My website was originally created in March 2019 in the public interest, to protect others by sharing experiences, facts and evidence of the corruption within and surrounding the anti-social landlord, Caledonia Housing Association (CHA). This company engages in law-breaking, dangerous, and morally abhorrent actions which are detrimental to the health and welfare of service users. The regulators, a sheriff and the government sanctioned everything and looked the other way. It speaks volumes! They have clearly demonstrated that they are all operating under false pretences and have no respect for the public’s rights or law, making them extremely dangerous and unfit for positions of trust.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you may never say again you did not know”
by William Wilberforce
Those in authority positions share common traits, which are evident by the manner in which they function e.g. they abuse their positions and resources (including finances) for personal gain, use influence for favours, smear individuals behind their backs to discredit them, knowingly cause harm to those entrusted to their care, ignore rules, laws and codes of ethics (but use legislative powers for the sole purpose of protecting their own interests). They falsify and destroy information, engage in many acts of deception, bully and harass to force control and avoid accountability etc. Please share this website to help safeguard the public against those who wish us harm. Knowledge is (your) power.
Please click on the links ⬇ to each section with evidence, to see how disgraceful they all are.
Fake authorities and regulators, charities etc deliberately push the most vulnerable members of society in their direction. Examples:
2. Q. When is a so called ‘Independent’ organisation not genuine?
A. When it has been compromised by becoming partners with unscrupulous, fraudulent and illegally operating companies, e.g. Caledonia Housing Association – who also masquerade as a charitable organisation.
CEO Julie Cosgrove, & Tim Calderbank & Garry Savage are the CHA directors, who illegally drove my son and myself out of our homes, (using influence with corrupt ‘friends of govt’), because I defended a tenant they were abusing. CHA caused us to lose £thousands, but they are highly valued and rewarded by the equally toxic, criminal government, who enables them.