…It’s because we see though their façade and therefore we make them feel insecure

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Updated page 14/09/ 24; The UK branch of the global Crime Syndicate [AKA as the government], have prioritised silencing dissent above the detainment and punishment of the most dangerous of criminals; who are SUPPORTED by a deeply corrupted justice system. Their aim is to instil more fear [psychological abuse to gain total control], amongst the population – whilst they continue to engage in the persecution of the UK citizens to suit their own agendas.


Politicians and establishment media DON’T want YOU talking about this – “Not on our watch” by Patrick Christy on GB News. Thank you for having the decency and guts to speak up💪💪💪❤ The [unfit for purpose] evil govt would rather victims suffer lifelong trauma; than hold sexual predators to account. Patrick states the fact; they are complicit by * aiding and abetting crimes and [rational] right thinking people would recognise that ALL predators should be punished & locked up in the interest of public safety. The reason they are accusing/punishing those who speak the truth – e.g., accusing the public of being racists etc., is their lame excuse to avoid punishing the [premeditated] invasion of dangerous foreigners.

* “To actively encourage, to assist, or to support the commission of a criminal act” – the legal definition. By doing nothing to prevent these crimes, ALL the authorities & their enablers are COMPLICIT & PROMOTING/ sex trafficking which is an example of Serious and Organised Crime:

The main categories of serious offences covered are:

N.B. Evidence of all the above is throughout this website and is increasing around the world because of corruption.

Fact: The corrupt DECISION MAKERS are the cause and effect of all the manufactured crises. Please, make sure you direct your frustrations to those individuals who caused your predicament and not on the innocent members of the public.

WEF Mantra: “You will own nothing and be happy”… as the consequences of their actions.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world by Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger (was a WEF member).

Update: 12/09/24 …and now they are attempting to MURDER THE PENSIONERS (easy targets for state criminals) by reducing income to starve, or cause hypothermia,[ they intend removing 25% single person council tax discount], removing bus passes so they cannot seek support or a heating source elsewhere etc -because the bullies always attack the most vulnerable first. They have already been removing incomes from the sick and disabled for over a decade to bring about premature death.

Who is the next target group in their bid to torture & eradicate the masses❓

They also want to make MOST of us homeless, so are attacking the incomes of private landlords, to cause them hardship & force them to give up their properties – to reduce the available homes for those who need them. But they will temporarily; provide homes, money, pay bills [BRIBES] for illegal immigrants/criminals – until they have no further USE for them!

SOCIAL MURDER see more under same heading down the page.

COMMUNITY SPIRIT is the enemy of tyrants. They want to pit us against each other – to divide and conquer, do not give them what they want. Instead, join together against them.

I need help from as many members of the public as possible I have buttons at the bottom of some pages with additional information, I often repeat extracts as my website is monitored by those who wish to silence dissent (& me), and they have already illegally tampered with my computer and my website. Dirty tactics are used because they refuse to take me to a court; as my website evidence/protection to defend myself, family & the public – will not protect them from their many criminal offences; acts of corruption/ malicious intent to cause harm/ and abuses of position.…and I have so much more against them!

“Communism has never concealed the fact that it rejects all absolute concepts of morality. It scoffs at any consideration of “good” and “evil” as indisputable categories…”Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Warning to the West Quotes by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (goodreads.com)

Dutch activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek Slams British government on UK Riots video by The Free Press Journal ❤❤❤

“The UK the country of the Magna Carta, arguably the first ever document to state in the European history that stated that the government/ the King were not above the law – are now sentencing people to jail for disagreeing with them.” But our fake leadersthe narcissists and psychopaths (and everything in between), believe in their twisted, delusional, minds that they are entitled to do anything to us!

They ARE ENTITLED to be removed by us and locked up for the public’s safety and well-being!

Update 01/09/24 Is This How Narcissists Think? – “The simple and clear thinking pattern which aims to confuse.” from Psychology Today; article by ❤❤❤ Mariette Jansen Ph.D. From Victim to Victor 💪 Those who have experienced narcissistic abuse – have the most knowledge on the subject; with great insight into how their abusers operate.

Former Police Officer Exposes Two Tier Policing by the Podcast Of the Lotus Eaters

.. the victims of dysfunctional persons who abuse their positions; are sent to the worst types of prison where they will be forced into the ideological views of the state terrorists & co., [AKA the self-titled elite] & their extremist friends. I would not allow anyone into my home whom I know I cannot trust – including the police. They are all traitors by ‘just following orders’.

We have more right to protect ourselves from state organised abuse, than they have to abuse us.

25/08/24 Starmer/Labour have continued where the murderous Tory party left off, but at ‘warp’ speed’He is trying to impress his ‘evil friends’ at the WEF to earn his seat at ‘the top of the table’ by demonstrating that he too is a twisted, callous individual.

 🙏🙏🙏I am calling on all the good men and women: the ex-military, police etc., and other ethical professionals to join together with the public, to help rid the UK (and globally), of the evil, treacherous decision makers; who are the most serious threat to all our lives. There have been times when🏍🏍🏍 huge biker groups🏍🏍🏍, have helped individual members of the public, please, 🙏🙏🙏will you come on board now too. 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍

No violence would be necessary, the sheer sight of you outside their homes/offices would be enough to scare the authority criminals into backing off. PLEASE be our HEROES and help us take control of our own communities – to remove the tyrants & co who are intimidating and abusing us.💪💪💪💪💪💪

🙏🙏🙏 We need; all the community spirited HEROES to UNITE and remove the corrupt, murderous, twisted evil, authorities; who for decades have deliberately worked against the public interest. We need all the ethical people – from all walks of life, joining together to protect each other. We need more HEROES like the ‘blade runners’ who are blocking mass surveillance – to prevent more tyrannical control 💪💪💪💪💪💪Please, do your best to save humanity and prevent more innocent people from being harmed by those authority criminals/ state terrorists & their enablers, who should be locked up for the rest of their lives and their entire assets removed to pay for rebuilding the communities.

❤❤❤You will be on the ‘right side’ of history and remembered forever ❤❤❤


THE UK IS OFFICIALLY RUN BY A DICTATORSHIP NOW. The authority criminals [greedy, power hungry, control freaks] are hell-bent on stirring up fear to silence the UK citizens – one way or another!

As I stated awhile ago, the fake leaders ‘invited’ illegal immigrants en masse (and around the world) to be used against us. That is why the legal right to entry was removed (and they pretended there were only refugees coming), but it later ‘morphed’ into something else.

And…dangerous prisoners have regularly been released from jail or not convicted in the first place. They too, are allowed to cause mayhem on the streets – but the general public are not even allowed to be near a protest. It is the second real attempt by fake governments (crime syndicates), to lock us down in our homes/ ghettos; AKA concentration camps! Creating FEAR is a powerful weapon…but it works both ways!

Their agenda was a premeditated action; designed to put the public in great danger to DIVIDE & CONQUER. I only hope all those doing our despot’s dirty work, realise sooner, rather than later, (and swap sides) that further down the line; they too will be destroyed by our dictators, using someone else/different method…because: First they idealise, then they devalue, and then they discard!

Please stop waiting for someone else to rescue us! We need to remove those evil, degenerate, decision makers and anyone else [NOW] who are causing all the problems; so we can bring back, safety, peace, & a higher standard of living by the communities joining together to protect all our rights.❤❤❤ You know it makes sense. 💪💪💪 We should never again, allow anyone/group have so much power over us.


04/08/24 What they have actually been planning – for decades:

The 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion – explains our current crises.


“Stage 1: Demoralisation – The systematic undermining of society’s moral and ethical foundations.

During this stage, foreign agents seek to infiltrate educational institutions, media, and cultural platforms to influence the minds of young people. 

In the demoralization phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms.

Stage 2: Destabilization – Economic instability, social unrest, and political polarization become prominent features of this stage, laying the foundation for further manipulation.

Key sectors such as law enforcement, military, and intelligence are targeted to compromise the nation’s ability to respond to external and internal threats.

Stage 3: Crises – The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. 

During the crises phase, the external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies and solutions.

Stage 4: Normalization – Where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm.

Bezmenov emphasized that this phase is not about a return to stability but rather the establishment of a new societal order based on the foreign ideology.”

Yuri Bezmenov’s insights into the stages of ideological subversion remain relevant, serving as a reminder of the importance of preserving the values, institutions, and cultural identity that define a nation. Understanding these stages provides a framework for recognizing and countering potential threats to the integrity of society.

This all happening now. I have copied the link onto several sections; due to its importance to our current situation.

07/08/24 👍👍👍Please listen to this lovely young lady who has more humanity and insight, than all our politicians put together:

my thoughts on the situation in the United Kingdom video by Rebecca Bar Sef. ❤❤❤

07/08/24 MORE STATE-SPONSORED CRIMINALITY: They obviously have not killed off enough of us from deliberately pushing everyone into poverty or from Covid and other manufactured crises. They keep coming back to torture/ psychologically abuse/ persecute/ murder many more.

Suggestion to make pensioners pay NI towards Social Care. by Grey Matters.

Fact: We have already paid NI throughout our lives, which has clearly been stolen, [AKA misappropriated by the state racketeers], and now they want us to pay again when they have pushed everyone further into poverty. Meanwhile, you only have to be a ‘pretendy’ minister/fake leader for a few weeks, to have a guaranteed massive pension and many other perks along the way, making up rules/laws to serve themselves.

Demand they are transparent and show exactly how much [with evidence], they have profited in [all] their banks, after all “if they had done nothing wrong – they should have nothing to hide“, so would not mind being open and honest – as expected [necessary] for such high positions of trust. Remember the BHS scandal where employees lost their work pension?

Work and pensions minister Amber Rudd on Sunday announced plans to make “wilful or reckless behaviour” related to pension schemes a criminal offence with a jail term of up to seven years or an unlimited fine.” They are just creating an opportunity to make more money for themselves from fines. They already have laws which cover embezzlement, theft, fraud, racketeering etc, and the govts & co., are experts at breaking them all.

Oscar Williams-Grut Senior City Correspondent, Yahoo Finance UK11 February 2019 “The UK government is proposing tough new rules that could see bosses face jail for mismanaging employee pension schemes.” so they claim. Calling all governments & co.,and other crooks in suits, practice what you preach and go straight to jail [instead of wasting more money on corrupt judges to cover you] without collecting any pension and hand over all your proceeds of crime. Include all those who have worked in the DWP with their favourite unethical, corrupt company friends – who were paid [their share] of £Multibillions of tax payer money which was stolen – to exploit the public whilst causing the victims further harm often resulting in social murder.

Message To The Unvaccinated video by Good Luck America ❤👍👍💪Playing ‘follow your leader’ can pose a serious risk to your health, livelihood, create divisions in families and society bringing about social collapse – as millions [billions globally] have found out, to their peril. Q. Are you going to make the same mistakes again❓ There is every likelihood the number of victims of social murder will dramatically increase.

The video below “Why EMPATHS often disliked and disrespected” is very inspirational and should motivate those who are feeling powerless. You do not have to be an Empath to benefit from this excellent, motivational video from Vital Germaine ❤👍👍👍

We have to “connect with our inner warrior beast mode,” to defend ourselves (and others) from those who “violate our boundaries”….no matter who they think they are

Updated: 01/08/24 “I urge you to show this video with those who might be confined by certain ideologies…” 🔽

Are You A Part Of Them?- Theory Of Stupidity. Video by Mr Brain

“Don’t be trapped in the cycle of foolishness and flawed thinking. Explore practical insights and strategies to expand your awareness, challenge biases, and make wiser choices. Embrace the power of critical thinking, and let wisdom guide your path.”

The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity That You Must Know! Video by Mr Brain

“From the rise of Nazi Germany to everyday life, these laws will change the way you think about stupidity forever.” In particular you will be able to recognise the personality traits of those who fall into the categories of stupidity.

19/07/24 About The RIOTS IN LEEDS. Fact: If the authorities always did their jobs in the public interest; upheld laws and stopped exploiting & abusing us en masse, we would not have any grievances which would erupt in violence. I do not condone acts of violence unless used in self-defence, however, I do completely understand why this happened.

Police release major update on Leeds riots and detail who caused it | UK | News | Express.co.uk

“We want to make it very clear that the full weight of the law will be brought against those responsible.”

Q. Does this mean they will arrest the decision makers in authority positions, including the police; [whose policies, legislation and refusal to protect the public, or their property, but who have engaged in premeditated actions to bring about the public’s downfall ]; who have proven they are the cause and effect of all the MANUFACTURED crises❓ They created the tinderbox and pushed everyone into a point of desperation and frustration.

Q. Are they going to imprison corrupt, state racketeers et al., who have exploited/abused the public for decades, often resulting in their social murder

A. Don’t be silly, the treacherous persons in the hierarchy of corrupt authorities et al, throughout the UK, did not acquire great wealth and power by being upright citizens.

 …and they want to silence the public by instructing you to stop discussing the truth; so they can replace with their own, but instantaneous (🤔) distorted version of reality:

….which we believe has been instigated by a criminal minority intent on disrupting community relations” – and all part of the controlled narrative they think we are stupid enough to believe – to apply more pressure on us to comply with them.

If the justice system was not so corrupt the public could have brought legal action [justice] against all those who cause them harm. Legal process/ redress/ is denied to the public and unfit for purpose – because it only serves to protect the corruption in all its forms. They have no credibility.

Please do not play into the hands of the authority criminals by assisting with the destruction of towns and cities. They are already seeking to permanently lock us down – to abuse us further and increase social murder, by creating ghettos for us, via the decisions they make. PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE IN ANY ACTIONS WHICH MAKE IT EASIER to bring us down. They will continue to use all the resources available to them – against us; examples: the corrupted security services, regulators, judiciary, companies, media/ big tech/social platforms & the illegal immigrants etc.

You need to point out all times; that they are operating under false pretences [frauds], break numerous and the most serious laws, so they have no legal/moral right to preach legislation to us.You did not give your consent to being exploited/controlled by state racketeers and their enablers. 

They have committed fraud to gain their positions and therefore they made themselvesnull and void. We have more right to protect ourselves from abuse by authority criminals, than they have to abuse us. Let them know you will not aid and abet their crimes; – by refusing to acknowledge [and question] their authority.

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.”

-Thomas Jefferson., Writings. Vol.iii, p. 320


WHAT IS SOCIAL MURDER? | Clifford Thurlow  ❤❤❤👍👍🙌Great source of information

Social murder is a phrase applied to changes in government policy that lead to greater poverty and result in anxiety, suicide and early death”

“The perfect example of social murder is the stance taken by the Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and his Chancellor George Osborne with the introduction of ‘austerity’ after the financial crisis in 2008.

The crisis and the recession that followed was caused by international banks providing cheap credit with lax lending standards to new home buyers. When the housing market collapsed, banks were left holding trillions of dollars of worthless investments in subprime mortgages.”

British bankers taking home millions in bonuses had in a deluded frenzy made themselves believe that buying debt could be turned to profit and now needed billions from the Treasury to prevent bankruptcy and national disaster”

“Where did the money come from (❓). It came from the pockets and wallets of working people in wage restraints and unprecedented cuts to hospitals, schools, pensions, social welfare, legal aid, mental health provision, probation services and the proliferation of zero hours contracts“…And many more recent attacks on the public to deliberately deny them their right to life!

GHETTOIZE | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary

to treat a particulargroup in society as if they are different from the other parts of society and as if their activities and interests are not important to other people:

“Those who cannot afford either will be ghettoized and barred from lucrative employment worldwide.”

Whilst they do – what they do best – victim blame/ to victimise further and to deflect attention away from the real perpetrators [themselves], who also use influence/position, to avoid accountability.

17/07/24 ❤❤❤👍👍🙌 HEY JUSTIN, JUST STOP Videoby Michelle Ferreri Compare what Michelle states about Canada and their own special dictator; Justin Trudeau [another WEF boot licker], with your country’s fake leaders. Doesn’t it sound familiar, and it proves what is happening to all of us is premeditated.

“…You took Canadian Taxpayers money and then you give them back scraps…The people who used to donate to food banks, are now using food banks…”

WE ALL NEED TO DO OUR BIT to help each other.

Weird School Strikes video by Silver Fox Hot Takes


15/07/24 Scotland’s heroes PARENTS LEADING THE WAY, TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN from those who are paid to responsibly educate and keep them safe; as they have refused to do so.

The ‘authorities’ have proven again, they have openly, switched sides to protect perpetrators and ignore victims.

The predatory decision-makers (‘pseudo-professionals) steal taxpayers money to keep themselves in jobs, whilst they are normalising/grooming and promoting sexual/physical/psychological & social abuse of our kids. Another example: My granddaughter was a subject of a serious assault, and then the bully ran away from the Scottish school. The school immediately reported her missing to the police, but failed to report my granddaughters assault to them. My daughter had to do this when she found out and the police refused to take any action. Although, she was told if an adult did this, it would have been classed as attempted murder. [Please be aware Sturgeon’s crime syndicate AKA the SNP; have actually raised the age of responsibility (accountability) to 25 to protect more ‘friends of govt’ – violent offenders.]

By protecting/prioritising & therefore promoting criminal behaviour – the authorities themselves are engaged in criminal offences. They do not care because they have each others backs! The corrupt individuals running the country, are the cause and effect of all the social problems occurring in society.


“However, it would be wrong to entirely blame the Scottish Government (SG) for the situation. The behaviour of too many children has changed for the worse since Covid struck and it is unrealistic to expect ministers to sort things out by themselves.

Updated 12/08/24 opinion; How many thousands of people work in govt positions and yet they claim they do not know how to do their job? So lets sack them all and replace with trustworthy, real professionals who actually know how to do their job [instead of pretending], without exploiting others! Plenty of unemployed, readily available – thanks to those who deliberately caused job losses/businesses to collapse etc by the policies and legislation they made, especially during the pandemic.

…Really! The author tries to claim they (SG) are not entirely to blame.

Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! Clearly the words of a sycophant or someone who ‘cannot think outside the box’, trying to project blame from those who collect our taxes under false pretences, because they are supposed to provide trustworthy, professionals to provide high quality services eg in education, social &, healthcare. Instead he/she prefers to equally blame parents for decisions being made about their kids- which are beyond their control and who are also being indoctrinated whilst they attend school!

Parents can & should guide their kids, teach critical thinking skills, social responsibility, ethical values/principles at home, but they are not responsible for what happens [or being spoon-fed] in school time or on school grounds by degenerates or incompetent individuals.

Well, let us ask responsible, parents to be representatives in school every day, taking turns to be witnesses to exactly what is going on and they can help protect the kids. They can then relay this to the public so we can decide who is at fault and what we should do about it!

Additional information: Parents and kids had vaccinations pushed on them by state racketeers, in addition to having food poisoned by additives, pesticides etc. Their cost of living is not in their control either. The state has consistently, refused to address any social issues to help them. Then when neurological problems suddenly emerge; example Autism, ADHD long term health issues from vaccines and other environmental factors (WHICH NEVER EXISTED whilst I was growing up ) made worse by policies/legislation and the state selected medics have pushed anti-psychotic and other mood-altering dangerous meds on kids/adults to reduce symptoms. They even try to say it is genetic! Meanwhile, the bootlickers ignore the facts which do not suit their agendas. Shame on you!


( ousted from Westminster – because he was too honest and trustworthypersonality traits which were not compatible with the corrupt, snakes in suits who only care about exploiting the public for personal gain).

07/07/24 I was sorry and really surprised😲🤔 to learn that Andrew Bridgen MP lost his seat in the NW Leicestershire elections. A good man who has frequently spoken up – when the rest of the politicians just engage in cover ups. Watch how the area and the public’s rights, deteriorate under the regime.👎👎👎

06/07/24 Did Keir Starmer really win [this election] video by Richard J Murphy

“…He has delivered an unloved landslide majority to govern the country.” The wealthy boot licker of the WEF; may not last long, but he will still get a wonderful pension.

04/07/24 Special warning: Be careful of what you wish [VOTE] for

Our FAKE LEADERS need to be removed in the interests of our safety/well-being because…they lack empathy, they scheme & manipulate; they lie, deceive, smear, bully & harass, have no respect for ethical laws and have turned every town/city into ghettos- [concentration camp style] to massively restrict our freedom, ensuring the destruction of our lives and the economy. They condemn free speech and forcibly remove our rights whilst attempting to steal everything we own. They have malicious intentions to harm & exploit the public in every way, and destroy anyone who stands in their way. The dysfunctional, UK authorities [ racketeers], have been using public money stolen/ extorted from us – to financially abuse us and force us to pay for our own downfall.

Our fake leaders are manipulating the public to promote their own dysfunctional behaviour on others:

“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehoods and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns it’s back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”

by Frederic Bastiat. Economic Harmonies.

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government” – Thomas Jefferson to Maryland Republicans, 1809. ME 16:359

quote was taken from https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Politics/ThomasJefferson/jeff0650.ht

We have never had a ‘good government’ – in my lifetime and I am a pensioner, we have only ever had manipulative, lying, self-serving frauds who have never cared about improving our lives, but they have caused us more harm than good- and the evidence is overwhelming. I am not voting for any party as there are only a few decent candidates scattered about. I have named a couple on my website.

We need to take their playground away and run the UK ourselves, employing local people for every role, who are vetted by us, entirely in the interests of the communities and the UK as a whole. Thanks to the despots, many more are now unemployed and the wider public are being replaced with the new-comers.

Video: EYES WIDE OPEN! Learn to recognize BAD and FALSE people – by Pearls of Wisdom 🇬🇧

The establishment has revealed itself to be extremely toxic/ corrupt/ & dangerous to the rest of us, therefore, we have to defend ourselves from further abuse, and prevent them from operating.

There are more of us than them – and the best [legal] way forward [oops! 🙄 and I should have said is unattainable; EXAMPLES OF HOW THE CORRUPT AUTHORITIES & the company they keep – AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY – DO NOT TRUST THEM ], for ALL the public to demand an immediate CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into the overall corruption and criminal behaviour of our fake leaders/ and their entourage of equally treacherous sycophants.BEFORE they completely remove our access to courts examples; SNP PRIORITISE /PROMOTE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES and are knowingly placing the public in harms way. The SNP are not the only ones!

Just one of many examples of their corruption and bribery, resulting in premeditated attacks to our health and welfare:

and now you have less available income than ever before, and after they deliberately brought the NHS/ & the economy to its knees by misappropriating the collected taxes, they now want you to pay again for prescriptions/healthcare and raise taxes for them to steal all over again – whilst reducing the number of patients who can actually afford to pay.

“From the cradle to the grave” in the minds of the ‘twisted’, decision makers today, means; to bleed you dry, whilst they increase health issues to facilitate your premature death, alongside their best buddies in big pharma!

They are currently operating – so far removed from the original purpose of the NHS!

Update 10/06/24 The self-appointed tyrants; are trying to force their evil on you in every way they can, example, normalising sex with all children, to cater to the perverts in and outside the establishment, decriminalising rape and other heinous offences, stealing your income, car, home, freedom, your security, and right to life etc. You know – all that things that satisfy the desires of dangerous psychopaths, malignant narcissists or sociopaths etc, and who used to be locked up in the interest of public safety.

Now the despots are trying to control your religious freedoms – under the guise of protecting them/you. They love their word games, don’t they!


Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill [HL] which will be given ROYAL ASSENT👑 [by WEF member] unless stopped by the public.

“The purpose of this Act is to secure that the Church of England is
disestablished and all the powers over faith, doctrine, liturgy, property,
discipline and appointments now exercised over or on behalf of that Church
by the Crown, Parliament or private patrons are transferred, in their entirety,
to the General Synod of the Church of England, to be exercised in accordance
with any rules determined by that body

The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Article 2: Right to life

Article 9: Freedom of thought, belief and religion and more…

Q. How much longer are you going to allow them to micromanage/destroy your lives and that of the children, before taking productive action to stop them? These fake leaders & co may appear tough, but when these individuals are confronted without their enablers/enforcers protecting them, they are more vulnerable than jelly fish without a sting!