and the role of International Criminal Court (ICC)

A crime against humanity is defined as a certain act, that is deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population…”

by Yoshani D. Solicitor( Australia) Attorney-at-law ( Sri Lanka) Member of Law Institute of Victoria.

(a) Murder;

(b) Extermination;

(c) Enslavement;

(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population;

(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;

 (f) Torture;

(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;

(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectively on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act, referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;

(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;

(j) The crime of apartheid;

(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to the body or to mental or physical health.[3][4]

22/12/24 Example: HELL ON EARTH brought to you by the dysfunctional; state terrorists [extremists] who ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES (Ch. 4)

Update 31/01/25 ➡ Stop World Control

An overview of cruel crimes against humanity, committed by the globalist financial elites, who run the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, BIS, and other organizations. Ranging from organized pandemics and wars, to climate warfare, and mass mind control.” 

Ch. 2 EXAMPLES OF HOW CORRUPT AUTHORITIES & the company they keep – AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY whilst they promote the torture/rape/enslavement of our children/teens.

Sycophant definition by Britannica Dictionary “a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval”

GB News viewers left ‘feeling sick’ after ‘most disturbing interview ever’ article by Surrey Live

The seriously warped members of the WEF, their sycophants & OUR LEADERS HAVE ANNOUNCED THEIR SEXUAL PROCLIVITIES They are trying to indoctrinate us to destroy civilisation. GB News often promotes the normalisation of ‘foreign cultures’ including paedophilia & incest by giving a platform to the likes of Charles Amos. Instead of mandating the re-education of UK foreigners to embrace our christian culture to prevent cousin marriages and other harm, they all want to force their abhorrent practices on us.

“Charles maintained: “I don’t think it is wrong on every level. Individuals should be free to pursue their own good in their own way and that includes the freedom to marry and have children with whoever they want.”, reports the Express.

“When Ellie asked: “Would you include siblings in that? “, he replied: “I would include siblings in that. If you look at the number of birth defects amongst individuals that are father and daughter or brother and sister it’s about 57 per cent…”

…and is Charles Amos or GB News going to financially support the disabled/sexually abused victims throughout their lives – because the UK governments are only interested in exploiting everyone❗

SERIOUS AND ORGANISED CRIME STRATEGY 2023 to 2028 The public who vote for any of them [dysfunctional ideologues] to continue – is bringing about our downfall. We need to take back the power & make our own decisions to keep ourselves safe.

4 Stages of “Ideological Subversion” according to Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological warfare in action article by Natigya Pant on website by Medium

Stage 3: Crisis

‘The third stage of ideological subversion is the crisis phase. By this point, the society is in a state of chaos, with heightened tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions. Bezmenov highlighted that this crisis could manifest in various forms, including political upheaval, economic collapse, or social unrest. The goal is to push the society to a breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.

During the crisis phase, external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies or solutions. This creates an opportunity for a shift in power dynamics and the imposition of foreign ideologies on the now susceptible population.’

Force them to give way by overwhelming them with our ‘just cause’ to take action against them.

Reasons we should never give up our human rights.

See more via BUTTONS at the bottom of this and other pages e.g. ‘THEY ARE OPERATING UNDER FALSE PRETENCES’ I have transferred data to reduce page sizes especially as this page has attempted to prevent me from editing/publishing🤔🤔🤔 So, who would hate my website enough to sabotage/ attempt to remove it using dirty tactics❓

10/09/24 UK govt policies and legislation are used as a weapon to destroy innocent citizens; the right to life: THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS

“Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person…”


The NUREMBERG CODE (1947) is ignored by  intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) “the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines are deliberately engineered bioweapons that have been released in two phases on unsuspecting people of the world” *quote from Holocaust Survivors letter to the International Criminal Court.

Magistrate removed after bringing Nuremberg Code case against UK government – YouTube  and more information: Holocaust Survivors’ Letter to the International Criminal Court – Doctors for COVID Ethics (

What is Social Murder by Clifford Thurlow

Social murder is a phrase applied to changes in government policy that lead to greater poverty and result in anxiety, suicide and early death”

Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant accessed from The BMJ

Why a 19th century concept of social murder is very much relevant today. By Stella Medvedyuk

We should never forget or forgive the great harm they have already caused…

Example: Care home deaths by Dr John Campbell. accessed 03.11.23

Watching the video is a very upsetting reminder of when Human Rights are ignored by the callous decision makers. Please watch to the end. “Residents may have been neglected and left to starve.” & without witnesses- due to banning of relatives/friends.

“She didn’t die of Covid she died of a policy of euthanasia. She was always afraid of hospitals as she believed they took away your control and were places to die… I’d tried to persuade her they were there to look after you and make you better – but in the end very sadly she was right.”

Updated 27/05/24 EXPOSING COMPLICITY: British Officials named in New War Crimes…by KernoDamo

Complicity comes in many forms, whether that be providing political cover, encouraging criminal acts or supplying weapons…” ” We intend to ensure that allegations of war crimes against suspected Israeli war criminals and those who enable them are prosecuted, whether that be at the ICC in the UK or across the globe. We will make sure there is no place for suspected war criminals to hide, especially not the UK…”

“Yes, democratically elected officials can commit war crimes. Let me repeat: democratically elected officials can commit war crimes” by Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator for Vermont Also applies to the unelected fake leaders!


In addition to the ICC statute, the convention against Torture, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Genocide convention (1948) were established to address crimes against humanity.

The Genocide Convention establishes in Article I that the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. 

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing by Edmund Burke

21.01.24. The state and the rest of the paedo ‘friends of govt’, continue to bombard our children with inappropriate, sexually explicit material, so the perverts can sexualise them, from a very young age, whilst they censor ‘normal’ children’s books e.g. by Roald Dahl!

1996 300,000 Protest Belgiums Handling of a paedophile case.

“…about 300,000 people marched through the streets of the Belgian capital Sunday to protest the authorities’ handling of a highly charged pedophile scandal and to draw attention to the unknown fate of about 10 missing children.”

“This is all about our children and about citizens who have at last realized they need to express themselves as citizens.”

Protesting is no longer enough, the only way this is going to stop is if the governments and their enablers are forcibly removed and WE protect our own communities/countries. [We have more right to protect ourselves and family than they have to abuse us]. We need to put these twisted, corrupt, evil, dirty perverts in prison for life. Doing nothing is not an option because you are contributing to the downfall of humanity. Please stop sitting on your hands and for goodness sake; do something to bring about positive change – together. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Sometimes you just have to push yourselves that little bit harder, to achieve what is possible.

19.01.24 video by author of the book- Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Health Care. “When crime pays, you have more crime.”

Home Office Published 9 April 2014 – 25 April updated 2019

UK govt: “We define serious and organised crime as individuals planning, co-ordinating and committing serious offences, whether individually, in groups and/or as part of transnational networks”.

The main categories of serious offences covered are:

  • child sexual exploitation and abuse
  • illegal drugs
  • illegal firearms
  • fraud
  • money laundering and other economic crime
  • bribery and corruption
  • organised immigration crime
  • modern slavery and human trafficking
  • cyber crime

Over decades, the state sponsored racketeers – have bombarded the public with many mysterious/and subsequent health issues including ADD, ADHD, Autism – an ever increasing number of neurological problems and allergies, which were not apparent when I was young. They claim many are genetic, but are more likely to be from environmental toxins; as a result of the direct/indirect decisions our profit seeking leaders & co. made on our behalf, without our consent. Examples include; medication, vaccine, medical device implants, side-effects, pesticides, additives in our foods, processed food, lab grown viruses etc. In addition, they have maliciously put many other obstacles in our way to prevent our survival; example removing our rights/ especially to defend ourselves, and have pushed many into absolute poverty; starving and freezing us to death.

Accessed 23.12.23 Excess deaths for 2022/2023 and compared with The Height of Blitz 1940/1941 by Dr John Campbell. We would be much healthier, wealthier, happier and safer, if we removed the politicians and looked after ourselves by appointing trusted locals, to make decisions to benefit every community. For many years now, due to knowledge/research I have concluded our International organisations are colluding to bring down the surplus population, with themselves controlling the survivors. We must push back at every opportunity, remove their power and make sure no state terrorist groups ever attack us again.

We can all strive to be healthier, wealthier, increase employment, provide quality housing and deal with social issues in a productive manner. We can collectively grow our own food/ manufacture own goods/ provide better services, including by replacing the police with ethical upstanding citizens/improve our own safety/ security. Our children can grow up safer and more secure with a happier future and a first class education/ health care system – if we manage the country ourselves. This is achievable, but we need to move fast.

Our governments & co., in the UK, are the cause and effect of all the current crises – then they blame everyone else to avoid accountability. They have made themselves judge, jury and executioner and now want to hand more power to their equally psychopathic ‘friends’ at the WHO, WEF, UN etc.


Paragraph update on 19/07/23 GLOBAL IT FAILURE CASH IS KING! video by David Kurten This is a very strong reason, we should not allow the despots to force us into a cashless society. *Oh look, it happened just as Whitney Webb predicted. Was this the test for the WEF & Co., totalitarian power grab❓

Accessed 21/04/24 Oh No! Banks REMOVING CASH and moving to ALL digital future video by Redacted.

02/12/23 👏👏👏 “Journalist Whitney Webb👍👍👍 exposes the WEF false flag plan to carry out a massive cyber attack in 2024 that will pave the wave for a regional war in the middle east”….amongst many other things!

*2021 WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System. By Whitney Webb

“… a cyberattack would also provide the perfect scenario for dismantling the current failing system, as it would absolve central banks and corrupt financial institutions of any responsibility.”

💖👏👏👏 A huge THANK YOU to all the good, decent people who are working towards protecting the lives of others. 👍👍👍You deserve recognition and praise from the public around the world. 💖💖💖

Public alert. The UK state abusers are currently waging another war, against the most vulnerable; the sick, disabled, families, and pensioners, whilst the state racketeers, give each other jobs, continue to steal public funds by money laundering under the guise of foreign aid/reparations (and any other lame excuse), and by creating new policies/laws to drive millions more into poverty.

video by KernowDamo Tory benefit changes will see people die, but Labour want them tougher

Evidence in: The Dangers of Being Led By Fake Leaders & FIRST SIGN OF A DICTATORSHIP; DIVIDE AND CONQUER

Please, promote community spirit, which is the enemy of the state. Set up home watch schemes, to support and protect each other and attach blame/ shame and accountability where it actually belongs – with the authority criminals.

Updated 25.11.23 A prime example is in the video below; of the same toxic people who want to force upon us the WHO Pandemic Treaty, have been employing ‘their favourite calibre of employees’ to exploit and sexually abuse; vulnerable men and women. They have used sex for basic favours; including for water to bathe!

PAY ATTENTION! What the WHO just did is DISGUSTING and…By Redacted👍👍👍

The UN have also trafficked people and got away with it. “Allegations of sexual exploitation or sexual abuse by United Nations peacekeepers rose [2015] by a third last year, according to a UN report”. “It accused senior UN officials of abusing their authority by failing to take action over allegations of abuse by soldiers from France, Equatorial Guinea and Chad.”


THE EXPLOITATION OF CITIZENS by depriving them: of safety, food, energy, shelter, freedom of movement, employment choices, access to finance, essential healthcare, legal assistance and by coercing people into taking *experimental vaccinations/ medications/ devices, and from creating societal divisions/culture clashes, and using policies/legislative power to deliberately cause more harm, promoting suicide/ and social murder, and the normalising: sexualising/ indoctrinating/ gender affirmation (results in sterilisation) of our children and actions *via extortion, and using sex for favours, ARE ACTS OF TERRORISM & or CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (CAH).

How many despicable debt collectors/bailiffs (enforcers – bullies doing the dirty work of others), are taking advantage of vulnerable people, as they know victims have nowhere to legitimately complain❓

I would not trust any of these people/organisations/authorities to look after a goldfish, or write a report on one. They need to be locked up in prison for the rest of their days.

The Pandemic; AKA as the Great Social Experiment orchestrated by all the global [fake leaders] and their puppet masters.WE WERE DECEIVED TO ENABLE THE BIGGEST POWER GRAB IN HISTORY

The long awaited Excess deaths debate 16 January 2024 video by Dr J. Campbell👍👍👍 showing Andrew Bridgen ( MP) 💪💪💪’pushing his head above the parapet’ to a place where most politicians do not want to go. This is what a ‘real-life hero’ looks like. I cannot show you what the cowards look like, as most were missing from the room!

First High Court Case by Dr John Campbell about ‘Oxford AstraZeneca’

Excellent videos by a real professional: Dr John Campbell

19.11.23 video was uploaded. A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms And Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization.

Our malevolent decision makers acting on behalf of the WEF and other evil influential persons in power positions, have been genetically engineering another man-made virus which will be used as a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON amongst the populations. What other use could this possibly have?

Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)

Update: The truth hating, techy people removed the video about a lethal Brain Virus, I posted here yesterday (13.01.24) by Dr John Campbell, which was raising awareness of another virus which has been developed in a lab in China. Gain of function research poses major safety concerns especially in the hands of dictators. They experimented with samples from the Pangolin [an endangered species], and an existing lab virus. They tested it out on genetically modified [humanised] mice, and they all died of a brain virus which was found in multiple organs. They do not want you to know about this so they removed the video on YouTube.

The international community banned the use of chemical and biological weapons after World War 1 and reinforced the ban in 1972 and 1993 by prohibiting their development, stockpiling and transfer. Advances in science and technology raise concerns that restraints on their use may be ignored or eroded.

Updated 15/09/24❗❗❗ The Dirty War On The NHS by John Pilger the ‘friends ‘of the despots are blocking the video wherever possible!

The Dirty War on the NHS was first broadcast in Britain on the ITV Network on 17 December, 2019.

The remarkable prescience of the film became clear when the COVID pandemic struck, and the NHS, crippled by bed shortages, the starvation of resources and accelerating privatisation, could not cope. This was the film’s warning – a warning also delivered in 2016 when a full ‘drill’ for a pandemic showed the NHS would barely survive such an emergency. The politicians and managers did nothing; the report of the results of the drill was suppressed.

The ideological assault on the world’s first public health service continued at the height of the COVID crisis with inept private firms given lucrative contracts for PPE and mass testing. The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, an arch privatiser, announced in August 2020 that in future most GP consultations would be be online. Hancock’s association with the tech company, Babylon Health, is dealt with in The Dirty War.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty

The WHO debate, UK parliament video by Dr John Campbell

19.12.23 Andrew Bridgen MP, speaking against the highly duplicitous World Health Organisation (WHO) deciding your fate via total control, with no accountability for those making the decisions – under the pretence of protecting the public’s health. This treaty sanctioned by our fake leaders, means they are giving themselves absolute authority to persecute and torture the global population using brute force on a whim. You will literally not be allowed to breathe without their permission.

The Power grab of the World Health Organisation (WHO) warning speech by Lawyer Philipp Kruse❤👍💪

This video by Dr John Campbell, requires your urgent attention, it discusses the dangerous ***WHO Pandemic Treaty, which is the worst power grab in history. Please share everywhere.

The MEGALOMANIACS have crossed out “with full respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” and more. They are giving themselves the absolute power, sanctioned by the rest of the TRAITORS.

For the purposes of the International Health Regulations (hereinafter “the IHR” or “Regulations”):
“health products” include therapeutics, vaccines, medical devices, personal protective equipment,
diagnostics, assistive products, cell – and gene-based therapies, and their components, materials, or

“health products” include medicines, vaccines, medical devices, diagnostics, assistive products, cell and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies, but not limited to this course “health technologies and know-how” includes organized set or combination of knowledge, skills, health products, procedures, databases and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of life, including those relating to development or manufacture of health products or their combination, its application or usage.

“Health technologies” are interchangeably used as “health care technologies”.

The pdf file on the International Health Regulations

Leslyn Lewis MP in Canada has the right idea – “We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to Urgently implement Canada’s expeditious withdrawal from the UN and all of its subsidiary organizations, including WHO”. Although, we should persuade the public to remove all the politicians too!

The Nuremberg Code 1947 – Voluntary Consent must be given

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”

The authority criminals and their enablers engage in many dirty tricks to avoid accountability. Magistrate removed after bringing Nuremberg Code case against UK government

“Magistrate Kaira McCallum was removed from the magistrates’ bench after 20 years of exemplary service after submitting a case to the International Criminal Court of genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code against certain members of the UK government and its advisors”.

additional information:  Holocausts survivor’s letter to the International Court.

The Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. It incorporates the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic British law. 

The Human Rights Act (HRA) came into force in the UK in October 2000.

What human rights are covered by the Act?

The Act sets out your human rights in a series of ‘Articles’. Each Article deals with a different right. These are all taken from the ECHR and are commonly known as ‘the Convention Rights’:

For many years they have tried to abolish the HRA and are currently using [illegal] immigration as an excuse.

Updated 14.02.24. The decision makers have no respect for laws unless to be used against us. If they intended to control mass immigration, why did they allow it to happen in the first place? Q. Instead, why did they not discuss with foreign leaders policies/legislation to improve their own countries and prevent the citizens from wanting to leave, after all, many were not refugees. Q. Why do they not prevent wars?

A. What has been happening in many countries around the world, were premeditated criminal actions by our dysfunctional, Fake Leaders; to destroy the lives of all those effected, whilst causing chaos/harm, often resulting in social murder.

Moderna paid 400 million to NIH

19.08.23 Senator Rand Paul. 👍👍👍 great at asking the right questions. Moderna paid the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in America – (a large)’sweetener,’ which would obviously influence the decision to secure big contacts for this vaccine.

accessed 24.08.23

“Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s former deputy chief medical officer who became one face of the government Covid pandemic response, has taken a job as senior medical consultant at vaccine giant Moderna” – The vested interests of those in key positions, pushing vaccinations onto us and later rewarded for being a traitor.

11.08.23 No more indemnity – we will chase you until you are held accountable! Great speech by Senator Malcolm Roberts “How can any human allow this to happen”

Pfizer Under Question

👍👍👍 A Big thank you again, to Senator Malcolm Roberts, exposing how shady contracts between exploitative govts and equally unethical companies/organisations – promote criminality and harm. All contracts should be in the public domain.

11.08.23 Also from Australia, thank you to Senator Gerard Rennick for discussing excess deaths, missing information;

The evidence is overwhelming. No more indemnity for Big Pharma. – Senate 10.8.23

“ of the things in the Immunisation Schedule -people have to be fully informed about the risks of the drug before they are taking it”. Informed consent – without it, surely it invalidates the indemnity, along with engaging in fraud to deceive the public over the efficacy and play down the harm?

“They never tested the drug on immunocompromised patients…”

Mystery pneumonia in China by Dr J Campbell – who is someone for whom I have the greatest respect and value his medical knowledge, and ethical stance.

Ireland, immigration, and the fury of the masses – Spiked A wider view of the cause and effect of current social predicaments, which were forced upon us.


Updated 12/05/24 What nobody told you about the UK video by reality “Research from the JRF has found 3.8 million people experienced the most extreme form of poverty – destitution – in 2022. That is a 61% increase since 2019. More than 1 million of those affected were children.

You have the power to end homelessness for good. It’s not inevitable: it’s a political choice. Street homelessness is a symptom of a failed government housing policy. People are homeless for a simple reason: they can’t access or afford a suitable home.”

Article 17 UDOHR

  1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
  2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Look at what they did to the SubPostmasters:

Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

The contempt for power that was oozing out of the post office inquiry – Professor Tim Wilson

SNP NEGLECT HOMELESS SCOTS by the Preston Journalist blame-shifting is a pathetic tactic to avoid accountability. They are all guilty of abuse.

Spend time pondering over how much money could be spent on building homes, creating suitable employment, raising everyone’s standards of living, a successful health service prioritising care before profit etc, using the money we save, by removing all those authority/CEO parasites – who only serve themselves. We can create a fairer tax system and stop robbing the public at every turn with fines/ penalty notices etc. Our future depends on us helping each other.

The Hate Crime Bill and Online Safety Bill which are more about another power grab by the wannabe tyrannical UK fake leaders/ enablers etc’ – than protecting the public.

Neil Oliver- “We voted for none of this”…Eavesdropping with malicious intent…”

Fear (psychological abuse) is being used as a control weapon again; to spy on us by invading our privacy, and deny us free speech/ liberties/ demand we only listen to their propagandato micromanage the public – all attained by brute forceso we only exist to be subservient, feeding the abnormal egos of the narcissists/psychopaths with their cruel agendas.

Those in power deliberately caused divisions in society to DIVIDE AND CONQUER, and coerced/bribed/intimidated: the police/ judiciary/ regulators/ charities/mainstream media/ etc to work against us and also removed our access to any legal defence. The authority criminals then introduced legislation – to attack us further, whilst they continue to remove our security/safety and the right to life. This is a war against us.

The enemies of the people systematically attack in stages, a group at a time. Example; the most vulnerable first and prevent anyone assisting them, turning one group against another to stir up hatred, eg trans against non trans, workers against the unemployed, immigrants against locals, one ‘race’ against another, etc. They do not care about any one but themselves and just sit back and revel in the chaos and misery they cause, just like any other narcissists/ psychopaths – because they thrive on other people’s misery. by Michael Caster, is Asia Digital Programme Manager with Article 19 Thomson Reuters Foundation News.

Blog: UK Online Safety Bill risks emboldening digital authoritarians around the world

“The UK’s Online Safety Bill could be used to justify other repressive internet regulations, already on the rise”

New Energy Bill Another power grab/profiteering by the racketeers, resulting in extreme suffering/death to many additional members of the public.

Prison, Fines. THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR HOUSE by Geoff Buys Cars

Authorises “Reasonable Force” to Install Smart Meters that Allow Authorities to Turn Customers’ Energy On and Off I will an add an excerpt from the site.😛just in case it disappears again! Also more in section ⬇

“Energy smart appliance” means an appliance which is capable of adjusting the immediate or future flow of electricity into or out of itself or another appliance in response to a load control signal; and includes any software or other systems which enable or facilitate the adjustment to be made in response to the signal.

“So it seems that the conspiracy theorists were right yet again – a key purpose of ‘Smart Meters’ is not only to measure power usage but also to allow energy providers to control how much energy we are allowed to consume using “a load control signal.”

“Moreover, authorities will be allowed to use “reasonable force” to enter any homes or premises to ensure we have the approved ‘Smart Meters’ installed:”
Requiring persons to supply evidence of their compliance to enforcement authorities; conferring powers of entry, including by reasonable force.”

“All electricity and gas meters have dates by which they should be replaced. From what I have read the Bill gives representatives from energy companies the power to enter any home, with police protection if required, to replace traditional meters at the end of their lives with smart meters. Again, “reasonable force” may be used”.
“The Bill gives the Government the power to force us to have energy assessments for any premises:”

The govt has its own interpretation of the phrase ‘using reasonable force’ – and as such we cannot possibly allow anyone we do not trust, into our home, as they are capable of anything. They have already made sure we have no legal defence. They have also coerced/bribed charities/regulators anyone who used to protect us– so we have nowhere to get help – as evidenced throughout this website and on others.

Does this sound like they care about our safety/security to you?

Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021

*Setting out the bodies capable of using undercover agents and CCAs as being:[19]

The said they would add more agencies to the list.

Before it became law .

“… Yet the government has failed to provide any evidence as to why that’s necessary”

“Yet this bill would allow *police officers to give an informant total legal immunity to commit any type of crime, with no prior independent authority or oversight, to combat even minor offences”. The *list above proves multiple agencies – *not just the police.

These are acts of terrorism/CAH against the public; by the authority criminals and their enablers/enforcers (henchmen and women), – legalising the most heinous of criminal offences; rape, torture and murder. Do you still trust them, would you allow any of them into your home?

It is against the law to incite others to commit a criminal offence. We should not be paying taxes/fines etc to keep them in their positions.

EXPLOITATION OF OUR CHILDREN: Another, current major red flag on crimes against humanity in the UK and as part of a global crime syndicate, includes the exploitation of children who are being sexualised and indoctrinated/mutilated over gender ID – by the World Economic Forum representatives – within influential positions, to suit their own perverse and very dangerous ideologies. Nobody in their right mind with a moral compass would approve this, especially when vulnerable and easily manipulated children/teenagers/vulnerable adults, whose bodies and emotional state/cognitive ability are not mature enough to make their own decisions.

“One of the Scottish National party’s flagship bills, it introduces a system of self-declaration for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC). It will remove the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria and reduce the time someone must have been permanently living in their gender before they can apply, from two years to three months ….increasing the likelihood of MUTILATION, and more CORRUPTION/ NEGLECT/ SOCIAL MURDER/ SEXUAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL / PHYSICAL/ FINANCIAL/ DATA/ SOCIAL ABUSE for children and vulnerable adults,

This is a global crime against humanity – orchestrated by those who should not be holding positions of influence or power. The control freaks are coming for your children and intend to destroy family values. Refuse to recognise their authority by exposing as many credible reasons why they cannot be trusted in any capacity, and turn it on them. Those with a moral compass need to protect all the kids/parents and the rest of society as a whole.

Sexual Abuse increasing in Scotland

Where are the children?” are they being trafficked, or are they dead? Keep asking the question!

The article was updated 10.09.23. 👏👏👏Once again Neil Oliver and Dr John Campbell (with stats in the video below), raise awareness of the abominations by the most evil – who are allowed to walk amongst us. Meanwhile the smug, female guest focuses on ‘word games’ attempting to water down the enormity of the crime by the vile specimens of inhumanity.

Anyone, who seemingly attempts to ridicule facts where great harm is known, should be carefully observed, to see what company they keep and to what advantage!

Slavery – the actions – not the name – is what we all should be concerned about and can be recognised when a person(s) takes control of another human being(s) and deprives them of their rights, choices and freedom, resulting in their exploitation. Sound familiar? (original) (original)

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
William Wilberforce.

01.09.23 Globally, and for many years in growing numbers, children have disappeared because too few decent members of the public care enough to make a conscious effort, to search for them.

Authorities, International Organisations, charities are part of the problem, not the solution, and many have been bribed into silence. So, those adopting the ‘bystander effect’ – believing somebody, somewhere is addressing this atrocity, need to wake up as it could not be further from the truth.

Those decision makers responsible for the manufactured crises, including when they provoke/perpetuate wars, do not care about the carnage they cause or the individuals and children they displace but are knowingly creating opportunities for people traffickers, including the ones sponsored by the state/ global elite.


Accessed from Academy of Ideas.

Is 1984 Becoming A Reality? George Orwell’s Warning To The World Video/transcript by The Academy of Ideas.

The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” by George Orwell

15.12.23 Whatever Happened To That…..? by Geoff Buys Cars

28.11.23 Updated Drone Footage Lahaina Fire Devastion/ Puamana

UNACCEPTABLE- The Maui Massacre

Judge them by their actions and the company they keep – never by what they claim...The police, fire brigade, army etc, did not do what was expected of them, (their jobs) – because “they were just following orders” from their bosses! They blocked escape routes, cut off water supplies and trapped the residents in the fire so they would die. As a responsible person, I would not prioritise authority instructions, over preventing harm/saving lives. They are mass murderers acting on behalf of those who wanted the land.

Accessed August 2023 Sarah Phillimore: ‘The police are acting effectively as a private militia for a particular ideology’ 👍👍👍 for exposé.
By the time you get to genocide and the gas chambers it is too late…

Fake Leaders, who support tyrannical control and mass suffering are revealing themselves as the ‘Nazi apologists’ they really are; by giving a standing ovation to a Nazi!

I have been speaking out where others dare not, because we all have to face up to the reality of what is going on.