CHAPTER 1. The Character/Personality Type of  CHA Directors

Narcissists, and other toxic personality types are the evil which live and work amongst us.

They are a significant threat to society and humanity. Those who ignore the harm and the laws they break, are promoting crime by –293-Statutory offences: art and part and aiding and abetting.

I do not claim to be an expert in any of these subjects, but I do believe I have enough broad knowledge, and supporting evidence, to make an informed opinion on the behaviour of some of the people, I have met from this company.

I have also had a previous experience, of how dangerous these personality types, really are. Many years ago, I married into a family of narcissists who used money/influence with so-called professionals including a judge, whilst they engaged in malicious intent to cause me harm. They illegally stole my son to be used as an instrument of spite against me; causing financial, physical, psychological and social harm. They left me for dead.

Corruption and ill health, directly caused by making the mistake of trusting these people, prevented me from protecting myself and from pursuing a legal case against them at the time. Several decent and ‘very persuasive’ people stood up to protect me and prevented further harassment.

As a result of a lifelong interest in various subjects including psychology, I have learnt about legislation, can recognise dirty tactics and other toxic patterns of behaviour by abusers/enablers etc.  I know what I am talking about, have credibility and equally important, I have evidence to support my claims…unlike the liars and frauds who I have exposed.

My experiences with two Caledonia Housing Association Directors Tim Calderbank and Garry Savage, have revealed negative patterns of behaviour, that bear all the hallmarks of narcissistic and or gas-lighting personality traits, and they happily encourage the same undesirable habits, in others.

Highly recommended reading below, from very knowledgeable sources:

“Anyone who sides with an abuser, criticizes, abandons or ostracizes a target, is every bit as guilty as the abuser. So too are those who participate in a smear campaign. Some people are weak and tend to go with the crowd instead of standing up for what is right… It takes strength to stand alone.” By the above author Anne McCrea of Narcissistic & Emotional Abuse – Shattering the Illusion.

The Drama Triangle: How Narcissists Use It to Manipulate People (

Behind the Narcissist Mask: The Bully, Coward, Liar and Fraud – (

“It’s not nice to call names. But when it comes to narcissists, calling them out is really a matter of survival for those dealing with their abuse, as well as for those who don’t understand the profound harm they do.” Excellent reading from The Narcissist in your Life by Julie L. Hall.

Narcissists often leave behind a trail of Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder or suicide amongst their victims, as psychological abuse is the favourite weapon of choice. They can also be physically, socially, and financially abusive.

7 Characteristics of the Modern Psychopath | Psychology Today United Kingdom 

by Preston Ni

“In their professional careers, higher-functioning sociopaths and psychopaths are nakedly ambitious, shrewdly exploitative, and ruthlessly aggressive. They often manoeuvre their way to positions of power and status in business, finance, politics, media, and other prominent fields. They attain success at the unethical expense of using and abusing others.”

The Pathological Narcissist In The Workplace – My Blog (

The one thing all narcissists have in common is that they need a constant source of narcissistic supply to give them oxygen, and for many narcissists the workplace provides that oxygen in abundance (i.e., it provides a place to preen, show off, get attention, shine, seduce, manipulate, humiliate, slight, prey on, exercise control, have power over, rage, and is financially rewarding, etc.).

Christine  Louis De Canonville is a Psychotherapist, Educator, Author and Supervisor of mental health professionals for over 28 years…and has worked specifically with victims of pathological narcissistic abuse in her private practice for many years”.

The Dark Triad definitions in the image are by Organizational Behavior: Machiavellianism or The End Justify the Means (

There is a distinct correlation, between what constitutes pathological narcissistic behaviour and that of the CHA Directors (and others, as demonstrated throughout my website).

Psychology Today has many excellent articles on the subject, including the ones below by Preston Ni

* Difference Between a Narcissist vs. Narcissistic Behavior | Psychology Today United Kingdom

** 6 Common Traits of Narcissists and Gaslighters | Psychology Today United Kingdom

(My comments in brackets and italics are nothing to do with the author of the very useful links above).

**1.Frequent Lies and Exaggerations…. (Oh yes, CHA staff and Directors have a very strong aversion to the truth, and are happy to project and blame everyone else for their failings and there is nothing beats committing fraud, to ensure they achieve their aims).

**2.Rarely Admit Flaws and Are Highly Aggressive When Criticised….  (Just ask them to do their jobs and they go into revenge mode.

Example 1. Housing Officer Cheryl Connelly, rushing for the door when I politely said, “tenants need action as they think you are useless”. She then made the conversations all about her,” so they think I am useless do they, I am offended” and kept coming back to it, (playing the part of the victim). Then weeks later, tried to get me to jump to the attention of an anti-social tenant! (Ch.’s 3. & 6). She went on to defame my character by falsifying data and processed and altered data which was none of their business..

Example 2. Director Tim Calderbank festered for weeks, waiting for the opportunity to jump into a colleague’s email address (under the guise of survey monkeys about rent increases!) …. to be sarcastic to me, just because my son and myself caught him out in his lying! Then look at the ensuing criminal harassment denying us our rights, by the company seen throughout this website and how they made sure no authority would help us, which is also a criminal offence under Rent Scotland Act 1984). Unlawful eviction

**3.False Image Projection….  (False persona and company glossy brochure façade to hide the sick twisted reality and their malicious intent to cause harm.

Example pre-emptive strikes before tenants have even complained, falsifying data held on them. Smear campaigns to defame tenants behind their back, to prejudice the opinions of anyone to whom tenants may complain, followed by campaigns of harassment to suppress, and control or unlawfully evict). 

**4.Rule Breaking and Boundary Violation….(Rules and laws are for lesser mortals, not the CHA lot who believe they are superior beings; entitled to do whatever they like and break laws with impunity; thanks to their manipulative skills and their narcissistic supply who assist them…. and many of them are also breaking laws). 

**5.Emotional Invalidation and Coercion….(Example 1. after the first case management discussion, the Directors wanted to gloat how they had influenced the Sheriff (and the Housing Regulator), and Director Garry Savage started trying to gaslight me with “so you think people have it in for you…. you think people are conspiring against you”. Gaslighting tactics are used to try to put you down, to make you doubt yourself and belittle you, so they feel powerful over you. It does not work on me. Their solicitor, even tried to tell me I did not see contractors taking photos through my windows! It is emotional abuse.

I just threw things back at the Directors to respond to their nastiness” to Garry Savage; “there goes that poor fragile ego again and reminded Tim Calderbank of how jumping into a colleagues email address to be sarcastic, under the guise of Survey Monkeys must be well below his pay scale, not to mention being somewhat immature and unprofessional”. They then huffed and took off!

Example 2. Pressuring others to comply with their demands or deliberately causing stress and engaging in unscrupulous actions to cause harm; evidenced throughout website. Narcissists are basically emotionally stunted adults, who become nasty vicious bullies, throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their own way).

**6. Manipulation: The Use or Control of Others as an Extension of Oneself …(Regulators, company lawyers, sheriffs, police, contractors , an anti- social tenant (used against others etc). Director Garry Savage is very adept at turning on his glib superficial charm or switching to his nasty side when the situation demands it .

Director Tim Calderbank bullied a 75 yr. old gentleman into removing CCTV (Ch.3.) which Citizens Advice and the police told him to install. CHA made out they had more authority than the police. They threatened him with court if he did not comply (Extortion – Wikipedia), and prevented him from getting help via the police and an MSP. They quickly turned on me because I defended him, see Ch.6 ).

Caledonia Housing Executive Management Team (CHEMT) and staff manipulate people and facts to give them an advantage over others.

Their enablers (source of narcissistic supply) can then be blamed to deflect attention away from those responsible at Caledonia Housing Association:  First they Idealise, then they Devalue, and finally when they have no further use for their sycophants/enablers/enforcers, they Discard them. It is the nature of the (backstabbing) beast!

Control of company finances is also very advantageous to the narcissists and is used for personal gain.

It is all in the word games with everything geared towards deception and also how current governments operate. CHA expected me to alter or move the huge, one-piece structure above, to appease an anti-social tenant (Ch,3). They described it as an ‘ornament’ or ‘wishing well’ in an email (Ch.3) and in reports seen in Ch.6. This was a deliberate act of duplicity to mislead anyone who reads about it to trivialise my complaint.

When I refused to be manipulated into doing what they asked, they unlawfully harassed us out of our home to make sure we lost the whole garden, money, and the time we spent on it. We also lost £thousands on other items of property and expenses. The CHA narcissists, make sure they get their own way.

Narcissists should never be allowed to run companies/organisations/or have government positions with resources to exploit, to allow them to achieve their self-serving and malicious intentions.

Only equally twisted minds would allow them to continue.

Rent (Scotland) Act 1984 (

(2) If any person with intent to cause the residential occupier of any premises—

(a)to give up the occupation of the premises or any part thereof; or

(b)to refrain from exercising any right or pursuing any remedy in respect of the premises or part thereof.

does acts calculated to interfere with the peace or comfort of the residential occupier or members of his household, he shall be guilty of an offence.

As Sheriff Jillian Martin Brown denied me my legal rights in court (Ch.2), to prevent my case being heard, she empowered CHA, who then went on to unlawfully drive my son out of his home too (Ch.7 ). Sheriff Jillian Martin Brown had given CHA, ‘a get out of jail card’ to avoid facing the criminal offences, they had committed under the Rent Scotland Act 1984. They also broke other laws and routinely commit fraud, yet they are still operating, thanks to equally dishonest people, covering their backs. My absolute legal right to a fair and impartial hearing by a fair impartial sheriff was completely ignored.

Well as I am a non-person in Scotland because my legal rights are not recognised in the two-tier legal system, which protects those who break laws and cause harm, then I will not recognise or take legal advice from anyone unless it comes via a solicitor, acting on my behalf and carefully chosen by me.

Due to exposing the high level of corruption, everyone with a strong case, should insist on being legally represented in the name of equality. It is no longer reasonable to expect the public to place their trust in regulators or the courts. Watch out for the dirty tricks by unscrupulous people.

When the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, recommended sheriff Jillian Martin Brown for promotion, she promoted how it is acceptable to break laws and in doing so, sanctioned harassment, discrimination, and victimisation too, because like-minded people stick together. The F.M. has legal, moral, financial, and social responsibilities just like all the so-called regulators and representatives of the law. Nicola Sturgeon/SNP also makes sure they too are not held accountable for their transgressions using the same tactics.

When a service provider is responsible for what other people do | Equality and Human Rights Commission ( Update28/04/24 I have just noticed the direct link (and the one below the quote I originally copied from their website), has now been removed form the source. It happens frequently when you catch them out exposing their lies or hypocrisy. They are also inclined to rewrite/alter policies/legislation etc. Look in archives and you will see for yourself. Unfortunately for them, some of us have original copies😛

It is not just the people in charge of organisations providing goods, facilities, or services to the public or carrying out public functions who must avoid unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

If another person who is:

   – employed by a service provider, or

   – carrying out a service provider’s instructions (who the law calls the service provider’s agent)

   – does something that is unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation, the service provider can be held legally responsible for what they have done

   – What happens if a service provider tries to stop equality law applying to a situation?

-A person must not help someone else carry out an act which the person helping knows is unlawful under equality law. 

Core guidance: Parliaments, politicians, and political parties | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

N.B.  CHA has changed job titles of Executive team. Maybe they get a higher pay packet with a different job title!

Garry Savage is now Director of Strategy & Innovation (formerly Business Service Director)
and Tim Calderbank is now Director of Customer Services (formerly Operations Director).