CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL / FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE = Criminal Offences orchestrated by our [HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE] governments and their entourage of equally unscrupulous, and often ‘twisted’, sycophants [enablers/enforcers] who they employ to cover their back! Evidence against many authorities etc can be found throughout this and many other websites.


this link can also be accessed via button on bottom of page titled: CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and role of the International Crime Court (ICC)


Q. When is a doctor not a doctorA. When the NHS bosses/ GMC try to fob you off with an ‘associate’. “​Doctors are “the medical profession”. To describe any other staff as medical professionals not only undermines doctors and the rigorous training journey they have been on, but also confuses patients, who rightly associate the two terms as one and the same.”

BMA to take legal action against GMC over PA regulation by PULSE

Standards of care are falling rapidly – because ‘abnormally’ selfish/greedy people are putting profit and personal gain – before healthcare.



The main categories of serious offences covered are:

  • child sexual exploitation and abuse
  • illegal drugs
  • illegal firearms
  • fraud
  • money laundering and other economic crime
  • bribery and corruption
  • organised immigration crime
  • modern slavery and human trafficking
  • cyber crime

The Organised Crime Syndicate [AKA as the authorities & co] invalidated their rights to have any authority over us, the moment they became criminals themselves:

CORRUPTION, BRIBERY AND SCAPEGOATING – By those who operate under false pretences

Message – for those directly engaged in or who covered corruption and have received bribes – as well as becoming criminals – you are greedy selfish fools, especially as you thought you could trust those whose dirty work you are supporting.

1st – They idealise – then they devalue, then they discard.….they own you. Did your greed, cloud your judgement and prevent you from seeing that they can take that money back anytime; using a variety of tactics and who are you going to complain to – the police, the courts etc? What are you going to say, ” I accepted a bribe knowing the public were being massively abused/harmed and now the authorities have stolen it back from me.”

Perhaps they paid you enough to compensate for your exposure, and you have new jobs lined up and/or they promised you that even more corruption – will cover your back so you will never held accountable

It proves those working for the establishment from the top down and their enablers should be removed, imprisoned and replaced with members of the public who are vetted by us, working in our interest; without the opportunity to exploit anyone. There are many good unemployed people in every town and city thanks to the authority criminals creating high unemployment – amongst the decent members of society.

The public could join together en masse to DEMAND an investigation of all the corruption in a criminal court!before they completely remove our access to justice.

Example: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/08/celebrity-docs-promoted-vaccine-without-declaring-payments/

The article is a watered down version of the whole truth.

Q. Why are some of the MSM writing about this – years after the public were exploited and massive harm has been caused❓ Earlier, they were happy to follow the narrative by the fake leaders, and demonise those of us speaking out, and forced many into unemployment, etc from the beginning. They cannot use ignorance as an excuse.

Those who orchestrated your bribes, will happily throw you under the bus and then scapegoat you.

…And all those medical people to whom this applies; should lose their licences and be sent to prison along with their puppet masters. – NB Is this just another story to distract and another premeditated tactic to destroy the trust in the NHS even further, as an excuse to remove it altogether – to leave more of the public in grave danger❓


Especially in a time of crisis, unscrupulous leaders and politicians can cynically exploit the ancient and deep-rooted impulse to scapegoat to deflect and distract from their own inadequacies and evade, or seek to evade, their legitimate burden of blame and responsibility.”

Please copy this page and find several other sources; as the links on the NHS will break/disappear as is usually the case when the ‘guilty parties’ routinely engage in cover-ups. You may need this and other information you find – to be used for evidence/defence later.

03/06/24 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/patients-dying-hospital-corridors-amid-230100602.html

“The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) revealed patients are being left without access to oxygen and enduring intimate examinations in inappropriate crowded areas.”

“The elderly are languishing on chairs for hours on end and patients are dying in corridors”

…and along with the other equally useless, so-called regulators and ministers for health, they [RCN] just sat back and allowed it all to happen. What happened to prevention is better than a cure? They should all be replaced with those who will actually do the job they are paid to do… First Do No Harm!

NHS destroys whistle-blowers.

.…and misappropriates money which should be spent on patient care.

The patterns of behaviour, [and dirty tactics to silence those who dare to expose the truth] of those concerned, apply to many organisations/companies etc and not just to the NHS. I have been exposing these facts for many years and I too have been blacklisted and given special, unwelcome, and usually illegal treatment!


NHS managers are destroying the careers of whistleblowers who raise concerns about patient safety, a group of medics warns.

More than 50 doctors and nurses have told The Telegraph they have been targeted after raising concerns about upwards of 170 patient deaths and nearly 700 cases of poor care. One consultant described it as “the biggest scandal within our country” and said the true number of avoidable deaths was “astronomical”.

Instead of trying to fix the problems, the whistleblowers claim NHS bosses are spending millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money hiring law firms and private eyes to investigate them instead, leading many medics to quit the profession in despair.

[MISAPPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC MONEY IS A CRIME – especially as it is aiding and abetting corruption in an attempt to pervert the course of justice. Taxes are not collected and paid to the NHS to promote corruption – they are paid to save lives and improve the health of the public. They are thieves and the rest of the corrupt authorities, including the police, are looking the other way…..]

In one case, the NHS spent more than £4 million on legal action against a single whistleblower, which included £3.2 million in compensation.

Writing for The Telegraph, Prof Phil Banfield, chairman of the council of the British Medical Association, which represents doctors, said whistleblowing “is not welcomed by NHS management … NHS trusts and senior managers are more concerned with protecting personal and organisational reputations than they are with protecting patients”.

He said the end result was that patient safety was being put at risk.

The same tactics are being repeated in hospitals up and down the UK, with some doctors – including some of the country’s most skilled surgeons – being suspended from work for years after raising patient safety concerns, effectively ending their careers.

Related video: ‘NHS bosses destroying careers of whistleblowers who speak out on patient safety’, medics claim (GB News)

Several have been driven to the brink of suicide after being “pulled to pieces” for fulfilling their legal and moral duty to raise the alarm when they believe patients are at risk.

In some cases, NHS managers are accused of falsifying or destroying evidence to make whistleblowers appear to be the guilty ones.[it is a common practise in authorities , and I have indisputable evidence from personal experience; going back over 40 years -including with the NHS]

“Protecting reputations

Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, told The Telegraph: “Every member of staff in the NHS should feel able to speak up without fear, and it’s essential that any concerns are taken very seriously to improve patient safety.” [so they claim, but why has all the unethical/dangerous behaviour been protected and therefore promoted for many decades❓]

She said (*claims) the Government had introduced measures to tackle the problem but “I know there is still more to do”. [* Where is the evidence❓ They are full of lame excuses to deflect and should be challenged]

The law meant to protect whistleblowers is the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, under which workers have the right “not to be subjected to any detriment by any act…by his employer done on the ground that the worker has made a protected disclosure.

But many whistleblowers say the law lacks teeth and has failed to prevent them being targeted by managers whom they say are more concerned with protecting reputations.”

[It has more to do with the carefully selected, weak, unethical, decision makers THROUGHOUT THE ESTABLISHMENT; including the ‘pretendy’ so-called independent regulators, being unsuitable for the positions of trust they are given (and should not have ) – so they just ‘follow orders.’ I am happy to swear this and more in a criminal court, but they have blocked my attempts for the normal channels of communication with me, so the authority abusers/criminals can avoid accountability].

“The case has parallels with the Post Office scandal, as targeted doctors have begun holding weekly meetings where their numbers grow each time, exposing the true scale of the problem.

The Telegraph has interviewed 52 doctors and nurses whose employers at 41 different trusts and clinics turned on them after they made so-called protected disclosures under laws that are meant to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

Between them, they raised concerns about a total of 177 deaths and 680 instances of patient harm. Because NHS managers decided to put the whistleblowers under investigation, rather than addressing their concerns, they claim that most of the harm – 129 deaths and 413 non-fatal injuries – happened after they had first reported the problems.

Even this is only “the tip of the iceberg”, according to doctors’ representatives, who believe thousands of people have been driven out of the NHS in similar circumstances. One law firm claims to be aware of 1,600 current cases of NHS whistleblowers taking action against their employers.

Once whistleblowers have been put under investigation – and often hauled before the General Medical Council on trumped-up charges that are typically dismissed as baseless – it takes on average six years, three months and 19 days to resolve their cases. [by delaying tactics!]

By the time their ordeal is over, they are often broken physically, mentally and psychologically and many are unable to work again. Of the 52 doctors, midwives and nurses who spoke to The Telegraph, only 27 remain in full NHS employment.”

No action taken

Forty of the medics said the result of their whistleblowing was that their employer took no positive action to address patient safety concerns; 36 said patients were still at risk in their place of work; 19 said trusts covered up the problem and 10 said they denied there was a problem. Nine said that action taken was too perfunctory, two said that partial positive action was taken. Only one said that the issue was fully resolved.

Of those who wished to disclose their current employment status, seven doctors who previously had substantive roles now can only get work as locums, two work wholly in private practice, six are unemployed and looking for work, three are registered disabled or too sick to work, two took early retirement and one works outside of medicine.

Whistleblowers’ representatives want the Government to require hospitals to bring in an **independent medical professional to assess the merit of claims, so that NHS managers are not able to “mark their own homework”. [**There is no such thing, because they always end up corrupting them.]

“They also want the Government to make it illegal to suspend or exclude doctors from work for speaking out about patient safety.

Meanwhile, Dr Naru Narayanan, president of HCSA, the hospital doctors’ union, called for the establishment of an independent statutory national whistleblowing body, outside of the NHS, to register protected disclosures and protect individuals against recriminations. 

He said: “There also needs to be a new criminal offence of causing detriment to people who have spoken up, so those who put reputation before patients are punished for it.”

The Government and the NHS have failed to get a grip on the problem despite decades of warnings about the way whistleblowers are treated. As long ago as the 1990s, the consultant who exposed excess deaths of babies at the Bristol Royal Infirmary had to immigrate to Australia to find work after being snubbed by the NHS, while 15 years ago a nurse who tried to raise concerns about avoidable deaths at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust said managers encouraged a culture of bullying and threats towards whistleblowers.

The Telegraph spoke to doctors who have formed self-help groups including Justice for Doctors, Whistleblowers UK and NMCWatch, as well as families who say the deaths of loved ones could have been avoided if managers had acted on warnings.

NHS Trusts are not alone in facing criticism – 19 of the whistleblowers said they had also raised their concerns with NHS England, only to be told it did not deal with individual cases. [because they operate the same way]

One consultant said: “The treatment by NHS leadership, of those that by law are commanded to speak up and protect patients, is the biggest scandal within our country. The number of avoidable and negligent deaths and harmed patients is astronomical.

‘My life is ruined’

Michelle Russell, a nurse who spent eight years raising concerns about a staff member allegedly harassing patients’ mothers, said: “My life is ruined. Having been vindicated in an independent investigation I was pulled to pieces through a Nursing and Midwifery Council hearing and discredited. I have no trust in the NHS or regulation any more. I do not want to access healthcare. I feel ashamed and feel I have no hope.”

One consultant surgeon at a hospital in the north of England said: “Avoiding scrutiny rather than learning lessons appears to be the priority.”

An NHS England spokesman said: “It is completely unacceptable for any member of staff to feel silenced or unable to speak up about issues affecting them or patients – not only should everyone working in the NHS feel they can raise concerns but they must know that they will be acted on and that they will be treated fairly – this is vital for ensuring that the NHS learns from mistakes and provides the best possible care for patients.” [You cannot call it a mistake when it has been brought to bosses attention but they ignored the remedy]

“Every NHS trust should be adopting the updated national Freedom to Speak Up policy and NHS England has recently asked all local areas to urgently ensure staff have easy access to information on how they can raise concerns, including through having a dedicated Freedom to Speak Up Guardian in place.”

“Where people are disadvantaged as a result of speaking up, NHS England has ensured there is additional help available with a national scheme in place so staff can receive additional intensive support in these circumstances.”

“Ms Atkins said: “We have boosted legal protections for whistleblowers and established Freedom to Speak Up Guardians in healthcare across England, which are now in every NHS trust. This is in addition to setting up a confidential Speak Up Direct helpline to help workers feel safe in coming forward. I know there is still more to do, and I am determined to make sure the NHS is a fairer place to work for all.

“This goes hand in hand with ensuring patient safety, which is why we have delivered major initiatives over the last decade to ensure this remains at the forefront of our healthcare system. This includes introducing the first NHS patient safety strategy, appointing the first patient safety commissioner, and announcing our plans to implement Martha’s Rule.” [More lies, and acts of deception, whilst they pretend they give a toss and continue to work against us.]

I apologise if I have missed any of the article but there are anomalies which pop up regularly now, when I try to post anything.🤔I wonder why that could be❓

More about the deeply unethical, collusion by the NHS bosses- with whoever pulls their strings.


02/07/24 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13569695/Fury-1-4bn-worth-personal-protection-equipment-bought-SINGLE-FIRM-Covid-pandemic-destroyed-written-off.html along with the other ‘friends of govt’ who profited from contracts. Authorities love to accuse the public of fraud even without evidence , when they are the biggest frauds of all squandering/ misappropriating & embezzling the tax payers money at every opportunity.

20/05/24 Authorities attempt to illegally remove anyone who poses a threat to them – because it is their only protection from jail sentences. Q. What does it say about the police, judiciary, regulators etc – the supposed checks and balances in other depts., who are just looking the other way❓ A. Corrrupt, corrupt, CORRUPT!…and no use to us.

✔✔✔ VERY IMPORTANT: You must watch and share all you know about: The Lesley Roberts Story by Silver Fox Hot Takes on the update of the dirty tactics – to silence an honest whistleblower….Where did I put that pitchfork?

After updating the page, I have had major struggles trying to contact people/sites and The Lesley Roberts Story was struggling to open. For those who do not know, Former Nurse (and a real professional); Lesley had an enormous amount of damning evidence to present to the so-called covid inquiry – and at the last minute, the ‘usual suspects’ prevented her from exposing the facts. It proves the INQUIRIES are for show purposes only and to distract the public, because they have no intention of holding any authority abusers/murderers to account.

This what happens when decent people, try to expose unethical/illegal behaviour and exactly what happened to Lesley and many others when you follow the supposed, legal procedures. See the same patterns of behaviour in Law-Breaking Caledonia Housing Association section. for proof nothing works as it is meant to do, because it is so corrupted. I exposed this in 2019! I can go back a lot more years with even more authority criminality, and they know it.

  1. They encourage you to submit your complaint with all the evidence by pretending to be concerned/professional. They are stealing it under false pretences frauds. It allows them to know how much you have on them – for the purpose of rewriting the facts. The police have been known to confiscate evidence about cases highlighting officials in authority positions [presumably to destroy] as cases have failed to proceed to court.
  2. They drag it out and eventually they brush you off with the lamest of excuses and advise you to go around in circles again with regulators etc. They share the data with each other and with the ones your complaint is about.
  3. They then alter and falsify data on record to match their own agendas – including in other govt depts… where they hold records on you.
  4. They blacklist you and smear you behind your back to make sure no-one helps you in future- just like the NHS doctors have said.

Please protect Lesley and the rest of the heroes, ❤💪💪who she associates with, on the mission to get redress and protect us all.

Update 22/05/24 The state racketeers sacked a decent human being, Kaira McCallum- who wanted to bring a case against the corrupt UK govt; who then encouraged MSM/trolls etc., to smear her: Magistrate removed after bringing Nuremberg Code case against UK government – YouTube  ❤❤❤ and more information: Holocaust Survivors’ Letter to the International Criminal Court – Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org)

We must all expose everything we know, and kick off about this en masse. Legal process is currently a complete waste of time and taxpayer money. 🐍It is run by criminals – to serve the criminals. 🐍🐍🐍

🤔🤔🤔The public need to put the cases online and become the judge, jury and agree to a sentence…on all social platforms and involve everyone who is not part of the corruption 💪💪💪




Q. If our *dysfunctional leaders cared about us, why did they allow it to become so bad in the first place❓ A. Our corrupt, self-serving callous, decision makers are hell bent on decimating countries around the world. WE will be left to deal with even more dangerous criminals and the illegal immigrants etc, they are purposely, releasing amongst us, [to cause more chaos] whilst the so-called elite PLAN TO DESERT US, after STEALING ALL THEY CAN, LEAVING US WITH NOTHING; EXCEPT MISERY AND GREAT DANGER.

For the doubters: WHY CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED TO DO ❓ & WAKE UP TO THE FACT THE SCHEMERS WILL NOT STAY IN THE COUNTRIES THEY HAVE DESTROYED. If we do not OUST THEM SOON and LOCK THEM UP to prevent this, and salvage what we can to bring back law & order for ourselves, they will probably use their military enforcers to send missiles over to us. Compare their personality traits with the signs of a psychopath.

What are you – the good people- waiting for? WE HAVE TO BE OUR OWN HEROES – because there is no-one else going to help us. This is like no other war, we are being attacked from the inside by the very people who are paid to protect us, they are TRAITORS who have BETRAYED US. The only way to stop them as the justice system refuses to do so, is by forcing their removal-without violence and locking them up where they cannot cause innocent people any more harm. We, have to hold them to account.



*A person with antisocial personality disorder may:

  • exploit, manipulate or violate the rights of others
  • lack concern, regret or remorse about other people’s distress
  • behave irresponsibly and show disregard for normal social behaviour
  • have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships
  • be unable to control their anger
  • lack guilt, or not learn from their mistakes
  • blame others for problems in their lives
  • repeatedly break the law

*Sound familiar❓Compare with the actions of the so-called elite!🐍😈🐍😈

N.B I had to repost this section on the Homepage as the button at the bottom of the page : Universal Declaration Of Human Rights suddenly stopped opening, but now seems to do so. I don’t know why.🤔😠 😣