“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything “― Albert Einstein
A group of us tenants, tried to take our case to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR), she was not interested and just pointed us into areas we had already been, and back to CHA so we could go around in circles all over again.
![GROUP COMPLAINT IGNORED BY SHR](https://donottrustthem.com/images/GROUP-COMPLAINT-IGNORED-BY-SHR-745x1024.jpeg)
Continued on Page 2 …” It is an absolute waste of resources to deal with problems made by their poor decisions which could have been easily prevented in the first place. CHA responses since have proved to be detrimental to everyone else but those causing problems. In fact, one tenant and her boyfriend are empowered by how favourably CHA have treated her and see it as the green light to continue ruining other people’s peaceful lives with their approval.
Other neighbours cannot live in peace or even go outside for fresh air because of dog faeces.
The poor management of the scheme has had a noticeable impact on the lives of everyone here. In a relatively short time it has being reduced from an attractive quiet, clean and friendly pleasant place to live with some community spirit, to a depressing area where neighbours are living under constant stress from unacceptable behaviour from a.s.t or the CHA.
It is like living in some parallel world. Deviant and/or criminal behaviour are the accepted form of tenant behaviour’s by CHA and the core values of being a good tenant as outlined in the tenancy agreement are undermined and to be suppressed.
We do not believe it unreasonable to expect CHA to abide by the policies and procedures as stated in complaints procedure, Tenancy Agreement, Disability Discrimination Act, DPA, etc.
We feel that our basic human rights have been violated as we can no longer live our lives free from behaviour which makes us feel depressed, harassed, intimidated, humiliated, or victimised by either the a.s.t. or by the questionable actions and failings of CHA.”
(I have just copied over the last section of the form we submitted, as the rest had the I.D. of the tenants.)
![WEBSITE SHR LAME RESPONSE 1](https://donottrustthem.com/images/WEBSITE-SHR-LAME-RESPONSE-1-745x1024.jpeg)
![SHR RESPONSE PAGE 2](https://donottrustthem.com/images/SHR-RESPONSE-PAGE-2-745x1024.jpeg)
The SHR claim they were all separate issues, but all were concerning the fact that CHA falsifies information, refuse to deal with, but prioritises and protects the anti-social tenants, and engages in dishonourable practices including harassment, to silence the tenants as well as putting obstacles in their way preventing them getting help. This affects every service user not just those of us who raised concerns. We sent Tracey numerous documents to support this and show the bigger picture of how CHA pretends to do what is supposed to do.”
Quote from first page of the SHR response, “Our role is to ensure the Association has in place policies and processes to effectively manage and respond to any complaints that it may receive from its tenants. ”Oh no its not …because according to the SHR own website: at the time:
What we do | Scottish Housing Regulator
HR are an independent regulator of RSLs and local authority housing services in Scotland. They were established on 1 April 2011 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010.
They have one statutory objective, to:
“Safeguard and promote the interests of current and future tenants of social landlords, people who are or may become homeless, and people who use housing services provided by registered social landlords (RSLs) and local authorities”.
They regulate social landlords to protect the interests of people who receive services from them.
They do this by assessing and reporting on:
how social landlords are performing their housing services
RSLs’ financial well-being
RSLs’ standards of governance
We intervene to secure improvements where they need to.
“…except when they are protecting Caledonia Housing Association!” and other dishonourable housing associations.
Social housing: Social housing regulation – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)
The SHR ‘has altered the facts’ which mimics the tactics CHA uses to deflect, by latching onto whatever suits their agenda and ignore the relevant parts, (and then echoed by the ICO in their last communication to me, in chapter 5). Manipulative tactics to water down the complaints so the company avoids accountability.
Those of us who been through CHA’s pseudo complaint procedure know just what a farce that is. Great perks of the job when you can falsify information; alter the facts to water down the complaint, to suit your own dishonourable agendas and then pull strings to protect your atrocious conduct. The SHR have given full rein to Garry Savage and the rest of CHA to do whatever they like, and with whoever. See their malicious, disgusting actions towards my son and me in chapters 6 & 7.
This SHR did not even try to do her job, (but paid from the public purse) and because of the SHR’s failings and other equally selfish corrupt people in so-called authority positions, many service users suffer unnecessarily at the hands of CHA and other Housing Associations. If it’s not happening to them, and they can still collect their wages and other benefits, I suppose that’s all they are concerned with.
I personally would be embarrassed answering a complaint this way, but that’s because I have principles and always did my job to my best ability. But not everyone has ethical standards, and some are happy to pretend because they are the personality type favoured by fake leaders. CHA’s dishonourable practices were made secure by the very regulatory authority, which is supposed to protect service users from unscrupulous landlords. Instead, the regulatory body covered for the unscrupulous landlord.
After the first Case Management Discussion (ch.2), having got the sheriff on their side, (because manipulative narcissists/gaslighters make sure they control all the situation and everyone, who might expose the truth), Tim Calderbank could not wait to throw in my face, how the SHR complaint never got off the ground (they love to brag about their dishonourable achievements). This was without me ever discussing the SHR with CHA! But here’s the thing, how would CHA know that the SHR completely ignored our complaint; unless the SHR breached the Data Protection Act and informed (warned) them by discussing our complaint, when she had no reason to, as she was not bothering with it? CHA has at some point influenced her decision and by colluding the case worker/SHR exposed the tenants to further abuse from their landlord.
Other people had already commented ‘it’s all friends together’ but let’s be clear. Narcissists/gaslighters don’t have friends, they just have people to use. So many puppets are happy to oblige and run about after them, expecting the rest of us to do the same. The question must be asked, what are they getting out of this arrangement because it also speaks volumes about their integrity too?
https://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/news/root-regulatory-problems-lie-weak-governance-blog-michael-cameron The direct link has now been removed. Perhaps they could not face being exposed by their hypocrisy!
“Our Chief Executive recently wrote a blog for Inside Housing.” The root of regulatory problems lies in weak governance” – a blog by Michael Cameron 16 January 2019
Well, I could not agree more with this statement, so Mr Michael Cameron, “would you like to publicly share through the press, the reason why SHR have been covering for a completely untrustworthy and morally abhorrent, social housing landlord, because ignorance cannot be an excuse? Would you please like to put your own house in order because CHA did need an impartial and thorough investigation, but the SHR just turned a blind eye?”
By demonstrating with my personal experiences via this website (and shared by many –thank you), I revealed a far-reaching network of corruption which surrounds the megalomaniacs who lead, and who acquired their positions through duplicitous behaviour and many false claims. They (not the virus) are the biggest threat to mankind and the reason they want to censor/silence all ethical people including myself,