The most horrific COVER- UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
by the EVIL UK govt & their enablers. We need to protect the children from them all – because the fake authorities have been neglecting their duty of care – for decades. They MUST be punished to the full extent of the law. The public need to make these decisions as they govt have refused to do the job they are highly paid and entrusted to do. Please share everywhere – as I have been banned for years on social media etc.
“…It ought to be stated that the purpose of the law is to prevent injustice from reigning…justice is achieved only when injustice is absent…” Frederic Bastiat – The Law by freedomuniversity
Updated 08/01/25. PLEASE, encourage the public to KEEP FOCUSED ON WHAT MATTERS THE MOST – THE REAL VICTIMS.
Priorities: JUSTICE/ COMPENSATION/ SUPPORT for all those who have already been abused – by the state & their enablers – and put in place; protection from further harm – for all innocent members of the public. Example; Home Watch Schemes – everywhere so we can spy on and identify perpetrators.
Fact: Narcissists [⚠️who today, are predominant in authority positions], always play the part of being either the victim or the hero; because their ‘twisted’ perspective of what is right or wrong, refuses to acknowledge the facts; that they are the ‘real’ villains. This is typically part of their [dysfunctional brains] built in ‘coping mechanisms’ to avoid accountability & because they⚠️ lack empathy, guilt, shame etc. Although, they ⚠️do pretend to show they have these normal attributes.
Fact: Another easily recognisable pattern of narcissistic behaviour is how they never accept responsibility for anything and deflect/project – to shift blame elsewhere. Examples; by colluding with their enablers, to smear others/silencing those concerned citizens with a moral compass, and more recently by locking up [and to instill fear in the wider population], anyone who they deem a threat to the deeply corrupted authorities and those enablers; who do their dirty work.
But, they do not care or take any actions against those who are a real threat to innocent members of the public. However their refusal to punish the ‘real’ perpetrators is all part of the ‘new normal’ to destroy most of us, so they can facilitate total control over whoever is left.
Please read: 💪💪💪❤the informative 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov and compare with the evidence of what is actually happening – rather than what you are ‘spoon fed’ to believe is true. Liars/frauds/abusers have no credibility. Save your anger for those who were the cause and effect of it all: and who supported each others corruption – resulting in the unprecedented harm inflicted upon the public– because we have been used as tools to help them acquire great power and wealth for themselves.
💪💪💪❤ Please read all of page on How to stop psychopaths and narcissists from winning positions of power on the website CONVERSATION.
“Many present day politicians appear to have psychopathic and narcissistic traits too. It’s easy to spot such leaders, because they are always authoritarian, following hardline policies. They try to subvert democracy, to reduce the freedom of the press and clamp down on dissent. They are obsessed with national prestige, and often persecute minority groups. And they are always corrupt and lacking in moral principles.”
“The essence of the problem is that callous, low-empathy people are drawn to power, whereas empathic and responsible people (who would make ideal leaders) don’t have a desire for dominance. They usually prefer to remain on the ground, interacting with other people. This leaves positions of powers free for the wrong people…”
“What can be done?
Like others who have studied the problem of “corporate psychopathy”, the Australian psychologist Clive Boddy has suggested that companies should screen leadership candidates for psychopathy. In my view, we should do something similar in politics….”❤
The current SOLUTION : Refuse to recognise ANY OF THEM as being suitable candidates for positions of trust. They have already PROVEN they only care about 3 people: ME, MYSELF & I. That is why they eventually turn on each other. Please stop supporting them. We need to take back our power & public money and give to those who deserve the jobs/protection/security/public services in our own communities working in the best interests of us all. Those who cause ‘real’ harm should [from now on], be only held accountable by us – & without cruelty. We must not allow anyone who is unethical or bullies – to have power again.
We can influence/educate our children, neighbours, bosses etc to be decent human beings – so WE can be more prosperous/ healthy/happier & safe – living in peace – instead of allowing abnormally greedy, ‘twisted evil people’ to continue spreading their poison and dangerous subversive actions, via new unethical policies & laws.
Please remind them of these [damning] Facts: They invalidated their authority over us – when they became criminals themselves….decades ago. Fact: We have more right to protect ourselves – than they have to abuse. We should sack them, investigate and incarcerate them, instead of asking them to resign! Ch 2. They are operating under false pretences
07/01/2025 The same deeply, corrupt UK govt, with an appalling history of preventable child abuse, are sneaking in more laws under the guise of protecting them. Please wade though this document and scrutinise with a fine tooth comb, because if the totalitarian govt, give themselves more power to abuse, they will use any excuse to remove children from decent parents too. Example; after they already made decisions which artificially raised living costs and destroyed employment opportunities for millions, they will say the parents are too poor.
“The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill 2024-25 was introduced on 17 December 2024. It is bill 151 of the 2024-25 parliamentary session. The bill is listed for second reading on 8 January 2025.“
I married into a family of narcissists many years ago, who used influence/bribes with corrupt authorities, to [illegally] allow the in-laws – full custody of my baby, for the sole purpose of using him as an instrument of spite – because I asked THEIR abusive son to leave. The jumped straight into revenge mode due to overly sensitive egos❗ They ruined my son’s life (he developed similar negative character traits- from being brought up by them), and they caused me great harm, ( & by operating behind the scenes) – over many years… A massive can of worms. They literally left me for dead & financially ruined. These are the same evil personality types who are currently, occupying positions of power today.
Metaphorically speaking; they should all be branded with a health warning! Alternatively, they should be in jail for multiple crimes against humanity etc. Thankfully, I had a great support network and it was the only reason I survived. I learned a great deal from my ordeal and have always tried to help others; with the wealth of knowledge I have accumulated over my entire life. I want all the good, ethical people to be survivors.
But a warning, if everyone keeps ignoring the abuse from the authorities and they are not held to account [by forcibly removing them from society], they will continue...
We all know what happens when they place children in authority care; with no action against the authority predators & enablers. Examples: 1. Jimmy Savile was a known paedophile protected by Kier Starmer/Nicola Sturgeon/Tory govt/ police/Royal Family and many other enablers and yet was given unlimited freedom for many years [which no member of the public would be given], to sexually abuse many children in hospitals and care homes, throughout the UK.
Example 2 Most Secret Crime 2: Silencing a Scandal – Nick Davies About a Director of Sunderland Social Services who was pushed into retirement and gagged by a corrupt court system – to prevent him from doing his job, to [transparently] investigate/ & punish the child abusers.
“It is an alarming tale, about a man who thought he saw signs of a scandal, who was moved to expose it and to rescue its child victims and who was then frustrated and obstructed at every turn until finally he was stripped of his power and silenced. It is, in other words, the anatomy of a cover-up. And that is the first clue…”
Page created 06/01/25 The Great Taboo – Grooming, Musk, and Tommy Robinson– video by Demirep (Granniepteryx)💪💪💪 ❤Please watch.
The facts: in 2018 Lord Pearson of Rannoch revealed that at least 250,000 young white girls are being raped and abused😰😰😰 mainly by Muslim men. May I add, that it is not only Muslim men who are rapists/traffickers and boys are also raped/abused. statistics are altered/hidden/destroyed by most authorities/regulators/charities etc – to conceal the true scale of abuse.
It is a state sponsored conspiracy, and includes many child rapists/abusers occupying the highest positions of trust eg, Judiciary, Ministers, Police, etc and explains why the most heinous of crimes are NEVER fully investigated. The police acquire the victims evidence (under the pretext of investigating a crime), so they can see what the victims and their supporters know. This is then (frequently) falsified by the authorities and used against the victims, who are then victimised and often bullied by the police to shut them up. They all know who the offenders are; but the police look the other way.
MPs and their influential (complicit) ‘friends of govt’ – example the media – cover & deny the facts & omit crucial data, but latch on to what they want you to believe is true – to control the narrative when discussing or reporting on it. Corruption protecting corruption again – all paid with taxpayers money.
Fact: the police and the rest of the justice system will never fully investigate their own and each others sexual (or other) offences: because they are the worst offenders, yet collect their taxpayer paid incomes – for pretending to protect the public. THEY MAKE ALL THE DECISIONS – SO THEY ARE ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for the complete betrayal and violent rape/ abuse of the children. THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES and need to be forcibly removed from society, with assets [proceeds of crime] to be put back into the public purse in the interest of public safety & security and to compensate victims.
You can identify a real professional by the manner in which they conduct their business. The authorities are the epitome of SERIOUS ORGANISED CRIME – hiding in plain sight!
Chapter 1: Ministerial Foreword
[What they claim and actually do – are vastly different!] But, they do love to play word games whilst laughing at us for trusting them in the first place.]
“…Criminal networks are increasingly sophisticated, often concealed, and make full use of modern technology. They exploit the internet, often operating across borders and without concern for human life.…” [well they would know – as they have been avoiding accountability ever since they were given positions of trust. They have also regularly, informed the public about how they are proud of what they have achieved! ]
“…The Government will work in partnership with the private sector [collude] to implement the Economic Crime Plan 2. It will enable law enforcement and prosecution agencies to take more effective action against kleptocrats, corrupt elites, and serious and organised criminals who launder their funds in the UK. We will implement the new Fraud Strategy, published in May 2023, pursuing fraudsters through a new National Fraud Squad, blocking frauds at source, and empowering the public to respond. We will continue to deliver the Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy, using the full force of the State to counter the growing scale and impact of child sexual abuse.” [and why the sadistic criminals & co want juryless trials – to give themselves more power to abuse behind closed doors].
The authorities can also be categorised as terrorists; working from within… and part of the reason they have deliberately protected/released the worst criminals (or refused to prosecute them), whilst flooding the UK; with unvetted illegal migrants to add to the unprecedented harm and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY being forced upon all of us.❗ They do not prevent crime, they promote it for personal gain with a callous disregard to their victims.
The worst part is that their victims will suffer excruciating pain (torture), injuries at the time of the sexual abuse. They will also be deeply traumatised for the rest of their lives and many commit suicide [which is still murder by those directly/indirectly responsible]. Another crime, must be how the authorities do not allow the victims any trustworthy support, as there is very little genuine, professional help – readily available.
Rational, humane people would not protect those who knowingly cause harm – no matter what they offer. But, these are not the personality types favoured by our EVIL govts.
07/01/25 When dishonesty begets dishonesty: ‘Unethical behaviour is rewarded/promoted, but decency is treated with contempt, leading to the wider public being put at great risk of harm’.
“What they are selling is not our information, what they are selling is US. They are selling our future, our past, they are selling our history, our identity, and ultimately stealing our power, making our stories work for them” by Edward Snowden.
This will make it much easier for predators to access information on anyone, including being passed around amongst paedophiles.
Our data is not protected and has been given to unscrupulous persons without our permission to be abused. The ICO [like all the pseudo-regulators] is part of the problem❗ 97% negative views on 06/01/25
Please remember, the public has more right to protect itself from any kind of abuse, than the authorities & their equally corrupt enablers – have to abuse us. They lied and cheated their way into position, stole our money and made sure they had everyone working for them, whilst removing the public’s access to any form of protection.
Q. Would you not prefer to remove all the politicians and have the public run the entire UK – at community level, by appointing [vetted] locals who we know we can trust, making decisions on our terms: for ALL our benefit and held accountable by us❓…And, think of the money saved by preventing corrupt govts/companies from operating and via fairly collected taxes to spend in all our areas, improving our quality of life instead of theirs.
Please share my website to help others.❤
N.B. When I revisit pages I often re-edit some parts, if I remember something useful or to correct my typos etc.