‘Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank – and he can rob the world’.

Todays bank robbers wear expensive suits, drive flash cars, live in the best homes and call themselves ‘The Executive Management Team’ – and rob customers/service users, of more than their money, they steal their right to life. The ruling class corrupted the legal/political systems [and more], for the exploitation and control of the working classes.


Hopefully, MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE which was moved to the bottom of this page, is easier to follow now and in the correct date order.

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. “They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Please be aware the authoritarian UK govts; keep altering policies and laws to suit their own agendas.


Page updated 13/01/25 The Danger of Digital Currency video by Hillsdale College

“We don’t have a financial problem – we have a government problem.”

“In this video, Catherine Austin Fitts, President of Solari, Inc., 💪💪💪❤explains the dangers of digitizing currency and what we can do to preserve our freedom.”

As a result of more people becoming aware of this, cash use has increased over the last couple of years.❤

Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.

We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminalsoperating illegally and therefore we should remove themput them in prisonIf everyone did this, all at the same timenotified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse💪💪💪

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls MONEY can control the world by Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger (was a WEF member until he died – they are all pure evil).

Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide ( “In 1974, U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggested using the control of food as a weapon to induce population reduction.” They are all murderers.

However, the rest of the so-called elite must also be concerned about their own wealth/assets; being stolen by the ‘one world bank’ and CDBC ! How are they going to prevent it❓ ‘There is no honesty amongst thieves, liars and frauds!’

The biggest frauds and embezzlers of public money [the govts & co.] , are projecting themselves again: “Keir Starmer plans to resurrect Conservative Party proposals to spy on all of our bank accounts on the premise of dealing with welfare fraud.” What they actually want; is to control what all of us spend and use the data they steal; against usto take away our money/homes/property/kids and our lives.

Our bank spying petition is BACK. Big Brother Watch website.

The Elite’s Are About To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed

Reasons we should never give up our human rights

FINANCIAL ABUSE AND THE CONSEQUENCES: to individuals and society. Them master-us slave

One of the greatest, and most obvious failing of humans has been their inability to handle power; without abusing it to the detriment of others.”

08/10/24 The Agenda of the Fake Leaders;


CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL/ FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE/SOCIAL MURDER = The Criminal Offences already committed and orchestrated by our governments & Co and the rest of the members of the World Economic Forum (WEF), UN, WHO etc – globalists. Modern slavery Act 2015

1 Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour

(1)A person commits an offence if—

(a)the person holds another person in slavery or servitude and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is held in slavery or servitude, or

(b)the person requires another person to perform forced or compulsory labour and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is being required to perform forced or compulsory labour.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing” (and women!)

by Edmund Burke

10/08/24 Whitney Webb’s books; ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL are the ‘who’s who’ in the dark and sinister world of the global elites; exposing money laundering, racketeering, trafficking, arms dealing & more… In case you are wondering, I do not receive money/gifts/benefits from any source or for promoting anyone. I just ask the public to join together to protect each other.

WARNING: UNLESS THE WEF & THEIR COLLABORATORS ARE STOPPED NOW by citizens around the world – IT IS GAME OVER FOR ALL OF US. Their evil agenda: THEM MASTER – YOU SLAVE – until you die. They also want to control when❗

Neil Oliver Interviews Whitney Webb – It’s us versus them! YouTube blocked this, but found it on Rumble 06/11/24

“….organised crime, secret services, corporate power, the deep state….they’re investing massive amounts of money in manipulating us…Neil talks power & corruption with the brilliant and forensically detailed investigative journalist Whitney Webb.”

…people need to take responsibility and think of what WE CAN DO AS PEOPLE to OPT OUT of the current system they are trying to IMPOSE upon us”.

Keir Starmer slammed over ‘gushing’ tweet about BlackRock meeting 22nd November article by The National: “BlackRock is the world’s biggest asset management company and has been criticised for investing in fossil fuel companies, the arms industry, and human rights violations in China.”

“Starmer took some time out of working on human rights cases to champion the innocence of a convicted murderer. warm-up for his defence of Hizb ut-Tahrir? ” – article by Guido Fawkes. We have witnessed many examples of Starmer’s concerted effort to annihilate our security/safety, by prioritising the human rights of criminals including themselves.

21/07/24 “This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You” – Whitney Webb’s Last WARNING This video was originally censored by YT.

“1.04 the new Financial System is total surveillance and censorship over every aspect of our lives…”

1:34 NEW WORLD ORDER it is being ushered in by Elites such as Black Rock’s Larry Fink who wants to tokenize all existing assets and commodities in the natural world. Whitney warns that EVERYTHING will be tokenized from forests to rivers, mountains and lakes, everything commoditized to be owned and traded by the SUPER RICH and Powerful, all with ONE SINGULAR GOAL in mind – COMPLETE CONTROL AND DOMINATION OVER THE REST OF US.

2:10 …and his fellow Elites are on the verge of achieving their grand plans AND WILL USE A CATASTROPHIC LEVEL EVENT ON THE SCALE OF WORLD WAR II, to usher in the new Financial system….”

Example; turning one group of people against another, to create civil war and then the despots will use martial law or something similar to lock us all into our homes for another power grab. 24/11/24 Or warmonger Starmer provoking World War III by supplying missiles from the UK to Ukraine – to further advance the hostilities towards Russia.

They all lost their right to enforce any policies/mandates/legislation upon us at the point they chose to become DANGEROUS criminals themselvesdecades ago. It is completely irrational of them; to expect us to take advice from criminals/abusers/ & anyone else we cannot trust. They are insane!

The Law: by Frederic Bastiat 1850 ❤❤❤

The authority criminals have never shown respect to laws themselves, so they intend to use force to get what they want.

WE HAVE MORE RIGHT TO REMOVE THEM IN THE INTEREST OF SELF PRESERVATION – THAN THEY HAVE TO REMOVE US! We have to be our own heroes and join together in the battle for our lives, and protection of the children & vulnerable.

The Complete Guide To Understanding the Meaning of ‘Null and Void’ Article by Skill

“Beyond contracts, laws and regulations can also be subject to nullity. When a law is deemed “null and void,” it means that it is considered invalid or unconstitutional. This can occur when laws exceed the scope of legislative power or contravene higher legal principles, such as fundamental rights.”

“In certain instances, government decisions or actions may be challenged and declared “null and void.” This can occur when government decisions are made without proper legal authority, violate constitutional rights, or exceed the scope of governmental powers.”

Section updated 19/07/24 A great ANTHEM for the people to sing to the corrupt decision makers who are destroying the world and us with it: “Liars, cheats and crooks” by Five Times August ❤❤💪💪👍👍Please share everywhere to highlight our global problems.

🎵🎵 “You want me scared, You want me weak, You want me brain dead and asleep. You want us trapped while you all laugh behind the scenes. You want us sick You think we’re dumb You want us blind and you want us drugged. You want us poor while you get more of everything…”

“But you don’t get to tell me what to think and what to do No, you don’t get to tell me what is true…”


19/07/24 GLOBAL IT FAILURE CASH IS KING! video by David Kurten This is a very strong reason, we should not allow the despots to force us into a cashless society. *Oh look, it happened just as Whitney Webb predicted – **2021! Was this the test for the next part of the WEF & Co power grab

* She’s EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb | Redacted

** WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System. By Whitney Webb

“… a cyberattack would also provide the perfect scenario for dismantling the current failing system, as it would absolve central banks and corrupt financial institutions of any responsibility.”

16/07/24 We did not consent to become the slaves; *of thieves, murderers, sexual predators, paedophiles, sadists, terrorists, extortionists, racketeers etc – or by the rest of the global crime syndicate – who have been colluding to engage in malicious intent to cause us all harm and or premature death.

“The biggest threat to our financial freedom – CBDC” video by Abundantia has been removed by YouTube

Imagine a world where you can’t buy anything without permission, where everyday the  choice you make is monitored and logged into a data base, controlled by the leaders of your nation….”

“The criticism around CBDC‘s is that they will be used as the ultimate tool of surveillance and control, allowing governments to monitor citizens every move.” Whilst they engage in every act of theft, debauchery, sadism, and continue to plunder our property and the rest of the planet.

Social Credit Scores via data collection and the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be forced on those willing to become slaves. All our data is extremely valuable to them and will continue to be used against our interest. The data thieves are already selling our personal/medical data without our permission. Do not allow them to do this. They want you to cater to all their demands, with no right to defend yourself because they will have ALL THE POWER.

The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak out.” – George Orwell

The despots & co., try to silence anyone (including myself) who expose how ‘dirty’ they are (to enable them to avoid accountability in prison) and always use influence including, via their ‘techy friends’ e.g. from social platforms and major search engines, and elsewhere behind the scenes of companies, organisations etc.

There has been a concerted effort to put many obstacles in the way of my website, and they have partially blocked my email accounts. I have been denied access to other websites and their links, and prevented from communication with them and more! However, there are many ways to share information without drawing too much attention to it! 😘

Please note, I put direct links on my pages but later, some have started to open up as web searches instead! I would say it is deliberate/direct interference, especially as it has coincided with a massive increase in ‘public friendly’ YouTube videos, being demonetarised or blocked to silence dissent.

Defaming the public – to deflect attention away from their own venality. “The Government argues that the powers to inspect social security claimants bank accounts are to reduce fraud and error” but is just the latest disingenuous excuse by the govt to steal our money and everything else.

Fact: The amount of fraud using public money, is more prevalent amongst government/authority officials and their ‘friends’ who were given several jobs/contracts etc – which amounts to £Multi-billions yearly, over decades, because the mass corruption throughout the legal/political systems, and globally, has protected them from criminal prosecution.


I tried to post a video on the massive wealth accumulated by Biden’s family which has now been evidenced in bank accounts; money from corrupt, foreign sources – but google blocked every attempt. Speaks volumes!

…Therefore, as they never warned the public of their sinister and law-breaking agendas before they gained power, meaning they were elected under false pretences (fraud), the public has more right to demand to see the bank accounts of those working at the top of government &co., than they have to steal our data/money to be used for more nefarious self-serving schemes. It is all of them, not us who urgently need to demonstrate transparency and for their incomes to be scrutinised – by us!

….and by introducing oppressive legislation to serve their own criminal and agendas, we can actually use everything they do – against them. Examples: Banks are service providers – but when they attempt to deny us unlimited access to our honestly acquired money, whilst they protect and profit from proceeds of crime, (especially from corruption; fraud, embezzled funds, money laundering and ‘kick backs’ by the state sponsored organised crime syndicates) these actions are proving they too are criminals.

Example; By claiming they are doing this or that to prevent fraud- they are accusing ALL THE PUBLIC of engaging in fraud, without ANY evidence to support. Therefore that can be construed as inflammatory, hate speech, discrimination etc This is also defamation: causing serious character harm resulting in depriving us of our human rights, income and access to it. The consequences could be homelessness, loss of all income, property and result in great physical/psychological harm/and or premature death via CBDC.

Defamation Act 2013

Serious Harm (1)A statement is not defamatory unless its publication has caused or is likely to cause serious harm to the reputation of the claimant.

  • “publish” and “publication”, in relation to a statement, have the meaning they have for the purposes of the law of defamation generally;
  • “statement” means words, pictures, visual images, gestures or any other method of signifying meaning.

This power grab by the worst perpetrators of fraud, is another action of projecting [their own criminal behaviour onto us]. Like the corrupt little narcissists they truly are…and the reason everything is collapsing around us in order to feed their abnormal egos.

Narcissistic projection is a psychological defense mechanism that allows the narcissistic to avoid facing their failings and dealing with the the consequences of their negative and often harmful/criminal behaviour. They are delusional; believing they are superior and entitled, so they engage in unscrupulous actions to defend themselves and continue to cross boundaries- until they are physically prevented from doing so. They encourage the same negative traits (including the narcissists delusions), with others (enablers) who are often scapegoated later. Examples: updated 19/05/24


NHS managers are destroying the careers of whistleblowers who raise concerns about patient safety, a group of medics warns.”

“In some cases, NHS managers are accused of falsifying or destroying evidence to make whistleblowers appear to be the guilty ones.

By the time their ordeal is over, they are often broken physically, mentally and psychologically and many are unable to work again.

& The NHS refusing to allow a man (a GP) to give blood to save a life – unless he complies by declaring he is not pregnant!


Down the page and elsewhere, I have added more reasons why the public should prevent the banks (and others) taking complete control of your money/life, including the fact they pretend they are protecting our money from criminals. They are actually promoting criminal activity by conducting business with law-breaking individuals/companies/organisations and corrupt govts etc. They are a serious threat to the rest of us.

Thank you again Neil, for another great video.
Just because the govt & co., claim something is true, does not make it so! They are callous, pathological liars, demonstrating they have no conscience or concern about our well-being. They do not have any credibility.
I am not trying to scare you, (they are the ones doing that!). Just like Neil Oliver, I am trying to stir the innocent public into action, to help the rest of us remove the sadistic authorities and their co-conspirators, who will use any type of abuse, to control us if they are not stopped. Divert your fear, into anger, please do not internalise your anxieties. At all times, please keep yourself and others safe and do not take out your anger on those who have not caused you any harm. You may need their help later. Far better to join together to deal with the ones – who deliberately cause the most harm so we can all live in peace.

You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know” by William Wilberforce.

Please copy anything and share to protect innocent people from harm. I suggest you scroll pages prior to reading, to get an overall view of what I am exposing – and information, to give the public ideas on how to defend themselves.

Aesop Quote: “The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.” (

Those who promote criminality are themselves, operating illegally, therefore, they cannot be allowed to take control over other people’s income/life, no matter what lame excuse they give. Yet, the banks are obviously supporting all of them and not taking control of their incomes (proceeds of crime), which makes them at the very least, complicit and culpable for aiding and abetting crimes. (I do not make accusations that I have not already backed up, and have been doing so – since 2019).

Updated 30/11.24 Persons who assist or encourage another to commit a crime: Crown Prosecution Service: Secondary Liability: charging decisions on principals and accessories Revised: 04 February 2019, 28 November 2023, 4 July 2024|Legal Guidance:

A secondary party is one who aids, abets, counsels or procures (commonly referred to as assists or encourages) D1 to commit the substantive offence, without being a principal offender. However, a secondary party can be prosecuted and punished as if he were a principal offender: s8 Accessories and Abettors Act 1861.

Secondary liability principles can be applied to most offences. The principles remain the same, whichever offence they are applied to. The principles are commonly used in offences of violence, theft, fraud and public order.

SOCIAL (& Financial) ABUSE

Example: Caledonia Housing Association (CHA) has welcomed a £30 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to support new housing developments across Scotland. This company illegally drove my son and myself out of our home, assisted by their equally corrupt, influential ‘friends’ as evidenced in the CHA section. Why? because I tried to protect a vulnerable tenant from CHA’s harassment/and abuse of position.

We lost £thousands as a result of their malicious intent to harm, and corruption leading right to Nicola Sturgeon/SNP, who promote criminal/unethical behaviour. My personal experience with the evidence of the dishonest CHA & their lawyers, regulators, sheriff and Nicola Sturgeons government and more, are in the CHA sections.


The overall number of bank branches across the UK fell from 14,855 in 2010 to 6,965 in 2021.

The state-sponsored criminals will close all of the banks/cash machines, and more shops/services/businesses will follow. They have already, massively increased, high unemployment in many sectors whilst denying access to services. The govts policies and legislation in recent years, have resulted in the reduction of small/medium businesses, public services, and pushed many more good people – into absolute poverty.

They are pushing through an ENERGY LAW, to force their way into your homes with massive fines and or imprisonment – if private landlords do not comply, and by having smart meters to control all your energy and smart appliances and more. Landlords lose their properties/income and tenants lose their homes, belongings etc. Then they will steal the kids – who will be abused. So we will own nothing and the predators who are feeding off our misery, will be happier!

The government thugs; bailiffs, assisted by our traitorous police, on behalf of the likes of the WEF, [paid via misappropriation of public funds], are forcing the public out of their homes by any possible means:

After running every town/city into the ground – the [state sponsored terrorists] are also creating ghettos [concentration camps] around the world, segregated away from the global so-called elite. They have already bought up some of the best properties and land, and even acquired more after highly suspicious fires! They are also bullying farmers globally, into giving up their land/ to stop food production. They did not become wealthy from hard work and being ‘upright citizens’, but chose to exploit the rest of us for personal gain.

Around the world, they have gone from preventing illegal immigration – to creating an open door policy, to increase hostility between populations, which we have to deal with ourselves, whilst they pretend they cannot stop illegal migration.

Example 4. Data Protection Abuse

Example 5. Coming to a country where you are:

Over a decade ago I heard about a ‘social experiment’ – micro chips planted in the arm – conducted on the homeless in America. They wanted to (covertly) trial an electronic tracking system, for future use by the public at large, which is another violation of human rights, especially as they intend to force these via intimidation methods; which is extortion.

When this was exposed, the US authorities tried to justify the exploitation of the vulnerable, by falsely claiming it was to make sure the homeless were getting their health care and benefits! If they cared so much, then why did they not just help the most vulnerable into accommodation and create jobs for them, instead of using public money to exploit everyone❓

When they claim they care about public health, research for the videos on how US hospitals throw out patients on the streets during the night – still in their gowns, because wealthier patients need a bed!

Banks already ask questions about why you want your money! RBS asks online, when you try to conduct a transaction. Other organisations also deny cash services, unless you give them data they want.

I picked up a covid enquiry form a while ago, out of curiosity because it asked about data on trans and financial status. What have these questions got to do with the supposed covid enquiry? Absolutely nothing, other than proving the despots are trying to steal our data, using every opportunity available.

In 2023, I tried to opt out of the NHS organ donor scheme. I omitted irrelevant data on the form, so they refused my request by claiming they did not recognise my basic, personal details. They are liars and data thieves.

I read in a paper about a Scottish blood donor – who was refused the right to donate blood to sustain life – because he declined to state whether he was pregnant or not! The lunatics are running the asylum.

It starts off innocently then progresses to even less rights – but more control for the despots.

“— a global welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.” Taken from Bilderberg Objectives: The ( Bilderberg)Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency”…and more. for the rest of the list

The one world bank who has the most assets; – is probably BlackRock. “…who controls MONEY can control the world quote by Henry Kissinger.

They have multiple well-paid posts passed around amongst the ‘friends of govt’, which has made them extremely wealthy – (on top of what they are stealing from taxpayers money).


“When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.[1]

by Friedrich Engels 

Many dirty tactics and acts of deception are being used on everyone, around the world resulting in loss of freedom, income, property, own children and the rest of our human rights. Example; from bribing/coercing influential people/& social media platforms to do their bidding.

Other tactics include (not an exhaustive list); putting obstacles in the way of individuals to deprive them of support , bullying & harassment (often behind the scenes and by smearing their targets), denying access to services, additional unethical policies and legislation, the rising cost of living; energy/food prices, more fines/taxes, forcing businesses to close, creating higher unemployment, locking us into enclosed spaces where we live, restricting movement with **punishment (extortion) if we do not comply and many more tactics I have highlighted elsewhere. They are control freaks with narcissistic/ psychopathic traits, breaking many laws to enable the corrupt authorities/corporations etc to achieve their treacherous agendas and avoid accountability.


Social murder – Wikipedia see more examples in


The beginning: July 2023. Under the guise of claiming to protect my finances from crime – I was alerted by the RBS, they intend to UPDATE (control) my bank account by 12th September 2023.

Below is a random email received by RBS, July 2023 so I made this page to answer them and posted a copy, by hand in the door at the local branch.

“Hello ——

As a bank, we have a duty of care to help protect you and the wider community from the effects of financial crime. To help us undertake this more effectively, we want to let you know about a few changes to the terms of your Personal current account, which will take effect from 11th September 2023.

You can see all the details in the leaflet we’ve included, but here’s a summary of the main changes. You can view the full terms and conditions.

My First reply to them informing me they were going to take control of my account.

17.07.23 With personal details removed.

Dear Royal Bank of Scotland Manager (Arbroath),

Under no circumstances do I want RBS to control my account. I have always been responsible enough and honest enough to manage my own affairs. Your claims to be trying to protect my money from criminals, are disingenuous. It is not me who is operating above the law.

I do not want a new card as my current (recent) one is adequate and most certainly do not give my consent for RBS (or anyone else) to decide what and when I can spend my money. Any attempt to prevent, restrict me from accessing MY MONEY, whenever and whatever amount I wish, will be interpreted as a deliberate/malicious attempt to cause me harm/death.

The same applies if you close my account. The bank has no legitimate/ethical reason – to force me to comply or remove me from the bank.

Please take note of my website below, with reasons why you still need to offer me the services I expect. I have never harmed anyone to date, but you are following the orders of those engaging in criminal behaviour who have proven they cannot be trusted.  You are supposed to offer the public services, especially as the public bailed you out, some years ago.


encs: I gave my website details and this section to draw to their attention.

I received the letter below on 15.08.23 which is dated 08.07.23 and folded over the top of the page to hide my ID. It is obviously the mass produced type of letter, they would send in response to any complaint. In other words a brush off, because the public do not matter to them – [apart from when they used tax payers money to bail them out, to keep the CEO’s in highly paid jobs! £45B of taxpayers money] They show their appreciation by screwing us over again. The money they got back has not been used to improve our incomes.

I have not responded to them again as there is nothing else I could say, which is not already on this website and I sent the details to them (I do this every time authorities/organisations try to bully me, as I refuse to go around in circles with them as I have done before – see CHA section). It achieves nothing but annoyance, because they do not practice what they preach and are just playing childish games to feed their power trip!

Below is the letter I received on 18.08.23 stating “my understanding of your query is that you want to share feedback on our services”. Completely ignoring my complaint and turning it into something else, whilst trying to obtain my signature. Needless to say, they have not put a persons signature on any communication to me, so as far as I know this letter could have been written by the cleaner, or AI generated. The two letters were typed on cheap, photocopied paper.

Updated 14.09.23 I managed to get money out of an ATM yesterday but today, around 9am online, I was refused a transaction to a family member. The excuse given, was they carry essential maintenance EVERY DAY for the period of time shown. Yet, a general ONLINE search (2nd screenshot) claims they SOMETIMES do maintenance between these times. This had better not be the start of restrictions on my account. I have had many years of accumulating knowledge from numerous sources, and personal experiences of the games these people play – to screw us over.

I refuse to allow my finances to be controlled by those individuals, working on behalf of corrupt authorities/companies/organisations etc, who make decisions which harm others and who protect those engaged in criminal behaviour. They will no doubt ATTEMPT to close my account with the knowledge, that no other bank will accept me for the same reasons. I have never given anyone a legitimate reason, to accuse me of anything illegal in my entire life. We cannot say the same about those who are in the top positions!

** which is another criminal offence.

I will NOT be able to collect my pension/WILL lose my home/belongings etc – therefore they will be deliberately depriving me of the means to survive. This will make them guilty of MALICIOUSLY engaging in an attempt to cause unnecessary suffering, leading to a PREMATURE death.

I did not make the bank or anyone else, Power of Attorney over my affairs, so I object to their intention to take control of my bank and without my consent. (They want to decide when and what we can purchase!). This website is part of my absolute right to protect myself from harm. Yet it is being censored/blocked by big tech on behalf of those I have already exposed. They are all operating illegally and unethically, because they are without a conscience and believe laws/policies do not apply to them. Their arrogance clouds their judgement.

Updated comment 28/05/24. They have already forced innocent people out of their homes, as witnessed on videos, but some communities in the UK are fighting back and won; by protecting tenants/home owners from the bailiffs and police [traitors] who are behaving like thugs.