I need help from as many members of the public as possible…

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” by Albert Einstein.

Page updated; 02/09/24 ❤❤❤❤What a lovely group of community spirited people; who turned a very negative experience of bullying, into a very positive & highly memorable day for the victim. We need more of this kindness. ❤❤❤❤

Community stands with bullying victim with donations, driving to school in luxury Video by KGET News

04/08/24 Community Spirit is the enemy of tyrants. Please share my website; to warn others so they can understand and make comparisons to what is currently, being done to us.

https://medium.com/@nitigyaraj/4-stages-of-ideological-subversion-according-to-yuri-bezmenov-psychological-warfare-in-action-4ea01e2268c7 Psychological warfare in action. ❤❤❤ Very important reading material; because it is pertinent to what is going on right now. Article was written by Nitigya Pant Feb 4, 2024.

“Stage 1: Demoralisation – The systematic undermining of society’s moral and ethical foundations… In the demoralization phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms. [sound familiar?]

Stage 2: Destabilization – This phase is characterized by the weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society...Economic stability, social unrest, and political polarization become prominent features of this stage, laying the foundation for further manipulation.

Stage 3: Crises – During the crises phase, the external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies and solutions.

Stage 4: Normalization – Where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm.

Yuri Bezmenov’s insights into the stages of ideological subversion remain relevant, serving as a reminder of the importance of preserving the values, institutions, and cultural identity that define a nation. Understanding these stages provides a framework for recognizing and countering potential threats to the integrity of society.

Update: 12/09/24 …and now they are attempting to murder the pensioners (easy targets for state criminals) by reducing income to starve, cause hypothermia, removing bus passes so they cannot seek support or a heating source elsewhere etc because the criminal bullies always attack the most vulnerable first. They have already been removing incomes from the sick and disabled for over a decade to bring about premature death.

Who is the next target group in their bid to eradicate the masses❓


By voting / and or supporting the deeply corrupt and perverse establishment in any form, we are bringing about our own downfall and enabling them to engage in more harm, death, and criminality. Please, please, refuse to recognise/support the authority of state abusers/murderers & the company they keepand make it obvious to them alldue to it being irrational, unethical and a criminal offence to aid and abet their crimes.



Please share this website and do everything you can to fight against the authority abusers, who have manipulated and exploited us. The traitors collaborate to deliberately engage in malicious intent to cause us harm whilst they sit back and revel in the misery they cause.

Canada are leading the way again to push back against tyranny, and the sexualisation of our kids who are exposed to porn, grooming – indoctrination in school. Please watch, and support the❤👍👍👍👏 heroes behind the action and hopefully this will also have a domino effect around the world. Remember we have more right to protect our kids from state-sponsored predators, than they have to abuse them. Authority criminals, who lied and manipulated their way into positions of trust have invalidated their rights to govern. They are just ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing.’

The fight to regain Britain begins! by Jeff Taylor

When our back is against the wall, we all have to come out fighting in self-defence & stop creating more divisions by removing all those who wish us harm, and unite those who work with us – for a peaceful solution without any political interference. We would not have had to do this if the fake leaders had not been continually, betraying us ever since Parliament began.

Q. When is an authority, not an authority? A. When it is found to be operating under false pretences and at that point they have invalidated their authority over us.

Decency is in short supply, when it comes to those currently holding positions of trust. We must rectify the problem and REMOVE THEM ALL.

History has repeatedly shown the majority of people cannot handle power without them descending down the path of corruption. We, [individuals and collectively], should be regulating ourselves starting at community level; making our own decisions to decide our futures, and that of our families and to the benefit of society. We must LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES and refrain from giving anyone/party absolute power, which will end up being used against us- AGAIN.

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not VICTIMS…but ACCOMPLICES” – George Orwell

BEFORE THE NEXT ELECTIONS: DEMAND THE REMOVAL OF ALL THE SNAKES – because you know ‘they speak with forked tongues’.


For those who are criticising the good people who did not vote in recent mayoral elections, e.g. blaming them because the sadistic, pseudo mayor, Sadiq Khan got back in. Ask yourselves WHY ARE YOU still voting for an almost 100% corrupt & CRUEL regime? Nearly 60% of London ❤ 👍👍👍did not vote; because they had the common sense to realise it is futile, and winners end up being swapped by the ‘inner circle‘ any way. You should be joining those, who want to remove ALL those who are happy to harm you. Do you still not realise you are being used❓

Not one party in your lifetime, has improved the quality of lives for the public, but, they have ALL grown richer and more powerful from exploiting/abusing us all. Look at what they have done to the towns and cities, and the millions of lives they have ruined. I do not believe they intend staying in the hellholes they created. They will desert us. You have actually sacrificed your right to life, TO KEEP THEM IN HIGHLY PAID JOBS. A vote for them is just sanctioning more of the same toxicity and worse. You are shaming the wrong group of people 👎

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein.

No matter which party you consider choosing, remember this: THEY ARE ALL VENOMOUS SNAKES – FROM THE SAME NEST.

The blade runners👍👍👍 are doing more to protect us, and we all need to join those who are fighting against tyrannical control and state sponsored cruelty.

Example: Pfizer Executive Caught By Project Veritas: We’re Exploring Mutating COVID So We Can “Preemptively” Develop New Vaccines | Video | RealClearPolitics

* Neil Olivers video❤ ‘A Madness That’s Growing!’ sums up you all you need to know; to form an opinion. Compile a huge list with evidence [it won’t take long] of why you can never trust politicians ever again and share everywhere you can, and encourage others to do the same. Otherwise, if you are not prepared to ‘fight’ to protect yourselves and others, then prepare to lose everything else you own and have your kids ‘stolen’ to be placed directly in the hands of the state-sponsored paedophiles & co. I am sorry to have to say this, but it is the reality they have planned for us. Please do not allow it to happen.

* Youtube removed this video and another I had from this page. I replaced Neil Oliver’s with the same video on bitchute. It happens a lot. They do not like my website for obvious reasons.

Posted 01.03.24 Baroness Jones says the Conservative govt is choosing tyranny over democracy ❤👍👍Thank you for speaking out!

“…So this government doesn’t represent the public anymore. It really is time they go.” However as there are only a handful of ethical people in Govt overall, no party represents the public!

Must watch speech by Baroness Jones on the state of our economy. Videos by Implausibleblog

“And it’s not really even a debate at all, because we’ve got two parties arguing over the same set of policies, while the general public see their taxes misspent on a mix of corrupt contracts and privatized services” “It doesn’t seem very fair, really” – “The reality of the UK today is that a lot of hardworking people get paid less than they were a decade ago, while the very richest get even richer” – “There’s been no austerity for conservative party donors and the friends of cabinet ministers. They came out of COVID richer as a result of fast track PPE contracts. And now, of course, they’re paying less tax with fewer regulations” – “And the ability to stir away their money in offshore trusts and Brexit has failed to benefit Cornish fishermen or voters in Sedgefield, Rexamore Lee” …and everywhere else

…because those who contribute the least to society, but take away the most, and cause the most harm, believe they are entitled. The only thing these corrupt criminals are entitled to do; is go to jail for the rest of their lives and have their assets removed; to reimburse the public for what has already been stolen from them.

The Fake Leaders and their enablers, who have denied the public their rights to safety, security, health, and access to services, worthwhile employment etc – are the cause and effect of all the crises.

*N.B. The control freaks are desperately trying to micromanage every aspect of our lives, including altering the quotes, ‘stories’ and facts, with the intentions of influencing (indoctrinating) how we think. Example; in books and quotes by influential people from the past or present – just like any other tyrannical regime. They also use their ‘techy friends’ to interfere with platforms and websites and even individual records kept on personal computers – despite breaking numerous laws. The aim is to cause confusion and gaslight the public into doubting themseves – it is psychological abuse. They are the crazies not you, any mental health problems you may have are just symptoms of the abuse or grief you have suffered, and your bodies coping mechanism trying to adjust – rather like a chain reaction. A good support network with sound advice, will aid recovery rather than being spoon fed by those with an agenda.☺

As a result of the chaos they created, we have been left to fend for ourselves, so we need to remove the parasitic frauds, and subject them to the same actions they have forced upon us, for many decades. before they or the ‘culture conflicts’, wipe us all out. Do not forget the blood transfusion scandal, postmasters and many others who have who had their lives ruined by the callous, decision makers.

I believe we need to keep more of our incomes, to use for our own safety and well being.

04.03.24 https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/more-quarter-million-scots-missed-32263211?int_source=nba

On the subject of people being told to prioritise council tax above buying basics- food/heat in winter which are essential to life. When did encouraging people to risk their health become the priority in law – to serve corrupt [authority] decision makers in jobs? A lot of them do not even pay tax and are not subject to the same aggression and human right abuses. Ask/accuse the enforcers [police/ bailiffs/ politicians etc] are you trying to murder me? Are you going to take responsibility for any harm/loss of property which befalls me and my family? Ask them publicly on social platforms too. Demand their names.

NOBODY Expected THIS… (TOP SECRET) video I watched this recent video about someone who requested [via FOI] how many council employees, owed money for their council tax and they declined saying it was not in the public interest.

Fact: I doubt the public would agree, the public want complete transparency from those who demand it from us.

We need to know why the public are persecuted; just to keep hypocritical, unscrupulous, bullies in work. We need to see where public money is going and add to the list of evidence against them, because they cannot be trusted. I bet the public purse pays more for the state sponsored thugs (bailiff firms), and from sending people to jail – than the money the racketeers believe they are owed.

( I have retracted my previous statement about withholding council tax because I do not want to have individuals punished, however, en masse we need to at least question the legality of paying for services we do not get and for supporting corruption by those in office… etc ).

Is there an ethical law firm out there willing to represent the public, in the legality of the extortion by the authorities? I guess not… but, it speaks volumes about who they represent!

Please seek advice from multiple organisations & keep records, as many have been coerced into betraying the public. If you do not succeed in obtaining redress, expose those who denied it with the reasons/evidence of their refusal to do the jobsthey are paid to do in our interests.

The public’s access to support has been diminished – by our fake leaders, so it is harder to find assistance. You could try to take civil action against the decision makers, if you gather copious amounts of evidence and insist the case is aired in the public domain, to prevent further corruption. I believe the best option is to remove all the traitors and replace them with genuine, ethical members of our communities, throughout the UK.

**“Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercivefraudulentextortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket“) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.[1] ” by Wikipedia (somebody keeps breaking my direct links to the definition of racketeering. I must have hit a[nother] nerve!). I would avise the public to keep copies of any useful information as the despots are desperately,trying to make it disappear!

The public has more right to a legal defence than to be abused by those corrupt, criminals who exploit us. THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS – DO NOT TRUST THEM I have given many reasons why they are unfit to make decisions throughout this website. Please use to defend yourself from authority criminals.

Updated 03.03.24. This is a prime example of how our fake leaders are hypocrites, all rehearsed speeches and lame excuses to deflect…and when you catch them outside of their comfort zone they are useless.

“This shocking film should be the final straw that sees this Government thrown from office” by Peter Stefanovic

…It’s wrong, it’s wrong, wrong, wrong, and furthermore, it is wrong… 🤣How pathetic! They cannot even answer a simple question like “but why is it wrong”?

They are fully exposed as the murderous criminals and manipulative charlatans, they really are. They betrayed us and now they are imploding under the weight of their own duplicity and delusions, after living too many years inside their own heads. I agree with Neil, you can smell their fear because they know we will turn on them and take back what belongs to us, holding them to account for the misery and suffering they deliberately inflicted upon us, and for those whose lives they systematically destroyed.

15.01.24 The globalists at the World Economic Forum At Davos (15 -19th Jan 2024) make decisions which only serve to enrich those in power, and who have repeatedly demonstrated they are prepared to cause great harm to millions/billions of ordinary citizens around the world. State control has resulted in the worst atrocities inflicted upon the citizens around the world since WW2, because our greedy, fake leaders have proven that they want all the power & wealth, but refuse to take responsibility for any of their callous actions.

Pushing us further into absolute poverty and homelessness.

For those who still believe our governments/regulators are looking after the public by topping up incomes with benefits, eg. the Energy Bill Support Schemes (EBSS) , you are missing the most important fact. They initially gave energy companies, a free rein to charge extortionate prices for basic servicesto exploit us all. Then the govt’s give away more from the public purse – to guarantee an additional increase of profits/bonuses for the energy providers etc with the EBSS. They are not helping you, they are all helping themselves under the guise of something else. It is another example of money laundering by the state racketeers and their complicit friends.

We need to be in full control of OUR OWN FUTURE, HEALTH & WELL-BEING. Communities can promote decency, respect and integrity in the jobs given to their members, with nobody having more power than anyone else, creating a better world for all of us.

Carefully selected, trustworthy local people [should replace those in authority positions], appointed to work entirely on behalf of the autonomous community, and accountable to the public. Thanks to the authority criminals crashing the economy and creating the highest levels of unemployment, we have many people readily available to be vetted and employ in every area where they are needed, using money saved from a fairer tax system and saved from paying the salaries/expenses/perks of the state abusers.

When I was much younger, the public were encouraged to buy British to keep local people in jobs and help the economy grow. The traitors in govt sold us all out to make profitable trade deals abroad, which only benefit those who have already exploited us, including big corporations, pharma, techy companies etc. The opportunities for international control/interference should be abandoned and forbidden. We need to remove the self serving frauds by marching them out of the door and put them in prison, where they belong. They have stolen so much from us, including our right to life and are deliberately harming our kids, so we need to take what they have. There are many more of us than them, so it is achievable.

“If there is no justice for the people, let there be no peace for the government.”

by Emiliano Zapata Mexican revolutionary.

Updated 27/04/24 https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2022/05/10/uk-ministers-and-wef-christine-massey-tells-all-more-jab-contents-research/

Suggested letter to MP (UK) re WEF Interests – Sent From Alex Thomson

“Dear [Member of Parliament],

It has come to my attention that seven current and former members of the Cabinet, namely Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid, George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt, Priti Patel and Elizabeth Truss, are members of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”). I would suggest this represents a conflict of interest. At the very least it raises serious questions as to whether the decision making of such Cabinet ministers is based upon what is best for the nation or as often appears, as “shadow” spokespersons for the WEF. A recent example would be the statement made by Elizabeth Truss regarding Russia and the Ukraine which can be viewed here www.bbc.com/news/uk-….

In addition, several political figures have gone through the WEF Young Global Leaders (“YGL”) program, namely Tony Blair (1993), Gordon Brown (1993), Ed Balls (2005), Yvette Cooper (2005) David Cameron (2006), Shami Chakrabarti (2006), Kate Garvey (2007), Douglas Alexander (2007), Brendan Cox (2012), Chuka Umunna (2012), and Lord Nat Wei Min (2013).  Research suggests that the YGLs program is a five year indoctrination into the WEF principles with the goal being the creation of world leaders who do not answer to the people, but rather to the WEF. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, said in 2017, “What we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our young global leaders…

…I would like to draw your attention to point 1 of the article which states, ” “All products have become services” and goes on to state that we, the people, won’t own anything rather we’ll “borrow” what we need on demand. Please can you explain if the people do not own anything, then who does? The State? Corporations? If the people are not permitted to own anything, is that not a return to feudalism❓”

“Please can you further explain how the WEF intends to get “buy in” from the British people to relinquish everything they own, everything they have inherited or worked so hard to attain and instead “borrow” everything and “be happy”? Who benefits from the implementation of “Agenda 2030❓…”

…and the answer is the self-titled global elites, announced many years ago by the traitors who are colluding with various treacherous organisations: Example The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now from the Daniel Estulin book highlighted in the article by Stephen Lendman on the website: Global Research. (ESSENTIAL READING).”

The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” 

” Bilderbergers decided “to create an ‘Aristocracy of purpose’ between Europe and the United States (to reach consensus to rule the world on matters of) policy, economics, and (overall) strategy.” NATO was essential for their plans to ensure “perpetual war (and) nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it.

“…Programming the Public Mind

According to sociologist Hadley Cantril in his 1967 book, The Human Dimension – Experiences in Policy Research:

Government “Psycho-political operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tension and to manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of opinion the Council on Foreign Relations seeks to achieve in the world.”

They are members of so many ‘private’ self-serving groups – no wonder they do not have time to work for us!

The boot lickers who do the dirty work of those in authority positions/companies/organisations – who know they are maliciously causing harm, should be publicly named and shamed. Example: Fake charities


This gender ideology is nothing less than a crime against a generation, write Julie Bindel

Only those with an extremely, evil twisted mind [for example a psychopath/malignant narcissist!] would deem it acceptable to mutilate (and sterilise) vulnerable children and mould them into what they want them to be. The charity commission believes this is a charitable move!!!! Who in hells name, is funding any of them? If they are using taxpayers money, they are also stealing from the public purse to engage in irreversible, criminal harm and are crimes against humanity, resulting in life-long misery [and sterilisation] for the victims.

If you work in any govt position you will be coerced into complying with them, or lose you job and then they will give negative references about you on the phone, behind the scenes. Best not to go with any company even remotely connected to them, in the first place. When Employees are asked to sign non-disclosure forms it is probably illegal as many companies/authorities break laws and are only trying to protect themselves from liability. By signing, you are basically sanctioning their criminality which then makes you complicit. They may even scapegoat you later.

“…The scapegoat is instead chosen because it is easy to victimise without fear of retaliation”.

You have the right to protect yourself and no honourable company/authority would ask you to sign.

When the state tries to recruit people, answer their online applications with examples of why the public should not apply, one example: when the military are recruiting etc, show websites of how veterans die on the streets in the country they were employed, after being abandoned when the warmongers have no more use for them – because ‘First they idealise, then they devalue and then they discard’.

They want all of us to be in our ‘boxes’, apart from those who serve their murderous leaders, but we are mightier than them and we have the skills to bring them down – by working together, starting at community level. Let us challenge the state racketeers to fight in the wars they created and watch them run and hide! They are only powerful when hiding behind a desk and using the authority they corrupted, and therefore – they have invalidated their power over us!

19.02.24. Antisocial personality disorder and pathological narcissism in prolonged conflicts and wars of the 21st Century.

“In particular, once in power, a leader with an antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) thrives on continuing conflict and never seeks peace. Most compelling are the negative consequences on humanitarian efforts, diplomacy, and refugee and displaced populations that occur when protracted levels of conflict and war persist.” Author; Frederick M Burkle

Updated 18.02.24 Scaremongering, by implying we will be at war with Russia – is an example of psychological abuse.

Russia is NO threat to the UK – Dangerous Defence Policy and Endless War by Godfrey Bloom Official.

“…Let’s stop poking the bear…”

Thank you Mr Bloom, it is refreshing when a grown up enters into the discussion; about the claims of an upcoming war in Russia’.

“War is a racket, the oldest, the most profitable and the most vicious…” Video by Neil Oliver.

Remember: You have more right to protect yourself from criminal abuse by the state and their henchmen/women than they have to abuse you.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henchman see also; sycophant

The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak out” by George Orwell

As a result of first of all, trying to prevent myself/family and the general public from becoming victims of abuse, and then aimed to prevent the worst crimes against humanity, all avenues to seek help/advice for myself have been blocked by those same authority criminals who occupy positions of trust.

Those who I have accused on this website – have illegally obtained power to use against us, as I have proven, and they belong in prison for the rest of their lives. They refuse to abide by laws or decency and rely entirely on using influence/position and more criminal actions [corruption]to avoid accountability, as many other good members of the public have found out – to their peril.

“What then is law? It is the collective organisation of the individuals right to lawful defence”

By Frederic Bastiat 1850

I was permanently banned from Facebook, and blocked from using Twitter, Google has prevented my website from being seen in its search engine. My website has been interfered with directly and indirectly and I cannot receive ‘useful communication’ in my comment box or via email accounts. I get signed out from YouTube (owned by google) as soon as I try to contact anyone or make a comment. Everyone will be subjected to these actions and worse, before long – if the tyrants are not stopped.

They do not have any legal/moral defence for the accusations I [and others] have made about them, which is why they engage in dirty tactics behind the scenes, actions to silence/attack me/them.

Q. If this is not true, why do they not take me to court or allow me to take them to court? [I invited the SNP].

A. The greatest threat to the narcissists and their enablers, is honest people speaking the truth and their efforts to silence us are the strongest pieces of evidence, which prove they are guilty.

As the public still have some access to assistance and other ethical people, can you please physically contact them on my behalf, so as many people as possible can use this website against those who mean us ALL great harm.

Know Thy Enemy: We Do Not Need [Toxic]Unscrupulous Arrogant Politicians Ruining Our Lives

Why narcissists make lousy leaders by Psychology Today

There are different types of narcissists, but they share many traits which can make them easily identifiable. They thrive by manipulating and controlling others, which is why they seek positions in life, to maximise their [insatiable] appetite, to acquire power over us.

10.12.23 👍👍👍Another inspiring video ⬇ from Neil Oliver, because those of us who speak the truth shall triumph over the authority frauds who are destroying lives; to feed their own dysfunctional egos and their greed. The traitors, including those who prop them up, do not care about anyone else – no matter what they may claim. They are usually very selfish persons only interested in serving themselves.

The biggest threat to our financial freedom – Central Bank Digital Currency video by Abundantia

The control freaks also intend to remove us all from access to the internet (under the guise of a major cyber attack, probably 2024?) and make everyone TOTALLY DEPENDENT UPON THEM – just like many trustworthy persons have warned us.

WEF warns of Cyber attack leading to systemic Collapse of The Global Finance System. by Whitney Webb

I am being denied any form of legal defence/assistance by authorities and their equally corrupt friends. I have never harmed anyone or broken laws, which anyone could ethically/legally use against me unless I was stitched up [and can prove]. I have already been denied legal defence several times by corrupt authorities on behalf of their equally corrupt ‘friends’ over major issues; including decades ago, when they stole my baby to use as an instrument of spite (during divorce proceedings in England) and ruined his life, so those in authority (enablers) who received ‘dirty money’ – could cause me serious harm.

This was a price my first born and I paid for marrying into a family of malignant narcissists, who used much influence to pay me back for asking my ex to leave – because of his abuse. Narcissists sense of entitlement and delusions of superiority, cannot face rejection and go into attack mode with their evil, dysfunctional, personality traits concentrated on destroying anyone who does not idolise them and who refuse to become subservient to their demands.

Over decades, malignant narcissists and other toxic personality types have been allowed to occupy positions of trust in govts and elsewhere, resulting in their insidious actions actively destroying many millions of lives, around the world. This is the reason we need to remove them.

Please remember and share this website. Forewarned is forearmed and stopping them before it gets worse for us, is essential.