…and they intend to completely destroy us. COMMUNITY SPIRIT IS THE ENEMY OF TYRANTS – so we must PROMOTE what they hate the most – to help you achieve a better life. Time for the public, to stop going round in circles and adopt another line of action as we are running out of time.
2 Fraud by false representation
(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—
(a)dishonestly makes a false representation, and
(b)intends, by making the representation—
(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or
(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
06/11/24 * Example: National Energy System Operator MILIBAND OWNS BUSINESS CONNING TAXPAYERS Video by Preston Journalist !
FRAUD BY ABUSE OF POSITION applies to so many ministers, politicians, police, regulators, judiciary, companies, WEF, UN, WHO, NHS, Big Pharma etc...
4 Fraud by abuse of position
(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—
(a)occupies a position in which he is expected to safeguard, or not to act against, the financial interests of another person,
(b)dishonestly abuses that position, and
(c)intends, by means of the abuse of that position—
(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or
(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
(2)A person may be regarded as having abused his position even though his conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act.
Fraud Act 2006 section 6 * Example false reports
6 Possession etc. of articles for use in frauds
(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he has in his possession or under his control any article for use in the course of or in connection with any fraud.
(2)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable—
(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding [F1the general limit in a magistrates’ court] or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum (or to both);
(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to a fine (or to both).
(3)Subsection (2)(a) applies in relation to Northern Ireland as if the reference to 12 months were a reference to 6 months.
7 Making or supplying articles for use in frauds
(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he makes, adapts, supplies or offers to supply any article—
(a)knowing that it is designed or adapted for use in the course of or in connection with fraud, or
(b)intending it to be used to commit, or assist in the commission of, fraud.
(2)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable—
(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding [F1the general limit in a magistrates’ court] or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum (or to both);
(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a fine (or to both).
(3)Subsection (2)(a) applies in relation to Northern Ireland as if the reference to 12 months were a reference to 6 months
8 “Article”
(1)For the purposes of—
(a)sections 6 and 7, and
(b)the provisions listed in subsection (2), so far as they relate to articles for use in the course of or in connection with fraud,
“article” includes any program or data held in electronic form.
(2)The provisions are—
(a)section 1(7)(b) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60),
(b)section 2(8)(b) of the Armed Forces Act 2001 (c. 19), and
(c)Article 3(7)(b) of the Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/1341 (N.I. 12));
(meaning of “prohibited articles” for the purposes of stop and search powers).
You need to make a choice between having a future you can look forward to, or do nothing and let the tyrants take away everything from you, because this is where the majority of us will end up: massacred by their cruel policies, legislation and the control measures the psychopathic leaders put in place.
Reasons we should never give up our human rights. It will fast track totalitarian control and remove all the other legislation which protects us, that takes into consideration our human rights as individuals and as a society. Please do not give them what they want.
Updated 03/12/24 Due to corruption gaining momentum as a direct result of criminals at the top of the hierarchy, promoting more criminality throughout the govt, it has become impossible for the public to trust any of them or the corporations who aid and abet them. I promised a treat earlier, showing how the self-generating AI has a moral compass so much higher than the SNP; and one of the law breaking companies their corruption protected [Caledonia Housing Association], accessed on 22/04/24 and here it is:
Needless to say, the techy people who are paid to do the dirty work of the corrupt govts, quickly removed them from web searches🤣but not before I took copies🤣Feel free to share.
However, we cannot rely on ever being able to take them to court to get justice to stop them, unless we introduce a ‘community court of our own’ represented entirely, by the public, [to deal with the authorities & their collaborators, ourselves], as they have completely corrupted every area of govt and beyond. There was never any real democracy either, and what little there was, died a long time ago, but the public kept jumping on the same old roundabout and repeat the same mistake of going to the polls. It has now become so bad, we are all in grave danger and should never trust or recognise the authority of gov & co., ever again
02/11/24 Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) video by GBPPR2
The 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion article on Medium by Nitigya Pant ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇Read and digest and compare with what has already been done to us over the years by stealth tactics reaching stage 3. They urgently need to be stopped to avoid any further progression by the sadists in charge, who have already proven they do not care about any of us.
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse” by Edmund Burke.
The Drama Triangle by Lindsay Dodgson-Business Insider
“They like to have all the attention on them, which is why they cut their victims off from their friends and family.” Narcissists in positions of power are highly manipulative and ensure that no one else helps their chosen victims [the public], as they know it would result in the narcissist’s punishment and loss of control. Examples include bribing/bullying with charities, regulators, police, and anyone else who is influential that can be used as a tool; to help them achieve a positive outcome for themselves.
“Often, they will flip between being a victim, being abusive, and being the hero.“
People On Benefits Are “Parasites” – Isabel Oakeshott video by Maximilien Robespierre
05/11/24 Examples: 1. Isabel Oakeshott, who became a hero for backstabbing Matt Hancock to the Telegraph, and has been given a massive amount of [paid] air time, by various platforms. [They see their own lucrative ‘jobs’ as working for a living!] Now she is making a blanket statement, accusing all those on benefits of being parasites. A Hate Crime? I believe she is after an even higher income, by trying to get the attention of the govt to show solidarity against the public, so she can join one of the nasty parties.
2. Esther McVey, who previously destroyed lives as a Tory sycophant and recently pretended to side with Andrew Bridgen over covid victims – to be the hero; was then [fast tracked] happy to become The Minister for Common Sense🤢 – an ally to the Tory Party on social issues– buying her silence. The traitors are only serving their own interests passing jobs and money amongst themselves, whilst back-stabbing the public and making it easier for everyone else to lose their jobs, income and right to life.
Updated page 13/11/24 Anyone can make claims about others when it does not apply to them. It does not require training, or intelligence, however to actually have an opinion, you at least need to know what your are actually talking about! Q. What is the common denominator with these people❓ A. A callous indifference to the welfare of others❗
…because those who contribute the least to society, but take away the most, and cause the most harm, believe they are entitled, thanks to all those who enabled them. The only thing these corrupt criminals are entitled to do; is go to jail for the rest of their lives and have their assets removed; to reimburse the public for what has already been stolen from them.
Whistleblower REVEALS Staggering DWP Statistics! video by Blackbelt Barrister❤❤❤ I have repeatedly said this: ‘statistics are only as good as the integrity of the persons gathering them and for what agenda they serve’. I know as a fact, that for decades, the DWP (previously the DHSS) falsely claimed the most vulnerable are given benefits, and others were helped into work. But the opposite is true and withholding stats from the public – is common practice. They also falsify in reports – the information they gather. Their actions were another example of Social Murder. & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
The UK govt would rather give £multi billions to foreign companies e.g. Atos, Serco, UNUM etc [friends of govt] for the sole purpose of removing genuine disabled/sick or the [including skilled] unemployed from benefits, than help them survive or assist with jobs. They paid their staff above average incomes and extra rewards for willingness to do the govts dirty work, which resulted in great harm/deaths. I would happily swear this under oath in any UK criminal court: The DWP like most govt depts., employs bullies as ministers and as civil servants – employed to put every obstacle in the way of claimants to make life hard for the people who were born in the UK. I can also prove the regulatory bodies who are supposed to protect the publics health, also help cover this up and actually cause more harm.
They also stole the sensitive medical data and gave to Mark Zuckerberg and elsewhere.
“NHS trusts are sharing intimate details about patients’ medical conditions, appointments and treatments with Facebook without consent and despite promising never to do so.” from The Guardian 27 May 2023
CHOOSE, a healthier and more secure alternative [to totalitarian control], and gather together in huge numbers to peacefully FORCE THEM out of office. They have already proven they have no qualms about torturing you and your family as they enjoy making people suffer, as long as it does not apply to them. It makes them feel powerful over you. They have the same mentality [Just like the Nazis before them]; which empowers sexual predators, psychopaths, sociopaths and serial killers etc.
Families should organise a fun day with their kids, every week where possible. Adults can shove an invitation though the neighbours doors of families you can trust. Look for a grassed area of open space which can be used. Your kids will be safe with you ALL watching over them. You will also learn more about who lives near by and as you get to know each other better, you can share useful advice, assistance etc and perhaps discuss a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme with home CCTV, to monitor any suspicious behaviour in the area. Ask them if they have any useful items which the children can share – to play with, but stop the kids using phones. They are addictive, which is not good when they are also used to ‘brain wash’ the kids. However, during the week, you could ask older kids to research & make a list of activities they think other kids would like to try with them.
Organise games, running about for exercise to help you all sleep better. Aim to increase positive social interactions between the kids. Make a set of ‘friendly rules’, whilst discouraging negative behaviour e.g. bullying. Please use every opportunity to teach social & moral values to bring about positive change.
Share ideas on fun activities, and don’t forget to ask the kids what they like and agree with. When I was at school we had sports days with egg & spoon races, sack races and parents had to compete against each other too. Kids love watching adults having fun and laughing together. Try to avoid spending too much money for equipment, be resourceful and improvise etc. Or, ask local council for loans of equipment for the day (you will find out what kind of people they are (❗) They say that ‘misery loves company’ well prove to them that promoting happiness is much easier and better to deal with. Be happy and enjoy yourselves, despite the dysfunctional misery makers all around us.
Just remember, to always keep safety in mind. Also, increase security of your homes whilst you are out, in case anyone is watching your routines.
You could even organise communal social occasions; barbecues, Xmas parties, and save up for a day out during the school holiday time etc. As a result of putting this effort in, you will reap the benefits. You will sleep better, have fun and laughter, be healthier; mentally and physically and all be closer as a family and as members of your community, I bet more will want to join your group, when they see how happier you are. The kids will certainly want to.
For those who have either forgotten or who have never experienced a safe, secure and happy life, I will relay my own childhood experiences to you, in the hope you will motivate, & stand together to choose life and not servitude. Our back is against the wall, we MUST join together to come out fighting for our safety and security.
‘I grew up in a quiet street in a clean area full of people who were kind and respectful, very sociable, and made every effort to live peacefully beside their neighbours. Residents & shopkeepers kept their entrances clean.The local shops were run/often owned by local people and customer service was amazing. You did not have to buy in bulk, you could buy as little as 2 ounces of cheese, butter etc ( about 56.7 grams) and most people cooked their own healthier meals which were not laden with harmful additives. Family life was encouraged as both parents were not forced into work to make an adequate income. Morals and values/ & good housekeeping skills were taught at home and at school.
Incomes were obviously much lower, but you got a lot more for your money than today and you were not taxed/fined to death. You could afford a weekly social life, and holidays and home buying was much more achievable. Front doors were not usually locked during the day ( it was less dangerous back then), and children played traditional games, with balls, skipping ropes, and with their toys, bikes, & prams on much safer streets. There were Saturday morning cinemas – which many kids enjoyed and parents were happy as it was affordable, and sometimes the venue held competitions with good prizes at no extra cost. Bigger companies put money back into the community, for example: The Brooke Bond Tea company asked you for an empty packet of tea ( it had a collectible stamp on the front – for your admission ‘charge’ instead of money), taken to the local bingo hall, [who allowed it to be used for these annual events]; hosting a kind of party for the kids, with cartoons, films and free raffle prizes.
Compare with how safe, healthy and happy the kids are today.
Everybody (above a certain income), paid 20p for prescriptions and the NHS was safer, more reliable and trustworthy. The police walked the streets, investigated all crimes including burglary, theft, assaults etc. They protected the public who paid their wages, and in return they received the publics trust and respect. All of this has gone.
Pupils were not heavily indoctrinated by dysfunctional authorities with twisted, evil agendas. Neither did schools teach an adult rated sexual education in schools, as the teachers would have been arrested and charged under indecency laws. They would never have got away with it.
P.E. classes were twice per week including netball ( I was naughty, I dodged out of netball because it caused me throat problems, and amazingly, I still had good comments on my school report, even though the P.E. teacher had never set eyes on me. I think she did it because after a year – she suddenly realised I was absent and it made her look bad!🤣), football, rounders, cross-country runs, discus, high jump etc. Cookery/ needlework or joinery one afternoon per week. Children learnt about different cultures from outings to the theatre and with fun activities in class. School outings were a regular part of education and pleasure, e.g. to see puppet shows, visit famous places like Hadrian’s Wall, Whitby Abbey etc & we visited local newspaper offices and more.
Kids played together near their homes and older ones looked out for the younger ones, because all the parents and kids knew each other very well and fully supported each other. For decades the govts have destroyed family life, communities/ and any resemblance of a social life by creating divisions in society, promoting hostility, increasing social problems [by ignoring them], resulting in maximum mayhem and chaos; depriving everyone of reliable support. They have pushed everyone further into poverty. They want everyone dependent on the members of the WEF/WHO/UN etc – who only interested in fulfilling their own evil agendas which they want to FORCE upon you❗
Please share my website; to warn and help others, so they can understand and make comparisons to what is currently, being done to us. I will never ask anyone for money – I just ask the public to help each other…for all our sakes.
Gerry & The Pacemakers – You’ll Never Walk Alone [Official Video]
Posted 01.03.24 Baroness Jones says the Conservative govt is choosing tyranny over democracy ❤👍👍Thank you for speaking out!
“…So this government doesn’t represent the public anymore. It really is time they go.” However as there are only a handful of ethical people in Govt overall, no party represents the public!
Must watch speech by Baroness Jones on the state of our economy. Videos by Implausibleblog ❤❤❤
“And it’s not really even a debate at all, because we’ve got two parties arguing over the same set of policies, while the general public see their taxes misspent on a mix of corrupt contracts and privatized services” “It doesn’t seem very fair, really” – “The reality of the UK today is that a lot of hardworking people get paid less than they were a decade ago, while the very richest get even richer” – “There’s been no austerity for conservative party donors and the friends of cabinet ministers. They came out of COVID richer as a result of fast track PPE contracts. And now, of course, they’re paying less tax with fewer regulations” – “And the ability to stir away their money in offshore trusts and Brexit has failed to benefit Cornish fishermen or voters in Sedgefield, Rexamore Lee” …and everywhere else..
The Fake Leaders and their enablers, who have denied the public their rights to safety, security, health, and access to services, worthwhile employment etc – are the cause and effect of all the crises.
N.B. The control freaks are desperately trying to micromanage every aspect of our lives, including altering the quotes, ‘stories’ and facts, with the intentions of influencing (indoctrinating) how we think. Example; in books and quotes by influential people from the past or present – just like any other tyrannical regime. They also use their ‘techy friends’ to interfere with platforms and websites and even individual records kept on personal computers – despite breaking numerous laws. The aim is to cause confusion and gaslight the public into doubting themselves – it is psychological abuse. They are the crazies not you, any mental health problems you may have are just symptoms of the abuse or grief you have suffered, and your bodies coping mechanism trying to adjust – rather like a chain reaction. A good support network with sound advice, will aid recovery rather than being spoon fed by those with an agenda.
Peter Lynch Kier Starmer and what the public see. Video by June Slater💪💪💪❤…and so say all of us! R.I.P. Mr P Lynch…gone – but not to be forgotten. We must never forget any of the victims of state cruelty.
NOBODY Expected THIS… (TOP SECRET) video I watched this recent video about someone who requested [via FOI] how many council employees, owed money for their council tax and they declined saying it was not in the public interest.
Fact: I doubt the public would agree, the public want complete transparency from those who demand it from us.
We need to know why the public are persecuted; just to keep hypocritical, unscrupulous, bullies in work. We need to see where public money is going and add to the list of evidence against them, because they cannot be trusted. I bet the public purse pays more for the state sponsored thugs (bailiff firms), and from sending people to jail – than the money the racketeers believe they are owed.
Our money was stolen to pay Big Pharma to use us as guineapigs which resulted in causing more harm than good – again.
Racketeering (quote from WIKI) is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket“) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.[1] ” by Wikipedia (somebody keeps breaking my direct links to the definition of racketeering. I must have hit a[nother] nerve!) I would advise the public to keep copies of any useful information as the despots are desperately, trying to make it disappear!
❤❤❤The blade runners are doing more to protect us, and we all need to join those who are fighting against tyrannical control and state sponsored cruelty. We have more right to defend ourselves from those who cause us harm- than they have to abuse us.
15.01.24 The globalists at the World Economic Forum At Davos (15 -19th Jan 2024) make decisions which only serve to enrich those in power, and who have repeatedly demonstrated they are prepared to cause great harm to millions/billions of ordinary citizens around the world. State control has resulted in the worst atrocities inflicted upon the citizens around the world since WW2, because our greedy, fake leaders have proven that they want all the power & wealth, but refuse to take responsibility for any of their callous actions. Pushing us further into absolute poverty and homelessness.
Neil Oliver video: Neil Oliver: The Davos 3-pronged attack on our freedom!
For those who still believe our governments/regulators are looking after the public by topping up incomes with benefits, eg. the Energy Bill Support Schemes (EBSS), you are missing the most important fact. They initially gave energy companies, a free rein to charge extortionate prices for basic services – to exploit us all. Then the govt’s give away more from the public purse – to guarantee an additional increase of profits/bonuses for the energy providers etc with the EBSS. They are not helping you, they are all helping themselves under the guise of something else. It is another example of money laundering by the state racketeers and their complicit friends.
We need to be in full control of OUR OWN FUTURE, HEALTH & WELL-BEING. Communities can promote decency, respect and integrity in the jobs given to their members, with nobody having more power than anyone else, creating a better world for all of us.