“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse” by Edmund Burke
Global corruption has allowed dangerous personality types to acquire positions of trust, who then abuse their power and influence, to serve their own ‘twisted’ agendas, resulting in the chaos and unprecedented harm which is evident today.Throughout this website, I have demonstrated a common theme – When dishonesty begets dishonesty: ‘Unethical behaviour is rewarded/promoted, but decency is treated with contempt, leading to the wider public being put at great risk of harm’.
Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.
The most horrific COVER- UP in our lifetime: The avoidable rape/sexual/psychological abuse/ torture/ enslavement of hundreds of thousands of young children and teens…
13.03.23. One of the most common dirty tactics my friends and I have known about for many decades, is the secrecy and lengths the authority criminals go to to prevent exposure and protection/redress for their victims. Here is one very good example: from The Guardian, June 1998. They threaten anyone who dares to expose them.
“One of the few things which has always been certain about this story is that while Colin Smart was doing that job, he came across something that worried him a great deal. We know, too, that this was something to do with the abuse of children, that he made a fuss about it and that somehow,in the midst of that fuss, he ended up taking early retirement. For the most part, the rest has never been revealed.
Colin Smart, of course, knows the whole story. However, he is not allowed to tell it, because shortly after he retired, his former employers at Sunderland City Council took him to the High Court where, under threat of losing his pension and paying out a fortune in damages, he signed an undertaking never to speak publicly about what he knew. Being an honourable man – and also a frightened one – he has kept to that undertaking”
Ch 2 They are operating under false pretences
Reasons we should never give up our human rights
We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminals, operating illegally and therefore we should remove them & put them in prison. If everyone did this, all at the same time; notified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse. Their undeniable, unsuitability for positions of trust, is impossible to ignore.
01/10/24 In the past week we have seen a shift in how the UK govts/global organisations/media & their entourage of sycophants attempt to rewrite their aggressive actions; [of pushing vaccines on us, during the pandemic], and are now trying to water down their role. It is another pathetic attempt to protect their own interests to avoid being accused by all populations of multi-breaches of THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, & THE NUREMBERG CODE (1947) & so much more.
07.12.23. The Covid Inquiry in the UK is a prime example of the tactics used by unscrupulous persons, to avoid accountability:
Blame-shifting, concealing the facts, lying, selective memory lapses, destroying/concealing crucial evidence, etc: The fake leaders are manipulative enough to surround themselves with enablers/enforcers to cover their backs. They are all aiding and abetting corruption, and the unnecessary harm/deaths of the public leading to complete societal collapse.
Fact: If the inquiry had been a case made in a criminal court and the laws were upheld in the public interest, many politicians and their enablers would be going to jail for a long time.
THE DANGERS OF BEING LED BY FAKE LEADERS shows additional evidence of the crazies trying to force The WHO PANDEMIC TREATY upon us. I can only describe their actions as being that of STATE SPONSORED DRUG DEALERS, worse than any street dealers; who do not force their substances – on EVERYONE.
30/08/24 The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Psychopathy & Machiavellianism.
05/12/24 Signs That Your Co-Worker Could Have A Dark Triad Personality Disorder by Ray Williams
“Narcissists aspire to positions of leadership because they believe they are deserving of them and because they want to be admired. Psychopaths seek positions of authority because they desire more freedom to act however they like. Machiavellians are unique. They will pick jobs that best fit their objectives and needs. Pulling the strings can be more significant to them. Machiavellians may be satisfied if they can influence leaders as followers,” according to Schyns.
Secrecy, lies, and propaganda are tools which feed the egos of evil megalomaniacs and enable them to become tyrants; who inevitably destroy the lives of millions of good people. There is only one solution to prevent more of the massacres: STOP [REMOVE] THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society…” by President J F Kennedy April 27/1961
Please also read: the informative 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion psychological warfare; by Yuri Bezmenov and more highlighted in: Edmund Burke as a radical hero
Many links have now broken since the public revealed the govts corruption/toxicity – in a desperate attempt to control the narrative & citizens. Please share & copy info – whilst it is available.
N.B.I have buttons at the bottom of some of the main pages, and add links in text to give access to additional information.
26/08/24 Due to the current crises being forced upon us by unscrupulous, arrogant politicians & co., I have tried to encourage the general public to read more, think outside of the box and not rely on what is being spoon-fed by those who are manipulating you, for personal gain – whose actions are detrimental to everyone else.
Please look at the excellent video: The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity That You Must Know! and others by MR BRAIN ❤❤❤👍👏
“Have you ever encountered someone, who staunchly defends a politician leader or public figure regardless of the controversial statements they make, I’m sure we’ve all seen those devotees who passionately praise their chosen Idol, despite obvious flaws in logic and judgment. Let me ask you this, have you ever been baffled by why an otherwise intelligent friend blindly follows a pundit, who routinely argues against common interest, or why someone excuses a wealthy businessman’s callous policies by pointing to their financial success?”
The control freaks in the highest positions of trust, COULD NOT OPERATE SUCCESSFULLY – without the enablers/enforcers doing the ‘dirty work’ on their behalf:
Agents of the Narcissist How they Recruit Flying Monkeys by Darren F Magee
“The different tactics used to recruit and train different types of people to perpetuate the narcissistic abuse on their behalf through gaslighting, smear campaign and stalking roles”
“Contacting family members, friends, work colleagues to undermine and erode victims support network
1 – The Willing – They manipulate and use the energy and excitement some toxic people get out of perpetuating the abuse.
2 – The Naive – they lie and gaslight to discredit the witness/victim
3 – The Unwilling – use bullying tactics or play on guilt and shame to manipulate this agent. ‘Better to be on the wrong side than on the wrong end of the abuse’
4 – Are you a Flying Monkey❓
Also Known As enabler/enforcer/troll etc “just following orders.”
REMOVE ALL (the authority decision makers) OR PERISH…
They are working against the public’s best interest.
“Liars, Cheats, and Crooks” by Five Times August (Official Lyric Video) 2024 ❤❤❤💪💪💪
🎵🎵 and sing along…..
“You want me scared, You want me weak
You want me brain dead and asleep
You want us trapped while you all laugh behind the scenes
You want us sick, You think we’re dumb
You want us blind and you want us drugged
You want us poor while you get more of everything
But you don’t get to tell me what to think and what to do No, you don’t get to tell me what is true
‘Cause you’re just liars, cheats, and crooks’
You change the rules and you burn the books
And so I don’t believe a single word you say…”
the rest of the song is in the video❤❤
They, have NO credibility left – so laugh at them, and turn on them by refusing to acknowledge their authority. Demand accountability for all those who have already suffered by their policies and laws, which is most of YOU. Make your voices heard; not by acts of violence which are dangerous & play into their hands, but by peacefully, surrounding them to make them flee and lock them out of their offices. We can then replace them with trusted members of the community- not control freaks, and urgently put measures in place to use public finances, creating new employment to rebuild society from the bottom up. Never again allow so few to have great power, but collectively; we [the public] make decisions to the benefit of all of us.
21/06/24 Many of those who claim to have woken up, HAVE LEARNT NOTHING from past mistakes. Instead of EVERYONE (including you,) DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY WITH A LENGTHY JAIL TIME and REDRESS – for the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who have already suffered/ and or died – because of those decision makers serving in the STATE ORGANISED CRIME SYNDICATE – YOU ARE STILL VOTING/ FOR THEM TO CONTINUE.🙄🙄🙄😱😱😱. How quickly you forgot the misery that has already been caused – by the THE DANGERS OF BEING LED BY FAKE LEADERS – DO NOT TRUST THEM 😨😨😨
Voting is rigged to keep themselves in the job and all those who benefit from a party’s corruption will vote to ensure they continue to profit.
Why Does Nobody Ever Get Justice In The UK? Video by Charlie Boyle TV
18/10/24 Fact. The reason the (UK) public cannot get justice anywhere, is because legal process/judicial proceedings no longer exists as it has ALL been corrupted and only serves the criminal agendas of the authorities & co.
It used to be a standard joke how everyone behind bars used to declare they were innocent; these days, many are! Just ask the sub postmasters [Horizon inquiry], those imprisoned for ‘hurty’ words, and many more as a result of the worst kinds of people holding the highest positions of trust; twisted evil personality types, supported by their incompetent, selfish, sycophants, and or enablers/enforcers.👎
Andrew Malkinson was sent to jail and served 17 years for a rape he never committed. It is not one rogue authority to blame, it is all of them in cahoots. To add insult to injury, they refuse to compensate those they have seriously harmed and even try to exploit victims again. They are morally bankrupt!
10.06.24 They want all the power and money to make or break people – but none of the responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Example: * The contaminated blood transfusion scandal, which has gone on for many decades and the many individuals responsible; will never be held to account, because the justice system is so corrupt it only exists to prosecute (and persecute) the public. To add insult to injury again, the taxpayer will be deprived of even more money to foot the bill – when those who caused this gross criminal negligence – should be forced to pay and given a lengthy prison sentence.
* “The final report was published in seven volumes on 20 May 2024, concluding that the scandal could have been largely avoided, patients were knowingly exposed to “unacceptable risks”, and that doctors, the government and NHS tried to cover-up what happened by “hiding the truth”.[7][8]“ accessed from Wikipedia.
07/08/24 Please, please, refuse to recognise/support the authority of state abusers/murderers & the company they keep. Use what you know against them as they do to us! Their actions are criminal, and it would be irrational, unethical and a criminal offence to aid and abet their crimes:
England and Wales: “The Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 provides that an accessory to an indictable offence shall be treated in the same way as if he had actually committed the offence himself. Section 8 of the Act, as amended, reads:
Whosoever shall aid, abet, counsel, or procure the commission of any indictable offence, whether the same be an offence at common law or by virtue of any Act passed or to be passed, shall be liable to be tried, indicted, and punished as a principal offender.[14]“
Scotland: “….any person who aids, abets, counsels, procures or incites any other person to commit an offence against the provisions of any enactment shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction, unless the enactment otherwise requires, to the same punishment as might be imposed on conviction of the first-mentioned offence.[18]“
You will find if you research recent laws, they have been amended to try to protect the the corrupt govt & co. But, they have already invalidated their authority by their own corrupt/criminal/dangerous behaviour.
08/06/24 Student gets kicked out of class video by WowFactor Chronicles The message in this short video is if you allow injustice to take hold by looking the other way and because at that moment in time, it did not concern you, there will be no-one to help you when you need it! Critical thinking and mutual cooperation are the key to everyone’s well being.
05/06/24 Thinking of voting at the next elections?
For those being taken in again, and wanting to believe a new party will improve your lives, no party is without it’s own connections to mass corruption/paedophilia networks/WEF/trafficking etc. When the politicians fear losing their income and more opportunities to further themselves, they jump ship. The party who allows them to join just proves one thing, (eg Tory MP’s moving to Reform) that party is no different and will operate in the same way. How can they claim to oppose them when it suits and be welcoming the next minute? It is all just role play! They are all just wolves in sheep’s clothing.
If You Give Me 17 Minutes of Your Time, I’ll Give You Back 20 Years of Life Experience by Quotes
” Stop asking why they kept doing it and start asking why you keep allowing it.”
“If you expect the world to be fair to you because you are fair, that’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him”
“If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lost.”
History has shown us we need to deny [all current authorities] of their power, otherwise they will continue to feed off our misery until we have nothing left to give them. Then they will desert us. Remove the evil and we can live and enjoy our lives as is our entitlement.
Example: Corruption? Microphone switched off! – EU Parliament prevents investigation video by the 👍👍👍💪strong and honourable Christine Anderson MEP. “⚠️ When I say these 3 words: ➡️ Von der Leyen ➡️ Pfizer ➡️ Corruption 🎤 The President of Parliament immediately cuts off 🚫 my microphone ‼️”
” …It is bad enough that the President of the commission is corrupt, but a parliament that covers this corruption is just as corrupt…” and they tried to prevent Andrew Bridgen MP speaking ‘truth to power‘ with Christine Anderson MEP, by smearing them both – implying they are traitors. Those responsible are just PROJECTING themselves!
Q. When is the government null and void? A. When those in power are too busy breaking laws and have actively engaged in a cover-up! It happens a lot.
https://petercherbi.blogspot.com/2023/ 👍👍❤💪💪This amazing website is a refreshing change; to the lies and duplicity, which are spoon-fed to the public, by the least trustworthy amongst us.
“Scots lawyers cash-in on cops SCOTLAND’s hard-up national police force – Police Scotland – paid over TWENTY FOUR million pounds to lawyers, advocates and Kings Counsel in just under a three year period – according to documents obtained via Freedom of Information legislation.”
“POLICE SCOTLAND: Non Disclosure Agreements, whistle-blower witch-hunts, £Ms paid to silence victims, institutionally discriminatory & corrupt – The Scottish Govt Policing PR machine & lawyer-led Scottish National Police service that simply ran out of lies…”
31.03.24 The Hate Crime Bill The wannabe tyrants [traitors] who call themselves the Scottish Govt & Co., [organised criminals – and psychos and narcissists united; who believe they can do whatever they like], are again demonstrating their delusions of grandeur. They want to silence us to protect their thieving, treacherous, and murderous behaviour – so they can avoid accountability, whilst causing more divisions in society.
28/03/24 “Independent Law journalists report on legal news for consumers, litigants & Scotland’s legal community including features on justice, access to justice, law reform, the judiciary, politics & in-depth investigations, analysis and commentaries on legal related issues: The Justice Diaries ❤❤❤
“UK Tory Govt want their choice for INTERPOL boss AN ONGOING media investigation into why Police Scotland stalled the release of the registers of interests of current & recently retired senior Police Officers – has heard claims the force was told to refuse or delay the release of information – to assist the Conservative UK Government’s ‘post-Brexit INTERPOL strategy’ efforts “to plant their choice at the head of INTERPOL” – the Global policing organisation “.
One World Government… article from Stephen Lendman – by Global Research. A Review of Daniel Estulin’s book
The authority criminals are trying to gag me by bullying; eg denying me access to public services, and tried with banking, and PayPal prevented me from using them. I strongly believe they are currently, interfering with my right to access internet services and am treated differently, [they sneak around behind the scenes to bribe/coerce etc] making it difficult for me to get access from another provider. I have named some companies in FIRST SIGNS OF A DICTATORSHIP; TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER They hate back-to-back truth and evidence being exposed. I also have very strong reasons to believe my ability to pay for my website, may have been compromised too. This is all to illegally force the removal of my website to shut me up, as it is evidence against them. There are other anomalies which have increased over time. However, the despots refuse to accuse me of anything in court. What does that tell you? Cowards!
Message to the authority criminals; I/we have more right to protect myself from abuse than you have to abuse and there will be severe consequences for many of you if you persist. When the judicial process has proven to be 100% corrupt [illegal], dangerous to good people, we have no choice but to engage in any actions left available to us.
I am one step ahead – long before any of you even knew I had this website, it was passed around physically to someone I have known for many years, on numerous memory sticks and via documents handed over at the time, to be shared and or published elsewhere – and via many persons – when needed. I no longer have the most damaging ones, but many others do.
You like to threaten to achieve a result, so do some people I know, who will protect my family/close friends and myself. They are not cowards in suits/uniforms who use the public purse to buy protection, they are *real men willing to do whatever is necessary to protect those of us they deem worthy. I am not your victim, I am a fighter and can stand up for what is right – and have *friends to help. Back off, or a bigger can of worms (or 2 or 3…) will be opened elsewhere!
Updated on 24/07/24 When authorities routinely commit fraud:
Baroness Mone is running out of time video by Professor Tim Wilson It does not matter who they commission [pay] to claw back £Multi B’s of public money; wasted via nepotism and corrupt govts, they will not succeed or punish anyone for any of the fraudulently, obtained money. As David Cameron used to say “ we’re all in this together!”
Delaying tactics also allows authorities to time out of criminal proceedings. Example: Operation Branchform – so they are not heard/exposed! They know all the loopholes because they have had so much practice using them!
02.01.24 New Statement in Mone PPE Scandal by A different Bias – the ‘incompetence’ excuse is coming up again as an attempt to avoid accountability. It is what the corrupt do when they are scraping at the bottom of the barrel of lame excuses to deflect – once evidence is exposed! We need names of all those connected / who signed off these ‘dirty contracts’.
NOBODY Expected THIS… (TOP SECRET) video by Clown World. The councils who allow their employees to avoid paying council tax, seem to believe it is okay to keep them in higher than average paid employment, and are concealing how much they owe. So why are we paying? – they can be our role models, and we have even less income to spare (thanks to them)– and should not be paying just to keep them in jobs so they can bully, harass and exploit us some more! Send them to jail and it will create openings for those who deserve jobs.
Rishi the Rat for the High Jump? video by LSB Film Productions “Shocking revelations are set to emerge, implicating high-ranking officials in the UK government in criminal activities”…and there are so many different examples of their criminal behaviour exposed, for us to demand the removal of the whole cabal; in the interest of the public’s safety and security.
Updated 15/08 /24 Scotland’s Two Tier Justice System only operates to the benefit of those in power; and works against the public interest.
“Lawyers for the Post Office arranged a secret meeting with a judge to prevent disclosure to defence solicitors in a criminal trial, the Post Office Inquiry heard yesterday. Solicitor Martin Smith and his barrister colleague Simon Clarke met the judge at Birmingham Crown Court in 2013 on the eve of a trial of a sub-postmaster accused of theft.
“The prosecuting lawyers applied for public interest immunity on the report, successfully persuading the judge that the defence solicitors should not be made aware of it.”
The contempt for power that was oozing out of the post office inquiry – Professor Tim Wilson
” and it does not matter who is in power…” “…the illusion of order is not going to work anymore…the Beast is out and will not go back in its cage…”
February 2024 Fujitsu needs to close. It was directly profiting from the prosecutions video by Professor Tim Wilson
Is this another example of money laundering – profit[eer]ing from the misery of innocent victims! Look closer at the main companies employed by governments and you will see similar patterns of behaviour, because there is a concerted effort to give contracts to unethical companies/individuals. I have provided copious amounts of evidence throughout this website.
It is not just Fujitsu who needs to close and have multiple criminal charges brought against them. Toxic cultures start at the top of govt, then in companies etc and it continues to filter unchecked, through the ranks until every part of the sytem is consumed by their venality. This is where we are at right now. The longer they are in position, the worse it will become.
January 2024 How deeply is Fujitsu embedded in government and could it lose its contracts? “Since 2012, the public sector as a whole has awarded the company almost 200 contracts worth a combined total of £6.8 billion, according to analysts Tussell”.
“…including contracts with the HMRC, NHS and the Ministry of Defence.“
“…Fujitsu was involved with the £12 billion NHS national programme for IT (NPfIT) that was largely abandoned in 2011 amid spiralling costs, technical difficulties, delays and contractual disputes.“
“Prior to that, the Government had terminated Fujitsu’s contract to digitise patient records in the South of England in 2008 after a dispute over changes.” Allowing our sensitive data to be given to another unscrupulous company. No wonder there is so much ID theft and other data abuse!
“Fujitisu sued the govt for £700million [AKA as taxpayers money] leading to a long-running lawsuit, arbitration and a significant award to the company in 2018, although the total amount remains confidential.” But they are given multiple contracts…Why?
Why do companies believe they are entitled to contracts- what shady arrangements do our govts have with these companies? This needs investigation! It has more than a whiff of corruption and Fujitsu is not the only company to profit when contracts are supposedly declined.
In 2011, “The DWP cancelled a £300m Fujitsu contract before it even began.…will lead many in the public sector to question some IT suppliers’ ability to deliver on their sales pitch”.
And there is more: Tax problems in the Post office could lead to bankruptcy by Professor Tim Wilson.
Once again the HMRC look the other way whilst ‘friends of govt’ at the Post Office (govt – public owned), avoid paying £M’s in taxes. How many more companies/organisations/MP’s/ministers etc have avoided tax bills? I bet, too many to be an oversight! A lengthy jail time, for all involved; and the public (especially the victims), should decide how many years would be appropriate, to ensure they cannot cause us any more harm.
The authority criminals and their complicit ‘friends’, belong in jail or be thrown on the streets as they have all been happy to force this on others – many times.
They are all idiots/criminals or both but I believe they are all part of a serious and organised crime syndicate. Only completely inept managements employed by Fujitsu (who developed Horizon), alongside the Post Office Executives, Regulators, CEO’s, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Ministers etc could be this bad – yet all are highly paid because they are supposed to be the best for the jobs. Best for what exactly❓ Ignorance cannot be an excuse. If they are incapable or refuse to do the jobs they are paid to do, they should be instantly removed, not allowed to claim salaries & bonuses to pretend.
Major UK corruption revealed! Video by Jeff Taylor says “I cannot believe that anyone out there can continue to think that the UK justice system is ‘just’.” …I agree and this is the reason we need to look after our own affairs and remove all the govt and replace their jobs, with only community based persons – vetted by us and completely answerable to us. None of the govt department’s & co are honourable. The decision makers have exploited the public for personal gain over many decades, so their assets should be given to the victims and loved ones of those who died, to help them rebuild their damaged lives. The public purse should not be robbed again to pay for their fraud/corruption. Justice should not be denied or DELAYED.
Whilst all the attention is on the the UK govts negligence over the appalling post office scandal, the SNP have tried to remain silent. The various cabinet secretaries who PRETEND to represent Justice and Home Affairs, [but like the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in Scotland – they only serve the treacherous govt], and deny the victims any redress and sweep them under the carpet – as per the norm.
https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/angela-constance-rages-after-its-31842482 -The SNP cabal of blame shifters!
Scots prosecutors told of Post Office IT concerns in 2013 by BBC
“In Scotland the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) had sole responsibility for prosecuting Horizon cases…”
Q. Why did it not become apparent early on, that the sheer scale of accused people was ‘abnormal.’
Q. Why have they not been sacked, and are still avoiding criminal prosecution? Is it so they can cause more mayhem and avoid accountability all over again? This is a valid reason why those in positions of power, should not be given high incomes/bonuses, because it makes them dig their heels in – to avoid losing their jobs, dishonestly obtained incomes and avoid accountability. These jobs attract and are given to the worst types of people. It all needs to change.
A. The decision makers do not care about anyone else and are focused entirely on another cover-up, giving themselves plenty of time to falsify/destroy evidence, as they usually do. Corruption IS covering their backs as this was one of the worst man-made, miscarriages of justice, and yet they are stonewalling; to avoid what should have been fast-tracked for record pay-outs and criminal charges [redress], being brought against those at the top of the hierarchy.
Another dodgy contract given by govt: NHS data breach: trusts shared patient details with Facebook without consent | Health | The Guardian see other examples of untrustworthy persons/companies given big contracts, which are detrimental to the public:
WHEN CORRUPT GOVTS COLLUDE – they ignore the public’s human rights.
Quote from the *book below: “instead of trying to identify the etiologies of the chronic disease pandemic, we shall see that Dr Fauci has deliberately and systematically used his staggering power over Federal scientific research, medical schools, medical journals, and the careers of individual scientists, to derail inquiry and obstruct research that might provide the answers.” by Kennedy Jnr , R. F. (2021. pages xxii to xxiii)
*The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health. New York: Skyhorse publishing.
Pages 26 to 27 discuss how ChydroxycHloroQuine (or Invermectin, a cheaper, well established effective drug if used in the early stages), was discarded because the big pharma cartel and the rest of the racketeers, would have not have made the obscene profits they acquired; by their preferred experimental vaccines, which caused more harm than good. According to a quote[ on these pages], they even conducted trials, purposely designed to prove it [HCQ] was dangerous – by administrating dangerous dosages in several countries, and in some British, Welsh and Scottish hospitals [‘RECOVERY’ trials] , knowing it would cause deaths in the elderly. This is highly unethical and if true and there is no reason to doubt it, is tantamount to murder. This should be investigated as part of covid inquiries and criminal investigations.
This highly informative, well researched book is essential reading and is also endorsed by Dr J Campbell,❤❤❤ and discusses matters which we all need to understand, including the inner workings of twisted, influential [evil] people.
“A 23-year-old Florida woman has been temporarily blinded and bruised after allegedly being required to receive multiple vaccines before a blood transfusion for a rare autoimmune disorder.” It would be rational to think that when dealing with rare disorders – medical persons would tread more carefully.
“Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket“) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.[1] ” by Wikipedia (somebody keeps breaking my direct links to the definition of racketeering. I must have hit a[nother] nerve!). I would advise the public to keep copies of any useful information as the despots are desperately, trying to make it disappear!
The state racketeers /abusers & co., are attacking us from every direction, more wars, open borders, increased health issues, higher taxes/ increased fines, higher food & energy costs, to starve us/ freeze us to death and so much more. Think of covid passports, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, fines/penalties/sanctions controlling bank/shopping/and food restrictions etc…. give us this information/money/sexual favours etc or this will happen! They are working from a list, so expect more to come.
Example: No wonder it KEEPS going UP! video by LSB Film Productions... on the UK Council Town Hall Rich List 2024.
“Explore the impact of extortionately high wages for council bosses exceeding £200,000, as essential services like healthcare and roads suffer.”
Extortion by Wikipedia is a DEMAND with menaces: e.g., council tax/other taxes stolen from the poorest – to keep the authority racketeers and their enablers/enforcers in lucrative jobs. Then victimising the victims – by evicting them from their homes, because they have run out of money.
“…Extortion is a common law crime in Scotland of using threat of harm to demand money, property or some advantage from another person. It does not matter whether the demand itself is legitimate (such as for money owed) as the crime can still be committed when illegitimate threats of harm are used. [7][8]”
“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak out” by George Orwell
Please watch the video below by Dr J. Campbell. The truth hating, techy people 🤬removed his previous videos, about a lethal, new lab grown Brain Virus which may be introduced to the population:
& Video DISEASE X They are entirely responsible for the unprecedented CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL/ FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE which are all criminal offences orchestrated by our governments, on behalf of their equally psychopathic ‘buddies’ in the WEF, WHO etc.
The WEF/WHO predicting the next [lab grown?] pandemic attack.
See down the page, about an honourable magistrate who was sacked to prevent a Nuremberg case against the UK govt – reaching court.
This will make all the good people smile: WEF January 2024 Javier Milei Sticks It to Klaus Schwab and the WEF The president of Argentine has confidently, pushed his head above the parapet and spoken at Davos – against the WEF ethos, 👏👏👏proving he is a real man of distinction.👍👍👍
09.01.24 The govt have engaged in many unscrupulous attempts to avoid scrutiny and accountability (especially prison time), including when they ran out of the commons to avoid answering questions about the excess deaths in the recipients – of the covid vaccines: Vaccination Problems UK Parliament By Dr John Campbell.
Now they have gone back to one of their favourite tactics; good old fashioned bribery! See the video; “Davos or Parliament” about Andrew Bridgen MP, who is probably the only ethical politician in the UK – has declined👍👍👍 Thank you Andrew and Dr J. Campbell👍👍👍
The state abusers are now only introducing laws to serve their own criminality and to control the public.
Andrew Bridgen MP, is one good man in the exploitative, back – stabbing world of politics: Expose Vaccine Harm by Andrew Bridgen MP He has since been ousted out of Parliament – not re-elected [supposedly], during election 2024.
Evil has prospered – because good men and woman have not stopped them. If they had nothing to hide; 1)They would be happy to have open discussions – instead they have been making a concerted effort to prevent public hearings in the criminal courts and elsewhere.
2)They would not have spent as many years removing all our rights – including the right to defend ourselves.
They even bribed charities to do their bidding, so now their ‘hands are tied‘ too.
The NHS GP Dr David Lloyd [In Excess deaths video] is clearly just another sycophant protecting the establishment. His excuses to deflect are weak and by talking about the Nobel Prize being awarded to the makers of two of the vaccines, it demonstrates the common theme I have been highlighting for years; unethical behaviour is rewarded/promoted, whilst decency is treated with contempt… ‘The devil looks after his own’.
The unscrupulous authorities and the equally complicit company they surround themselves with, only have one defence and that is the vast amount of corruption they put in place, which covers their backs to their mutual benefit. But, it is all illegal!
They invalidated their authority and the right to preach legislation to us when they chose to become criminals themselves – decades ago. As the legal system has proven itself to be predominantly corrupt and dangerous, we need to circumvent and take over the establishment ourselves with local, trustworthy members of the community.
The state racketeers sacked a decent human being, Kaira McCallum- who wanted to bring a case against the corrupt UK govt; who then encouraged MSM/trolls etc., to smear her: Magistrate removed after bringing Nuremberg Code case against UK government – YouTube and more information: Holocaust Survivors’ Letter to the International Criminal Court – Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org)
..and the Scottish public found it so difficult to acquire an unbiased law firm – to represent victims families in a case against the SNP, and they end up with a lawyer who has previously represented and is friend of Humza Yousaf.
“The Scottish Covid-19 public inquiry has confirmed that four members of its legal team have stood down.
It follows news of the resignation of inquiry chair, Lady Poole, who is said to be leaving for personal reasons.
The review will look at the Scottish government’s actions throughout the pandemic, from introducing lockdown to the delivery of testing and vaccines”.
The First Minister/Scottish government decides who become sheriffs, etc enabling them to protect the govt and ‘friends’ thereof. The legal system is rotten to the core and unfit for purpose because it is all about passing the jobs around to those willing to do the authorities ‘dirty’ work.
It is also why they are happy to destroy small/medium businesses and do not invest in non-govt employment opportunities, therefore reducing the public’s employment choices, and making them more dependent on the govt. They are only interested in acquiring more power from controlling our lives.
The twisted SNP are working hard to ensure Scotland becomes the crime capital of the world. Victims are treated with contempt, by the authority criminals who protect/prioritise other criminals.
“A selection panel made up of policing leaders and Scottish government officials will evaluate candidates”…Keeping it within ‘the family’!
https://petercherbi.blogspot.com/search?q=nicola 👍👍👍The more you read on this excellent website the worse it gets, as there is so much corruption exposed! ❤
Forearmed is to be forewarned! I suggest if you are an innocent person going to court, you should check out the lawyers/judge etc – in advance. I also recommend that as there is so much corruption, the case has to be aired publicly – to prove the system is still capable (or not) of upholding the law. I strongly believe it is not.
1.The public purse is first plundered to pay for the advancement of criminals in authority positions, who abuse their position to cause harm to to the public. Another example; an attempted murder causing serious injuries using a car as weapon. ULEZ cameras only serve a dictatorship, and are no benefit (but are detrimental) to the public.
‘They’re THUGS!’ | TfL hired private security to protect ULEZ van RUNS DOWN anti-ULEZ protester by GB News see the ‘fresh bruises’ around 7.18 minutes into the video.
2. Has anyone heard of charges being brought against Sadiq Khan and his henchmen? No? I guess that is more proof that the so-called justice system and everyone in govt collectively, look the other way to protect all their own criminal actions, whilst deliberately placing the public in harms way. It is obvious the car driver knew he hit her as she went over the bonnet then drove off. Hit & Run coupled with the wearing of balaclavas, shows a deliberate attempt to avoid accountability.
What I do not understand is why the public are not outraged and demand justice but instead, still play follow their leaders. Atrocities are not prevented by ignoring them, it just gets worse and you are accelerating your own downfall. Are we a nation of cowards?
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” by Albert Einstein.
Updated 09/08/2024 I now believe, that it is highly unlikely the public will find any reputable lawyers, as any who did exist, will have been ‘coerced’ into avoiding cases brought by the public. They also bully/bribe website owners to take theirs down, and legal sources available to the public, break links example – on my image below. I have had on [my website – on multiple pages] the crime.scot direct link for approx 5 years, which used to be a layman’s guide to law, but now advertises lawyers- if it actually works! I will not remove these types of links as it is still evidence which I would still swear in a court of law. Updated 23/11/24 It has now returned to it’s original format. Is someone playing games?
The snakes in suits and their enablers, slither behind the scenes using influence to coerce others into removing anything which poses a real threat to them. I know from experience. I also had a petition blocked (frozen); about the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 – Wikipedia
Another example: was a website I knew; around 10 years ago, had many photos of armed police at a London protest – organised by medical professionals over a NHS White paper, which was being pushed through at the time. There was a blanket ban on the press as they did not want the public to see or know, but photos from mobile phones exposed it. Years later, the website was taken down.
Another example: The SNP are obsessed with sex – especially with children.
All the Parents should (if legal redress actually existed), take the SNP and those who are doing their bidding, e.g. the Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC, two First Ministers, teachers and anyone else who is aiding and abetting this, – to a criminal court for promoting the grooming/sexualising of children, and for putting obstacles in the parents way, to prevent them from protecting their own kids from harm.
“You have the right to: legal aid (funding) for a lawyer if you cannot afford one and this is needed for justice to be served.”
It is in the public interest and public purse should provide legal assistance. If they refuse, encourage everyone to remove their kids for safety reasons. Force their hand. There are many reasons why you cannot trust them – so make a list. You need [as a large group] to make accusations against the govt – otherwise nothing will change and they will continue to walk all over everyone, then later they will make up another lame excuse and take away your kids.
Many current politicians, CEO’s and other authority figures, have personality traits/disorders which are incompatible with the positions of trust they hold, resulting in dire consequences for the majority of the public.
Page updated 30.01.24 Perjury Act 2011
“…The expression “judicial proceeding” includes a proceeding before any court, tribunal, or person having by law power to hear, receive, and examine evidence on oath.”
Perjury: The crime committed by a witness in court proceedings involving the affirmation of a deliberate falsehood on oath or on an affirmation equivalent to oath. by the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (resources – legal words explained)
07.02.24 I have been spending my time reading old docs and came across one which proves again, that concealing and destroying govt records to avoid accountability, is common. It is also another example which proves the Scottish govt are dishonest and unfit for office. Govt records are not meant to be destroyed and the fact they keep getting away with it shows that the checks and balances to stop corruption, are non-existent:
“Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans admitted under oath that she destroys all of her notebooks – and might have done so with notes from a summit with the First Minister that the Tories have branded “secret”.
Audit Scotland: Watchdog Concern Over Where £5 BN Covid Funds Went-BBC
“Last year the Scottish government estimated that of the £1.6bn distributed by councils, between £16m to £32m was at risk of fraud”. The SNP have great difficulty keeping track of their spending because they divert so much of the money for self gain.
Another excellent video with a transcript – from one of my favourite sources of reading material – The Academy Of Ideas.
“It is not their sins per se that characterize [malignant narcissists], rather it is the subtlety and persistence and consistency of their sins. This is because the central defect of [malignant narcissists] is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it…Rather than blissfully lacking a sense of morality, like the psychopath, [malignant narcissists] are continually engaged in sweeping the evidence of their evil under the rug of their own consciousness…It is out of their failure to put themselves on trial that their evil arises.”
“… Many politicians today are so desperate to appear morally righteous that they categorically refuse to consider the possibility that their policies, mandates, and social reforms are the primary drivers of much that is wrong with society. When presented with evidence of their catastrophic failures, or when other people challenge their morally flawless self-image, political malignant refuse to accept blame, and instead double down on their policies and heap the blame for society’s problems upon their favored scapegoats – be it other nations, political opponents, or individuals who merely happen to hold differing political views.”
Fact: Malignant narcissists along with other toxic personality types, have a twisted perspective – on what constitutes acceptable behaviour and that is the reason they should never be trusted.
THE SPOILS OF CORRUPTION: When ‘friends of govt’ protect their masters and are themselves rewarded with tax payers money.
09/08/24 https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/scots-taxpayers-hit-30k-bill-33416966
“Scots taxpayers were stuck with a huge £30K bill to pay for MSPs and Angus Robertson to sun themselves in New York for the Tartan Week celebrations. Previous estimations was that it cost £10,175.62 to send the SNP Culture minister and five officials to the Big Apple in April.
But a new Freedom of Information request revealed that an extra £20k was spent on sending officials and MSPs from the Scottish Parliament to America as well to take part in the parade. In addition, the UK Government was also represented, with Scotland Office Minister John Lamont in attendance.“
Article from 2011 When those in charge of public finances look the other way and allow politicians to indulge themselves : David Cameron – surrounded by lame excuses to defend his extravagant [£30k flat refit] expenditure…whilst the public, whose money they steal, or acquire from using influence for contracts they give, are increasingly being made homeless by govt policies/legislation etc and politicians influence over councils/housing providers. Many tenants live in dangerous squalor, because landlords refuse to help them as they know regulators will cover their backs, so they all ignore the tenants. See an example in the link below:
Residents’ anger as Clarion cleared despite ‘slum’ conditions on housing estate.
& 2012 David Cameron left his eight-year-old daughter in the pub.
“It’s frightening the prime minister of Britain can forget something so important as his own daughter.”
and we trusted these people to run a country???? I would not trust any of them to look after a goldfish or write a report on! It does not matter how much the public pay in taxes or fines, it only benefits those who are operating illegally.
One of my experiences of the corruption in Scotland, ⬆ involved an unscrupulous, law breaking company Caledonia Housing Association and their ‘buddies’ ; the regulators, a sheriff, and the Scottish Govt. The sheriff – Jillian Martin-Brown has no respect for her oath, court rules and laws etc and is literally ‘poster girl’ for the judiciary.
However, she was promoted by Nicola Sturgeon after sending my website evidence to her. Speaks volumes – doesn’t it.