“What is a Fake Leader (FL)? It is someone disguised as a person in a leadership position who focuses on self and not the organization or ultimate good of people.”
5 Tips for Identifying Fake Leaders (linkedin.com)
– Rex Ghatto Ph.D NCC LPC BCC

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse” – Edmund Burke.
Example: The World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ― Edward Snowden
Updated 28/02.25 Q. When is the government NULL & VOID❓ A. When it is run by criminals & psychopaths who incite crimes against humanity. The ‘nasty sticky stuff’ holding them all together is corruption & bribery.
1 law : having no legal force or effect
- The contract is void.
- This sales offer is void where prohibited by law.
— often used in the phrase null and void
- The law was declared null and void. definition from Britannica
WE DO NOT NEED UNSCRUPULOUS, ARROGANT, POLITICIANS RUINING OUR LIVES We need to declare them all NULL & VOID. They are TRAITORS: They all invalidated their authority and right to preach legislation to us, the moment they became criminals themselves – decades ago.
The Complete Guide to Understanding the Meaning of Null and Void article by Skill
“Beyond contracts, laws and regulations can also be subject to nullity. When a law is deemed “null and void,” it means that it is considered invalid or unconstitutional. This can occur when laws exceed the scope of legislative power or contravene higher legal principles, such as fundamental rights.”
“The nullity of laws and regulations can have significant implications for legal systems and individuals. It can lead to the unenforceability or non-applicability of certain legal provisions, potentially causing confusion, disputes, or even legal challenges.”
“…Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the complexities of legal contracts, agreements, and regulations, ensuring your rights and interests are protected.”

06/01/25 Is Your Country run by a Psychopath? article by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
`…It would never come into average people’s heads to fabricate colossal untruths,’ wrote Adolf Hitler. `And they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.’
“The psychopath knows that if he or she lies often enough, and with enough persistence and determination, then the lie will eventually become the truth.” Please read the full article to help recognise psychopathic traits in those ‘hiding in plain sight’. It explains everything which is happening right now.
…especially when they are trying to silence everyone who does not agree with them!
& 😲😨😲😨VIDEO : Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)
4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov

This all happening now. I have copied the link onto several sections; due to its importance to our current situation. N.B. my website is under attack, often preventing me from editing and uploading more images. FIRST SIGNS OF A DICTATORSHIP; TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER
Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
Reasons we should never give up our human rights
The most horrific COVER-UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
Their undeniable, unsuitability for positions of trust, is impossible to ignore. We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminals,[null & void] operating illegally and therefore we should remove them, put them in prison. If everyone did this; all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, etc we could stop matters getting worse.
Update 22/09/24 link: ‘THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES‘ & continues in Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch.4…
…more can also be accessed from buttons at the bottom of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and role of International Criminal Court ICC
They have the Means, the Motive and the Opportunity to commit the crimes which are being conducted against the public on a mass scale. They do not care about any of us and consider us to be objects [ narcissistic supply] to enable them to profit – from our misery. If we get in their way, then they will happily remove us, and use/hire others to do ‘their dirty work’. These enablers/enforcers later become the scapegoats for the authority criminals to shift the blame, having outlived their usefulness. Suckers!
Updated11/12/24 I tried several different sources to alternative links containing the letter, but all now fail [they have probably been censored/removed so it does not give the public ideas].🤔Therefore, I have put the actual contents below😀
➡Suggested letter to MP (UK) re WEF Interests – Sent From Alex Thomson⬅
Dear [Member of Parliament],
It has come to my attention that seven current and former members of the Cabinet, namely Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid, George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt, Priti Patel and Elizabeth Truss, are members of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”). I would suggest this represents a conflict of interest. At the very least it raises serious questions as to whether the decision making of such Cabinet ministers is based upon what is best for the nation or as often appears, as “shadow” spokespersons for the WEF. A recent example would be the statement made by Elizabeth Truss regarding Russia and the Ukraine which can be viewed here www.bbc.com/news/uk-…
In addition, several political figures have gone through the WEF Young Global Leaders (“YGL”) program, namely Tony Blair (1993), Gordon Brown (1993), Ed Balls (2005), Yvette Cooper (2005) David Cameron (2006), Shami Chakrabarti (2006), Kate Garvey (2007), Douglas Alexander (2007), Brendan Cox (2012), Chuka Umunna (2012), and Lord Nat Wei Min (2013). Research suggests that the YGLs program is a five year indoctrination into the WEF principles with the goal being the creation of world leaders who do not answer to the people, but rather to the WEF. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, said in 2017, “What we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our young global leaders.”
Whilst not an expert on the WEF, a cursory glance at the website gives cause for concern. For example, in 2016 Ceri Parker, Commissioning Editor, Agenda, WEF, published an article “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” – www.weforum.org/agen…. I would like to draw your attention to point 1 of the article which states, “All products have become services” and goes on to state that we, the people, won’t own anything rather we’ll “borrow” what we need on demand. Please can you explain if the people do not own anything, then who does? The State? Corporations? If the people are not permitted to own anything, is that not a return to feudalism?
Please can you further explain how the WEF intends to get “buy in” from the British people to relinquish everything they own, everything they have inherited or worked so hard to attain and instead “borrow” everything and “be happy”? Who benefits from the implementation of “Agenda 2030”?
Could you please respond to the following questions:
1. do all members of the Cabinet support the WEF global agenda?
2. to what extent does WEF policy influence the decision making of the Cabinet?
3. what influence over national affairs do Young Global Leaders have? I ask since it is evident many are in highly paid positions throughout the private sector.
4. how many members of Parliament agree with and support the WEF agenda?
5. do you believe that any politician or political figure with links to the WEF should be obligated to disclose that relationship to the public? If not, as such connections raise clear concern regarding conflict of interest, can you please provide your reasoning as to why the public do not have a right to be informed?
6. what is your understanding of the WEF, its aims and influence, either directly or indirectly, on national policy?
These are critical questions that must be answered because I did not elect Klaus Schwab to a government position nor did I vote for Agenda 2030, nor did anyone in our country yet the events of the last two years would seem to suggest that much of the WEF agenda is being implemented, with direct and detrimental impact on the daily lives of the British public.
It is imperative that all British citizens be made aware of the existence of the WEF and understand its role in the governing of our nation. I therefore look forward to your urgent response and clarification.
Every Royal Family’s Net Worth.
According to the WEF “You will own nothing, but you will be happy”. Reminds me of one of the Nazi’s slogans, “work will set you free!” King Charles is also a member of the WEF.👑 The monarchy has endorsed all the legislation introduced by the deeply corrupt, UK govts.
“Arbeit Macht Frei” – History of Auschwitz Gate | Poland – Guide (escape2poland.co.uk)
The Establishment over decades has proven to be aiding and abetting crimes including the most * serious organised crimes. As no-one investigates the authority criminals, (they are all too busy protecting each other), the public needs to expose the laws they break and hold them to account to the full extent of the law – for our own safety and protection.
*The(ir) main categories of serious offences covered are:
- child sexual exploitation and abuse
- illegal drugs
- illegal firearms
- fraud
- money laundering and other economic crime
- bribery and corruption
- organised immigration crime
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- cyber crime
We need; all the community spirited HEROES to UNITE and remove the corrupt, authorities; who for decades – have deliberately worked against the public interest. We need all the ethical people – from all walks of life, joining together to protect each other. We need more HEROES like the ‘blade runners’💪💪💪❤ who are blocking mass surveillance – to prevent more tyrannical control.
Please,🙏 🙏🙏I am calling on all the good men and women: the ex-military, police etc., and other ethical professionals to join together with the public, to help rid the UK (and globally), of the treacherous decision makers; who are the most serious threat to all our lives.
🏍🏍🏍There have been times when huge biker groups, have helped individual members of the public, please, will you come on board now❓💪💪💪 🏍🏍🏍 No violence would be necessary, the sheer sight of you 🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍 outside their homes/offices would be enough to scare the authority criminals into backing off. PLEASE be our HEROES and help us take control of our own communities – to remove the tyrants & co who are intimidating and abusing us.🙏🙏🙏
….but if you do nothing, there will be no-one around to protect you and your family!
In their pursuit of TOTALITARIAN CONTROL, globally, millions/billions more will suffer and meet an untimely death as we are nothing more than collateral damage, to feed the egos and perversions of the megalomaniacs. Our govts are an organised crime syndicate bleeding us [literally] dry!
“Most of us want our leaders to be strong and confident, but too many of us confuse arrogance and narcissism for strength. That is wrong. Research clearly shows that the very worst leaders—those who become tyrants—are very narcissist and arrogant.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good *men to do nothing,” by Edmund Burke
[*& women]
You will own nothing and be happy – statement by the W.E.F.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUP229ZPsV4 This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You” – Whitney Webb’s Last WARNING video by Jamie Tree. The video has now been blocked on my website, [and wants me to sign in to verify that I may see it – but YouTube repeatedly signs me out and why I no longer attempt to sign in].
The World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Klaus Schwab ‘The Great Reset’… ‘The New Normal’ etc., means United Nations (UN), World Health Organisation (WHO), Corporate, Pharma, Techy giants, Mainstream Media and all the other carefully chosen global self-titled elites, are colluding with our authoritarian governments, controlling the economy and every aspect of our lives, to drive their own self-serving, twisted agendas.
“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now review of Daniel Estulins book, article by – Stephen Lendman from Global Research [Please spend time reading this website page in depth and compare with what you already know has happened, and what is planned for our future.] We need to unite to stop them as all of these clandestine organisations are closely connected.
“The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency…”
…a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”
See more in section; MY BANK INTENDS TO TAKE CONTROL OF MY MONEY and elsewhere.
The glue which holds them all together is corruption…in all its forms. Without the enablers/enforcers propping them up, we would not be facing the most dangerous times ahead, since the last psychopath and his henchmen/women tried to rule the world. Pure Evil has reared its ugly head again.…but this time the power crazy, traitors behave like they ‘are all on steroids’!
“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government”
– Thomas Jefferson to Maryland Republicans, 1809. ME 16:359
In our lifetime, we have NEVER had a good government – we have only experienced RACKETEERS at work! What we have; are the equivalent to numerous, expensive ornaments – for show purposes – whilst they collude behind our backs and pretend to be running the country – but in reality they have only made a concerted effort to profit from ruining our lives.
26/05/24 Example: “The World’s Five Richest Men have more than doubled their wealth since 2020. while FIVE BILLION PEOPLE WERE MADE POORER:”
“Neo-feudalism: G7 supports BlackRock buying up world’s infrastructure, to make rich even richer.” video by Geopolitical Economy Report❤❤👍👍👍
Update 11/06/24 I have not seen a particular question raised in Westminster, so I am going to ask it and answer it myself. Many people seem to be either missing or ignoring an important point about Westminster, when they send taxpayers money to the SNP – claiming they are giving it to improve public services etc. Just because they claim something, does not make it true.
Q. When is the law, not the law? A. When those whose job it is to investigate and uphold the law, are too busy breaking it themselves!
Q. The UK govt are fully aware that any money sent, is being entirely used for the personal benefit of the corrupt Scottish Govt. Yet they never take any action to prevent it or accuse them of fraud/embezzlement etc. Why❓ A. The only answer could be – they are supporting (by operating under false pretences), the crooked Scottish Govt – aiding and abetting complicity & corruption.
Q. … So what does it tell you about the integrity of the UK establishment ❓A. Like-minded people stick together and it helps buy each others silence. What do you think?
16.06.24 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_laundering
“In United Kingdom law, the common law definition is wider. The act is defined as “the process by which the proceeds of crime are converted into assets which appear to have a legitimate origin, so that they can be retained permanently or recycled into further criminal enterprises”[1]
Another example; sending public money to other global leaders, under whatever lame excuse they can think of to use e.g. aid, reparations, climate change, big contracts to friends of govt…
“It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.”
“Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it. Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons, and gendarmes, at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victims – when he defends himself – as a criminal.”
The Wrong Direction Video by Richard Vobes I follow Richard’s beliefs on communities supporting themselves – as a healthier, safer and more productive solution, instead of being governed by those, who have proven over many decades, they have been working against us.
What a shame the MSM, police and others are still supporting the fake leaders who have already committed more crimes than any one in prison, who have damaged every area of the country and the economy, ruined the lives of millions of people and brought about great harm, premature [and often premeditated] death to many others.
Perhaps somebody should keep reminding them they are aiding and abetting the state criminals, and why should we pay to keep them all in jobs – when they are working against us! The authority criminals are also ‘revising‘ legislation to suit their own agendas and to avoid accountability.
Offence of participating in activities of organised crime group
(1)A person who participates in the criminal activities of an organised crime group commits an offence.
(2)For this purpose, a person participates in the criminal activities of an organised crime group if the person takes part in any activities that the person knows or reasonably suspects—
(a)are criminal activities of an organised crime group, or
(b)will help an organised crime group to carry on criminal activities.
Example: by protecting and therefore promoting corruption or any other crime...they become criminals too.

Our fake leaders are manipulating the public, to promote their own dysfunctional behaviour on others:
“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehoods and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns it’s back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
by Frederic Bastiat. Economic Harmonies.

The biggest threat to humanity and the public’s ability to thrive – are the authority terrorists because all of the premeditated harm they have caused over decades – assisted by their ‘international friends’.
Update 19/05/24 China’s Scary Cardboard Men That Kill people by serpentza an example of how many people die unnecessarily, because they are not allowed to speak up and ‘they own nothing’. It is also now obvious that the health and well being of the UK citizens, is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to expecting any form of protection from any of OUR fake leaders. The UK govt gave permission to Water Companies to pollute our water. They also gave multiple contracts to China, including with companies deemed corrupt:
SNP example: 05/14/16 Sturgeon’s £10bn deal with firm owned by “grossly corrupt” Chinese construction giant 5th April 2016

“NICOLA STURGEON has signed a potential multi-billion pound investment deal with a firm owned by a Chinese construction giant implicated in “gross corruption” on an industrial scale.“
“Major concerns have been raised after evidence emerged to suggest that China Railway Group Limited (CRG) has been *guilty of paying huge bribes to government officials in China to secure lucrative public contracts over several years with the full knowledge of its management.” *The kind of people Sturgeon’s govt love to be associated with and the reason they refuse to be transparent and destroy evidence which implicates them in crimes. They operate as a law unto themselves.
WTF Did She Say 🤯 – YouTube by @docrich It is enough to make anyone swear! The White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, made a speech;
”Everyone has to take a hard look at where they want to be in this moment in history, as we are looking at efforts across the country (USA), to prevent people from being able to exercise their fundamental rights”.
No-one has the right to exert this level of control over the rest of us, but we do have the right to take it away from them and remove them from society, so they cannot harm anyone again. They all have blood on their hands for their callous disregard to others.
The Sinister Reason Companies Are Going Woke (It’s Not What You Think!) by Mark Moss
“The 100 – point Corporate Equality Index ( CEI) is “a political campaign masquerading as a Human Rights Foundation”. It is not just the public who are being controlled, big companies are under the thumb of the largest financial institutions: BlackRock, The Vanguard Group…
“The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” by George Orwell, as his last warning to mankind.
FINANCIAL ABUSE AND THE CONSEQUENCES: to individuals and society. – Scotland
E.g. Misappropriating (stealing), public generated /earned money to be spent in areas which do not benefit the UK citizens, and artificially inflating the cost of living, raising taxes, increasing opportunities to fine individuals etc and then taking control of the rest of our money:
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” by Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger (was also WEF/ ** Bilderberg group member).
** “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;
Cash is King! A major tool to be used to facilitate totalitarian control over us: = Central Bank Digital Currency & social credit. No access to cash or customer services, but all controlled by the most unscrupulous persons – who are globally – occupying the highest positions of trust. “Imagine a world where you can’t buy anything without permission, where everyday the choice you make is monitored and logged into a data base, controlled by the leaders of your nation….”
‘It’s social MURDER that banks are cutting people off!’ | Neil Oliver warns of rising social credit.
As a matter of emergency, can all the ETHICAL ex-members; of the armed forces, police, judiciary, strategists, and other skilled, talented people etc, 💪💪💪JOIN TOGETHER with the public to protect us, our communities, and countries from further harm, by removing the hierarchy of STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISTS.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (Economic Affairs Comm – Hansard – UK Parliament)
Neil Oliver – ‘…it’s time to think the unthinkable!’
WHAT IS SOCIAL MURDER? | Clifford Thurlow
“Social murder is a phrase applied to changes in government policy that lead to greater poverty and result in anxiety, suicide and early death”
Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant | The BMJ
& Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science | The BMJ
Mark Steyn: Governments are refusing to investigate excess mortality – YouTube “Unexplained excess mortality is becoming a permanent feature of life in almost every Western nation, yet governments, the elites, and the media refuse to investigate, why❓” Mark, an ethical man, was cancelled by GB news and the biased so-called regulator… **Ofcom because he was drawing attention to information to warn the public, who are being deliberately harmed by the government decisions makers. They have removed all his comments on his video – because they want you to believe no one is interested. The Mark Steyn Club
The members of the WEF/WHO, were trying to force upon us an experimental, untested, vaccine which is more likely than not, the cause of the excessive deaths, sterilisation, and long term health /disabilities, etc., but it did not appear to harm those making these decisions!! I wonder why that was? Then they deflect blame elsewhere – as one of many tactics they use to avoid accountability for their murderous actions. It’s the pandemic, the war, climate change, Brexit etc., any lame excuse they can make up as they go along. However, they did make a lot of money out of ruining the lives of millions of people and kick start the biggest power grab we have ever seen.
**Ofcom Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.ofcom.org.uk (trustpilot.com) Another not so’ Independent’ regulator who pretends to work in the public interest, but steals your data, collected under false pretences. (19.05.23 – 92% negative reviews) and they pass it around amongst ‘friends of govt’s.’
Budget 2021: Covid deaths set to cut state pension costs – BBC News
“The amount the government has to spend on state pensions will fall by £1.5bn by 2022, partly because of over-65s dying of Covid, forecasts suggest.” …they like to save money wherever they can! More money to spend on themselves. I wonder how much they save by freezing and starving people to death or destroying their jobs and putting them on the streets? Oh, how the psychopaths laugh at us for trusting them!
“The government will also receive an extra £0.9bn from inheritance tax, partly due to Covid-related deaths. The figures have been published by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) – the government’s fiscal watchdog.”
Updated 10/05/24 The high incidences of cancer cases over the last few years, and the fact our fake leaders are continually removing benefits/support and probably pensions from the elderly, sick and disabled, yet they now claim to have a new cancer vaccine to test in the UK…..!!!???😨😨😨 Will they also, suddenly announce a vaccine for the increased heart problems and blood clots (some a foot long) caused by their last ‘medical social experiment?‘
Be wary of proven, pathological, cruel, liars with great wealth/ and a power grab to gain – from exploiting and causing great harm/death to the vulnerable. Please make informed choices based on facts, evidence and by those with a moral compass – rather than by claims from those who only have twisted, self-serving agendas.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” by Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger (was a WEF member).
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/29/henry-kissinger-dies-secretary-of-state-richard-nixon “But his legacy was also defined by his contempt for human rights and efforts to protect US corporate interests at all costs, with opponents across the world casting him as a war criminal.”
Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide (larouchepub.com) “In 1974, U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggested using the control of food as a weapon to induce population reduction.” This statement is tantamount to promoting crimes against humanity on a monumental scale. They are all traitors, engaging in social murder/genocide.
Updated 26/08/24 FOOD by Dr. John Campbell and the views of Mr Robert Kennedy Jnr. ❤❤❤👍👍👍When corrupt, money grabbing government’s and their ‘friends in big companies’ collude for profit, they are only too happy to poison the rest of us, whilst pretending to regulate to protect our health.You know; with the usual FALSE CLAIMS & MISINFORMATION, to deflect attention away from the truth. Now you know why there are so many health issues and conditions, which then increases the profits of big pharma with the supposed cures! They are complicit & culpable; by knowingly causing harm to the masses. It is also an example of money laundering but the authorities & co., are never investigated. For too many decades they have enjoyed the money and power to exploit us by regulating themselves.
After the UK authority criminals allowed the Water Companies to deliberately pollute our rivers and seas, destroying the ocean eco system, the equally dysfunctional WHO will soon be recommending a new diet, which will promote even more malnutrition and health related issues. As if artificially raising the cost of buying & cooking food, whilst reducing our incomes at every opportunity were not enough, they want to control your diet with even fewer choices.
These scheming, authority serial killers – are hell bent on torturing and wiping more of us out, whilst they sit back and revel in the chaos/mass murder they cause. The authority criminals and co., are protecting each others criminality and murderous intent (premeditated)to harm, and enable themselves to avoid accountability.
Q. Are YOU just going to just sit and watch❓ WE [the good members of the public] MUST UNITE and forcibly remove them as DOING NOTHING IS NOT AN OPTION.
“Don’t let it happen, it depends on you”. by George Orwell. Orwell’s final warning – Picture of the future video by JourneyofPurpose
Accessed 22/04/24. They’re doing WHAT to our children’s food!! This is NOT GOOD. by Russell Brand
Now they want to force us to eat lab produced food, including bugs and lab produced meat and are removing all other sources, so we either comply or starve. Whilst they eat ‘the best of the best!’ Are you going to allow this to happen?
Updated 19/04/24 Poland just did the UNTHINKABLE to Ukraine, Blackrock and Vanguard are FURIOUS. Video by Redacted News. “Polish farmers revolt over cheap Ukrainian food and block the border.”
I’m with the Dutch Farmers – YouTube by George Galloway (Me too)!
WEF members are taking away farmland, and stopping food from being imported/exported, so they can use food as a weapon against us. Meanwhile, Bill Gates has been buying up vast areas of farmland in America. The EU is backing compulsory purchase of the farmers land. After the UK govts pretended they were leaving the EU and caused years of chaos; additional expense for companies, job losses, reduced access to food/goods, they now want to re-join.
Remember when lorries were denied an easy passage in and out of the country because they were stuck in long queues [due to the UK creating an abundance of paperwork] and fresh food perished.
…and the decision makers blocked students etc coming in to harvest our fields – and more food was wasted? We also had a spate of mysterious (US) fires involving live animals and processing plants.
Is it also a coincidence that there have been life-threatening, baby formula shortages around the world and those who are happy to exploit others Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Other Billionaires Invest in Environmentally-Friendly Artificial Breast Milk Cultured From Human Mammary | Science Times.
The reason these people are all wealthy is because ‘friends of govt’s’ keep passing public money/contracts and jobs, amongst themselves; ’you scratch my back…and I will scratch yours’ – whilst exploiting the rest of us.
…and who controls pharma:
also acquires great wealth and power; – from the suffering and deaths of the patients they exploit.
THE WHO PANDEMIC TREATY– to force unnecessary experiments and health treatments on the world population.
Updated 29/06/24 If you read this highly informative book, you will see many examples of how illness/conditions/disabilities have been ‘introduced’ to us – for profit:
The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health. New York: Skyhorse publishing. Author; R. F. Kennedy Jnr
Example: Secret CDC Meeting About The Rise Of Autism From Vaccinations. video by Shawn Ryan with guest Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. ❤❤👍👍👏👏
When authorities engage in acts of secrecy to avoid the public knowing the truth, and resort to dirty bullying tactics – to discredit those who have the guts and decency to push their heads above the parapet, you know those authorities have done great harm. 👎👎👎👎
“If there is not justice for the people, let there be no peace for the government”
by Emiliano Zepata a Mexican revolutionary.
RAPE, TORTURE AND MURDER decriminalised for use by govt ‘agents’ – with no accountability for them and no redress for the public!
“Yet this bill would allow police officers to give an informant total legal immunity to commit any type of crime, with no prior independent authority or oversight, to combat even minor offences. That is what is really undesirable”.
This was sneaked in whilst the public was distracted by the pandemic. Just look at the agencies on the list as well as the police who will be given this authority. They did say they would add more!
Covert Human Intelligence Sources (criminal Conduct) Act 2021 by Wikipedia
- any police force
- National Crime Agency
- Serious Fraud Office
- any of the intelligence agencies
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Home Office
- Ministry of Justice
- Competition and Markets Authority
- Environment Agency
- Financial Conduct Authority
- Food Standards Agency
- Gambling Commission
“Upon the return of the bill to the Commons, the amendments preventing the use of minors and vulnerable people and the participation in serious crimes were defeated in a 363 to 267 vote.[33] An amendment tabled by the Labour frontbench was not put to a vote.[34]“
“Prior to the bill becoming an act; “In a statement, Amnesty International said:[10]
“MPs are signing off on a licence for government agencies to authorise torture and murder”.
Rape: The World’s Most Neglected War Crime by Tom Hamilton
“Current prosecution rates for rape and sexual abuse in the UK are so low that some campaigners allege these offences have been effectively decriminalised…It is no longer an allegation, it has become a fact. ‘Soft touch’, perverse justice by those unfit for purpose, has enabled rapists and murderers to conduct more crimes, free from prosecution. It speaks volumes about the negative personality traits of the decision makers!
…And it is not just females who are raped, many of those who use influence to avoid accountability – prefer boys/men.
N.B. Corrupt/psychopathic fake authorities, employ like-minded people who possess callous/bullying traits -to do their dirty work and then scapegoat them, further down the line. But not before they have harmed many innocent people!
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak out.
– George Orwell
and try to prevent those of us with a moral compass, from speaking against the ‘establishment’. https://donottrustthem.com/wp/ or DO NOT TRUST THEM
Google removed my website from it’s search engine some time ago. There has been many indications of interference on my website/email accounts etc by the unethical censors/tyrants who silence dissent. Representatives from the govt and co., regularly slither around behind the scenes of companies/ organisations/ social platforms to bribe or coerce them into doing their bidding.
Extortion by Wikipedia
“Example: ….Extortion is a common law crime in Scotland of using threat of harm to demand money, property or some advantage from another person. It does not matter whether the demand itself is legitimate (such as for money owed) as the crime can still be committed when illegitimate threats of harm are used”.[7][8]
Examples: No wonder it KEEPS going UP! video by LSB Film Productions... on the UK Council Town Hall Rich List 2024. Extortion is a DEMAND with menaces; council tax/other taxes stolen from the poorest – to keep the authority racketeers and their enablers/enforcers in lucrative jobs. Then victimising the victims – by evicting them from their homes, because they have run out of money.
Think of covid passports, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, fines/penalties/sanctions controlling bank/shopping/and food restrictions etc…. give us this information/money/sexual favours etc or this will happen! They are working from a list, so expect more to come.
This can also include many companies who assist the govt [who promote dishonesty and profiteering] – by not honouring their own policies/transactions because they know no-one is regulating them – due to all the state sponsored corruption.
“Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket“) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.”
…and preventing accountability of the racketeers – by sacking a decent human being who wanted to bring a case against the corrupt UK govt and then encouraging MSM to smear her: Magistrate removed after bringing Nuremberg Code case against UK government – YouTube and more information: Holocaust Survivors’ Letter to the International Criminal Court – Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org)
Also, see other premeditated actions to push people into poverty: FIRST SIGNS OF A DICTATORSHIP; TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER to destroy their right to life.
https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/serious-and-organised-crime-strategy evidenced throughout this website and elsewhere.
29.11. 23 Fake leaders divert public funds away from those who need it the most in our own countries – to be used to cause more harm, elsewhere. UK politicians were elected to serve the citizens of the UK, not to serve themselves, or their equally corrupt ‘friends’ and globalist [self-titled] elites. N.B. Toxic persons don’t actually have friends – just people to use.
£multi-Billions have been stolen from us over decades and sent abroad using many excuses; eg for foreign AID, reparations etc which has probably gone straight into the hands of other traitors such as WEF, WHO UN, state sponsored arms dealers/drug dealers (big pharma) etc. Has any country ever sent money to benefit UK citizens?
£millions/billions of public money is also sent to support/promote wars which is another form of money laundering, that knowingly creates wealth for the state racketeers. e.g.
“At least 20 members of Congress or their spouses hold stock in these companies.”
Weapons supplied to Ukraine from around the world, have also turned up in other country’s wars, probably sold for a profit. We should be sanctioning the state racketeers who incite wars and lock them all up – to enable innocent civilians around the world, to live in peace.
Instead of making all our business readily available to the racketeers – they need the most scrutiny because they are just members of a global, organised crime syndicate and no authority is investigating them. Please do not vote for any of them.
The GOVT(s) are making themselves judge, jury and executioner. It is not legal.
The offence of PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE is committed when an accused:
- does an act or series of acts;
- which has or have a tendency to pervert; and
- which is or are intended to pervert;
- the course of public justice.
The course of justice must be in existence at the time of the act(s). The course of justice starts when:
- an event has occurred, from which it can reasonably be expected that an investigation will follow; or
- investigations which could/might bring proceedings have actually started; or
- proceedings have started or are about to start.
The course of justice refers to civil justice as well criminal justice.
“…They are among 56 MPs who have been referred to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) in relation to about 70 separate complaints, it reported.”
Do any MPs or friends thereof who commit crimes have their income removed before a trial as in the case of Russell Brand. Those destroying his livelihood without due process, are seen to be making a mockery of the rule of law and are cherry-picking – who to target – whilst disregarding the fact Russell’s popular videos pushing back on totalitarian control, are not proceeds of crime and did not incite sexual exploitation. Unlike the policies/legislation of authorities/their enablers/enforcers and promoted by their trolls – who all point the finger.
Dame Caroline Dinenage DBE MP should be accused of attempting to pervert the cause of justice.
The police (you know those men/women in uniform who no longer protect the public from theft, assault, sexual offences etc.), have become the full-time servants/guardians of the corrupt and evil, law-breaking ‘govt and co.
Article 6 You have the right to a fair and public trial or hearing if:
- you are charged with a criminal offence and have to go to court, or
- a public authority is making a decision that has a impact upon your civil rights or obligations.
- You have the right to: be presumed innocent until you are PROVEN guilty.
AUGUST 2023 INSULTED! Biden said this at Maui massacre site. video by Hustle Bitch. A brutal mass murder by authorities who stood by and watched people and properties burn – without lifting a finger to prevent it. Sickos!
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/17/mark-zuckerberg-hawaii-estate-kauai-land-rights-dispute “…a shell corporation controlled by Mark Zuckerberg”. “…Those who had been sued had a choice: they could sell their partial shares or try to outbid a billionaire in a public auction. If they lost, they could be forced to pay Zuckerberg’s legal fees!” 👎👎👎

Behind our back, for many years the UK Establishment have bought off many charities, and employed and promoted a venal work force (and in other organisations), to pretend to do their job, but they are rewarded/promoted for abusing the public. The public purse is robbed to pay for all of this:
They also love to victimise the victims, whilst avoiding accountability for themselves.
Example; https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/andrew-malkinson-jailed-rape-pay-board-lodging/
“An apology without accountability, what is that?” he asked. “It’s nothing, it’s nothing, it means nothing.”
“The result is that even if you fight tooth and nail and gain compensation you then have to pay the *prison service a large chunk of that for so-called ‘board and lodgings’, which is so abhorrent to me. I am sickened by it.”
“I was in total shock for the first even a few years. I contemplated suicide many times.”
*Now this has been exposed in the public domain, they are talking about scrapping it! The postmasters; who were also wrongly accused had to pay their own legal fees, whereas authority criminals help themselves to the public purse to pay for their defence and fines etc. The authorities are also happy to get sued by ‘friends of government’ with huge payouts and later give them even more contracts!! Rather interesting [suspicious] don’t you think?
The postmasters should also demand to see the communications between those organisations who were involved, and have them scrubbed of any false allegations made against them.
Our data is being sold and used for nefarious purposes. Pseudo-regulators and authorities refuse to do what they claim and have collected (stole) our data under false pretences.
The ICO ignores the Data Protection Act and protects those who break it.
Information Commissioner’s Office Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of ico.org.uk (trustpilot.com) 97% negative reviews!
Starving the public to death, depriving them of health/care services, driving to suicide/ destroying jobs, artificially raising the cost of living so the vulnerable cannot afford to pay bills, then paying thugs[bailiffs and police] to forcibly remove them from their homes etc:
134Torture. Criminal Justice Act 1988 (legislation.gov.uk)
“(1)A public official or person acting in an official capacity, whatever his nationality, commits the offence of torture if in the United Kingdom or elsewhere he intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering on another in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.”
What they claim: “…that is why compliance with the full suite of obligations set out in the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment is so important. We are justifiably proud that the worst examples of human rights violations, such as torture, have been eradicated in Scotland. But we must simultaneously be on our guard in ensuring that no-one in our society suffers or is subjected to any form of mistreatment, cruelty or abuse.” Liars & they have eradicated many innocent people!