add the evidence to my website. I can tell you as a fact, the public are already fed up of self-serving individuals, abusing their positions especially to the detriment of others.
If you executives forced the employee to do your dirty work to protect CHA, then you are entirely responsible for him. If he was willing, then he is no better than the rest of you and will get no sympathy from me or the public. I explained about this on my introduction page, and nobody should go against the very things they are supposed to represent, just because their boss asks them to. “The just following orders” excuse, went out of fashion with Hitler! I am fully aware of the real villains here, are those at the top of the hierarchy.
Do not contact me again unless you are going to hold CHA to account. All phone calls are being recorded.
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.spso.org.uk (trustpilot.com) 13.05.24 97%negative!
4. THE (couldn’t)CARE (less) INSPECTORATE.….. the most shocking of all.
2019-06-10 12:31
‘Your concern about Caledonia Housing Support Services – case number: 2019100477
You contacted the Care Inspectorate on 23 April 2019 regarding your concern about Caledonia Housing Support Services.
Your complaint has been assessed, however unfortunately, we are unable to take forward the complaint at this stage as it is outside the timescale that we are able to investigate.
Thank you for bringing these matters to our attention.
Yours sincerely
E-mail: philippa.stanners@careinspectorate.gov.scot
The Care Inspectorate
My response to this and their confidentiality statement was:
Date 2019-06-10 14:17
Message Body
Dear Phillapa Stanners
You make me wait 49 days for a response and that is the best you can come up with? You are ignoring the evidence which proves the company show malicious intent to cause harm, as well as engaging in criminal actions towards tenants and therefore are unsuitable to be responsible for vulnerable people. Protecting people from harm has no time limits.
Save your confidentiality speech for someone who still respects the ICO or any of you regulators.
This is in the public interest and therefore will be uploaded to my website, which is the decent thing to do to protect vulnerable members of society, when others are failing to do the jobs they claim to do.
Yours sincerely
How much has been stolen from the public purse to pay the wages of these regulators and their staff etc., who are all operating under false pretences? I am happy to try to protect the public interest for free like many others, but those individuals/authorities I have named, refuse to do the job that is expected of them and what they are paid to do. They should be replaced with proven, honourable, trustworthy members of public, chosen by us, accountable to us and who are currently unemployed.