Those in authority positions share common traits, which are evident by the manner in which they function: They abuse their positions and resources (including finances) for personal gain, use influence for favours, knowingly cause harm to those entrusted to their care, ignore rules, laws and codes of ethics (but use legislative powers against the public interest, and for the sole purpose of protecting their own interests/agendas). They falsify, withhold and destroy information, engage in many acts of deception, bully and harass to force control and to avoid accountability etc. They all slither behind the scenes, withhold access to services, victim blame, encourage smear campaigns and blacklist anyone who, speaks the truth against them or dares make a complaint. They fight ‘dirty’ – because they are ‘dirty’.
THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES with access to additional chapters & via buttons at bottom of the main page on the same subject.
Judge them by their actions, failure/refusal to protect the public and the twisted company they keep/promote – but never by what they claim!
“The law commit legal plunder by violating liberty and property.”
“…but how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to another to whom it does not belong.“
“…see if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another, by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.”
“It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.”
“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”
“Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it. Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons, and gendarmes, at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victims – when he defends himself – as a criminal.”
by Yuri Bezmenov a Soviet journalist in article by Nitiga Plant., Independent Researcher… This is the goal of the Fake Leaders/ global elites & is all happening NOW… 24/10/24
06/08/24 Our dysfunctional leaders, are all part of the New Normal, Great Reset converting rational into irrational behaviour, introducing dangerous policies to deliberately cause chaos and great harm, colluding to serve the toxic agendas of the rest of the members of The World Economic Forum and so-called global elite.
Please read: the informative 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov
The 4 Stages of Subversion by Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet journalist and a former KGB agent. video by GBPPR2
“Stage 1: Demoralization
Demoralization is the first stage of ideological subversion, and it involves the systematic undermining of a society’s moral and ethical foundations. Bezmenov explained that this process typically takes 15–20 years, roughly the time needed to educate one generation. During this stage, foreign agents seek to infiltrate educational institutions, media, and cultural platforms to influence the minds of young people. The goal is to instill a sense of disillusionment, moral relativism, and a rejection of traditional values.
In the demoralization phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms. The emphasis is on creating a sense of instability and disorientation within the target population. This sets the stage for the subsequent phases of ideological subversion.
Stage 2: Destabilization
Once demoralization has taken root, the next stage is destabilization. This phase is characterized by the weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society. Bezmenov pointed out that this process can be expedited if foreign influence successfully manipulates the political, economic, and defense systems. Key sectors such as law enforcement, military, and intelligence are targeted to compromise the nation’s ability to respond to external and internal threats.
Destabilization aims to create a state of crisis, fostering a sense of insecurity and anxiety among the population. Economic instability, social unrest, and political polarization become prominent features of this stage, laying the groundwork for further manipulation.
Stage 3: Crisis
The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. Bezmenov highlighted that this crisis could manifest in various forms, including political upheaval, economic collapse, or social unrest. The goal is to push the society to a breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.
During the crisis phase, external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies or solutions. This creates an opportunity for a shift in power dynamics and the imposition of foreign ideologies on the now susceptible population.
Stage 4: Normalization
The final stage is normalization, where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm. Bezmenov emphasized that this phase is not about a return to stability but rather the establishment of a new societal order based on the foreign ideology. The once-targeted society is now reshaped according to the infiltrating force’s vision, erasing its original cultural identity and values.
Normalization solidifies the control of the foreign ideology, and the population may no longer resist as the altered reality becomes accepted and internalized. The society is transformed, and the process of ideological subversion is complete.
“Yuri Bezmenov’s insights into the stages of ideological subversion remain relevant, serving as a reminder of the importance of preserving the values, institutions, and cultural identity that define a nation. Understanding these stages provides a framework for recognizing and countering potential threats to the integrity of society.”
I have copied the links onto several sections; due to its importance to our current situation. N.B. my website is often under attack, preventing me from editing and uploading more images.
Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
Updated 29/10/24The SNP on behalf of the WEF & Co., have been demonstrating for many years now, they are completely unhinged but due to any lack of action against them, they continue to force their twisted ideologies onto others. Example: By encouraging species dysmorphia and 24 genders in schools the Scottish children are being psychologically, physically and sexually abused to pander to the lunatics who are running the asylum. This is very dangerous and will mess up the surviving kids – for most of their life. It is all about the political classes breaking down society from within. *”The final stage is normalization, where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm.” quote from *”Psychological warfare in action.” by Yuri Bezmenov from the article above.
We should ALL point out the fact our govts are sadistic criminals, operating illegally and therefore we should forcibly (non-violently) remove them from society. If EVERYONE did this, all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse.
The education system is run by * sheeples, who are complicit and therefore are liable for the harm they cause. “*people who copy what other people do or believe what they are told and do not think for themselves. Sheeple is a combination of the words sheep and people.”
I have added buttons at the bottom of some pages to transfer data – to reduce the sizes of each section for easier reading by the public. The authority abusers do not like the public seeing my website😜 Please share it!
Update 12/10/24 Instead of taking actions to eradicate social problems, the Scottish govt prefer to exploit various sections of the community, including those, who have succumbed to drug taking – causing more harm; leading to those increasing numbers of (avoidable) drug related deaths. By improving the quality of life for the public, offering a higher standard of living, they would have had a future to look forward to etc. But the morally devoid UK govts do not care about anyone but themselves and sadistically ruin many lives, whilst they pretend to be helping them.
The delay in opening of UK’s first drug consumption room.
“The Scottish government has agreed to make up to £2.3m a year available for the pilot.” but who will actually benefit from this❓ This does nothing to solve addictions or why they felt the need to take drugs in the first place, including many who have been victims of sexual abuse. All part of the “New Normal” AKA as policies; to serve the abnormal [twisted], elitists.
“If you want your brain to be healthy, avoid all unnecessary drugs, toxins and especially recreational drugs of all kinds. Marijuana may be good for cancer pain, but it is horrendous for your mental health.“
Ch. 2 EXAMPLES OF HOW CORRUPT AUTHORITIES & the company they keep – AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY The most horrific COVER-UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
“The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause”
The specific actions included are:
- serious violence against a person;
- serious damage to property;
- endangering a person’s life (other than that of the person committing the action);
- creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and
- action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system…
The normalising of sexual acts with children, is a very serious attempt to decriminalise the behaviour of sexual predators and grant them immunity from criminal prosecution. Many victims suffer physically, psychologically and socially for their entire life and they have a much higher incidence of suicide. The schools/NHS should not be promoting this.
The Scottish government are prioritising education dept funding to be spent on the indoctrination/perversion of school kids, as they believe it is more useful to them.
Update 20/07/24
“Scots school kids face missing out on access to vital IT services thanks to Scottish Government incompetence. Councils are set to lose a licence with Microsoft which allows pupils to software such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint, using in classrooms across the country.” It is not incompetence, it is a deliberate attempt to further ‘dumb down’ and ruin the educational achievements of the kids, as they do not want them to have jobs/careers , unless they are working on behalf of and feeding the egos of the narcissists in government…. to just follow orders to satisfy their dysfunctional needs; including their insatiable appetite to exploit and control everyone.
Parents, please teach your kids critical thinking skills and how to recognise/ manage the manipulative and potentially dangerous behaviour of toxic personality types.
Narcissistic Supply : Meaning, Forms And Benefits –Narcissistic / By Simran article from website: MantraCare
Q. So what is the point of ministers for education/local education authorities/& the SQA etc❓ A. Well it keeps them all in lucrative jobs, where skills are not required, (they just pretend to be professionals) and they clearly do not care about anyone else, – but they do have access to all that supposedly private/sensitive data which makes it easier for them to abuse everyone!
SQA claims: “The heart of Scotland’s world-renowned education system. Offering globally recognised qualifications and services to realise your potential” Potential to do what, exactly❓
I would not trust these people to look after a goldfish or write a report on one!
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those that speak it, – George Orwell
Predators are abundant in governments and they want to groom and force their disgusting agendas on the children – who should never have been entrusted to their care.
Degenerate Filth Caring For Your Babies! By Silver Fox Hot Takes [they do not want you to know this. There have been attempts to suppress it]. Anyone who sanctions this – is evil personified and they belong in jail in the interest of public safety.
SEXUAL ABUSE – increasing in Scotland
The kids will barely be able or read or write, however, they will be ‘programmed’ by all the self-titled authorities & co., to accept work in the sex industry. Please do all you can to SAVE THE KIDS.
Child abuse is the most abhorrent of all crimes, and it causes life-time harm to the victims, yet it is the most valued & promoted by the perverts in power. When you see the politicians canvassing for your votes, make sure you accuse them of provoking/inciting rape/ emotional/sexual/physical/ social abuse of the children. Nurseries and schools/ NHS should be immediately blocked to the current authorities, as they have become institutions which deliberately put the most vulnerable in harms way.
“Art and part is a term used in Scots law to denote the aiding or abetting in the perpetration of a crime, or being an accessory before or at the perpetration of the crime.” by Wikipedia.
The Original version: Penalties for assisting offenders.
Q. When is the law not the law? A. When those who break the most laws – use influence and their position (corruption) – to avoid accountability.
Q. When is the government null and void? A. When those in power are too busy breaking laws and have actively engaged in a cover-up! It happens a lot in Scotland & in the rest of the UK.
Examples can easily be found: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted) You many want to compare with the updated version:
Authority criminals who do not abide by laws themselves, have no legal right to make/or amend laws or use them against us. But we have more right to protect/defend ourselves from them. N.B. Driving someone to suicide as a result of the actions/ rules/ policies/ laws they make – is also murder.
Q. Is it a coincidence that the SNP are trying to remove the above legislation( and others) on culpable and reckless conduct – to avoid accountability themselves❓It is on the list exposed by the Scottish Daily Express whereby the SNP are altering/removing data after the fact. Tut, tut! highly irregular; by attempting to pervert the course of justice and attempting to the defeat the ends of justice and those whose job involves the prevention of corruption [the checks and balances] – are looking the other way. You could not make this up! Caught out: Margaret Ferrier SNP MP guilty culpable & reckless Conduct
Update 01/04/24 There are rumours that Nicola wants to return, now she has made a deal and thrown her husband under the bus – to stand alone in taking all the blame for one area of embezzlement carried out by numerous members of the party. I have always believed that Nicola chose Humza as her replacement; knowing that he would fail – to make her look better. Sturgeon is a conniving, abnormally selfish woman, who uses everyone she can to further herself. I think it is time to be rid of the Scottish government in its entirety.
History has shown us we should never place our lives in the hands of politicians and their entourage of self-serving sycophants or anyone else who can exploit the masses. We should learn from our mistakes. An amazing website which exposes masses of corruption. ❤❤💪💪
When Nicola Sturgeon was a solicitor – this was possibly her first cover up and promotion for another one [solicitor] – to make the case go away! “In a five-page report, dated Dec 1998, Olga Pasportnikov said: “The complaint in this case has been identified as professional misconduct by breach of code of conduct and conduct unbecoming a solicitor.”
Authority criminals evade court proceedings (and therefore accountability), unless they are certain they can choose the police chiefs, sheriffs, Lord Advocate and lawyers etc., to preside over cases: perverting the course of justice. “The charge of perverting the course of justice can apply to the accused or anyone else who tries to stop the police and the courts from doing their job”.
Humza Yousaf is Completely Insane video by Silver Fox Hot Takes
“…there are so many synonyms that characterize the many complementary aspects of the much-condemned trait corrupt.
So consider: covetous, greedy, grasping, and avaricious; unscrupulous, deceitful, and duplicitous; power–hungry and status–seeking; and delinquent, criminal, and villainous“.
“…add in the aggressive and exploitive uses of power…we end up with such ominous, even horrific, terms as megalomaniacal, dictatorial, autocratic, authoritarian, despotic, and tyrannical.”
As we know, *power corrupts and the Scottish public have been on the receiving end for decades, at the hands of the pseudo-government.
*“Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.” – Lord Acton Quote.
13/04/24. Freeman and Yousaf ORDERED To Explain DNR’s – Silver Fox Hot Takes. MURDER!
Why is Nicola Sturgeon, who micromanaged all the decisions made by the SNP [including who to appoint for specific roles], not included in this? Why is she being protected?
“During the separate Scotland-only inquiry, Lord Brailsford has heard allegations of forged signatures on certificates and orders imposed on people.” These DNR orders were not just metered out to the elderly in hospitals. Some were only in their 40’s, or disabled and I heard of people in their own homes without any covid symptoms, being pressurised by their GP’s to sign a form – just in case they ended up in hospital. Yet no-one has held them to account because of mass corruption, protecting themselves.
See emails by Roger Livermore whereby the pretendy, [illegally operating] Scottish government; have never had any legal power and everyone supporting their unlawful behaviour – is complicit/culpable. “The Scotland Act 1998…produced a political and unlawfully party controlled- justice system, an unlawfully government-controlled police force, and an unlawful government-dependent judiciary.”
❤This highly referenced book by Robert F. Kennedy JR: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War On Democracy and Public Health., blows open the whole global agenda and evil intent; by those who are stealing power to be used against us:
“The Real Anthony Fauci… details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets—both conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.”
Dr Fauci and the rest of the avaricious, egotistical ‘quacks’, et al., who collaborated with him – have destroyed the trustworthiness of all aspects of healthcare throughout the world.
Please share. We have more right to remove them [traitors] – than they have to continue pretending to have legitimacy.
The pandemic was a power/profit grab and clearly orchestrated to destroy the economy too. Many businesses collapsed; incuding hospitality, creating higher costs, more poverty and unemployment, and now they appear to be going after the tourist industry. An example; is the propaganda machines (MSM etc) claiming that this or that country does not want tourists, whilst causing divisions between countries, stoking up animosity – by playing them off each other.
Scotland is doing a great job in reducing tourism with its deliberate promotion of crimes which has made the streets more dangerous than ever before, and recently with its Hate Crime Law designed to silence anyone the wannabe tyrants wish to abuse. It is all part of the premeditated plans to cause civil/global unrest by our toxic, fake leaders. Your misery, feeds their nasty egos and abnormal need to control. They will later try to pretend to rescue those who survive, if we comply with all their demands. We need to remove them before they remove us.
“Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law.” But you need to be aware; the crooks in power are altering the policies/laws to suit their own agendas.
In actual fact, the laws either apply to all of us or none of us, otherwise the so-called judicial system is invalidated and has no legal force over the public. Authority criminals cannot be allowed to operate – just because they have ‘equally corrupt buddies’ to cover their back. They should be forcibly removed for the public’s safety/security.
No power to make laws which are incompatible with human rights Human Rights In Scotland by Amnesty.
“The Scottish Parliament has not been given the power to make laws that breach human rights.
“Section 29 of the Scotland Act [1998] ensures that any SP Act passed by the Scottish Parliament is not law to the extent it is incompatible with any of the Convention rights in the HRA. This is because passing such a law would be outside the legislative competence granted to the Scottish Parliament by the Scotland Act.”
Everyone should remind them of this fact – along with the rest of the fake leaders; the SNP have made concerted efforts to remove our Human Rights – to acquire totalitarian control over us.
“The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force in October 2000. It is one of the principal ways that internationally-recognised human rights are given legal effect in the UK…”
“…In Scotland, human rights protections are also built into the devolution settlement by the Scotland Act 1998. Legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament is not law if it is incompatible with the rights defined in the Human Rights Act. Scottish Government ministers have NO POWER to act in ways that are incompatible with those rights.”
Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (
2 (a)agrees to do something (whether or not the doing of that thing would itself constitute an offence), and
(b)knows or suspects, or ought reasonably to have known or suspected, that the doing of that thing will enable or further the commission of serious organised crime.
Police Station Closures by Design-by Silver Fox Hot Takes Deliberately, reducing the police presence and once again, are knowingly putting the public in harms way.
“Shocking figures showing that more than 1,400 convicted criminals received no punishment during a four-year period due to Scotland’s soft-touch justice system have been described as a “slap in the face” for victims”.
I would not trust any of the SNP appointed judiciary either. This website reveals the extent of corruption; with names.
“Scots lawyers cash-in on cops SCOTLAND’s hard-up national police force – Police Scotland – paid over TWENTY FOUR million pounds to lawyers, advocates and Kings Counsel in just under a three year period – according to documents obtained via Freedom of Information legislation” Keeping it in the family – when sheriffs/judiciary act above the law.
November 2023 update …Yet, most of the innocent public – cannot even obtain a legal defence, and they are not so eager to pay out to the subpostmasters and other victims of state abuse.
Jan 2022 Scots judges accuse SNP ministers of trying to interfere with the rule of law ( I suspect they are worried about losing their LUCRATIVE jobs!
Update 03.01.24 Shamed Natalie McGarry’s legal bill has soared to 3,300 times bigger than the amount she was ordered to pay back
The only ones who will escape ‘rough justice’, will be those who offer sufficient bribes to those in power. Of course, law-breaking ‘friends of govt’ will continue to avoid justice as they have done for many decades. Add this to the jury free trials the SNP predators are also trying to implement – they are ensuring justice will never be served – for the innocent public.
Fact: Anyone conducting business with the infamous SNP, are revealing how untrustworthy THEY are. It is time to drain this humungous swamp.
10.03.24.“How can @theSNP be so completely incompetent? Has the @theSNP circus been infiltrated? Welcome to Operation Witchcraft…………” video by Mercurius.
Accessed 28.03.24 The UK want to plant their choice at the head of interpol.
“UK Tory Govt want their choice for INTERPOL boss AN ONGOING media investigation into why Police Scotland stalled the release of the registers of interests of current & recently retired senior Police Officers – has heard claims the force was told to refuse or delay the release of information – to assist the Conservative UK Government’s ‘post-Brexit INTERPOL strategy’ efforts “to plant their choice at the head of INTERPOL” – the Global policing organisation. “
The authority criminals did not pursue a career for wealth, influence and power obtained from corruption, and then remove all our rights to defend ourselves, for them to still end up going to jail. These are all valid reasons why we have to defend ourselves and prevent them from doing further harm. “United we stand, divided we fall”. We should promote community spirit and control our own lives.
🎵”Oh yes we’re the great pretenders, pretending that we’re doing well…” 🎵
They do well, because they are parasites feeding off the misery of others.
The Justice Diaries: LORD NO-WAY: Top judge Lord Carloway hits out at judicial interests register proposal – tells Holyrood ‘justice could suffer’ if judges are forced to reveal secret wealth, tax, land ownership & financial links to big business ( Great website on Scottish corruption😉
How dare the establishment refuse to be honest and transparent, whilst demanding to micromanage our lives, and putting cameras in our faces, treating us worse than criminals, and removing all our rights, when they are the most untrustworthy crooks. They will not take everyone to court when we have them over a barrel with an overwhelming amount of evidence, against them. They have no credibility and no defence from what they have done to all of us.
Serious organised crime – Crime prevention – ( & Serious and Organised Crime Strategy – GOV.UK (
Crimes against humanity – come in many forms: to allow many agencies working on behalf of the UK govts; to rape, torture and murder members of the public – with no accountability for them or their many enforcers. See the list with the shocking types of agencies to be given power; including the Dept of Health and Social Care!
Before it became law: .
“… Yet the government has failed to provide any evidence as to why that’s necessary”
“Yet this bill would allow police officers to give an informant total legal immunity to commit any type of crime, with no prior independent authority or oversight, to combat even minor offences”.
Authority criminals, making laws to promote/protect their own criminality- is highly illegal, and renders the current justice system and all those in power, completely unfit for purpose. Lock them up.
The SNP [organised serious crime syndicate] make a mockery of legislation, and have deliberately made Scotland’s streets/work/school/hospital and home environments, dangerous places to be, by their premeditated actions. By refusing to prevent this serious threat to the safety of the public, the rest of the establishment have also proven – they are unfit for purpose.
THE SOLUTION: The only way to restore public safety, law and order is by removing all of them from Holyrood and other authority buildings, and replace locks, security passwords and KEEP THEM OUT PERMANENTLY. We do not need these parasitic, politicians and their enablers exploiting and abusing us – whilst they steal everything which belongs to the public and ruin our lives. We have to make them accountable.
This will make them as vulnerable on the streets etc, as they have made us and stop them from causing further harm.
WE need to make our own decisions on who we employ in jobs, care services, justice system etc, locally chosen from the entire community(ies) and accountable to us. Sharing skills and goods with our community neighbours, so we all have a higher standard of living by WORKING TOGETHER (not against each other). We can use the ethical laws as our guide and remove the rest, along with the authority criminals – By working together with mutual respect:
- Be less reliant on foreign goods, and go back to producing everything ourselves. Buy British! Create employment and improve our economy. See articles 23, 24, 25, 26 etc in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Raise living standards by creating real jobs to benefit everyone in the community – and remove all the jobs which have only supported the state dictatorship.
- Our young school leavers should be offered, training, apprenticeships, and continual opportunities to develop pertinent skills, starting whilst they are in school. We need to promote positive social skills throughout their lives and give them a future to look forward to. Create jobs for all levels of ability and leave no-one disadvantaged.
- Only [proven], ethical persons should be placed in positions of trust. Fewer bosses and more jobs to suitable members of the public.
- Those who contribute the most to society, and work hard in the best interests of the community should be recognised and be appropriately remunerated, (not with giant bonuses which encourages greed).
- Accountability is decided by those who have been abused personally and by the rest of the community, with consistency to avoid bias. One set of laws to be applied to everyone. Those who abuse positions and cause harm – should automatically have harsher penalties, which will act as a deterrent.
- Replace the ‘pretendy’ National Health Service and Social Care service [which are being run as profit making businesses], and prioritise the health needs of individuals, putting patient/resident welfare first…etc.
The above are just a few suggestions to ponder over, to motivate you into action to bring about positive change. Let us bring back decency, trust, humanity and our right to life, which has been stolen from us by our Fake Leaders and the rest of the traitors who have worked against us. We need to take back our power and our rights.
We need to act to prevent further crimes against humanity and abuses of our human rights, which were incorporated into several laws including The Human Rights Act 1998 to prevent atrocities revealed during WW2, being repeated. Do not comply with their ‘new normal’ – twisted agendas.
Foreword by Nicola Sturgeon: “This revised Ministerial Code sets guidelines for living up to the seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. All Scottish Ministers, including myself, are bound by its terms.”
Q. Why do you think that the SNP [racketeers] are blatantly stealing the countries wealth and running the country into the ground?
A. I) They do not care whether you live or die – you served your purpose and gave them their positions, now the public are to be DISCARDED. 2) It’s also because they know there is not a single [ethical] authority anywhere, going to hold them to account, so are making the most of their opportunities to PLUNDER and DESTROY. Then many of them will desert the country.
Q. Why does Westminster not intervene A... because they are operating in the same [corrupt] way, but with a bigger ‘playground’ and it serves their WEF globalist agenda; to allow the SNP to destroy Scotland then England etc on it’s behalf. “You will own nothing and be happy” is their mantra, and when translated means the psychos are engaging in premeditated actions to make you suffer under their control, until you die – much sooner than expected!
Since December 2022, I have tried to take Nicola Sturgeon into court with my website to be used as evidence, for the Corruption, Neglect, Social Murder, Sexual, Psychological, Financial, Data, and Social Abuse of the public. As well as being crooks without a conscience, Nicola and the rest of state sponsored criminals, are all spineless cowards!
Q’s Ask yourself this, why would they block my attempts to get a solicitor, just like they appeared to do with bereaved families, to sabotage the covid enquiry? The question has its own answer.
A. The collusion of rats, would be backed into a corner and would not be able to escape the jail time without proving publicly, 100% corruption is making the decisions in courts.
“In short, is not liberty the freedom of every person to make full use of his faculties, so long as he does not harm other persons while doing so?“
“It is not true that the legislator has absolute power over our persons and property. The existence of persons and property preceded the existence of the legislator, and his function is only to guarantee their safety”.
“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns it’s back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
Economic Harmonies
“The Law by Frederic Bastiat 1850- because it’s truths are eternal, it will still be read when another century is passed.”