“Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [ruling class] can imprint [their] own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [they] plan to use and destroy.”
― Joost Meerloo (Author of The Rape Of The Mind).

Page created 19/11/24 updated 24/01/25 Throughout this website I have accused the UK establishment and co as being part of a global serious organised crime syndicate. Until Donald Trump was re-elected, the UK govt had deep ties with many of the corrupt entities in America. ‘They must all be shaking in their boots right now’.

Letting CROOKS Walk Free: The Democrats Final Shot in the Foot To American Democracy! video by Neil Oliver❤💪 “What Biden has done in his final act is admit that the justice system in USA, can be and is used for personal gain, personal protection and most egregious of all as a weapon for attacking and eliminating opponents”… identical to the UK govt – as I am sure right thinking people will agree.❗

‘A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people.’ by Ambrose Bierce 

…because those who break laws & engage in cover-ups – have invalidated their own legal authority and their right to make or enforce laws. Corruption cannot be allowed to protect itself.


Judge them by their actions; failure/refusal to protect the public and the twisted company they keep/promote – but never by what they claim❗

02/12/24 In an earlier posting, I may have been too hasty in supporting the Trump administration. It may be the case that another group of the wealthiest/most influential are just fighting for world dominance to take control for themselves. In all honesty, can we actually trust any of them

If Elon Musk really wanted to [directly] help the people in the UK, why not pay our ethical law-abiding citizens to buy/employ an army to defend ourselves; to remove the corrupt, dangerous govt’s & enablers❓ Yet, it is reported he wants to buy Nigel Farage & the Reform Party with a $100M donation. This is another example of buying influence, and a major factor what facilitates corruption by fake leaders in the first place. 💥⚠⚠

Updated 18/12/24 Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta donates $1m to Trump fund by BBC Technology – perhaps the plan is to have both the major social platforms under their control – run by Musk & Zuckerberg resulting in even less free speech for us.

“Inauguration funds are used to pay for events and activities when a new president takes office – some consider them an attempt to curry favour with a new administration.”

Election For Sale article by The London Economic

“It’s funny. Those who seem the most opposed to globalism really don’t seem to have a problem with Elon Musk and growing influence in both US and UK politics. The tech billionaire, who heavily backed the Donald Trump presidential campaign, may soon have his sights set on the UK.”⚠⚠⚠

…and are the feuds between the worlds richest, as fake as everything else❓ Just more gaslighting tactics by the manipulative members of the [narcissists/psychopaths] club – who have been hiding behind a mask – until they became confident they have enough control – so longer need to conceal their true [nefarious] intentions

…and we now have wannabe tyrant Kier Starmer cancelling elections, openly stealing our money & diverting it to his ‘buddies’ around the world, joining councils under one roof…the one world govt of dictators [with the no democracy agenda], are rapidly moving forward. We need to stop them now before they steal everything from us all.

When the Mask Comes Off a Covert Character by Dr George Simon

I still say we should have no-one controlling us and that we run our own affairs directly – by employing members of our communities, to operate the UK in our best interests. It appears to be the only safe option.

Q. When is the Ministry Of Defence not the MODA. When they chose to engage in actions to provoke wars & become arms dealers around the world, [*part of the one world army agenda] but ignore the major threats to the UK public; whose money they have stolen – to enable them to operate under false pretences. Our govts and their enablers (AKA terrorists); are extremely dangerous to our health safety and security, and have already proven they are completely untrustworthy and should not be making any decisions on our behalf.


NATO was essential for their plans – to ensure “perpetual war (and) nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it.

We need to prevent them stealing more of our money via taxes/fines. Your reason (& actions) are that you refuse to support mass murderers/state terrorists and bring about your own downfall. I am blocked from social media platforms so need your help to share.

Please give me signs in the public domain, you are sharing and taking action.👍

Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)

4 Stages of “Ideological Subversion” according to Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological warfare in action

Stage 3: Crisis

“The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. Bezmenov highlighted that this crisis could manifest in various forms, including political upheaval, economic collapse, or social unrest. The goal is to push the society to a breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.

29/11/24 “Who controls the FOOD SUPPLY controls the people… who controls the ENERGY can control whole continents, who controls the MONEY can control the world” – Henry Kissinger a WEF member until his death.

& who controls Big Pharma can also make a huge profit from experimenting on the public!

FOOD ABUSE: Another Social Experiment on behalf of those who collude to abuse & murder innocent people for profit – using stealth tactics. Bill Gates (who bought up a lot of US farmland), who is associated with the Jeffrey Epstein crowd, [AKA the usual suspects], who have acquired great wealth/power from exploiting others, & from using influence to avoid accountability – has visited Downing Street:

Brits Used As ‘GUINEA PIGS For Frankenstein Foods’ As Eco-Warriors Risk Cows Milk With Chemical Mix By GB News

Personally, I have never known of a single person [in nearly 70 yrs] who has actually been harmed/ or died from methane poison by cows❗ However, we could all easily make a list of those who directly/and or indirectly brought great harm/death via their CORRUPTION/ NEGLECTSOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL / FINANCIALDATASOCIAL ABUSE  These are all Criminal Offences orchestrated by our [HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE] governments and the company they keep; premeditated and on a large scale.

30/11/24 Arla Milk – Cancer and Sterility! This informative video by Silver Fox Hot Takes will probably be removed: by those with something to gain from doing so. Example: How many companies are complicit – by knowing that what they are producing/buying/selling/& or protecting dangerous actions which amount to CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ❓ Perhaps they do not care – because they are probably given immunity from prosecution by the govt ( like Big Pharma & Co), who on the balance of probability: instructed them to follow this route! We need to find out ALL those involved and expose them [in the name of public safety]& it will highlight those who are complicit (sycophants, enablers, traitors), when they attempt to cover the perpetrators of dangerous, criminal offences.

“A secondary party is one who aids, abets, counsels or procures (commonly referred to as assists or encourages) D1 to commit the substantive offence, without being a principal offender. However, a secondary party can be prosecuted and punished as if he were a principal offender: s8 Accessories and Abettors Act 1861.”

“Secondary liability principles can be applied to most offences. The principles remain the same, whichever offence they are applied to. The principles are commonly used in offences of violence, theft, fraud and public order.”

Poisoning a basic ingredient which is in so many products is extremely dangerous, as Robert F Kennedy Jr has recognised & campaigned against for decades and is now in a better position to Make America Healthy Again. Meanwhile the deeply corrupt, UK decision makers are happy to continue in their pursuit to cause more harm than good, by any means available.

THE SOLUTION: I recommend the only sure way to reduce more toxins being added to our foods, or medications etc; is for us to remove those toxic people who have knowingly poisoned us for decades those who have profited by making us sick. Stop giving them the power to abuse usThey are the last people on the planet you can rely on. REPLACE THEM NOW with proven, ethical people; chosen by and accountable to us from our communities; to restore law & order and circumvent the untrustworthy, fraudulent, self-serving dangerous, authority criminals & co.

If this is the plan : it’s sneaky, dirty, back stabbing way to do it !! by Thebowlerhatfarmer also discussing how communities have their say – to have the right to buy locally produced good food, not toxic food forced upon us and ‘designed’ by those whose only concern is their own greed.

Just seen this pact our fake leaders have made: What this REALLY Means… by Blackbelt Barrister

UK/Iraq border security pact to target smuggling gangs

Home Secretary signs landmark joint statement with Iraq to tackle people smuggling and organised crime networks operating across the region and in Europe.”

More examples of the consequences of the worst people being given positions of trust & how they promote and participate in the very atrocities – they claim they are resolving:


Degenerate Filth Caring For Your Babies! video by Silver Fox Hot Takes Scotland & the rest of the UK pose a very high risk to babies and children – especially in nurseries & schools, having instructed those in charge to follow the ‘perverts charter’ to sexualise children from an early age. I bet there are more paedophiles working in nurseries/schools than ever before – because they are well protected by the perverts in govts. Automatic life sentences should be given to all those involved.These shameless predators belong in jail, not paid by the public purse to abuse the kids. Do not let them away with this. Please help protect the kids.

Title: My body: Names of parts of my body

“Learning at this Level is likely to be for children in P2, P3 and P4, but it can be earlier or later for some.”

UN backed legal recommendations to normalise sex with minors. “Children may consent to sex with adults. This has been the plan all along,’ social media influencer charges” By Kerry J. Byrne Fox News.

Remember, these are the people you are voting for❗

04/12/24 The Idle Poor Of Scotland! by Silver Fox Hot Takes 😧I am deeply disappointed with SFHT & others using rhetoric [also adopted by the agenda driven; sycophants in the MSM etc] designed to shame the unemployed, along with the SNP, especially when you have failed to highlight the most relevant factors which have caused mass unemployment:

  1. Statistics are only as good/accurate as the integrity of those who compile them and for what agenda they serve. Statistics from a govt website will only show what they want you to see, and omit relevant details; such as how many people are actually chasing each vacancy
  2. Job Centres do not help the majority of unemployed into work, they actively employ bullies, put obstacles in the claimants way and sanction them at every opportunity. The benefits system is only easy for the illegal immigrants, other claimants have to jump though hoops and have severe control measures used against them; which is tantamount to being crimes against humanity & against the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
  3. Few college/Uni courses result in skills matched to vacancies.
  4. Policies, legislation, introduced by the authority criminals, gave great power to employers (especially company friends of govt), to engage in modern day slave labour – with zero hours contracts-often with no holidays, & impossible demands on employees, which also discriminate against parents who cannot afford safe childcare.
  5. Politicians steal most of the wealth generated by the taxpayer for themselves & co., and create govt only jobs, or give massive contracts to ‘ CEO friends of govt’ including many charities; to exploit the public with poor wages and working conditions. They have all contributed; by destroying manufacturing, retail, hospitality & more jobs.
  6. For decades there has been no effort to improve the public’s quality of life, but instead there has been a concerted effort to destroy us. E.g. Covid restrictions, destroyed the economy /& NHS even further with lockdowns, vaccine adverse reactions and other health issues caused by numerous environmental/social factors.
  7. How many will lose jobs because travel restrictions for the net zero agenda [power grab] which prevent employees getting to and from work. ❓How do the unemployed even manage get to interviews, when despite £Multi- millions are given to bus companies by the corrupt leaders (in Scotland), meanwhile bus services are more unreliable than ever before.❓ It’s all just racketeering by the government’s own crime syndicate.

Those who latch on to what they are spoon-fed without thinking about the cause & effect may unwittingly; be causing more harm. Instead, ask those who deliberately provoke harm [eg the decision makers]: do you want people to starve to death because they cannot find a job❓Are you aware you are helping cause divisions in society when the stress many are under- is at their worst❓ Do you want to be responsible for increasing suicidal ideation❓ Nobody’s job is secure with corrupt, evil predators running the country, but it is so easy to demonise those who are vulnerable for circumstances beyond their control…just because it does not apply to you at the moment.

Instead of dehumanising the public further, why not provide appropriate solutions❓ & demand to know why we are paying for all the parasitic, corrupt politicians, who belong in jail: e.g. Fuel Minister Liz Kendall claims £350 per month for her second £4M home whilst the public struggle with all their bills.

What Is Dehumanization, Anyway? Article on showing empathy [not hostility] by Sherry Hamby Ph.D. The Web of Violence ❤❤❤ “The opposite of dehumanization is empathy and respect, as perhaps best expressed by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

So Silver Fox Hot Takes; I guess you forgot all of these points by the time you announced you were going to stand in the next election! But hey, you actually sound like a politician already! I am losing faith in you.

27/11/24 Lee Anderson has just [‘opened his mouth to let the wind rattle his tongue’], announced that those who do not find work should have their benefits stopped [ they will starve and lose homes/property/kids ]. When political parties accept those who jump ship eg; Lee Anderson from Conservatives to Reform UK, it does not make them all better human beings. The Tories created mass unemployment with their actions to promote bank closures, ruin small/medium businesses, introduce zero hours contracts,& more whilst paying company friends; £multi-billions to remove the income of the most vulnerable people, for circumstances beyond their control.

Lee Anderson consistently voted for authorising criminal conduct by undercover officers and covert sources from

“There have been votes in Parliament on procedures for enabling the authorisation of criminal conduct by undercover police officers, other public officials working undercover, and members of the public recruited by public bodies as covert sources.”

Lee Anderson consistently voted against laws to promote equality and human rights from

Starmer/Labour adopted the same dangerous stance [to bring about our downfall], but more rapid – like a deranged man on steroids.


Q. So why did they invite more people into the country; when there were not enough jobs for those already here and prioritise the rights of illegal immigrants and protect criminals❓

Q. How much money will the UK save by removing the income of the self-serving parasitic politicians who have contributed nothing to improve society – but destroyed the lives of everyone else

28/11/24 In the past week it has emerged that London’s web cams are no longer broadcasting videos of the city; according to local sources. Perhaps the corrupt authorities do not want the public to witness the increased criminality they deliberately created example: who is responsible for causing chaos with suspect packages etc. When CCTV was first installed, to justify its use they said it was for our safety and if we did nothing wrong we would have nothing to fear. The tax payer has been robbed for even more for mass [intrusive] surveillance and yet the ones who need the most scrutiny appear to be hiding the evidence...because no evidence – means no case against them. It also enables them to point the finger elsewhere, eg blame Putin when the biggest threat to the UK public ‘s safety are our very own state terrorists & those who prop them up. They are the cause and effect of all the crises as they made all the decisions; which are depriving us of our right to life on a daily basis.

We know that 100% corruption runs the UK, so to deny us the right to see evidence is another example of: Perverting the Course of Justice. [revised September 2024❗] “The offence of perverting the course of justice is committed when an accused:

  • does an act or series of acts;  
  • which has or have a tendency to pervert; and 
  • which is or are intended to pervert; 
  • the course of public justice.

The course of justice must be in existence at the time of the act(s). The course of justice starts when:

  • an event has occurred, from which it can reasonably be expected that an investigation will follow; or 
  • investigations which could/might bring proceedings have actually started; or 
  • proceedings have started or are about to start.

& concealing or destroying evidence or providing a false alibi; assisting others to evade arrest for a significant period of time.” Another example: The police/COPFS sitting on the investigation Operation Branchform until it times out.

The course of justice refers to civil justice as well criminal justice.

We Have A Right To Defend Ourselves video by Neil Oliver 21/11/24

The narcissistic/psychopathic Fake Leaders are entirely responsible for all the manufactured crises and urgently need to be forcibly removed from power – THE SOLUTION: We [the public] have more right to defend ourselves than they have to cause us more harm.


See more comments on the warmongers at the bottom section 🔽of this page.

In 2021, Whilst our Fake Leaders & Co distracted you with propaganda over the Pandemic, they introduced a new law which gave them [and other narcissistic/ psychopathic criminals working for govts] – the power to rape, torture and murder the public with no redress or accountability.

Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 – Wikipedia

They have already stated they will add more to the list above.

Q. In what capacity do they need to commit the most heinous acts, on behalf of these agencies. A. There is no justification, apart from admitting that those making/and enforcing this CHIS  legislation must be psychopaths! Those in power positions do not care about humanity. They only care about themselves and use everyone else as a tool to obtain whatever they want, regardless of the consequences to others.

The reason they have been happy to release rapists/other violent prisoners, and invite more illegal migrant criminals under the guise of humanitarian actions, is because it was always their intention to exploit/ abuse the public – whilst scheming to become your master, controlling every aspect of your lives as their slaves. Why do you think they created mass homelessness, caused divisions in society, destroyed jobs/businesses/social life, reduced our freedom to travel, forcibly [stole] removed incomes, closed banks, whilst taxing/fining us to death, making a mockery of ethical laws, but imprisoning innocent people, and forcing profit making medication on you: abusing their positions to ruin our lives? Q. Who benefits from all of this❓ A. The power hungry self-serving psychopaths who operate without a conscience.

Hare Psychopathy Checklist (Original) (PCL-22)


“…totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression”.

‘Matter of conscience’ from

“Such crimes could be allowed not only on national security grounds, but also for preventing “disorder” and the “economic well-being of the United Kingdom”. by Henry Goodwin 2020-10-15 19:04

Any authorisation which is not compliant with the Human Rights Act would be unlawful, and nothing in this bill seeks to undermine the important protections in that Act,” Mr Ellis told MPs” The latter part of their statement is another lie.

Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Reasons we should never give up our human rights

“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell

THE SOLUTION: The only way to stop them is to forcibly remove them all from their positions without violence [unless as self-defence] & lock them out of office to become masters of our own destiny – by employing members of the community chosen by us, to work directly for us and accountable to us. We do not have a choice.

In these days of worldwide confusion, there is a dire need for men and women who will courageously do battle for truth.”— Martin Luther King Jr.

Or, we can all continue to sit on our thumbs and allow them to engage in even more CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY whilst they fill your heads full of more B.S. and lies. I am willing to stand up against them to protect the innocent, the question is: ARE YOU ❓ Instead of complaining about [ shock, horror] “they have lied etc…”, the public must join together to defend ourselves & each other WITH ACTIONS.

Waiting for a new party who will just put another tyrant & co in place is futile. None of them have actually helped the public in any way and never will. Apart from a few exceptions, they are all complicit.

They just tell you what they want you to believe, then carry on with their corruption; destroying anyone and anything in their paths.

NEW LEGISLATION UNDER THE GUISE OF THE PANDEMIC & whilst you were distracted elsewhere.

Please make a list of all the dangerous actions forced upon the public by the authority criminals [AKA state terrorists], their enablers; Big Pharma, Energy suppliers, & other corporations which come under each definition of terrorists and then compare with other ethical legislation & Human Rights Abuses. All the newer laws they created – are designed to work against us, to give more control to the so-called elite to further enable their power grab. This forms part of your self defence.

Please listen to this lovely young lady Rebecca Bar Sef, who has more humanity and insight, than all our politicians put together.

Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State by The Rutherford Institute. article by By John & Nisha Whitehead

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”

“When any government becomes almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting—whether that evil takes the form of war, terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity—that government has lost its claim to legitimacy.”

Fact: They invalidated their authority over us when they chose to be criminals – decades ago. We have more right to defend ourselves from them – than they have to abuse us!

The law is the collective organization of the individual’s right to lawful defense of his life, liberty and property. When it is used for anything else, no matter how noble the cause, it becomes perverted and justice is weakened. Thus, the law has become perverted by stupid greed and false philanthropy.” Frederic Bastiat

Updated 01/12/24 ❤❤❤ Christine Anderson MEP is a powerful speaker against the elites: and their corruption, nepotism, totalitarianism, the p(l)andemic(s), & more; so her website is definitely worth a visit & promotion: I want an honest and free Europe of free people and not a construct of political elites. I consider putting a stop to these false elites here in Brussels and Strasbourg to be the most urgent task in my political work.”💪💪❤

EU – Better censor yourself!

RED CARD for Ursula von der Leyen – My EU-Resolution against corruption & nepotism.

😲💀🤬Video – Neil Oliver STUNNED as Dutch Official Reveals Covid-19 Was ‘MILITARY Operation’ in SHOCK Admission. Thank you Neil ❤❤❤for having the guts to speak up whilst the enablers look the other way!

Do you still trust them❓ Are you angry enough yet, to stop them❓

“It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!”

“If there is no justice for the people, let there be no peace for the government”

21/11/24 “The land belongs to those who work it with their hands.” Emiliano Zapata A Mexican revolutionary.

Fact: The farmers are under attack by the WEF members including our King/Fake Leaders/ CEO’s so they can steal the land to be used for personal gain, whilst controlling the food production enabling them to artificially inflate more prices, because:

“Who controls the FOOD SUPPLY controls the people… who controls the ENERGY can control whole continents, who controls the MONEY can control the world” – Henry Kissinger a WEF member until his death.

The Bilderberg Group with their list of objectives; used to be called a conspiracy theory by the pathological liars who hold powerful positions, until their yearly meetings were exposed! The have been operating since around 1954!

The global traitors, behind the scenes have been scheming for decades to force us into “— a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”

“The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” 

BlackRock, one of the world’s most controversial companies, sat down opposite Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves.”

“As the world’s largest asset manager with around $10tn (yes, trillion) under management, BlackRock is among the most powerful financial institutions on the planet. To many, it is also among the most “evil”, because it continues to pump billions into fossil fuels and arms companies, and its reach extends into almost every aspect of the economy and society.” From article by Open Democracy dated 21/11/24

The World Economic Forum mantra; “You will own nothing but you will be happy” their intentions are easily demonstrated by their actions against us. The jigsaw pieces are all connected so we need to STOP THEM before they stop us. The easiest way to do that is by the public standing firmly together, and expose them:

Force THEM to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them: as authority criminals who abuse their positions to exploit others, engaging in malicious intent to cause us harm, do not have a legal or moral leg to stand on. One thing is certain, you cannot trust any of them: ‘They speak with forked tongues’. We have no choice but to physically remove them as they are hell bent on destroying us.

SOCIAL MURDER By Clifford Thurlow

Social murder (German: sozialer Mord) is the unnatural death that occurs due to social, political, or economic oppression. The phrase was coined by Friedrich Engels in his 1845 work The Condition of the Working-Class in England whereby “the class which at present holds social and political control” (i.e. the bourgeoisie) “places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death”.[1] This was in a different category to murder and manslaughter committed by individuals against one another, as social murder explicitly was committed by the political and social elite against the poorest in society.[1]Wikipedia

“When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.” by Friedrich Engels 1845

Joseph Rowntree Foundation Child Poverty “4.3 million children across the UK live in poverty.”

“…JRF aims to bring about change by offering routes out of poverty for families and their children. We’re working to make sure everyone has access to: secure and well-paid work that fits around family life. A social security system that ensures everyone can afford the essentials (like food, warmth and clothing) secure, affordable and decent housing affordable childcare.” We used to have this, but [over decades] the greedy politicians destroyed everything in the publics interest, to divert the money on creating wealth for themselves & for those who support their corruption!

Updated 22/11/24 The UK Labour govt of warmongers, have promoted the use of long range missiles *from the UK; to be used against Russia knowing it will potentially cause WW3. They are also borrowing more money [under the guise of something else], to support Ukraine in their war against Russia, (just like the previous Tory govt), at the same time as they announce a reduction of spending on self-defence in the UK.

Perhaps Mr Putin would like to help us, by only destroying all the government terrorists & enablers to allow the rest of us to live in peace, which would benefit Russia, other countries and the UK population – who have had wars forced upon us. Just a thought🤔

The STATE MASS MURDERERS, and those who support them, should b***** off and go and live in the heart of the countries where they provoked wars, instead of stealing more of our money to support their criminal, psychopathic, behaviour – with perpetual wars/death & destruction in foreign lands, as well as in the UK. Their actions are clearly premeditated: to serve their own twisted motives to wipe out as many of us as possible.

❤❤This is a great protest song; Liars, Cheats and Crooks – video by Five Times August💪💪💪

You’re all liars fakes and cons, we want you out we want you gone, so don’t believe this time you’ll get away…”🎵🎵

WE NEED TO HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT & REMOVE ALL THEIR ASSETS NOW, before it gets any worse or they will desert us with the money – leaving us to deal with all of the chaos they created.

A massive thank you; to all those who are fiercely working towards restoring our freedom, safety & security, and by demanding appropriate accountability for those who have exploited us for personal gain.
