What they are selling is not our information, what they are selling is US. They are selling our future, our past, they are selling our history, our identity, and ultimately stealing our power, making our stories work for them

by Edward Snowden.

21/01/15 Congratulations to Donald Trump for removing the deeply corrupt, destructive, previous administration. I hope they are successfully held to account for the harm they caused. I also hope Mr Trump makes decisions, policies & legislation which are all compatible with THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDOHR).

“3.41 …a directive to the Federal Government ordering the restoration of free speech and preventing govt censorship of free speech going forward” 👍👍👍

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Q. When is an authority not an authority? A. When it has been revealed they are operating under false pretences.

Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.

We should ALL point out the fact our govts are just criminalsoperating illegally and therefore we should remove themput them in prisonIf EVERYONE did this, all at the same timenotified all the authorities, media, social platforms, we could stop matters getting worse. The evidence is throughout this website and on many others.

Reasons we should never give up our human rights

11/11/24 I received this funny image from a friend and thought I would pass it on. Let us hope Donald Trump will remove all the spying intelligence systems he has promised to do and he/we can have the last laugh on those who have abused their positions – to violate all our rights.

Updated 19/10/24 I apologise for any links/videos which break or become blocked. Legislation also keeps changing. I do try to make my website as honest and accurate as possible, and adapt according to what options are available. Many are beyond my control because those I expose; engage in surreptitious actions, have an unlimited amount of resources to put obstacles in all our way, to dominate the narrative [and us], and to prevent their accountability through ‘due process.’

Observance of due Process of Law (1368) – before self-serving criminals made a concerted effort to abuse and alter laws to serve their own illegal agendas.

Quote from Wikipedia “When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.”

The rule of law is a political ideal that all people and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders. It is sometimes stated simply as “no one is above the law”.

04/10/24 Meta Destroyed – Elon Musk Reveals The Situation is Far Worse Than Anyone Could Expect video by DB Business. Our data has never been more unsafe than ever before, because we put too much faith in unscrupulous people who have been given positions of trust, and who happily manipulate and falsify (abuse) data.


27/08/24 “Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets that Meta bowed to Biden administration pressure to censor content…” and what was his reward for doing so? Sincerity requires actions not words, and the best [easiest] way to do that would be to ban all political parties from ever using social media. Zuckerberg needs to come clean with evidence, over all the times he has helped govts – but that would never happen.

“Republicans on the committee, led by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordancelebrated the letter in a long series of posts on X, calling it a “big win for free speech.” 👍👍👍

Data Protection Act 2018 173 Alteration etc of personal data to prevent disclosure to data subject Original (As enacted)

(1)Subsection (3) applies where—

(a)a request has been made in exercise of a data subject access right, and

(b)the person making the request would have been entitled to receive information in response to that request.

(2)In this section, “data subject access right” means a right under—

(a)Article 15 of the GDPR (right of access by the data subject);

(b)Article 20 of the GDPR (right to data portability);

(c)section 45 of this Act (law enforcement processing: right of access by the data subject);

(d)section 94 of this Act (intelligence services processing: right of access by the data subject).

(3)It is an offence for a person listed in subsection (4) to alter, deface, block, erase, destroy or conceal information with the intention of preventing disclosure of all or part of the information that the person making the request would have been entitled to receive.

(4)Those persons are—

(a)the controller, and

(b)a person who is employed by the controller, an officer of the controller or subject to the direction of the controller.

Example of data abuse -when authorities falsify data to serve their own agendas, regardless of the consequences to others.

Please, keep records as you may need them later – for evidence.

Beware of technology which is forced upon us without our permission.

MY BANK INTENDS TO CONTROL OF MY MONEY has another example of facial/voice recognition data abuse and more.

Example 1: This poor man was wrongfully arrested, sent to prison, beaten and raped within hours, on the basis of Sunglasses Hut and Macy’s using FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE. The mans lawyer states “that studies have shown that African Americans have a high rate of false positives…” It’s Shocking.

Example 2: Do not forget how the innocent UK sub postmasters were sent to prison, and/or had their incomes confiscated by unscrupulous executives at the Post Office. Bonuses were given for convictions – a nice incentive to be [sadistic] criminals – rewarding them for devastating lives; resulting in some deaths. Such is the calibre of people given positions of trust!

“We are investigating, including specific cases brought to our attention, and will transparently publish our findings.” and they no doubt alter/ destroy/falsify records to find themselves innocent to avoid any accountability. The govt who have refused to investigate properly for many years, are stonewalling over compensation.

I suggest all those involved, are sent to prison and their assets removed to quickly pay the victims massive damages; instead of the fraudsters giving themselves time to invent a defence – because they really do not have one (apart from if they obtain *totalitarian control).

*“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” – George Orwell

I am sure other good people will agree.

02.12.23 The untrustworthy data controllers, and the ICO under instruction from UK govts, are the ones who need the most scrutiny and forced to be held to account for their data abuse and more. They are stealing our data whilst they operate under false pretences, and in doing so promote more corruption, and increase the wealth and power for the authority criminals and the rest of the snakes in suits.

Update 07/08/24 The public en masse should have been able to take the govt, and the various regulators etc to court for multiple criminal offences, including fraud. But, more corruption in the justice system makes sure that does not happen: Bribery/collusion/ coercion via a non-independent; therefore an Illegally, operating govt.

Scots lawyers cash-in on cops SCOTLAND’s hard-up national police force – Police Scotland – paid over TWENTY FOUR million pounds to lawyers, advocates and Kings Counsel in just under a three year period – according to documents obtained via Freedom of Information legislation.

WOLFFE COURT: Lord Advocate James Wolffe and his judge wife at centre of £9million damages claim  2018

Over several decades, unscrupulous people have slithered their way into positions of trust. If you have someone at the top of govt or any organisation who is unethical, they obviously surround themselves with like-minded individuals to prevent exposure/accountability. Many are narcissists and/ or other dangerous personality types, who believe other people, are just tools to be used, so they obtain what they want for themselves. They will do anything to acquire power, hang on to it, and avoid accountability, driven by their insatiable appetite and highly addictive personalities. They are extremely callous and do not care about the consequences to others. They should never be trusted.

Avoid giving out data wherever possible with companies, organisations and authorities etc. You cannot trust any of them, so that gives you more right to defend it yourself as they are known to deliberately abuse it. Your data belongs to you and is not theirs to exploit. Falsifying (fraud) data behind the scenes allows other criminal offences go undetected. An example is in the video below.⬇⬇⬇ Please watch.

Thank you Maggie and Triggernometry.👍👍👍

The video is a prime example of how crime is promoted by the authorities. Maggie has spent a great many years trying to protect victims of child rape. She was deceived, then betrayed by the police- twice, whilst she was employed in the force. They exploited her skills and evidence and used against the group of children, the police are paid to protect. It happens a lot because the corrupt govts, manoeuvre untrustworthy bosses, in positions of trust. In doing so, the police victimised the victims and Maggie reveals they even falsified data to make one victim a perpetrator behind the victims back, – to a court, without her knowledge. By refusing to punish sexual predators they are promoting/protecting crime.

Mark Steyn a decent and now former presenter of GB news, was pushed out of his job by Ofcom, because as I have already proven in the Caledonia Housing Section, all the regulators only operate, to protect authorities and ‘friends of govt’.

They work against the public interest: Mark, on his show, interviewed a brave victim of horrendous sexual abuse, to reveal how the police refused to protect her multiple times, and after reporting it to them, further victimised her – by allowing her abusers to pick her up from the police station! The police then harassed her after she had been on Mark’s show.

If you are threatened by an authority/organisation/company because you are reluctant to provide data, I suggest you respond with many reasons with evidence, as to why you cannot trust them.

  1. Give them examples of how authorities/regulators (and other ‘friends of govt’) etc including the ICO, do not uphold the laws or protect the data they know is abused and they share.
  2. Quote chapter and verse from ICO on GDPR and how they ignore this.
  3. Prove how the authorities etc are corrupt etc and the racketeers are using public data to exploit – for personal gain.  (“A “racket” is a fraudulent and often illegal activity that is often carried out by means of extortion or intimidation” – definition by Britannica Examples include when authorities/companies artificially inflate charges/prices for their profit).
  4. Demonstrate how those making the decisions refuse to be transparent/accountable for their criminal actions: Corruption, Neglect, Psychological, Sexual, Physical, Financial, Social, Social Murder, causing divisions in families and society, and by putting many obstacles (and legislation) in the public’s way, and data abuse, – to deny us the right to life. ASK FOR VALID REASONS WHY you would share information with those who have proven they cannot be trusted, especially as they collude and ensure you have no legal defence once it has been abused?
  5. Consider asking for SAR Your right of access | ICO Do not give specific reasons why you are asking. They may charge for this service. Ask for all the information including interactions with others, which they hold on you. They will try to withhold information so go over it carefully and take notes.

ID theft will be more common, because our data is being passed around by the dishonest authorities, corporations, companies, charities, organisations, including the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) who are complicit, because they all refuse to protect the data subject, but cover and give contracts to those who abuse it.

07/08/24 Example: Now my latest internet provider, told me last week, they were going to share my name, address, email address, phone number with third parties unknown by me. I have responded informing them they do not have my permission [because of what I have already explained in the paragraph above], and am waiting for a reply. They want to bully me into losing my internet service/phone – again. I will update when I have more to say.😉 I feel a storm brewing, which may turn nasty – for those who try to silence me again, for behaving like a decent human being.

06/11/24 I had updated with evidence of the above, in the section: ‘WHEN BANKS/GOVTS COLLUDE – and deliberately push people into poverty’ – because everything is interconnected.

The establishment do not care about us or what happens with our data. Years ago, whilst doing voluntary work, I remember being told by a good guy, working in the job centre, to inform claimants they should never send communication to the DWP, without putting PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL at the top of the letter and wherever possible, put a persons name on it and get proof of posting.

The reason was the DWP sends mail ‘around the houses’ which automatically delays claims, because it is diverted to DISTANT special depots, whose staff open up all the letters and sort them on behalf of the DWP. Obviously, this was/is a major data concern putting personal/& sensitive data – including medical/bank details at risk. The more people deal with the data – the more exposed to theft/abuse it becomes.

I believe they intend to stop all our letter communication, which explains why letter delivery is now so slow, we will have all our future communication to everyone, digitally controlled and monitored by the tyrants and those doing their dirty work.. But only if we allow it.

“DWP is modernising how it receives and processes post by gradually transforming
the department’s paper led system to a modern, digital solution.”

“…scheduled from November 2015 to Winter 2017″

Excerpt taken from the download in case my link breaks again!

07.07.23 A high profile case of Data Abuse by corrupt leaders who use influence for personal gain, is about Nigel Farage, whereby the Coutts Bank revealed information to the BBC and others entirely for political advantage. They also seemed to have altered the facts to suit their own agendas, which is fraud. They removed his right to financial services and other banks followed suite (speaks volumes about them too) and discussed Nigel’s financial status, when they did not have a legitimate reason to process his data.

Q. Why are known criminals, paedophiles etc and corrupt organisations including the establishment itself, allowed to have bank accounts (and free speech – to lie on social platforms), but those who dare to speak the truth against them or highlight their unethical behaviour – are discriminated against?

A. The authority criminals/enablers are colluding and protecting their own criminality by trying to silence ANYONE who stands in their way.

They also use propaganda tactics assisted by ‘friends of govt’, equally unscrupulous individuals, on social media platforms, mainstream media and anyone else who can serve their needs. Just because they claim something is true, does not make it so. They lie so much and liars have no credibility.

“In their book Propaganda and Persuasion, by authors Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell define Propaganda as the “deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist”.

Removing access to cash and our bank accounts/customer service, in order for them to be completely controlled by the state and their equally unscrupulous enablers and enforcers, is ‘the biggest threat to our financial freedom’ because – Central Bank Digital Currency = a massive power grab leading to totalitarian control.

Instead of making all our business readily available to them, they need the most scrutiny because they are all just proving themselves to be members of a global, organised crime syndicate.

Just like what is evidenced in the books One Nation Under Blackmail ( in 2 volumes) by Whitney Webb, which demonstrate the far-reaching corruption in all it’s forms, between Jeffrey Epstein, “and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances” in organised crime networks around the world – including in the UK👑 “This book, … reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections”.

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again – that you did not know.”

 William Wilberforce

The ICO (like the other other pseudo – regulators) OPERATES UNDER FALSE PRETENCES

Information Commissioner’s Office Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of ( currently 97% negative views.

Quoted from a ‘controller:’ “The Data Protection Authority means an INDEPENDENT [excuse me whilst I laugh🤣🤣🤣] public authority that is legally tasked with overseeing compliance with applicable data protection laws” However, the ICO has abused GDPR and encouraged others to do so by refusing to abide by/uphold the laws themselves. Therefore, they have invalidated their right to be an authority.

ICO definition of controllers and processors

“If you are a controller, you are responsible for complying with the UK GDPR – you must be able to demonstrate compliance with the data protection principles, and take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure your processing is carried out in line with the UK GDPR”.

Fact: the public’s data has been harvested behind our back for many years, by those who process your data and the authorities who pretend to protect it, at the point of stealing it from you – to be used against you.

15.06.23 Examples; in forms, communications to authorities/companies, questioning your kids in school, Ulez cameras, shop checkout /face recognition cameras etc. None of it, is in the publics interest. It is tyrannical behaviour designed to intimidate and control the public, whilst the ones responsible rake in the money they have earned, from selling/abusing your data without your knowledge/permission.

Maybe those who live near any of these people, should step up and covertly, put the authorities/enablers/co-conspirators under close surveillance. A taste of their own medicine is in order.

Are they going to try to take everyone to court? I have tried to get them to take me to court and they are not biting! Why, because I can put a better case against them and they know (even with all their equally corrupt, legal teams paid for by the taxpayers), they do not have a legal or moral leg to stand on. The public has more ammunition and more right to protect themselves, than they have to steal your right to life, money, kids, homes as well as the data, and everything else. Corruption, using influence is their only defence, but as it is all illegal – they have no defence.

30.05.23 The article below is abhorrent, but is a prime example of the callous, but paranoid behaviour of the control freaks and data abusers under the instructions of Nicola Sturgeons SNP. They are meant to have a legitimate reason to process data. Quote: “It is likely to be most appropriate where you use people’s data in ways they would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing”.

NHS Glasgow chiefs found to be ‘spying’ on families of dead patients with ‘social listening’ list – Scottish Daily Express

Is the NHS the SNP’s Stasi? – YouTube

by Silver Fox Hot Takes

Your right to be informed if your personal data is being used | ICO but the ICO play word games to avoid accountability for themselves and the ones abusing the data. Corruption – protecting corruption.

Fact; nobody would give their data freely to organisations if they knew in advance it could be abused. It is ludicrous to expect us to do so. There is your defence!

Fraud Act 2006 ( & Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (

The original link to what used to be a great source of information for the public and others, and I have used multiple times, over 5 years has changed to adverts for solicitors!! It speaks volumes! Is it a coincidence I accused Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP government of breaking these laws and others.

Update96/11/24 and now it has returned to normal🤣🤣😂

One example from (many I have), with evidence of when my own data (amongst other things) has been abused and all the authorities, regulators, charities, Nicola Sturgeons Government, sanctioned the abuse:

They are all joined together at the hip!

…and see evidence elsewhere in the CHA section: the ICO case worker involved was promoted for covering the abuse and corruption. A sheriff who ignored her oath/court rules and multiple laws which were broken, was promoted by Nicola Sturgeon – several times.

My other experiences include when several health/social care/ authorities denied having data on me, or just withheld/ or heavily redacted it, after claiming I could have copies at the time they collected this data. They lied/deceived. It was my legal right to have access, but they wanted to avoid accountability for any of the falsifying of information I have already uncovered several times, which is routinely encouraged behind the scenes. They do not care about being professional because they can just pretend – with no accountability.

I have had many successful Subject Access Requests (SAR) and can prove my accusations against those authorities/companies. So can many others.

Your right of access | ICO

Another example of data controllers abusing the data subject: selling off our data to ‘untrustworthy friends of government’ eg Face book/Meta without patient consent.

NHS data breach: trusts shared patient details with Facebook without consent | Health | The Guardian

“NHS trusts are sharing intimate details about patients’ medical conditions, appointments and treatments with Facebook without consent and despite promising never to do so”.

“An Observer investigation has uncovered a covert tracking tool in the websites of 20 NHS trusts which has for years collected browsing information and shared it with the tech giant in a major breach of privacy”. Article is dated 27.05.23

Mark Zuckerberg founder and CEO of Facebook/ Meta is also a member of the World Economic Forum, the global organisation who are currently orchestrating the removal of all the public’s rights, assisted by our authoritarian govts/enablers. They want to micromanage every aspect of our lives, so we are fully compliant with all kinds of abuse and make us defenceless against them. But only if you allow it to happen! Doing nothing – is not an option.

2021 Open letter from The BMJ to Mark Zuckerberg | The BMJ

May 2023 Facebook owner Meta fined €1.2bn for mishandling user information | Data protection | The Guardian

Article dated 09.02. 2021 Facebook sued for ‘losing control’ of users’ data – BBC News

“In October 2018, the UK’s data-protection watchdog fined Facebook its maximum penalty of £500,000 for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal”.

“The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said Facebook had allowed a “serious breach” of the law”.

Q’s. Why would a serial abuser of data be given more opportunities to abuse that data? The question actually has it’s own answer!

A. …because it is of mutual benefit and profitable to the authority criminals and their law-breaking ‘friend’s of govt’ companies/organisations/authority positions etc who know as a fact; the ICO and other regulators are on their side.

Q. What redress, compensation and assurances do the data subjects receive when the ICO claims to fine a few of the organisations, but then they are given lucrative contracts?

Q. Where is the evidence the company has paid any fines – because it is unreasonable to expect us to take the word of corrupt organisations, who are given more opportunities to steal data and everything else?

Q. Where does the collected fine money go? What is it spent on?

Q. How much compensation has been paid to the victims of the data abuse and more?

Q. Why is the so-called data protection authority the ICO, allowed to abuse the law and also protect their ‘friends’?

Q. How many contracts have been given to individuals/companies/authorities who have already proven to be dishonest? I researched this years ago, and it proves the govts are deliberately colluding with untrustworthy and law-breaking organisations. Another example was UNUM insurance, warmly welcomed by the DWP and given a contract to facilitate the removal of benefits from genuinely ill, disabled, or unemployed claimants. They were appointed after being outlawed by several states in America, for taking insurance payments from service users, but did not pay out to qualifying disability claims.

Rogue company Unum’s profiteering hand in the government’s work, health and disability green paper – Politics and Insights

Latest Unum Lawsuit – January 2022 Update – Comitz | Stanley (

failure to evaluate the totality of the claimant’s medical condition and placing an inappropriate burden on claimants to justify their eligibility for benefits”.

If anyone could be bothered to research the govt approved, unethical, law-breaking companies/organisations/individuals and put the evidence back to back on a list in the public domain, it would be eye-popping!

When UK govts prioritise dishonest companies/organisations/individuals, above ethical ones, it speaks volumes doesn’t it? It is about time the swamp was drained!

Q. What legitimate reason do they have to force us into trusting any of them?

A. I would say – none. However, we are all owed compensation from those decision makers who were responsible for multiple accounts of abuse.

Updated September 2023;

Experts at Davos 2023 sound the alarm on cybersecurity | World Economic Forum ( Is it a prediction or are they the ones orchestrating this, for a fast and easy power grab?

EU wants emergency team for ‘nightmare’ cyber-attacks – BBC News article dated 2021

The CEO of Atos, a firm criticised for ruining disabled people’s lives, is in the running for a top EU job ( see below. The most powerful people earn their positions from the exploitation of others. They pass around the highly paid jobs amongst themselves.

WEF Graduate Thierry Breton Threatens to BAN Twitter from Europe – Europe Reloaded

Here’s how this EU data-sharing plan could benefit us all | World Economic Forum (

BA, BBC and Boots caught up in file transfer hack | Reuters article dated June 2023

Q. Would the authority frauds do this? (Illegally acquire data eg via cyber attacks)

A. Yes – they are capable of anything.

Q. Do they have the resources to do this?

A. Yes.

Q. Would this be advantageous/profitable for WEF and their enablers but detrimental to billions of others?

A. Yes.

Q. Should you believe anything they claim when they have a history of; blame shifting, lying, manipulating the public, falsifying/withholding the data/facts/ bullying and smearing anyone who dares to tell the truth?

A. No. We need total transparency backed up with indisputable evidence, to prove everything they claim. Never again should we just accept their words, for anything. They are acting against the public interest.

17.09.23 They all belong in prison for many criminal actions including collecting data and operating under false pretences, theft of public money, failure to uphold laws and inciting others to break them, corruption, human rights abuses, racketeering etc – and because it all leads to greater crimes being committed.

Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercivefraudulentextortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket“) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.[1]

An example how racketeering works: The DWP employs ruthless profit making companies – who outsource to anyone willing to exploit the genuinely sick and disabled. Many have died (Social Murder). Remember, anyone can become sick or disabled at any time – especially when ‘friends’ of Dr Fauci et al [Big pharma, members of WHO, WEF, govts, and the rest of the racketeers etc] conduct ‘social experiments’ on the public.

“Over the past decade, disabled and seriously unwell people have been left at the mercy of a completely dysfunctional assessments regime”.

“For many, [it] seems designed to deny them the Social Security they need to live on and should be entitled to.

Instead of extending these contracts and causing even more misery, ministers should suspend its use of these discredited and demeaning assessments and base decisions on the expert evidence of those involved in disabled people’s care and support.”

Well done – The Mirror. I remember years ago, you also revealed data on deaths associated with the assessments – after govt taking about two years – to answer your FOI requests.

To give the ‘crime syndicate’ more control, now pharmacists are to be given contracts on behalf of Capita/DWP. They will be bribed or coerced into obeying the authorities – as they do with charities.

The DWP use a one size fits all assessment – a drop down menu – which forces you into areas you do not fit – because it is carefully and deliberately designed to make you fail, removing your benefits to save the government money. The public are sacrificed to pay for corruption and money is diverted to their criminal ‘friends’ for kick – backs.

Unscrupulous assessors are encouraged to falsify facts to achieve a result and are financially rewarded/promoted for doing the ‘govt’s dirty work’ and many more dirty tactics are used. Patients complaints to the pseudo – regulators – result in them protecting the DWP/NHS/corporations/companies etc and their sycophants.

The medical data is shared anywhere the govt wants, without your permission or knowledge, because they deny you any right to claim benefits – unless you FULLY COMPLY – which is extortion – see link below. They deny the public/patients their right to know who is given your data using excuses e.g. breach of contract/data protection of corporations etc, to avoid any prosecutions! They are laughing at everyone, Well, the public should have the last laugh and desist from voting for any of them. We need to oust them all, one way or another.

This includes sharing with big pharma, who already encourage doctors to prescribe expensive medical interventions for profit, because they all use that dishonestly/fraudulently collected data to their own advantage – including after denying the sickness/disability patient access to financial support, as they do not want to help them.

The also have failed claimants who were in intensive care – for not attending assessments and are happy to falsify their reports, because these assessors are paid extremely well for the number of claimants they fail. Much more than when they previously worked in the NHS. It is ‘blood money’ for twisted personality types who are willing to cause harm/death.

See more in above section under The heading: FIRST SIGN OF A DICTATORSHIP; DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

I apologise for any errors in grammar, typos etc and for not keeping everything in the best order. I have to work around several issues including glitches/several anomalies, some suspect ones which may be from external interference to conceal/interfere with my website.

07/08/24 However, there has been some anomalies occurring from inside too. Example; the title of this page : Data Protection Abuse was changed to Date Protection Abuse. It was not done by me or accidently. I also have had many docs removed; including a whole batch 🤬along with other illegal interference of my website, by those who use influence and are too cowardly to accuse me of something and take me to court.

Google does not like my website and I have been banned from Twitter and Facebook – who gave me a lifetime ban (wow🤣)with new membership details, on a different laptop in a different location, without me even viewing/writing a post!

I am well and truly on the naughty step for alerting the public in their best interests.

My website is my evidence to be used in any future confrontations/court hearings and any tampering/attempts to remove it or any part thereof, is proving they are concealing criminality, to avoid their punishment through my right to due process…again, see CHA sections. Of course, I give the public permission to use it, for the greater good of decency and humanity – to protect them and others from harm.

The purpose of the Criminal Justice System… is to deliver justice for all, by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop offending, while protecting the innocent”.

Prisons should reduce crime in three principal ways: by incapacitating offenders, by punishing and thereby deterring others who would commit crimes, and by rehabilitating offenders”.

But the laws are not being upheld when the authorities and their ‘friends’ are the ones breaking laws and engaging in criminal conduct. They have invalidated their authority over us.